Jialan Sword God's consciousness finally... transformed from a giant dragon... into a man wearing blue and black robes... His expression was extremely weak... and the corner of his mouth was mixed with the blood stain just now...

"Congratulations to you...Chen Xuan...you managed to survive! But I lost! I lost because I treated you as an equal!"

"I lost because I underestimated my enemy!"

Jialan Sword God's frivolous expression finally showed a hint of enlightenment and regret...

And Chen Xuan's expression is still cold... He doesn't think it is wrong to kill Jialan Sword God...

Slowly, the figure of the Jialan Sword God becomes fainter and fainter...that is, the consciousness of the Jialan Sword God is dissipating... It seems that this Jialan Sword God is really not going to die soon... he is seriously injured...

"You are wrong...the only fault is...taking me lightly...you and I have no grievances...your greed..."

"That is your idea after all... But because of your idea, you are going to kill me, Chen Xuan... Humph!"

"Then be prepared... to be killed by me, Chen Xuan!"

Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant tone was full of bloodthirsty... and the feeling of treating human life as nothing...

As long as it does not hinder his own interests... Chen Xuan will only treat him with cold eyes... As long as he does not hurt the people he cares about... then he will be unable to care about the rest...

Because there are still mostly weak people now... If you are a weak person, you should be bullied... Chen Xuan doesn't think that helping the weak and the poor is a charitable thing...

Chen Xuan feels that this world is supposed to be about the weak and the strong... and the weak are doomed to be destroyed...

For such things... Chen Xuan is still too lazy to take care of it...

Jialan Sword God smiled to himself...and then the consciousness finally turned into a feeling as transparent as glass...


Suddenly the thunder was rolling... as if I was mourning that the Jialan Sword God was about to disappear from this world...

"By the way... I also want to congratulate you... you have completed the trial of God Yu..."

"You're right... This world is always dominated by the weak! God Yu told me before he left!"

"If tens of millions of years later... I can kill... the heir he chose... then I will get his biography..."

"Then he becomes the only god in the Yu Realm..." Jialan Sword God smiled and continued...

"To fight against the so-called Tao..."

"Judging from the fact that you don't believe in Tao...you really have the temperament of God Yu back then...that's really good..."

The Jialan Sword God smiled until...

And Jialan Sword God... smiled, "I have indeed had a sweet dream!"

"It's just... God Yu still has something to say to you later... Don't leave in a hurry... Since I have... failed..."

"Then after all these millions of years... I can finally leave this hellish place... I really don't want to stay here any longer..."

Jialan Sword God smiled and continued. But Chen Xuan showed some surprise...

Are you so eager to leave this place... It seems that you are not happy or sad about your failure...

Such a state of mind is really rare...

After the myth of the Jialan Sword was completed... the consciousness slowly became very faint... Chen Xuan felt that the consciousness of the Jialan Sword God was slowly disappearing...


Finally...a golden light descended from the interior of Jialan Sword Domain...and absorbed the last bit of spiritual consciousness of Jialan Sword God...

And that golden light... slowly turned into a figure... It was a huge figure...

He is about three feet tall... and his face is very handsome... more importantly, his face is very majestic... as if the superior has been in a high position for a long time...

That figure felt as heavy as a mountain...

"Hello... Destined person after tens of millions of years... We meet again... This time I come to see you with a branch of my consciousness... I am Yu..."

Chen Xuan recalled the appearance of the God Yu he had seen before. It seemed that the God Yu was either attached to something or not meeting his true form. This time, Chen Xuan actually saw the true form of the God Yu.

Is this... the face of God...

So majestic and terrifying...

"Well, by chance, your name is Chen Xuan, right?"

God Yu once again said a word... The powerful power... made Chen Xuan's scalp numb when he heard it...

How could God Yu know his name... And God Yu's consciousness is really powerful... Is this really just his branch of consciousness?

In fact, it is true that one branch of consciousness is already very powerful...

Because usually a branch of spiritual consciousness... is like being able to transform into the Jialan Sword Demon or the Jialan Sword God... and the Jialan Sword God is still the spiritual consciousness that has been consumed in the Jialan Sword Domain for tens of millions of years...

And what Chen Xuan can feel now... is a clone consciousness of the serious God Yu...

That strength is probably that of the God Realm... and Chen Xuan has not even reached the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm...

Of course, when Chen Xuan looked at God Yu's current spiritual consciousness... the gap was like an ant looking up at a giant...

Moreover, Chen Xuan was curious about how God Yu knew his name... God Yu's true form had never met him before...

And God Yu’s distracted consciousness has been sealed for millions of years... and now it has just been unsealed...

Why can I call out Chen Xuan's name...

"Don't wonder why I can call your name..."

"I can inherit the memory of Jialan Sword God...and Jialan Sword God or your fragments of consciousness are the tools to unlock my seal..."

"Now you understand...why Jialan Sword God wants to fight you to death...but you can't blame me for being ruthless..."

"The following instructions...are related to all the people of Yu Realm...I naturally have to be cautious and cautious!"

God Yu smiled and continued. It seems that he doesn’t care about Jialan Sword God’s life at all!

"Although my...seal has been released...but the day when the seal is released...is the time when my consciousness drifts away..."

"So I don't have much time left... You can listen carefully..." God Yu's smile is very kind... It really doesn't look like the kind of person who is extremely greedy... and would kill for power. It looks like many people will die...

But Chen Xuan knew...how could the city of a strong man in the divine realm be seen through so easily...

"Listen... I died... not because I went to the new world... but because I was already dead..."

"Died by the Tao...I have been fighting against the Tao all my life...but always..."

When God Yu came here, his tone was full of vicissitudes of life and unwillingness!

"The so-called Tao...is not something at all...but people from another world...that control us! But they are too powerful! There is no divine truth in this world!"

"They're just creatures that are stronger than us... They don't seem to have any desires or desires!"

"Their greed... is far beyond what we can imagine... maybe if they are unhappy... they will cause millions of people in the Yu Realm to have bones!"

"Just like the technological world before... it's actually the Tao's calamity for me..."

God Yu smiled vicissitudes of life until...

"The creatures in that world... have much higher cultivation resources than us... and the cultivators there... are the lowest level... to us... they may also be... divine truth..."

"It's just...Chen Xuan...you know...if we can't become stronger...then we will always be under their control..."

"The disasters in Yujie will never stop!"

There was a hint of solemnity on God Yu's face... The feeling of concern for the country and the people really made Chen Xuan feel like there were several huge mountains... pressing down on God Yu...

"You have to know... In their eyes... we are just a few ants... Even in their eyes... I am just a bigger ant..."

Yu Shen's words... made Chen Xuan feel his heart tremble... The bigger ant... then how strong is the other party!

Chen Xuan's expression was very shocked... If this happened, it would be like going out... I'm afraid how many cultivators would be shocked by it...

"Chen Xuan, do you still know...where that world is...in fact, that world is in the void above..."

"But their existence...may be that in the words of the technological world, the dimension is higher than ours...so we cannot see their world..."

"But their world can completely see our world... Every move we make is completely exposed under their eyes..."

"They may think that we are just fish in a fish tank...like ants on the ground...maybe they don't care...but as long as they are unhappy...the Yu world will be destroyed..."

God Yu lamented...

"And in order to control... the number of people who become gods... there will be calamities... I found that only by reaching the realm of gods... can I see their world... I can only see a little bit of their world..."

"But what's even more terrifying is... they think that the gods are just ants... so..."

"What about Master Yu God...where is the underworld?"

Chen Xuan was puzzled. Yes, what about the underworld? What kind of existence is the Nether Realm...Are they on par with the Yu Realm?

"Hmph! Netherworld! You remember... Netherworld's strength is just about the same as ours... And the seals between Netherworld and us can be easily opened as long as they are Taoists..."

"So as long as they want the Yu Realm and the Nether Realm to fight... it's far beyond what you can stop!"

"What you have to do... is to unite with the Nether Realm... to fight against Tao... This is why... God of Destruction and I..."

"But God of Destruction and I still failed... God of Destruction also left a spiritual consciousness... and found a successor..."

"If he can pass the test of destruction...then he will naturally know this...but in order to deceive the eyes...we must make the people on the other side of the Tao feel that the Yu Realm and the Nether Realm are incompatible..."

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