Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1620 The battle with the patron saint

There was a loud noise... The ground collapsed in an instant... Miyou Valley collapsed directly into ruins... In fact, Miyou Valley is not the kind of valley and cave...

Miyou Valley is still that kind of forest... but because there is a huge valley in the center called Miyou Valley, this place is called Miyou Valley...

Man Xiangchang roared... The roar was like the water of a big river... gushing incessantly...

Chen Xuan drew out the Jialan Sword and faced it...the runes of the Jialan Sword burned...the sword intention turned into a blue shadow...

Slowly it condensed into a giant blue dragon... The dragon roared... The vegetation within hundreds of feet was shattered...

"Well someone is already fighting the Patronus! It seems we have to hurry up!"

" would be best to wait until he is about to die...and reap the benefits..."

"Hmph...I don't know which unlucky seems like he will die in this trial!"

Mu De, the elder of the Nascent Soul Realm who returned to his clan, arrived with a smile.

"Elder Mu...hahaha...did you also hear what happened just now?"

The speaker was Xu Ran, the protector of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Hede Sect.

"Well, Elder Xu... you're fine!"

"Those from the Yu Zong... and the people from the Hong Zong... I'm afraid they all heard what happened just now..."

"Elder Mu wants to reap the benefits... I'm afraid it's not that simple! Hahahaha..."

"Yes...Elder Mu..."

Then the invisible door arrived with a smile.

Any one is an elder of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Intangible Sect... The Intangible Sect is a sect of the Shangsan Sect... Although it is the third ranked sect of the Shangsanzong...

But this is definitely not something that Hede Sect and Guizong can provoke!

"Protector Ren..."

Although Mu De and Xu Ran are both strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm like Anyan Yi, their sects determine that they cannot be equal...

"Two elders... one of your sects is the Hede sect and the other is the Gui sect... now it can be considered a joint sect among the next three sects..."

"The way you are now... I'm afraid that if we join forces, we won't be able to compete with the three peaceful sects..."

"It's better to become an affiliated sect of our Anyi Sect! Everyone will take refuge in our Anyi Sect... In this case..."

"I think there should be no problem after your two families merge and become... Pingsan Sect!"

Ren Ran smiled so arrogantly that he didn't take the opponent's Nascent Soul Realm cultivation into consideration at all...

This is the domineering power of the Shangsan Sect!

"This... we can't make the decision..."

Xu Ran and Mu De looked at each other, and Xu Ran responded submissively. It's obvious that Xu Ran and Mu De are already attracted...

That's normal... The cultivation resources of the Shang three sects must be ten times more than those of the Hede sect and the Gui sect combined...

So these elders are naturally very willing... It is estimated that the two sects will soon pass this matter...

At that time, the status of Hede Sect and Guizong will naturally rise a lot... As for the position of the sect leader after the alliance between Guizong and Hede Sect... it will naturally be up to the Invisible Sect in the upper three sects.

"Now...this Immortal Grass...our Invisible Sect wants...this is what we must get!"

"As long as you are willing to take the initiative to let go... then my conditions just now... can also add the benefit of freely using the first three levels of cultivation resources in the invisible tower in our invisible door for a hundred years!"

Feel free to use it for a hundred years!

Although one hundred years is not a long time for those in the Nascent Soul Realm... but for those in the Void Core Realm and Real Core Realm... even those in the Transformation God Realm... one hundred years is still quite a long time. That's it...

Because the lifespan of a strong person in the Transformation God Realm is six hundred years... The lifespan of a strong person in the Void Dan Realm is three hundred years...

The lifespan of the real elixir realm is four hundred years... The lifespan of a strong man in the golden elixir realm is five hundred years... but the lifespan of the Nascent Soul realm is one thousand two hundred years...

This is a relatively big leap...that is, from the Alchemy Realm to the Divine Transformation Realm...the lifespan increases by one hundred years for each level...but when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, it can be doubled!

As for the lifespan before the Dan realm, it gradually decreases from three hundred years to fifty years... so the higher the level, the longer the lifespan...

What do the first three floors of the Open Invisible Tower represent?

There are five floors in the invisible tower...the first three floors are accessible to elders...the last two floors can only be entered by the Dharma Protector...

So the first three levels are...every cultivator of the Hede Sect and the returning sect can enjoy the treatment of the elders of the Invisible Sect...for a hundred years!

This condition is very tempting...

The hierarchy in a sect is generally like this...

Named disciple, disciple, direct disciple, protector, elder... deputy sect master, sect master...

Therefore, Mu De and Xu Ran can become elders second only to the sect leader and deputy sect leader in the Guizong and Hede sect... at the Nascent Soul realm... Generally, the deputy sect leader is also an elder... Both the sect leader and deputy sect master will be suppressed by the elders... …

For example, if more elders vote for approval... then even if the sect leader and deputy sect leader oppose it, it will be useless!

And in the Invisible Sect, Ren Ran is just a protector... The protector is just one level higher than the direct disciples... He just teaches the disciples who enter the house... he is their mentor...

As for the direct disciples, they must either worship the elders as their teachers...or the sect master and deputy sect masters...

As for registered disciples... they are generally no different from odd jobs!

One can imagine the difference in strength between the upper three sects and the lower three sects...

"This... thank you Lord Protector... We will do our best to help Lord Protector win the treasure!"

If a man is pregnant with a wall, his crime can be punished... Of course Xu Ran and Mu De know this truth well!

So it is better to use this immortal grass to exchange for some practical benefits... After all, immortality... For a sect of the lower three sects... Even if it takes a long time, it will not be able to cultivate a god...

In the center of the Secret Valley...


A blue dragon flew up to the sky and rushed directly towards Man... The wind from the blue dragon formed a huge hurricane... It swept up all the dust that was just burned by Man...

The sky was dark... It was like a black barrier...


The blue dragon spit out a fireball... The blue fireball directly approached Man... And took the black dust with it... and rushed towards Man together.


The huge tail of Man swept across... Instantly, the trees within a hundred miles fell to the ground along with Man's sweep...

A three-meter-high hurricane rolled up on the ground... It roared and smashed towards the blue dragon's fireball...


The fireball spit out by the dragon exploded in the air... It turned into countless fireballs scattered all over the ground...

The temperature of those fires was extremely high... It was like countless boiling hot molten iron... It was scattered on the ground... The ground was burned into many big pits...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly!


Chen Xuan held the Jialan sword and waved it lightly again... Countless light shadows turned into a giant dragon that was ten times larger than before...

Chen Xuan rode the giant dragon and flew to the sky...

The blue dragon was surging wildly in the clouds... Chen Xuan also flew with the dragon... Thunder suddenly sounded everywhere... The thunder rolled and split the dark clouds into countless pieces!

The air currents above rolled with the blue dragon... At this time, Man also flew up to the sky...


Man's giant palm slapped straight towards Chen Xuan... At this time, the wind coming with the giant palm... turned into a tornado... and directly turned the clouds above into whirlpools...

The giant palm was as big as a mountain... and pressed directly towards Chen Xuan...

"Not good!"

Chen Xuan exclaimed... If this giant palm hits me, I'm afraid I will definitely be dead!


Chen Xuan drove the blue dragon... and flew a hundred miles directly... and then avoided the danger of the giant palm...

"Hmph! What a terrible strength! It's worthy of the strength of the fake Nascent Soul Realm... I don't know what will happen if I encounter the real Nascent Soul Realm..."

Chen Xuan let the Jia Lan Sword float in the juice of the void...


Suddenly... the Jia Lan Sword turned into countless sword lights...

"Die for me!"

Suddenly countless sword lights flew directly towards the giant body of Man...


A huge shadow flashed on Man's giant palm... Man A barrier connected to the ground suddenly appeared in front of him...


The sword lights and the barriers collided violently... The broken sword lights and barriers... all fell like raindrops... and hit the ground and some mountains on the ground...


The mountains were smashed to pieces in an instant... A large pit several feet long appeared on the ground...

"Hmph! So powerful!"

"Anyway... If you can't win, you'll die... At worst, we'll fight... Anyway, we'll die!"

Chen Xuan roared ferociously...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan fell into meditation... and then Three phantoms of Chen Xuan appeared...

Each of Chen Xuan's phantoms held the Jia Lan sword...


They rushed towards Man... Chen Xuan's phantom and real body rushed towards Man together... In an instant, Chen Xuan's phantom and real body moved like ghosts... and avoided Man's giant palm...


But Man's other giant palm directly blasted towards Chen Xuan's real body...

"Wait... You are still too young... You want to kill me... Hahaha..."

"Not good..."

Chen Xuan exclaimed...



Chen Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood ...Chen Xuan felt that his internal organs had been shattered...

"Even if you kill will die!"


Chen Xuan swung his sword back...

A shadow...

directly approached Man's heart...


Chen Xuan watched Man's figure shattered...his internal organs turned into fragments and disappeared in front of Chen Xuan...


Chen Xuan spat out another mouthful of blood...

Chen Xuan felt that his vital signs were fading...

"I'm so sleepy...I'm so tired..."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's eyes went dark...and he entered a void...

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