In an instant, powerful spiritual consciousness poured into his mind...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan seemed to be able to feel the Danhai in his body vibrating violently...

That powerful alchemy sea seemed to be about to be condensed...

"The name of this elixir is... the elixir of concealment... this elixir can only be made by a strong person in the divine realm..."

"The elixirs that a powerful person in the divine realm can produce will be of various kinds... just like a powerful cook..."

"Whatever flavor you want this elixir to taste...he can give you whatever flavor..." God Yu smiled and replied...

And Chen Xuan's eyes once again showed a trace of surprise... This can have any effect you want...

Isn't the strength of a powerful person in the divine realm... impossible to estimate...

God Yu looked at Chen Xuan and smiled... and then said, "Indeed... the divine realm is considered... invincible to you..."

"It's just that in Tao's eyes... you are still an ant... and you are not even ants..."

Chen Xuan's eyes became deeper and deeper... He fell into deep thought... Why are people from the Tao born stronger than us... And the people in Yujie have spent their whole lives and are still just ants in the eyes of the Tao!

Chen Xuan doesn’t understand!

But Chen Xuan definitely doesn’t want to be an ant! The firmness in his eyes told God Yu... that he had not chosen the wrong person...

"Your current strength is indeed not suitable for the Xuancheng Continent... Since you were able to block my Sanzhai just now..."

God Yu smiled...then said...

" can...go for revenge...of course you can go to the alien continent...the alien sea continent..."

"Do you still remember the gift I just gave you? The Pill of Invisibility... it can help you hide your strength..."

God Yu glanced at Chen Xuan and then arrived.

"The identity of the Nascent Soul Realm is indeed very eye-catching... You have to know that wherever a strong Nascent Soul Realm goes in the current Yu Realm... it will more or less attract a lot of attention... And if you take the Pill of Invisibility..."

God Yu arrived next.

"If you take the Pill of Invisibility...then your strength will be hidden...that's right, be precise...except when you or death, you must explode your strength...then usually Your strength...will always stop at..."

"The peak of the Golden Core Realm... and will not go forward... The so-called Peak of the Golden Core Realm... is almost a little stronger than the Golden Core Realm... but it will never be able to defeat the Transformation Spirit Realm... Such... a state... unless Use your spiritual consciousness to mobilize this hidden elixir yourself..."

"This hidden elixir is like a human skin mask... packaging your elixir sea consciousness..."

Is it the peak of the Golden Core Realm?

That's good, it will help you hide... The existence of the peak of the golden elixir... can't be more common among the nine major sects in the other two continents... very common...

As long as Chen Xuan joins a large sect...the resources and information he can obtain...are far beyond what Xundu Academy in Xuancheng Continent can give Chen Xuan...

"And your identity will not be discovered... This should be the best for you..."

God Yu's expression is still seems that no one can see any emotion...

Chen Xuan nodded...

"The next thing you have to do is to improve your alchemy skills... Huh! How many cultivators in Yu Realm have a stable foundation now?"

"If it weren't for you because of the Xianjia wine... I'm afraid your foundation would be crumbling..."

God Yu sneered and arrived with Chen Xuan.

Indeed, if it weren't for the Immortal Family's fine wine... to help him build his foundation... I'm afraid that the strength he has displayed at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm... wouldn't be able to reach this level... and if he goes up to the level of Earth Immortal... I'm afraid it would be hopeless... …

"Alchemy can also help build the foundation... because you drink the immortal family's fine wine to build the foundation... this foundation is not very stable... so it is still very difficult to break through the earth immortal..."

"And if you want an easier breakthrough... then there is only better foundation building... Alchemy is to assist you in building foundation... As for the so-called foundation building... the best time is the golden elixir realm... so..."

"The Hidden Pill helps you reduce your strength to the golden elixir is more convenient for you to build your foundation...This is one of the reasons why I help you refine the Hidden Pill..."

"As for..."

Yu Shen paused for a moment and then...

"As for...the practice of alchemy...I will put this part in the Ring of Jialan..."

"So you don't have to worry too's just that it's not easy to build your foundation...I don't know how your foundation is..."

God Yu said with a worried expression on his face. The legendary cultivator...will start preparing to build the foundation once he reaches the Dan realm...

When you reach the golden elixir realm, you will begin to build your foundation...and the so-called foundation building is to control your spiritual consciousness...can you do whatever you want...

If the improvement of levels is the growth of spiritual consciousness...the increase in the capacity of the alchemy sea...then foundation building is the control of spiritual consciousness...

And because the divine consciousness is originally in your own body...if you don't do foundation building, you can naturally still use the divine consciousness...

But the control of spiritual consciousness becomes more demanding as you progress...

And if Chen Xuan wants to break through to the Earth Immortal... then the requirements for controlling his spiritual consciousness will be even higher...

As for Chen Xuan's current control over his spiritual consciousness... I'm afraid it's still at the beginning... that is, he has never established a foundation at all...

The strength of the foundation will directly affect the cultivator's control over the divine consciousness... and the control over the divine consciousness is also called foundation building, which is divided into three stages. The first is to build the elixir... The second is to build the god... The third is to build the void... And the divine realm is to reach the point of building the void... The so-called building the void... is actually to be able to better control the divine consciousness... to reach the strength of being able to control any world created by oneself.

Because the world set up by the God Realm strongman...has long been an eternal existence...

It will not disappear because of the fall or disappearance of the God Realm for the God Realm strongman's will exist forever...

The so-called building the void is to be able to control the consciousness born by the God Realm strongman...and this control does not matter whether the God Realm strongman still exists...

Just like after the God Realm strongman has set up this world...then his consciousness reaches the building void will always exist according to the setting of the God Realm strongman...

And building the the realm that the Earth Immortal Realm strongman or the Nascent Soul Realm strongman...needs to reach...

The so-called building the God Realm is when the cultivator reaches the Lin Immortal Realm or the Nascent Soul Realm strongman...then he can better control the things or the world that he has transformed into a body...

And this building the pill also easy to is the foundation building realm The initial stage... When the cultivator reaches the Golden Core Realm... consolidates the cultivator's control over the Golden Core in the Danhai...

And now the people of Yu Realm... are obsessed with the amount of spiritual consciousness... that is, the strength of the cultivator's level...

Few people or sects pay attention to the existing spiritual consciousness... and their control...

This may be the difference between Yu Realm and Tao... The Tao itself is the power of the earth...

And the control of the power of the earth... has become their must... So their control of the power of the earth... Many strong people are very proficient...

And the cultivators of Yu Realm can't even control their spiritual consciousness well... Naturally, they can't compare with them...

Chen Xuan's eyes lit up when he thought of this... It was as if he had discovered a new continent...

That's a new way of cultivation... And it's a way of cultivation that people in Yu Realm haven't discovered yet...


"Don't be happy too soon... Building a foundation is not a simple path of cultivation! The difficulty of building a foundation may be far less than the expansion of your Danhai... that is, you enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm..."

Yu Shen smiled at Chen Xuan...

But Chen Xuan didn't care at all... As long as it can make him stronger... What does it matter...

Yu Shen glanced at Chen Xuan and nodded with satisfaction...

"Chen Xuan... You know... The most important thing for you now... is the burden of Yu Jie!"

"Personal grudges are a matter... If Yu Jie is destroyed... Then... I don't know how many lives will be destroyed..."

Yu Shen frowned and sighed... But Chen Xuan's eyes were very firm...

He recalled the days from when he was teleported to Sanbai Valley... met Mr. Sanbai... and was in Sanbai Valley...

He recalled Mr. Sanbai's expectations for him before his death... He recalled the days of fighting side by side with Zhanzhe, Luo Lan and Hewei...

He also recalled the figure of Wu Liang...

No! Too much!

Chen Xuan couldn't let go of these so-called mundane things... He was determined to fight for Yujie... He had too many things in his heart... Hate... Love... Memories, stories... Too many... Chen Xuan couldn't let go... Yushen could see these from his eyes... He just sighed a little and didn't say anything else... For Chen Xuan... Yujie was still unfamiliar... If it weren't for the people he just remembered... If it weren't for them... Yujie was nothing in his heart... It was because they were Chen Xuan's brothers or relatives... That's why Chen Xuan was willing to fight for Yujie... Now let Chen Xuan put aside their grievances for Yujie... How could it be possible? This is impossible for Chen Xuan to do... "Help... This god won't force you... You want to cut off these hatreds through revenge and killing..." "That's actually nothing... The death of a few Yujie practitioners... Can bring back a powerful leader of Yujie... Can bring back the peace and tranquility of Yujie... That's a good deal..." "So this god won't stop you anymore..." Yushen sighed.

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