Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1627: The Strength of the Nascent Soul Realm

But the strong ones in the divine realm are different. In the Legend of the Strong in the Divine Realm, there are strong men in the Earthly Immortal Realm who have survived the tribulation. What makes people fearful about the strong men in the divine realm is...the strength of their spiritual consciousness is already so strong. It is completely possible to create a world-like intensity.

And this world will not disappear with the disappearance of the powerful gods. The Jialan Sword Domain that Chen Xuan is currently in is the space created by Lord Yu. From ancient times to the present. The antiquity of this world refers to the beginning of the ancient world tens of millions of years ago. So far, there have been only two gods in total. One is the god Yu who opened up the world of Yu. One is the God of Destruction who opened up the underworld.

Chuanzhi... Before God Yu opened up the Yu Realm, before the God of Destruction opened up the Underworld. The world is completely unimaginable. It is said that the world's technology at that time was very advanced.

Of course, Chen Xuan couldn't imagine what technology was like. Chuan means that ordinary people can fly on it. It is said that ordinary people can travel thousands of miles in a day. Borrow some tools…

Of course, although these were written in the Cangjin Pavilion in Sanbai Valley, Chen Xuan felt unconvinced...could it be that these things really exist...then ordinary people can do what practitioners can do...

However, was very advanced at that time, and ghost cultivators and divine cultivators lived in the same world. What made Chen Xuan even more incredible was that it was said that ghost cultivators at that time existed in the form of spiritual consciousness.

There is no body of its own. Immortal cultivators have their own bodies, but there are very few immortal cultivators who have reached the advanced level. But God Yu relied on his extraordinary talents to cultivate to the divine realm.

What kind of world does Chen Xuan think that is? Although the books in the Cangjin Pavilion in Sanbai Valley are full of strange things, this is definitely the strangest book Chen Xuan has ever read. It also made Chen Xuan feel more and more incredible at the time!

And it is said... that the world was completely destroyed because of the incredible development of these technologies... and it is also said that the destruction of the world was due to the calamity of God Yu.

Because before the world was destroyed, God Yu was still an Earth Immortal. But when the world was destroyed, it became the realm of gods. Moreover, God Yu has always been very shy about the destruction of the world and the events of the previous world. That also became a taboo and taboo for Yu Shen and subsequent historians. Notes: God Yu is the founder of this world.

After that, God Yu established a world. This world is a natural creation created by God Yu, and ghost cultivators are not allowed to enter. At this time, the powerful cultivators in ghost cultivation also reached the realm of gods!

That is the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction created an extremely prosperous world for all ghost cultivators. Then each of these ghost cultivators was given an extremely handsome or extremely beautiful body.

But there is always a limit in this world that cannot be crossed... There is something called Tao in this world. The one who was told... Tao then approached the God of Destruction. Let him choose between prosperity and flesh.

But the God of Destruction didn't agree... That way blew the prosperity of the underworld to pieces overnight. And from then on, there was no day in the world of the underworld... only endless night...

Therefore, everyone in the Nether Realm, from their God of Destruction to all the ghost cultivators and demons, hate Yu Realm very much. From then on, the war between the Nether Realm and the Yu Realm has never stopped...

Until the last battle. Before leaving, God Yu sealed the entrance of the Nether Realm into the Yu Realm, and then disappeared into the Void Juice together with the God of Destruction... Since then... the Nether Realm has been dormant for a long time, until now.

After Chen Xuan recalled the history and the contents in his mind... he woke up...


Chen Xuan felt the concentration point of the consciousness in his Danhai. And this focal point suddenly became two.

Then two elixir cores appeared at this condensation point. Slowly, the core of the pill continues to absorb the so-called spiritual consciousness.

Chen Xuan felt that his thick spiritual consciousness was constantly rotating around the core of the pill. Then it was absorbed into the core of the pill.

Slowly... the two pill cores transformed into two and a half pill shells. The half pill shell was stretched infinitely in Chen Xuan's pill sea...


Chen Xuan snorted...

Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his elixir shell was about to gather...


There were traces of blue lines on the surface of the alchemy core... Chen Xuan closed his eyes and carefully felt his own alchemy sea...

The two cores slowly emerged with such blue lines... It seemed like ancient writing...


At this moment, Chen Xuan discovered that the ground was already shaking... Chen Xuan could feel it...

The thunder in the void outside my body... must be the power of a dream that can change the world!

This is a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm!


Suddenly, all the thin mist in Chen Xuan's body was absorbed by the elixir core...

The two elixir cores instantly turned purple... The blue lines and words were dotted on the surface of the purple elixir cores...


Suddenly...the purple pill shells gathered together...

The sound was like a loud noise like Mount Tai collapsing... There was a sharp pain inside Chen Xuan's Danhai...


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt...his other Danhai emitted a golden light...


Chen Xuan was surprised and stared at the elixir more closely with his spiritual consciousness... Chen Xuan felt that the elixir was like giving birth to a new life... Chen Xuan felt that the blue-purple elixir was glowing with layers. Layers of golden light...


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt as if his body was exploding... Chen Xuan felt as if his Danhai was about to break into two halves... And at this time, dark clouds were gathering over time and space...

The layers of dark clouds gathered one after another as if they were about to witness the birth of a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm. And this time and space are like dark clouds.

In fact, cultivation is against is contrary to harmony...and earthly immortals will be persecuted by calamities. It’s because people are not allowed to practice the Middle Way.

When the time comes, one should die naturally, and everything must follow the laws of Tao. Unauthorized changes are not allowed. But in order to make themselves more order to make themselves stronger and better able to dominate the world...they have been fighting a powerful struggle against Tao...

And so did previous technology. But this path of technology failed. It is also said that when a practitioner reaches a point where Tao cannot tolerate it... Tao will punish him! Then make him disappear...

Just like God Yu and God of Destruction, they disappeared into this world...


Suddenly Chen Xuan's body exploded...

Chen Xuan felt as if his Danhai was about to burst! But Chen Xuan knew that was going against the grain! Since it is the opposite...then a certain amount of pain will be inevitable...

Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that the two blue-purple body elixirs in his elixir sea turned into one...

Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes... Chen Xuan saw his other blue-purple body elixir appearing in front of his eyes. And Chen Xuan felt it. The blue-purple body elixir is rising rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye...


Suddenly, the blue-purple body elixir exploded...and then came the golden light...


Suddenly, the blue-purple body elixir quickly closed. It was as if nothing had ever happened. Chen Xuan saw the blue-purple body elixir slowly floating above...the secondary body Chen Xuan...

The expression of the subsidiary body Chen Xuan is exactly the same as that of the main body Chen Xuan...

Still that cold and arrogant expression like an immortal... Chen Xuan was a little surprised when he saw his secondary body... Although he had seen it before in the Hidden Gold Pavilion in Sanbai Valley...

But after all, this is Chen Xuan’s personal experience... Naturally, he thinks this is very magical...


Suddenly, another blue-purple body elixir split out from Chen Xuan's hall... and was poured into Chen Xuan's auxiliary body with a bang. Chen Xuan looked at his secondary body and nodded...

He could be considered to have entered the level of Nascent Soul Realm... But Chen Xuan then thought about it... There was nothing satisfying about that...

After all, his enemies... there are at least a few strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm of Guizong and Hede Sect... Chen Xuan doesn't think that he, who has just stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm... can fight with several strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm. …


Chen Xuan snorted coldly!

"Gui Zong... Hede Sect... just wait for me... one day... I will kill your sect..."

"All your disciples will become the dead souls of my sword!"

You will definitely regret it...

What is even more frightening is the character of this strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm... His endurance is excellent...

Such people...even the people from the Shangsan Sect are not willing to provoke them...but choose to win over and cultivate them themselves...

Such a seedling is the strongest person who can easily reach the realm of gods... But the murderous intention in Chen Xuan's heart... How can it be stopped so easily...

The only way is to kill them all...

Only in this way can the anger in Chen Xuan's chest be calmed down... But as calm as Chen Xuan is... of course he won't die...

Instead, wait until you have enough strength... then crush them...

Chen Xuan thought coldly...

"It's time to go back... Let's go back and meet that Jialan Sword God! Hmph..."

Chen Xuan snorted coldly... and whispered to himself.

"That Jialan Sword God... actually dared to plot against me... With my current strength, I don't even need to be afraid of him!"

"In that case! I won't offend anyone unless they offend me... Since he dares to offend me, Chen Xuan!"

Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant face showed murderous intent... his eyes were overflowing with murderous intent...

"The only option is to kill!"

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