Chen Xuan's cold expression finally slowly emerged... That ferocious red color covered Chen Xuan's cheeks...

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes were the most terrifying... making Mu De, Ren Ran and Xu Ran dare not look directly...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan's secondary body jumped up... and the help of this jump... stepped on the ground to create a large pit one foot deep...

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's secondary body struck Mu De with a palm...and the blue firelight mixed with the hurricane froze the air in an instant...

Mu De's face turned khaki... What a terrifying strength... Is he really a strong man at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm? Why is he so strong...


The palm of Chen Xuan's secondary body seemed to have transformed into the shadow of a fire dragon... He opened his bloody mouth... and pushed towards Mu De...

And Mu De subconsciously wanted to dodge...but how could he dodge?

The fire dragon transformed from Chen Xuan's secondary body... instantly entangled him... Mu De still had no trace of the domineering power of the law enforcement elder... and instantly became embarrassed...


Mu De let out a lung-splitting roar...

And Xu Ran and Ren Ran were stunned... Especially Xu Ran... Before, he thought... this Chen Xuan would be very vulnerable... After all, he has reached the first level of Nascent Soul Realm at this age... I'm afraid... Just stepped in not long ago...

The strength that has just entered the first level of the Nascent Soul Realm... is not a great threat to Xu Ran and Mu Delai... because the telepathy with his secondary body... is not yet perfect... so In battle, the full strength of the primary stage of Nascent Soul Realm cannot be used...

But what's going on with this guy?

Xu Ran was really shocked when he saw the scene in front of him... One move! Just one move made this Mu De so embarrassed!

Xu Ran really regrets it! Why would he want to provoke this murderous god! This is only harming others and not benefiting oneself!

In the end, this Immortality Grass cannot reach his hands... and he is very likely to be angered... and forced to kill like Mu De...

But the other party shouldn't be angry with him, right? Xu Ran felt... After all, it was Ren Ran and Mu De who had just been threatening this god of death...

Now Xu Ran is a little lucky...she didn't talk too much just now...

I hope this god of death can let me go... After Mu De was entangled by the fire dragon...

This body turned fiery red... The fire was roasting Mu De's body crazily like a kind of poison... And Mu De's consciousness at this moment seemed to be in the fire of hell...

Chen Xuan knows too well... There is no use in torturing the strong men above the Nascent Soul Realm... Torturing their bodies...

Only by hurting their consciousness...can we make them feel pain...

And this kind of damage is irreparable damage... And Xu Ran's expression became more and more panicked... Mu De's eyes changed from arrogant at the beginning to pleading now...

He looked at Ren Ran with pleading eyes... He hoped that Ren Ran could save him... but Ren Ran felt that if he didn't do something... then his prestige would be lost...

When the news reaches the ears of the senior officials of the Invisible Sect... I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to be an elder in this life...

So Ren Ran's expression became even more distorted... He looked at Chen Xuan like a vicious wolf... trying to kill his own food...

But Chen Xuan's eyes were not afraid... That powerful killing intent seemed to turn the world into hell...

Yes... Chen Xuan's heart is in hell at this moment... Bai Guan's destruction... the death of his good brother, the death of his teacher... and the death of the only two women he has ever loved...

All this was caused by Guizong and Hede Zong... Finally got a chance to take revenge... How could he let it go...

But this is not enough... For Chen Xuanlai, this is far from enough!

He, Chen Xuan, had long been prepared to fight to the death with Guizong and Hede Zong!

As for this wireless door... now joins them! If you insist on giving a reason! Maybe it's just to vent your anger...

A few years later... before the Invisible Sect suffered a disaster... if he knew the reason... he would probably want to dig out Ren Ran's ancestral grave and whip the corpse, right?

At this moment, Ren Ran's gaze became more and more fierce...and the expression on his face became more and more ferocious...

Who is Chen Xuan?

He is still the protector of the Three Sects! How many people need to look up to him!

How many people treated him as if he were a god and yet this Chen Xuan actually dared to offend him like this!

Even if it's for his own dignity... Ren Ran will fight to the death with Chen Xuan at this moment!

"Evil! Seeking death!"

Ren Ran's palms burned with blazing fire! The heat is like hundreds of volcanoes erupting at once...

And Chen Xuan seemed to be in the middle of the fire... If he were a strong person in the Transformation of God Realm or an ordinary strong person in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm, he would have been reduced to ashes long ago...

Dense slender figures appeared on Chen Xuan's forehead... And at this moment, Xu Ran... felt like he was about to be scorched alive...

But in Xu Ran's heart, she hoped that the flame could be more intense!

Otherwise, he is really not sure...if Ren Ran fails to deal with this murderous god...whether this killing god will kill him...because this look in his eyes is really terrifying...

It's like a long-hungry lion... ready to devour himself at any time...


Suddenly... the flame in Ren Ran's palm rushed towards Chen Xuan... The flame merged into a huge heat wave...

Sweeping up the entire void... forcing the thunder above to become silent...

And the lightning seemed to be swept down by this huge heat wave... and they rushed towards Chen Xuan...

Chen Xuan's body jumped up... holding the Jialan Sword, he rushed towards the heat wave...

Chen Xuan's powerful spiritual consciousness was injected into the Jialan Sword Juice... The sword light of the Jialan Sword seemed to turn into countless phantoms...

It’s like the mountains are stacked one on top of another and are crashing towards the heat wave...


The mountains stacked one on top of another smashed into the heat wave... The mountains and the heat wave collapsed at the same time...


Wherever the heat wave fragments went, they were turned into ashes... Even the earth was smashed into several big craters by this heat wave...

And Chen Xuan's sword shadow was even more fragmented... Wherever the sword light touched... even the void lost its light... Wherever the shadow of the sword blade touched... it seemed as if even the air was split in half... …

Chen Xuan's expression was still very cold... He seemed to be neither sad nor happy... He was not happy because he had just cracked this so-called trick...

"What? How is that possible?"

However, Ren Ran's expression changed from ferocious to shocked... How is this possible...

How could Chen Xuan block his attack... There weren't many people, or maybe he had never seen a strong person at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm... Who had survived the attack just now?

So what happened to Chen Xuan...

Ren Ran seems to feel that he has been greatly insulted... just like an ant can block the wrath of God...

This is simply against common sense!

But Xu Ran's expression was very panicked... What should he do... This Chen Xuan actually blocked Ren Ran's attack... And... he still broke through the attack with one move...

Is this... an accident?

Xu Ran still felt lucky in his heart... He still felt that it was impossible for Chen Xuan to survive under Ren Ran's hands...

And Xu Ran felt...if he fell into the hands of this murderer...

I'm just afraid that his ending won't be much better than this Mu De's... So Xu Ran still secretly prays for Ren Ran...

As for why Xu Ran didn't go into battle himself... it's very simple... if Ren Ran could deal with Chen Xuan... then it would be easy and he wouldn't need his help...

If he ever intervenes, I'm afraid Ren Ran will feel... This is a deep disrespect and distrust of him... Ren Ran is so face-conscious... If he ever steps in to help...

I'm afraid it can only harm others and not benefit myself...

And if you can't defeat Chen Xuan... and are killed by Chen Xuan... then get up by yourself... he didn't participate in the battle... so he still has a chance to survive...

Xu Ran's calculations in his mind were also very subtle...

But at this moment, Renyuan seems to be a completely different person... He has lost his usual sense of reason... He is like a crazy beast... Even his eyes have become red...

And Chen Xuan's eyes are still very deep... It makes people unable to see the joy, anger, sorrow and joy...

"Obstacle...Although you can escape my bombardment just now...but next time...hum!"

Ren Ran snorted coldly...

Then a fiery red swirling reed formed in the palm of his hand...

A fiery red vortex formed... At this moment, even the void turned fiery red... as if it was ignited by Ren Ran's vortex...

The powerful smell of blood spread inside the barrier... Chen Xuan felt... that powerful vortex contained the power of the earth...

And he is still absorbing the power of the earth...

What a terrifying technique... Chen Xuan sighed... Once this technique starts working...

It will release powerful earth power by itself... and he is still attracting the earth power...

I'm just afraid that when he hits will be a fatal blow...

But Chen Xuan's eyes were still very calm... although his heart was anxiously thinking about how to crack it...

But no one could tell what he was thinking from his eyes... Chen Xuan slowly poured the consciousness in his Danhai into Jialan Sword...

Chen Xuan decided to steal the dragon for the phoenix... Let the secondary body take the place of the main body and suffer this time...

And Chen Xuan's body skills have reached the level of ghost... At the moment when Renran's bloody vortex was smashed out... he fled behind the secondary body... and used the Jialan Sword to resist...

This time there is still a possibility...

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