Chen Xuan's body felt as if it was light and weightless...

Suddenly Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes... Chen Xuan felt that something had changed in Chen Xuan's Dan Hai... because Chen Xuan seemed to be able to feel the consciousness in Chen Xuan's Dan Hai was constantly fluctuating...

what happened……

How is this going?

Is there another breakthrough?

The capacity of Chen Xuan's Dan Hai is originally larger than that of ordinary people... because of those immortal nectars... but Chen Xuan feels that the consciousness in his Dan Hai has been filled! What makes Chen Xuan even more interesting is that Chen Xuan feels that there is a faint breakthrough in the consciousness in his Danhai. Chen Xuan felt that the consciousness in his alchemy sea was fluctuating slightly...

This is……

I just defeated the red-blooded bull! This demon elixir that has lost its main spiritual consciousness has not yet been refined... that is, this demon elixir can be naturally absorbed by Chen Xuan's body...

If the main consciousness is a mechanism box outside the demon pill... then... Chen Xuan can now truly access the inside of the demon pill...

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and used his consciousness to feel the demon pill... Chen Xuan seemed to feel a red pill floating in the sky above Chen Xuan's pill sea... and the red pill flashed faintly. Silk red smoke...

Once the smoke was generated, it was quickly absorbed by Chen Xuan's body!

Chen Xuan thought it was incredible... Chen Xuan was worried that his body would reject this demon pill at first... What he didn't expect was that he hadn't used his spiritual consciousness to refine it yet... It could already be absorbed by his own spiritual consciousness. Absorbed!


Suddenly, the consciousness in Chen Xuan's Dan Sea changed. The consciousness in Chen Xuan's Dan Sea just had a slight shock...and after automatically absorbing part of it...

Chen Xuan felt as if his Danhai had lost control... it was rolling like a stormy sea...

This is……

This is actually... This should be a precursor to a breakthrough!


Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his alchemy sea was like a huge pillar... it was forming crazy whirlpools... like a sea with a hurricane... the waves were surging one after another...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt as if there was a huge furnace hidden in his body... His whole body became hot... Chen Xuan felt that the temperature in his body was about to make his body explode...

And the temperature in Danhai was not that much... The scalding temperature made Chen Xuan feel that his skin was about to burst... But Chen Xuan's expression was still very cold and arrogant...

Chen Xuan himself understood that this was a precursor to a breakthrough...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that all the internal organs in his body seemed to be burning... Chen Xuan felt that his heart was beating violently...


Chen Xuan couldn't help but snorted with such a cold and arrogant expression...

Chen Xuan felt that his body was about to reach its limit... and what made Chen Xuan even more happy was that the consciousness in Chen Xuan's Dan Sea was already full... and his consciousness kept hitting the Dan Sea barrier...


Chen Xuan felt that the barrier had begun to loosen... Chen Xuan could feel that the mountain-like... indestructible barrier had begun to loosen...


Chen Xuan felt that the temperature of his body was soaring rapidly, and the temperature was very hot...


Chen Xuan couldn't help but groaned again!

That Leng Ao's face has turned red, so powerful...


Chen Xuan couldn't help but roared out... Chen Xuan felt that the... mist in his alchemy sea was no longer a thin mist. Chen Xuan couldn't help but frown.

"Break it for me!"

Chen Xuan's voice was like rolling thunder... hitting Lin's face... The ground in Jialan's Eyes instantly cracked...

But the barrier within Chen Xuan's Dan Hai still seemed unmoved... It just trembled slightly...

Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant expression looked particularly abrupt on his red face...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly... It seemed that he was determined to break through that barrier with perseverance...

The look in Chen Xuan's eyes was very sharp, as sharp as a shining blade... Although Chen Xuan's expression was cold and arrogant. But the severe pain coming from his body made him frown.

Chen Xuan's heart beat violently, as if it was not controlled by Chen Xuan's will...

Chen Xuan... suddenly closed his eyes. Chen Xuan felt his Danhai. Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his Danhai seemed to be getting clearer and clearer. This is the precursor to a breakthrough...

Every time his level enters the next level, Chen Xuan always feels that his Danhai will be clearer than that of the previous level.

Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant expression remained unmoved...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly.

Because Chen Xuan felt that the mental barrier was getting looser and looser.

"Break it for me!"


In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that there were strong winds in the world, and Chen Xuan felt as if his body was about to reach the end. Chen Xuan understood that his consciousness was about to reach the strength to break through the barrier.

That is the pinnacle of the Spiritual Transformation Realm! Chen Xuan snorted coldly, as if he didn't care about the pain in his body at all. But what Chen Xuan could feel was that his whole body was covered with dense cold sweat. Chen Xuan felt that his internal organs were covered by a layer of blue spiritual consciousness.


Chen Xuan felt that the spiritual consciousness was growing wildly in his body.


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to have spread to his whole body. Chen Xuan felt that the spiritual consciousness that had just spread to his whole body was condensing. And the condensing point was this Danhai. Chen Xuan felt that his Danhai was about to be squeezed and exploded.


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his whole body and mind seemed to be in a furnace. Chen Xuan felt that his body was about to become ash and smoke. But Chen Xuan's expression was still very firm. There was no pain on his face.


Chen Xuan snorted coldly...

Suddenly, the barrier began to vibrate violently. And Chen Xuan's Danhai seemed to be about to collapse and crack. The madness of Danhai brought Chen Xuan a fatal pain.

But Chen Xuan's expression was still cold. It seemed that he could not show any joy, anger, sorrow or happiness at all.

Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was in great pain...

Suddenly... the mental barrier exploded...


At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that his body was like the pain of being shattered. And his internal organs seemed to be shattered. Chen Xuan's face was still very firm.

He wanted to become stronger!

He wanted to become stronger!

Chen Xuan knew from Sanbai Valley that if he wanted to become a strong man, the degree of pain would definitely be greater than that of ordinary people.

What Chen Xuan could feel was that the consciousness in his body was growing at a speed that Chen Xuan could not imagine!

A little more!

A little more!

Chen Xuan felt that the thin mist in Chen Xuan's Danhai had turned into thick mist...

And the mist was still growing.


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that the mist in his body was condensing crazily...


What's going on?

Chen Xuan felt strange...

But Chen Xuan's mind suddenly flashed...some information about the Nascent Soul Realm that he had seen in the Golden Pavilion before. Chen Xuan remembered...the so-called Nascent Soul Realm is that it can already be transformed into a preliminary body.

The so-called transformation of consciousness into a body is divided into three stages. The Nascent Soul Realm is the initial stage, above the Nascent Soul Realm is the Earth Immortal, and above the Earth Immortal is the God!

The so-called transformation of consciousness into a body can only be achieved in these three realms. They are: Nascent Soul Realm, Earth Immortal Realm, and God Realm.

And Chen Xuan's strength, the Nascent Soul Realm at present. It can only be transformed into a preliminary body. The so-called transformation of consciousness into a body, as the name to transform one's own consciousness into a physical entity. And one's own consciousness will no longer be just a phantom. The entity that is transformed is called...a secondary body.

And the so-called body is actually just a consciousness of these strong men. And the initial transformation of the soul into a body, that is, the transformation of the soul into a body that can be achieved in the Nascent Soul Realm. That is, it can only transform into another self. Yes, that is, Chen Xuan can now transform into another self. And this self will be composed of Chen Xuan's consciousness. The biggest difference between this and the phantom is the consciousness that Chen Xuan transformed into...

It has its own unique thinking. The consciousness that Chen Xuan transformed into is just like another Chen Xuan. And it will also be a Yuanying Realm strongman!

This is the strength of a Yuanying Realm strongman!

But the other Yuanying Realm strongman will disappear as Chen Xuan's consciousness dissipates. But fortunately, when Chen Xuan feels that he can't resist and wants to escape.

The Yuanying Realm's consciousness can leave his body immediately. And once the Yuanying Realm's consciousness leaves his body, he can immediately find his secondary body and then attach himself to it.

Then use the secondary body's consciousness to create a Yuanying Realm strongman who is exactly the same as himself.

And when you reach the Earth Immortal Realm strongman. What can be transformed is a world...And as long as the consciousness of the Earth Immortal Realm strongman is not destroyed, this space will exist forever.

And this Earth Immortal Realm strongman is the only god in this world. The only master who can control this world. When the Earth Immortal Realm strongman is in danger. The consciousness can immediately hide in this world.

Therefore, the strong men in the Earthly Immortal Realm will not be killed unless they encounter a calamity. Once a calamity comes to this world, the strong men in the Earthly Immortal Realm will have nowhere to escape. They can only endure the calamity within the range limited by the calamity.

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