So no matter what, Chen Xuan is dead! This is the conclusion of Ren Ran and Xu Ran... But Chen Xuan is dead... Do I have to be buried with him? Why?

Of course Xu Ran and Ren Ran are not willing!

But Chen Xuan thought of all this a bit too simply! How could the nine major sects not know who did it when their disciple died? Chen Xuan still thought of this matter simply...

But you can’t blame Chen Xuan! Because Chen Xuan has been in Xuancheng Continent before... and Xuancheng Continent does not have any of the nine major sects! Therefore, Chen Xuan could not imagine how powerful the nine major sects were!

This can be regarded as Chen Xuan's own shortcoming... because Chen Xuan cannot imagine how powerful the nine major sects and the outside world are! Although he had seen a lot of introductions about the outside world in the Hidden Gold Pavilion in Sanbai Valley before!

But seeing is just seeing! And those books were only written by our ancestors! As for the world, things are constantly changing. How much does Chen Xuan know about the outside world?

Chen Xuan himself felt that it was too little! Chen Xuan felt that he was still a frog in the well! Even though he has reached the first level of Nascent Soul Realm! But that's still too's just a more powerful frog in the well...

Chen Xuan understands this truth in his heart! So I don’t dare to slack off when fighting!

This is still very strong for me now!

Renran's expression became more and more if he had been greatly humiliated...being resisted by an unknown person...but the fire dragon transformed by Renran's consciousness...

But the more he fought, the braver he became... He roared...


The deafening sound made the ground tremble... In an instant, black smoke billowed from the ground... The blue cloud was instantly shrouded in black smoke...


A big hole was actually shattered in Sora... Was the barrier broken? So powerful... Actually, for cultivators... the so-called void is the barrier created during battle...

Generally, the flowers, plants and trees in the boundary will be barren for several years after being plowed! This is the strong man...the strong man can change the world naturally. And the stronger the expert, the larger the barrier he uses when fighting...

Just like when a strong person in the divine realm or a strong person in the earthly fairy realm fights, he or she needs to create a world to fight in...

At this moment, the thick smoke on the ground filled up in an instant... and at this moment, flowers, plants and trees appeared in the barrier... all with this strong fighting spirit /\u003e

But so what, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth!

Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's secondary bodies were also majestically looking down at the entire enchanted world in the void!

The giant red dragon instantly... leaped into the sky... and the roaring wind of the giant red dragon swept up all the objects around the dragon into the sky!


Those flying sand and rocks instantly smashed towards Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary bodies... Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary bodies were on the left and the right... Those ghostly and light dance steps... They calmly matched these mountains. A huge boulder passed by...

And some of them smashed directly at Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary bodies... Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary bodies spontaneously pulled out the Jialan Sword and the auxiliary bodies of the Jialan Sword... and pushed towards those huge rocks. passed...

"Evil beast! Seeking death!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly. In an instant, Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary bodies, Jialan Sword and Jialan Sword's auxiliary bodies... coincidentally smashed towards the rubble...

The blue sword shadow fire... The temperature of the fire was as if the ground was frozen! Then he pushed directly towards those boulders and wild sand... The blue flames made the red dragon feel a great threat!

The giant red dragon roared... and jumped into the sky...

And those blue flames instantly turned into cold white frost and snow, and fiercely wrapped around those boulders and sand...


The wild sand and gravel were instantly frozen into ice cubes by the cold firelight of Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword and its auxiliary body... At this time, Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's secondary bodies... used the Jialan Sword to slash towards the cold ice...


Suddenly, the main body of the Jialan Sword and the blade of its auxiliary body became cold... A huge chill came towards Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary body... But Chen Xuan couldn't see it on his face. A trace of fluctuation...still a cold expression...

And the giant dragon was quickly approaching Chen Xuan's secondary body... At this moment, Renran's main body also turned into a black mad dragon and rushed towards Chen Xuan's main body...

The killing intent of the black dragon at this moment had already made Chen Xuan feel trembling all over... But Chen Xuan's cold expression... suppressed this discomfort...

The giant black dragon rolled up a hurricane, and together with his dragon body... forced it towards Chen Xuan...

"Chen Xuan...go to hell..." The powerful power made Xu Ran couldn't help but tremble... Fortunately, Xu Ran is a strong man at the beginning of the Yuanying Realm... If there are still people who have not reached the Yuanying Realm... The strong man here... might be driven crazy alive...

Chen Xuan's face was still very resolute, and his expression was as peaceful as sleeping... It formed a strong contrast with Ren Ran's ferocious expression at this time... And when Ren Ran saw Chen Xuan so calm... his heart felt... The anger became even more intense...

Why is this Chen Xuan? He's just a person with no family or sect from Xuancheng Continent... He still dares to be so crazy about himself! It is His Majesty the Lord of Xuncheng Continent... whoever sees his invisible door... will immediately kneel down in fright...

After all, when they saw Hede Sect and Guizong's protectors from the lower three sects... they were already close to slandering and flattering... and the Invisible Sect was from the upper three sects! Ren Ran thought in his mind... His murderous intention became more and more intense... The black dragon that Ren Ran transformed into... At this moment, the red flames on the dragon's body were constantly imprinted on the black dragon's runes...

Sparkling... Chen Xuan could naturally feel the powerful killing intent... But at this moment, Chen Xuan was still as calm as ever... And several golden light pillars appeared from the ground instantly... And each golden beam The yellow beams of light suddenly rushed toward Chen Xuan!

The power of the earth?

Chen Xuan was shocked in his heart! Is this the earth power of a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm? So powerful! Chen Xuan frowned slightly! Is this the strength of a mid-level powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm?

Ren Ran looked at Chen Xuan's expression becoming more and more ferocious...but Xu Ran's expression became slightly better! The power of thunder can only be activated by strong people at the middle level of the Nascent Soul Realm... I have never heard of a strong person at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm being able to dodge it...

It is said that the middle-level powerhouses in the Nascent Soul Realm are the kind of people who... can directly activate the power of the earth... and it is said that this power of the earth is extremely powerful... What is even more terrifying is that... this thunder can almost Let the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse spend all his energy... to launch this attack! One can imagine... how terrifying the power of thunder was to Chen Xuanlai this time.

And correspondingly... once Chen Xuan escapes the power of thunder this time... then he will definitely die for Ren Ranlai! The reason is simple... Ren Ran basically used all his energy this time... to complete this blow...

And now the spiritual consciousness in Renran's Dantian is very is almost exhausted...

Instantly, the golden beam of light surrounded Chen Xuan. Suddenly those golden light pillars attracted thunder... and forced them towards Chen Xuan...

Chen Xuan felt that those thunders were like giant beasts from ancient times... covering him crazily... Chen Xuan felt his scalp numb for a while... but his face remained as calm as ever...


"Break it for me!"

Chen Xuan roared.

Chen Xuan struck the giant golden thunder with his sword!


Suddenly, the giant golden thunder was opened with big cracks by Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword...

Chen Xuan's calm expression was in sharp contrast to Ren Ran's ferocious expression...and Xu Ran's surprised expression of disbelief...

He...he actually is this possible?

How could a strong person at the beginning of Nascent Soul Realm be able to block this power of thunder?

It's over... This time he is dead... Xu Ran's face instantly turned pale... He didn't think that Chen Xuan, who couldn't even stop Ren Ran... could be killed by him...

This Chen Xuan actually blocked his own thunder power... This... How is this possible? Ren Ran's face was full of disbelief! What should I do? Ren Ran doesn’t want to die!

But...what should I do now that the spiritual consciousness in my body is indeed very weak?

What should I do?

There are also secondary bodies!

And his own secondary body!

The red dragon transformed by Ren Ran's consciousness changed his previous strategic intention... because Ren Ran didn't think that... his body was so weak now... that he could escape Chen Xuan's pursuit!

But because a strong man at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm... ran away in such a mess! I'm just afraid that if I return to the invisible door... I might be looked down upon by many people!

Damn Chen Xuan...

Now in Ren Ran's heart, the murderous intention towards Chen Xuan is getting stronger and stronger!


Suddenly, the spiritual consciousness that was still weak... came out of his body faintly...

Want to run?

Chen Xuan said to himself...

How could Chen Xuan let Ren Ran run away... If he let Ren Ran escape... then he would most likely be killed later! Chen Xuan's eyes finally showed the long-hidden murderous intention...


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