God Yu's expression finally showed a smile... Chen Xuan didn't understand... He was the one who was going to lose...

Why did God Yu admit defeat first...

"Hahahahahaha...Chen Xuan, you really have the same demeanor as I did back then! But with your talent..."

Yu Shen's words paused for a moment, and then... "Xuncheng Continent should be almost unable to trap you..."

"With your current Nascent Soul Realm strength... you should also go to the other two continents of Yu Realm to see..."

God Yu smiled and continued.

"In this case... then I will call you a inheritance... called alchemy... The so-called alchemy, as the name suggests, is the art of alchemy..."

"As far as you know...are the alchemy skills in mainland China still passed down?" God Yu asked Chen Xuan after a long time...

Chen Xuan frowned... thought for a moment and then said... "No one in the Yu Realm can refine pills above the divine realm now!"

"All the elixirs... can only help those who are in the elixir realm below the realm of transformation or the advanced realm... the strong ones in the latter realm..."

God Yu nodded... These were actually within God Yu's expectations... The so-called decline of the art of alchemy... is mainly because... the inheritance of alchemy has declined...

After God Yu, there are very few people who can refine elixirs above the realm of God Transformation...and tens of millions of years later...there will be no more people who can refine pills above the realm of God Transformation...the so-called people in the realm of Transformation God. The elixir...

For those who are in the God Transformation Realm and above the God Transformation Realm... there is no difference from Tangdou...

As for the elixirs under the realm of transformation, every alchemy club will practice them...but there is no alchemy club in Xuancheng Continent...

Chen Xuan also saw the so-called Dan Clubs from the Hidden Gold Pavilion... It is said that there are Dan Clubs in the Different World Continent and the Different Sea Continent... However... the number is very small...

And the supply of goods is basically monopolized by the nine major sects... This is why people in Xuancheng Continent have never seen elixirs...

You can only rely on your own meditation and spiritual cultivation... without any aid from pills... This is why very few people in Xuancheng Continent can break through to the realm of divine transformation...

And the alchemy techniques possessed by these alchemy clubs... come entirely from Yu Shen's "Basics of Alchemy"... this book... and this book only talks about the elixirs under the realm of transformation...

And there is nothing more than that...

The so-called elixir... does not help you break through if you eat it... but helps you cultivate your spiritual consciousness... When the elixir is swallowed... the spiritual consciousness in your elixir sea will start to fluctuate from calmness...

Then at this time, the effect of meditating on spiritual consciousness is the best...

So if there is a pill... then the breakthrough will be twice the result with half the effort! But Chen Xuan rarely saw elixirs... Only in Sanbai Valley could he see some elixirs refined by Mr. Sanbai himself...

And Chen Xuan has reached this point without relying on any pills... This made God Yu secretly praise Chen Xuan as indeed a cultivation wizard who has been rare in thousands of years!

"And what I want to teach you... is the alchemy technique... If you learn the Li technique... it will be much more helpful than taking the elixir..."

Yu Shen smiled and replied. There was a bit of disdain in the smile... because he could see the desire for elixirs in Chen Xuan's eyes... but God Yu was very disdainful of this desire...

To God Yu, he is the alchemist...The alchemist is the god of elixirs...so every time he refines an elixir...the process of alchemy to the alchemist...is simply worse than taking the elixir. The effect of thinking and spiritual consciousness is astonishing...

Although Chen Xuan was so interested in taking the elixir... he had no idea that elixir making would improve the alchemist so much...

God Yu told Chen Xuan this... and the expression of surprise on Chen Xuan's face was also very serious! It actually has such a miraculous effect...

If everyone in Yujie could make alchemy... wouldn't Yujie's strength be... Chen Xuan thought of this... His surprised expression could no longer be concealed...

But what puzzles Chen Xuan even more is God Yu... God Yu actually knows that alchemy has such a miraculous effect...

Why did he leave only a basic book on alchemy before leaving... Wouldn't this hinder the breakthrough of cultivators in the Yu world? Not only that, it also greatly reduced the number of practitioners...

Because it is very difficult for practitioners to get started. Chen Xuan thought of what happened in Sanbai Valley before... practicing spiritual training at that time... Not everyone can endure that kind of powerful pain...

More importantly... Chen Xuan is still very talented... and people without talent will not be able to practice even if they suffer too much...

And if there are pills... then the time to cultivate mental power will be shortened... the process will become easier... and more importantly... the number of people will become more than now...

What does that kind of Yujie look like... Chen Xuan really finds it hard to imagine...

"Hmph! I know what you are thinking..."

God Yu's expression suddenly became a little ugly... and his face also turned a little livid...

"You are wondering if I am too selfish...not to fully spread the art of alchemy to the people of Yujie Continent..."

"I think this god is...a god who is so narrow-minded that he is not even willing to help his own people..."

God Yu revealed with a cold face... what Chen Xuan was thinking...

And Chen Xuan's heart trembled... God Yu could actually see him so clearly...

Is this a powerful person in the divine realm? In front of a powerful person in the divine realm, all secrets...all thoughts...all actions will be seen through.

Seeing Chen Xuan like this, Yu Shen's expression was still very cold and arrogant...but there was a trace of pride in the corners of his eyes that no one could detect...

It turns out that Chen Xuan is like this now... This future master of Yu Realm... I'm afraid it will be very interesting!

"It's still the same way..." Yu Shen's voice was a little helpless... and then continued...

"The horror of that Tao... is beyond your imagination... every move we make... is exposed under their eyes... and if they want to punish us... then Yu Realm will be in danger of annihilation! "

Yu Shen's words are full of vicissitudes of life... Indeed, if the people over there want to rectify the Yu world...

I'm afraid that the world of Yu will become nothing again like before... Then there won't be a powerful god like Yu Shen to re-create the world! After all, Chen Xuan hasn't fully... grown up yet...

"And if it was known over there... people in the Yu Realm would know how to do it... I'm afraid the Yu Realm would cease to exist..."

When Chen Xuan heard this, he became more and more afraid... of this legendary Tao...

"Okay...not much to say...I will teach you an alchemy technique...please pay attention carefully..."

The tone of Yu Shen's clone was still arrogant... Chen Xuan nodded... and sat down with his eyes closed...

Strong men who have reached the Nascent Soul Realm...the world they come into contact with is completely the world in their spiritual consciousness...So the world Chen Xuan comes into contact with is the world in his spiritual consciousness...

Chen Xuan needs to use his own spiritual consciousness to feel the alchemy of God Yu... pour him into his own spiritual consciousness... In that case, the alchemy that Chen Xuan can feel will always exist in Chen Xuan's memory juice... And Chen Xuan quickly learned him...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a burst of golden sparks coming out of Yu Shen's hand...

And the temperature at the center of the spark is extremely high... Is the spark the divine consciousness of God Yu? So strong...


Chen Xuan felt the powerful palm of Yu God attracting...the power of the earth around Yu God...

And the power of the earth quickly revolved around God Yu's palm... What a powerful power of earth!

Chen Xuan looked at the power of the earth... If he became a strong man in the divine realm... would he be able to do this...

What will the elixir produced from such a powerful earth power look like?

Chen Xuan's expression became more and more expectant...but Yu Shen's expression remained unmoved...as if he was doing something very ordinary and very smiling...Chen Xuan secretly felt frightened...

God Yu's state of mind... I'm afraid only those who have reached the level of gods can have this state of mind...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt many golden explosions around him...


Chen Xuan felt that the powerful explosion burned countless flowers, plants and trees in the barrier into ashes...

He was so angry that the whole place was moved by it...Such an aura...I'm afraid only a strong person in the divine realm can have it...

Suddenly, the consciousness of the power of the earth merged into countless light spots that continuously rotated in the palm of Yu Shen...

The golden flame in Yu Shen's palm is burning more and more fiercely...with no intention of stopping...

Slowly, those light spots... merged into the shadow of a golden elixir...

Chen Xuan discovered that the golden light has been surrounding God Yu’s alchemy sea since the beginning of alchemy...

Could it be that while refining the elixir... that is, while using the divine consciousness... he is also absorbing the divine consciousness... Chen Xuan found this very incredible...

And from just now... I am afraid that God Yu's distracted consciousness has absorbed a lot...


Suddenly, the golden elixir exploded... not into pieces... but split into two halves... with the core of the elixir as the center, it continuously absorbed the power of the ground...

Slowly, the color of the elixir consumption has become darker and darker... darker and darker...


Suddenly...the two halves of the core were quickly closed...such a powerful force of earth was compressed!

Chen Xuan was thinking...

Suddenly, God Yu's distracted consciousness... opened his eyes... Those eyes with burning eyes... looked at Chen Xuan coldly and proudly...

Chen Xuan took... the elixir refined by Yu Shen's divided consciousness...

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