"Then...how powerful are Taoists?"

What Chen Xuan's face showed was not fear, but more of admiration... It was a longing for the strong... God Yu finally saw the expression he wanted on Chen Xuan's face...

If Chen Xuan's expression had been one of surprise or fear... only Yu Shen's distracted consciousness would have wondered whether he had found the wrong person...

The longing on Chen Xuan's face is completely a desire for the strong! That kind of burning ambition...may give Chen Xuan a push in Chen Xuan's long road of cultivation...

"Actually... do you know what cultivation is like?" Yu Shen asked Chen Xuan with a smile.

Chen Xuan lowered his head and thought for a moment... Cultivation... The method of cultivation for Chen Xuan...

It is to meditate on the spiritual consciousness... let one's spiritual consciousness feel the power of the earth as much as possible... and let the spiritual consciousness mobilize the power of the earth... more and more... and then these spiritual consciousness... will be used during the battle. The role it can play is even greater...

"Yes... meditating on spiritual consciousness... is indeed a cultivation method for people below the divine realm... the so-called meditating on spiritual consciousness... is just one word in the end..."

"That is to control the word... Let the power of the earth that the divine consciousness can control be more and more... That is to say, you can let the power of the earth be felt by the divine consciousness more and more..."

Chen Xuan's eyes lit up... The Yu Shen Institute is indeed very insightful and unique... No wonder he is a powerful person in the divine realm...

In fact, meditating on spiritual consciousness is a way to train yourself to control the power of the earth... and the so-called spiritual consciousness is just a tool to control the power of the earth...

The consciousness that can control the power of the earth is called divine consciousness... They are hidden in the Dan Sea by practitioners...

And the power of the earth that the divine consciousness can control... is also limited... and the inside of the Danhai is also limited... that is, the strength of the cultivator... will be pinned to a point... and can no longer be broken through...

"Yes...it seems that you have already thought of what I want...it is true that there is a limit to the spiritual consciousness of meditation...because the Danhai that stores the spiritual consciousness has a limit...you may be because of the immortal family's fine wine...you The Dan Hai will be a little larger than those of the same level...but there is still a limit...just like the divine realm...the Dan Hai can even open up the entire void time..."

"You can pour the power of the earth into the entire void time...but there is still a limit...that is the limit of this space..."

"Every time a cultivator reaches a level...the Danhai will become larger...if he reaches the divine realm, he can even open up a world to store his spiritual consciousness...but this is like water in a pool...it is stagnant water. It is motionless...but the water in the sea is living water that flows continuously..."

"This is the difference between the cultivators on our side and the cultivators on the Tao side! So any of them, the lowest-level cultivator... can probably kill countless powerful gods!"

"We cultivate spiritual consciousness to control the power of the earth...and their spiritual consciousness is the power of the earth...even they themselves are the power of the earth...and they no longer need to control the power of the earth...they Every move he makes is filled with the power of the earth...a steady stream of the power of the earth..."

"We are cultivating spiritual consciousness... and they only need to cultivate their own souls! That is to make their souls stronger... and their cultivation paths are endless!"

God Yu sighed...

Chen Xuan's face was also very shocked, but after the shock, there was more of longing and strong desire...

He wants to become stronger!

He wants to stand at the top... He doesn't want to be played by these so-called Taos like an ant!

He doesn't even want the people he cares about to be played by the so-called Tao... He also doesn't want to be played by the so-called Tao...

What to do?

Only become stronger!

He seemed to see He's determined and reluctant eyes when he wrote that letter... He seemed to see Zhan Zhe's unyielding and determined eyes before he died... He seemed to see Luo Lan still waiting for him before he was killed. Chen Xuan’s answer…

He seemed to have seen many, many things in Yu Shen's words...but felt that he could not see much...

"Chen Xuan...don't be anxious...after all, it's not easy for you to reach the Nascent Soul realm at your age..."

"I thought that at your time... I had not yet reached the Nascent Soul Realm..." God Yu's aloof face... actually looked a little embarrassed...

"But Chen Xuan, you have made too many enemies...Although there are nine major sects in the mainland...but this is not a kind of balance..."

"And the appearance of you, Chen Xuan, has broken this balance..." Yu Shen's voice became a little cold and arrogant... That kind of domineering attitude that looked down on everything returned to Yu Shen again...

And the perseverance in Chen Xuan's eyes...had long been told to God Yu...he and his opponents would never stop fighting...

What continental balance...

What Chen Xuan wants is to avenge his brothers... What Chen Xuan wants is to avenge the two women he loves...

"I know...their deep hatred for you..."

"But you have to know... if you harm a strong person in the mainland... you will harm the strength of the mainland!"

"Of course Dao thinks that the more control we have, the better... You have to remember... enough is enough..."

God Yu reminded Chen Xuan with a cold face. And God Yu's calmness and self-reliance made Chen Xuan's heart tremble...

But then there was a determined expression... How could Chen Xuan not do it because of the interference of God Yu's distracting consciousness...

"Forget it...Chen Xuan...if you can last three rounds under my hand...then..."

"I will no longer interfere with your revenge. If you can't hold on..."

"Hmph! Then forget all the grudges and grudges you had before for me... From now on, you will only be indifferent to Tao..."

God Yu said with a cold face...


How is it possible to sustain three moves against a strong person in the divine realm? God Yu is a strong person in the divine realm!

Isn't this...isn't this intentional...not to allow myself to take revenge?

"Hmph! Chen Xuan, I know what you are thinking...Yes, I am indeed a powerful person in the divine realm..."

"But I use three points of force... As long as you can catch my three narrow points... Then I will naturally let you take revenge..."

"If you can't catch it...then this god...can only put a blood seal on your soul to prevent your revenge?"

"Hmph! Unless you commit suicide and destroy your consciousness, otherwise... that blood mark will never be removed..."

what to do?

I can only take a gamble...

Then let’s fight!

The look in Chen Xuan's eyes told God Yu that he was not afraid of fighting... He was willing to give this battle a try... He had to take revenge anyway... There was actually a hint of softness in God Yu's eyes when he looked at him...

It is no longer as cold as before... because God Yu thought of himself thousands of years ago...

At that time, God Yu was in front of an ancient ferocious beast... At that time, God Yu was still a strong man in the realm of transformation into gods...

And that ancient beast is a strong man in the Earthly Immortal Realm... There should be no suspense between an Earthly Immortal Realm and a Divine Transformation Realm...

But behind that ancient beast... there is a Ten Thousand Years Pill... After eating it, you can directly break through to the fairyland... And the technology in the world at that time was very advanced...

The arrogant and luxurious life of the cultivators has long been vulnerable... But God Yu knew... At that time, the Nether Realm was still staring at them... Those who could feel the existence of the Nether Realm...

After all, in that era when cultivation resources were scarce...the number and strength of the powerful people in the God Transformation Realm were far inferior to what they are now...so the powerful people in the God Transformation Realm at that time were very respected...almost standing At the top of the world...

But at that time, God Yu did not let go of his burden just because he was a strong man in the realm of gods... Since the more he could do... the more he got... then naturally the greater he had to bear. …

At that time, God Yu actually chose to challenge this ancient beast... It was a beast from the Earthly Immortal Realm!

But what is even more unimaginable is that God Yu actually survived in front of the ferocious beasts in the Earthly Immortal Realm...

And actually... got the Ten Thousand Years Pill... and suddenly broke through to the Earthly Immortal Realm without any hindrance...

At this moment, Chen Xuan really looks a bit like himself... In order to achieve his goal... he will not hesitate to risk his life...


Suddenly, Yu Shen's distracted consciousness was filled with murderous intent... as if he was declaring his great strength...

"In that case...Chen Xuan, then come and give it a try...and I can also see your strength...whether you are worthy of your name..."

God Yu's powerful consciousness turned into a golden dragon and forced it towards Chen Xuan...

So powerful!

Wherever the giant dragon's scales touched, no grass grew...and Chen Xuan was directly forced to the end of the void by the giant dragon scales...


Chen Xuan snorted coldly! Suddenly Chen Xuan jumped up... and struck directly at the giant dragon's scales with his sword...

And Chen Xuan's determined eyes flashed with many emotions... The innermost layer was fear!


He is afraid... What he is afraid of is that his sword may be broken by God Yu and then suffer backlash...

Chen Xuan is afraid of death!

As for the second level, it was unwillingness... Chen Xuan was unwilling to give in, so he failed... because of his friend Zhan Zhe... his teacher He Wen... his two women He and Luo Lan... like this Blood revenge... He is unwilling to not avenge it...

And the outermost layer is perseverance...

That kind of perseverance is a perseverance that God Yu has rarely seen in all the millions of years he has lived...

Yu Shen's eyes... finally changed from cold to cold with a hint of softness... Yes...

This proud Chen Xuan... is so commendable! And God Yu naturally hopes that this Chen Xuan will fight for Yu Realm wholeheartedly! Even so... why not talk to more people after death...

God Yu is God Yu... Once he figured this out, he immediately made a firm decision...


God Yu's dragon's tail... was forcibly collected by God Yu in mid-air...

"you win!"

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