Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1645 Restoring Divine Consciousness

Chen Xuan's cold expression...looking at the fragments of God Yu's consciousness...he kept muttering in his could this old guy like God Yu be like this...surprise himself every time...give him treasures...

You always have to pay the same price...

But Chen Xuan still agreed... The reason was simple... He didn't want to stay this weak for too long...

"Boy... I forgot to talk to you... that..."

Yu Shen's consciousness fragment said slowly...

"Give it to me quickly!"

At this moment, Chen Xuan couldn't care less about etiquette and morals... he shouted quickly... This made the fragment of God Yu's consciousness just smile... without too much care...

God Yu's fragmented consciousness... then said in a leisurely manner... "Let's talk about the Jialan Ring! It may be that my distracted consciousness... dissipated before I could finish it for you..."

At this time, God Yu's fragmented consciousness felt like a mean old man... Chen Xuan looked at it and kept wanting to hit him...

But Chen Xuan still resisted the urge to hit him... and then listened to the fragments of God Yu and gained consciousness!

"That's it...your Jialan Ring cannot be controlled at will until you reach the Earthly Immortal Realm..."

"Because the Jialan Ring is a treasure of the Earthly Immortal Realm... In fact, in theory, only practitioners in the Earthly Immortal Realm can really use it... More accurately, only after the Jialan Sword recognizes its owner..."

"Only this Jialan Ring will follow this real master...and this real master can only have the right to control him when he reaches the Earthly Immortal Realm..." God Yu smiled and looked at Chen Xuandao...

Chen Xuan nodded, and then listened to the fragments of Yu God Da Rao's consciousness coming down one after another.

Chen Xuan secretly thought... God Yu had never experienced these distractions before! I don’t know if this Yu Shen fragment’s consciousness is because... people get older... their memory becomes worse...

It was still when Master Yu split this divine consciousness... He had not yet split the divine consciousness...

Maybe it's the second one... After all, Chen Xuan feels... this old man seems more like a defective product!

Yes... more like a defective product!

After all, it’s really rare to see Yu Shen smile so naughtyly! Chen Xuan secretly cursed in his heart...

God Yu then continued...

"If... your strength does not meet the requirements of the Jialan Ring... that is..."

Chen Xuan felt that this defective spiritual consciousness fragment of God Yu... was too defective...

His words are slow and leisurely... and he still doesn't focus on the point... he talks cheaply... and he still doesn't have the air of a king...

If he hadn't appeared in the Jialan Ring...or if he had the same appearance as God Yu...if not...there would be no benefit in pretending to be a defective product of God Yu...

Chen Xuan really wants to doubt whether this fragmented consciousness of God Yu... is left behind after the split of God Yu...

Why is this so abnormal?

After God Yu finished these things... Chen Xuan just cursed secretly in his heart... God Yu's fragmented consciousness... of course could hear what Chen Xuan was thinking... This made the corners of his mouth twitch...

He wanted to tell this inexplicable young man... that he was not a defective product! But he felt was better to get the business done...but Chen Xuan felt more and more...

Yu Shen's tone was even slower... It's called tempering one's mind... Yeah! It should be my unshirkable obligation to help the successor...the future young master of the Yu hone his character, right?

Chen Xuan could no longer control his mentality... he was criticizing this inferior Yu God's consciousness...

God Yu’s fragmented consciousness then arrived...

"You have to know...if your strength does not reach...the Earth Fairy Realm...then you will be led by the Jialan Ring..."

"First, you can't control the landing point when you teleport...bad luck..."

"Maybe you will just come out of the Tiger Mountain and enter the wolf's den...and then be cut into pieces...and swallowed!"

"Also... no matter where you use the Jialan Ring to transfer you... you will..."

"You need to devote all your spiritual consciousness... which means you will be weak for a long time... That's right... you will be weak for a long time..."

"Of course, the inside of the Jialan Ring... can also allow you... to recover at a high speed... but there is a price!"

"But I still advise you... advise you to come here to practice... otherwise you will meet your enemies... hum... then I'm afraid..."

Chen Xuan fell into deep thought as he listened to the words of God Yu's fragmented consciousness... He felt more and more that this Jialan Ring was not a sacred weapon... it was used to trick his father... at least it was used to trick Chen Xuan...

But what makes Chen Xuan even more distressed is that... this Jialan Ring cannot be transferred... let alone auctioned!

the reason is simple!

Once the Jialan Sword recognizes its owner...then the Jialan Ring will recognize its owner along with him...What this means is...only Chen Xuan can control him...even if he sells it to someone else...

It will also return to Chen Xuan instantly... More importantly, unless Chen Xuan's consciousness dies...

Otherwise, he will never be able to escape from this deceptive Jialan Ring Sacred Artifact in his life... yes... he will almost never be able to escape from it...

Chen Xuan looked at God Yu's fragmented consciousness... and cursed him secretly in his heart again...

By the way, I fantasized about cutting him into pieces with a thousand cuts... The fragmented consciousness of God Yu felt that the scene in Chen Xuan's mind was too bloody...

I couldn't help but... break out in a cold sweat... God Yu's fragmented consciousness instantly felt... this guy Chen Xuan... I don't know if he made the right choice...

From now on, there will still be a bloody storm in Yujie! However, in troubled times, it is also consistent to use a decisive monarch to kill...

Chen Xuan's mind is still immersed in whether this fragment of God Yu's consciousness is... a defective product... This question is still in his mind... He feels...

Yu Shen had nothing to do... He made a defective product of his own and came here to do it. But Yu Shen's fragmented consciousness felt in his heart... It was as if a stormy sea was rolling up!

He is actually a defective product! For thousands of years...which cultivator would be so bold?

Dare you be a defective product?

"By the way... I also want to make it clear... I am not a defective product!" God Yu's fragmented consciousness... finally couldn't bear it anymore... he shouted at Chen Xuan... and then looked at him with contempt. glanced at Chen Xuan...


"Don't you know that a strong person in the divine realm can split his consciousness into something different from his own personality?"

"Don't you know that the personality of a powerful person in the divine realm is not single-minded?"

The eyes of God Yu's fragmented consciousness seemed to be emitting streams of blazing fire...

Chen Xuan still looked at the fragmented consciousness of God Yu with disdain... But... he found that the fragmented consciousness of God Yu had completely lost the demeanor of God Yu before...

However, these words surprised Chen Xuan... It turns out that once he reaches the level of a strong man in the divine realm... he can become whatever he wants... and even change the world to what he wants. The way you want it...

This made Chen Xuan more and more eager... He longed to become stronger... He wanted to reach the divine realm...

He wanted to repay Chen He... Luo Lan and his brother Zhan Zhe... and his master He Wei...

If I could become stronger... Shanggui Sect and Hede Sect... it would be easy to kill them all without leaving any trace...

But Chen Xuan must endure it now! I can only endure it...according to Chen Xuan's current strength at the elementary level of Nascent Soul Realm...

I'm just afraid that there is no other end for the past...only death...there will be no hope for this revenge...

There is only death...

So Chen Xuan can only tolerate it now...

God Yu looked at Chen Xuan's current character... and couldn't help but nod... He felt that Chen Xuan's current character... was really... pretty good... at least under such strong hatred...

It's really rare to be able to maintain the calmness that you should have...even though you are young and talented...

But a calm mentality is indispensable...


God Yu's fragmented consciousness secretly hummed in his heart and thought... When did God Yu miss the right person?

"Okay, I won't disturb your practice... When you finish your practice... then you will face a fierce battle..."

"If you are not strong enough to defeat the monster... then your consciousness will be destroyed..."

"Then... I'm afraid your true body will never wake up again... and you will justifiably die!"

The fragmented consciousness of God Yu was very calm when he said this... The fragmented consciousness of God Yu thought in his mind... Although this Chen Xuan has a good temperament and talent...

But there is still a lack of experience! If this experience can really temper the character of Chen Xuan, the future young master of Yu Realm... then it will naturally be quite good...

God Yu's fragmented consciousness looked at Chen Xuan slowly sitting down cross-legged... and then a blue halo appeared outside his body...

God Yu’s fragmented consciousness knows that... this Chen Xuan has already started practicing at this moment...

And Chen Xuan’s spiritual consciousness feels that... this world is really good... because Chen Xuan feels that there are countless earth powers surrounding him...

Chen Xuan felt that his Dan Hai... was like a pedestrian who had been hungry for a long time... working desperately and crazily... to absorb the power of the earth... Chen Xuan's Dan Hai was slowly refining the power of the earth...

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