Chen Xuan's face was still as cold as ever... It seemed as if Mu De's cruel death... had nothing to do with him... But there was a trace of pleasure deep in Chen Xuan's eyes... a trace of pleasure after revenge...

But Chen Xuan's expressions when he looked at Ren Ran and Xu Ran became increasingly cold...and Xu Ran's body shuddered involuntarily...


Xu Ran seemed to be being targeted by a vicious wolf. Xu Ran seemed certain in his heart that if Ren Ran didn't block Chen Xuan...

Then his fate will definitely be the same as Mu De's...


Suddenly Ren Ran's face turned red...and Ren Ran's secondary body turned into a red dragon and pushed towards Chen Xuan...


Chen Xuan's auxiliary body directly hit Ren Ran's auxiliary body with a palm...

"Looking for death! Obstacles..."

Ren Ran roared wildly... The energy in that voice seemed to be as terrifying as causing the earth to crack...

Suddenly...the giant mountains inside the battle barrier...collapsed. And the landslide and cracked earth and rocks were swept up by the giant dragon's flying... and a hurricane and the dragon were forced towards Chen Xuan...

Chen Xuan's ghostly steps... cleverly avoided Ren Ran's figure...

But Ren Ran's expression became more and more ferocious... How could it be possible... Chen Xuan actually hid away?

He is just a strong man at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm... How could he escape his transformation into a god...

But Xu Ran's expression was even more embarrassing... Chen Xuan actually escaped Master Ren Ran's attack...

What should I do?

He felt that Chen Xuan would definitely not let him go... He glanced at Mu De's charred corpse next to him...

His eyes became sharper and sharper... What should I do? What should I do... Can I just pray that Lord Renran can kill Chen Xuan?

Xu Ran regretted it very much... He had done a good job as an elder in Guizong... Why did he get involved in this matter that was harmful to others and not beneficial to himself...

Xu Ran's face is getting paler... The pale face and heavy breathing indicate the tension in Xu Ran's heart...

But Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant face didn't even look at Xu Ran... Even if he knew what Xu Ran was thinking... he wouldn't let him go just because of this...

He De Zong originally had no grievances between Chen Xuan and them...if it hadn't been for He's matter...

Chen Xuan felt that he did not want to kill the Hede Sect... After all, Chen Xuan was not a murderous person.

Chen Xuan's cold expression became colder and colder... It was as if his face was about to freeze. Chen Xuan looked at Ren Ran with a look in his eyes...The cold killing intent seemed to be rushing like the water of the Yangtze River...

But Chen Xuan's face remained as calm as ever...even though his heart was filled with fighting spirit. But no one felt that they could see through this young man in his twenties... Chen Xuan's gaze made Ren Ran feel like there was a sharp edge on his back. But Ren Ran couldn't figure it out. Why should I be afraid of a strong man at the beginning of Nascent Soul Realm? Ren Ran's expression became more ferocious...


Ren Ran snorted coldly. Then the crazy fighting spirit rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's eyes instantly turned blood red. The murderous intention in his mind was dozens of times greater now.

What kept popping up in his mind were his friends, lovers, and teachers. The beauty of seeing them for the last time. But now all these good things have turned into nothing!

All turned into bubbles!

Although there was no endless hatred in Chen Xuan's eyes. It's just that hatred that keeps rolling in Chen Xuan's heart!


what is this?

Why did he encounter such cruelty when he came to this world? And the funny thing is that Chen Xuan still needs to save these cold people? Watching the people you love and care about being killed by these callous people... and you can only remain indifferent? Chen Xuan is unwilling to give in!

In this case, Chen Xuan thinks. Chen Xuan has the duty to save the world. Then you must have the right to control their life and death! In this case, Chen Xuan decided to kill! He has no psychological burden. The people of this world need him to save them anyway. God Yu handed Yu Realm over to him before the last part of his consciousness disappeared. In this case, although he wants to protect most people in Yu Realm. But he also has the right to kill anyone.

Of course this is the benefit of rights! And rights are based on strength. Chen Xuan understood that if he did not have enough strength, he would no longer be the young master appointed by God Yu. So what?

It could only be an ant that was trampled to death, or an ant that was constantly trying to survive under the giant's feet. Chen Xuan doesn't want to be such a person, Chen Xuan wants to be the strongest in the world! He wants to control others' life and death.

Use your strength to control life and death. When I am happy, the earth and moon are like bright candles, the stars are brilliant, and the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful; when I am angry, the sun and moon change colors, the wind blows violently, and the sand and rocks fly!

This is the realm of strong men that Chen Xuan wants to reach!

Chen Xuan's blood-red eyes instantly gained some depth. There was burning desire in his deep eyes. It's like a prairie fire. He is burning with the desire to become stronger!

Ren Ran stared at Chen Xuan... For some reason, he felt that this young man was very scary. Why is there such an illusion? Ren Ran himself doesn't know. He just knew that Chen Xuan's current situation... was just at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm. Why?

But it is undeniable that Ren Ran feels that he regrets it now. I don’t really need that so-called longevity grass! You shouldn't risk your life for him!

But what's the use of regret? Ren Ran asked himself. Now Xu Ranke looked at himself, if he hadn't killed Chen Xuan by then. Then how will the people of the three sects view themselves now?

Ren Ran doesn’t even know it himself! But what Ren Ran knows is that Chen Xuanjin must die! snort! What a pity this Chen Xuanjin is! If such a person comes to the invisible door. If such a person is selected, he can become his disciple. If they have such talents, their sect master can focus on training them. What state can we reach in the future?

Even I feel this is limitless!

But there is no future, Chen Xuanjin must die!

Must die!

Ren Ran's expression became more and more ferocious. There was a terrifying murderous intent underneath that ferocious expression. The killing intent seemed to swallow Chen Xuan's body and bones together...


Chen Xuan didn't care at all, he just snorted coldly!

The giant red dragon instantly sprayed a mouthful of red flames at Chen Xuan! And the red flame seemed to have opened its bloody mouth... and fiercely forced it towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan’s ghostly dance steps.


Chen Xuan missed his body and the figure of the flame dragon!

What a terrible murderous intention!

Chen Xuan sighed!

Chen Xuan actually dodged such a terrifying murderous intention. This time the dragon's speed was much faster than before. What a great Ren Ran! Chen Xuan thought in his heart. In this case, I, Chen Xuan, will fight you until death!

Anyway, according to the power of your invisible door...if Jin Renran didn't kill himself, or he didn't kill Renran. What Chen Xuan is sure of is that Chen Xuan's name will definitely be known to the entire Yu world in a few days!

Then Chen Xuan will be even more embarrassed... and Chen Xuan understands the strength of the three upper sects in Yu Realm. If he is must be something Chen Xuan cannot afford to offend now.

Chen Xuan understands this... but Chen Xuan doesn't think that he can't afford to offend him in the future. If he becomes stronger... then several invisible doors will be able to offend him...

So Chen Xuan felt that one of him must die between today and Ren Ran... Chen Xuan's fighting spirit burned brightly, instantly dyeing his side red... Even the clouds on his side changed color at this moment because of Chen Xuan's fighting spirit. …

Ren Ran's pupils kept shrinking... It seemed that the threat Chen Xuan gave him at this moment... was far beyond imagination! Even at this moment, Ren Ran is not sure whether he can... return to the invisible door alive!

He knew that he and Chen Xuan were in this situation! It has reached the point where he will not stop dying... As long as Chen Xuan is alive... he will definitely not be given a chance... to let him return to the Invisible Gate!

Because I am afraid that Chen Xuan also knows the strength of the Invisible Sect very well... As long as he is allowed to return to the Invisible Sect! I'm afraid that within a few days... Chen Xuan's name will definitely disappear from Yu Realm forever!

And Xu Ran's expression at this time was even more pale without a trace of blood... If Ren Ran died, what should he do? Will Chen Xuan let him go? Xu Ran glanced at Chen Xuan. The blood-red eyes in Chen Xuan's eyes shocked Xu Ran! How can Xu Ran still have any power as a law enforcement elder? The panic in his heart continued to rise...

The tragedy of Mu De's death continued to spread in Xu Ran's chest... What should I do? What should I do?

He didn't think that this god of death named Chen Xuan would let him go... He could see it from Chen Xuan's eyes... He wouldn't!

Then how will his sect, the Hede Sect, deal with Chen Xuan? That will definitely help you get revenge! It’s not like he’s in... Hede Sect is so popular!

But a law enforcement elder from one of the nine major sects... was killed by an unknown person. Where did this leave the Hede Sect's face? Moreover, Mu De, who has returned to the clan, is also a law enforcement elder... I am afraid that the clan will not let go of Chen Xuan... In the same way, I am afraid that the people from the Invisible Sect will cut Chen Xuan into pieces!

The reason is very simple... The Invisible Sect is the top three sects among the nine sects! If a protector of the Shangsan Sect was beheaded by an unknown person... Wouldn't it be embarrassing, very humiliating?

Although the guardians of the Invisible Sect are only of a higher level than ordinary disciples who enter the house... But if... the guardians of the nine major sects are killed by an unknown person...

So where is the majesty of the nine major sects?

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