Slowly, Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness had been exhausted... The feeling of passing by bit by bit finally stopped... because the inside of Chen Xuan's Danhai was empty... There was only Get rid of this so-called body of Danhai!

This made Chen Xuan... couldn't help but secretly curse Jialan Ring's banditry countless times before he passed out! But Chen Xuan still couldn't resist and passed out... Chen Xuan's body seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep... But what made Chen Xuan feel even more incredible was... Chen Xuan himself felt as if he still had some desire for this. The feeling of the world...


Chen Xuan's remaining fragments of consciousness fluctuated. It seemed like something was pulling Chen Xuan violently... What's going on? Chen Xuan's remaining consciousness kept asking himself...

Could he really be that unlucky? Did you meet any powerful enemy?

But something even more painful for Chen Xuan happened...the remaining fragments of Chen Xuan were actually attracted to Jialan Ring!

Chen Xuan's heart now seems to have countless horses collapsing rapidly! What the hell is this! Could this so-called holy weapon really be a powerful holy weapon? God Yu’s distracted consciousness did not have this fact before he disappeared! What exactly is going on!

Chen Xuan's heart felt like it was exploding like a thunderbolt!

But Chen Xuan still resigned to his fate and allowed the gravity of the Jialan Ring to attract him into the blue Jialan Ring! But Chen Xuan is still a little curious about the world inside the Jialan Ring!

Chen Xuan himself has entered the sword realm of Jialan Sword... It is a very interesting space! Although it is still very dangerous! But all this is the fault of Yu Shen’s tens of millions of years old guy!

But this world is still very interesting! That is to say, as a sacred weapon, the Jialan Ring still has its own unique space! Wait...which old ghost designed this Jialan Ring?

It’s God Yu again!

It’s still God Yu!

Yu Shen, this old guy!

Chen Xuan's heart instantly scolded the old guy Yu Shen a thousand times, but he still couldn't feel relieved... so he imagined the scene of him using the Jialan Sword to cut Yu Shen into pieces!

But when Chen Xuan entered the world of Jialan Ring... all these fantasies came to an abrupt end immediately! Just like a fast horse...the speed soared to thousands of yards...and suddenly stopped...

Because Chen Xuan knew in his heart...that was the world of God Yu! Who knows what is in the world of God Yu! If you can't control your emotions well... then whether the remnants of your consciousness can come out alive is still a matter of two!

But what makes Chen Xuan puzzled is that Yu Shen's distraction consciousness was not good before. Did he pass the test? Why is there such a thing... Could it be that the lovely and great Lord Yu has regretted it again?

But how is that possible? After all, God Yu is the ancient god and the pioneer of the Yu world... At least he should be consistent with his words... Chen Xuan thought in his heart and couldn't help but calm down a little more...

But Chen Xuan's vigilance has not relaxed at all!

But Chen Xuan only discovered it when he entered the world inside the Jialan Ring! This is really a blue world... and it's very empty... What's more serious is that the power of the surrounding earth seems to be very full...

Could it be that this barrier allows one to practice?

wrong! Chen Xuan immediately rejected his idea! This is what Chen Xuan asked himself! Has anything been free since he came into this world? He remembered the first time he went to a place like Baifuyu... he had to pay for a meat bun himself... From this point of view... there is no free thing in this world!

Chen Xuan was sure in his heart...

So he was not in a hurry to absorb these so-called earth powers... but was waiting for the master of this enchantment... or the master of this enchantment to show up!

Chen Xuan slowly crossed his legs and sat down... He was not in a hurry to feel the power of the earth... but sat quietly...

"Zi's state of mind is indeed calm enough. I really did not misjudge the person."

That kind and kind smile appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes again... and then came the cold blue firelight... slowly gathering...

Slowly, a handsome man wearing a blue robe appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes... In fact, he was still a bit old... But Chen Xuan had to admit... He was just a little worse than himself. A little bit handsome! Although he is already very handsome! But it’s still a little worse than myself!

Right, still a little bit close

When God Yu learned what Chen Xuan was thinking at the moment...the corners of his mouth twitched slightly for no reason...there was such a shameless person! If only he hadn't passed his own test!

And if he hadn't come to this world...he had no intention of immediately using the power of the earth in this refine it into his own consciousness...otherwise...he would really have doubted whether he had chosen the wrong person!

"Son... first of all, congratulations on your current state of mind! As for this god... I am not the divine consciousness of God Yu Da Rao... This god does not have any spiritual knowledge foundation... This god is just a fragment of my divine consciousness. change……"

Chen Xuan took a look at this old but still very handsome virtual image of God Yu! It's actually just a fragment of spiritual consciousness... It looks like it's the real God Yu... But since it's an imaginary image of God Yu... I have to ask him carefully! Why...this Jialan Ring is like a terrifying robber!

He keeps absorbing his own spiritual consciousness... but he is still out of his control! You are not under your control...then forget it...but you can't absorb so much of Chen Xuan's own consciousness...

Chen Xuan was thinking...

God Yu's fragment of consciousness just smiled. He seemed very calm... and seemed to have answered Chen Xuandao very reasonably... "This Jialan Ring... is different from the Jialan Sword... I must have told you this with my mind-distracting consciousness a long time ago!" "

Yu Shen's fragment of consciousness smiled and said to Chen Xuandao. Chen Xuan looked at this kind smile...and suddenly felt so shameless! This shameless smile made Chen Xuan want to punch him...

But Chen Xuan's reason told him... This is the phantom of God Yu, just a fragment of God Yu's consciousness... It won't hurt if you beat him! What's more, this great and cute ... and the kind Yu Shen is the pioneer of the Yu realm ... as a younger ... how can he beat him? What's more... why should I argue with an old monster who has been dead for tens of millions of years?

All right……

Chen Xuan still admitted it... because he couldn't beat him now! My consciousness has been exhausted... I'm afraid that one punch will be no different from an ordinary person...

Of course, the fragments of Yu Shen's consciousness could know the so-called Chen Xuan's thoughts at this moment... The corners of his mouth twitched again... Once again, he began to doubt whether... he had chosen the wrong person!

Can such a shameless person save Yujie?

Forget it... At present, Jialan Sword and Jialan Ring have recognized their masters... If they want to change, I'm afraid they can't change it yet... This great God Yu suddenly began to feel sorry for a young man named Chuangshi!

I'm afraid he has also been tortured by this shameless Chen Xuan! But if God Yu knew that this old man of creation was even more shameless than Chen Xuan... would he plan to blind his own eyes?

"Okay... let's get down to business... this place is for you to practice... and you can only practice here when you use the Jialan Ring to teleport... and cause a void crisis in your consciousness..."

"And the cultivation resources here are of course not without price! If you want to refine the consciousness without price... you can only find it in your dreams!" The tone of God Yu's fragments of consciousness was very serious and solemn... It doesn’t look like the joking attitude just now…

Chen Xuan also put away the dark side before... His expression also looked very cold and arrogant... He wanted to continue listening... He wanted to know about it... Such a cultivation resource that all practitioners dream of ...What kind of price does it cost to get... But it should be something that I can achieve!

Chen Xuan thought to himself, otherwise what would be the use of God Yu creating this broken world? I want to worry to death about his successor...Is there still a young master of Yu Realm...Chen Xuan thinks that Yu God should not be so boring!

Chen Xuan still feels that he can be sure of this...

"Hmph! The price will not be simple... After all, such cultivation resources... can only be met here... By the way... I forgot to talk to you... Although I am just a fragment of God Yu's consciousness... …”

"But I can create divine consciousness or I can create an entire world! This is why...Lord Yu Shen...the most important reason why you keep me here!"

The distracted consciousness of God Yu smiled and said to Chen Xuandao. Make the whole world? Could it be that the price is the secret realm and monster beasts...or some kind of trial? Could it be that the cultivation opportunity here is... something that needs to be exchanged for with one's own great life?

"Hmph! What you guessed is what I thought! That's it! I go back and create a barrier... and when you refine this so-called power of the earth to the point... when your alchemy sea is full! Then At that time... that's when you will be transported to the secret realm!"

"Of course it doesn't matter whether you...can come back alive in the secret long as you go to the secret realm...then the price of the opportunity to practice can be written off!"

God Yu's fragment of consciousness smiled and said to Chen Xuandao...

Risking your life again! Although the effect of absorbing spiritual consciousness outside the Jialan Ring... meditating on spiritual consciousness may be far less than that here... because the concentration of earth power in the world here is a little bit stronger than outside... isn't it?

That's a huge difference! In this case, Chen Xuan is willing to risk his life! Chen Xuan still wants to return to his peak strength as soon as possible! If what if we take a risk?

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