Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1646 The World Inside the Jialan Ring

Chen Xuan could finally begin to regain his consciousness... Chen Xuan slowly sat down cross-legged and found... Chen Xuan found that there were countless light spots surrounding him.

Chen Xuan understood that it might be the so-called power of the earth. And what Chen Xuan probably lacks the most right now is this stuff! And the cost of absorbing this thing is so high! This made Chen Xuan want to curse!

Chen Xuan looked at these earth powers and really hoped that his Danhai could quickly grow in size at this moment! Then, Chen Xuan can absorb as much of these earth powers as possible...and Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness...maybe there will be more and more...more and more...but Chen Xuan looked at his Danhai, I can only sigh...

Chen Xuan had already begun to meditate on his spiritual consciousness at this time... constantly comprehending the power of these earth! And these so-called power of the earth... are now being attracted by... the gravity of Chen Xuan's Danhai... Chen Xuan feels as wonderful as a spring breeze at this moment! Chen Xuan felt that the power of earth in this Jialan Ring was different... it seemed that compared with the power of earth outside... every power... seemed to be more full!

The fragment transformed by God Yu's consciousness now realized what Chen Xuan was thinking... with a slightly disdainful expression on his eyes! How could Master Yushen take advantage of you?

Of course, the greater the price you is impossible for Master Yu to let you absorb...the power of the earth that can be absorbed outside...the power of the earth will naturally be very different...

The fragment of consciousness transformed by God Yu secretly cursed. But it is a pity that Chen Xuan cannot hear this slander at this moment... Otherwise, Chen Xuan will definitely create some secondary bodies to absorb it after the main body has absorbed such spiritual consciousness! Until the power of the earth here is absorbed!

But if the fragments of God Yu's consciousness knew what Chen Xuan was thinking at this moment... would he be so angry that he would vomit out his own internal organs? Maybe it really will happen...

Chen Xuan slowly felt the power of these lands... Of course, the world Chen Xuan sees with his spiritual consciousness is very different from what we ordinary people see! Chen Xuan closed his eyes and felt the inside of his already empty Dan Hai... Chen Xuan felt that his Dan Hai was like a dried up ocean. Chen Xuan felt that these huge earth powers... after he meditated on his spiritual consciousness... would turn into the water inside his Dan Hai... and could continuously enrich his Dan Hai... until his Dan Hai was filled with spiritual consciousness. Completely filled...

Chen Xuan was feeling these spiritual consciousnesses at this moment, and faint blue halos appeared around Chen Xuan... And at this moment, the juice of the void in the inner world of the Jialan Ring... also slowly appeared a blue halo. The beam of light... And of course this blue beam of light slowly moved towards where Chen Xuan was sitting cross-legged...

Chen Xuan felt as if he was soaring in a hot spring juice with extremely therapeutic temperature... His whole body was warm... What was even more special was that Chen Xuan felt that waves of warmth were emerging from his Danhai...

And these waves of warm currents are constantly irrigating his Dan Hai... giving his almost completely dry Dan Hai a glimmer of life again... Chen Xuan feels that his Dan Hai is also reviving as juice... Of course Chen Xuan was a little overjoyed...

Chen Xuan was also feeling the changes inside his body at this moment... While Chen Xuan was meditating on his spiritual consciousness, he felt that there seemed to be countless halos surrounding Chen Xuan outside his body... and Chen Xuan felt even more incredible. The thing is...the color of these haloes is not constant! The color of this halo is slowly changing from light to dark...

How is this going?

Could it be that the fullness of the earth power in this Jialan Ring can also be changed... Could it be that the earth power in this world is not static? How is this going?

Since Chen Xuan came to this world, he has heard that... this so-called power of earth is something given by God... Even the so-called Tao exists according to the power of earth...

But now Chen Xuan discovered that the power of earth in this Jialan Ring can actually be changed! In other words, God Yu actually created a world that can change the power of the earth?

Generally speaking, the created world...the power of earth is injected by the creator...and this so-called creator, if he is a strong man in the earth fairyland...then the world he created has the power of earth... It comes from his own body...

That is to say, a strong person in the Earthly Immortal Realm will inject the power of the earth into the world he creates... and according to the consumption of this so-called world... he will continue to attract the power of the earth from his body and inject it into it... But once the Earthly Immortal Realm is strong... The person died a violent death...or fell away! Then the power of this earth will disappear quickly... without being replenished!

This is why the world created by the powerful in the Earthly Immortal Realm cannot exist forever! But the powerful ones in the divine realm are very different...the earth power of the world they create is entirely forged from the earth power of the outside world...

That is to say, the earth power of the world created by the powerful gods... is supplemented by the earth power of the entire world... so the earth power of this world...

It will be added to the world created by the powerful gods... But what Chen Xuan understands in his heart is... that means that God Yu can... change the power of the entire earth in his world?

And it's like a stove... being heated slowly? Slowly becoming fuller? This is simply incredible! Chen Xuan was sighing while thinking about his spiritual consciousness!

This is almost impossible to achieve...because although God Yu has reached the divine realm, he is still a cultivator in this world! And as far as Yu Shen's previous distraction... Even the people on the other side of the Tao can only transform the power of the earth for their own use... But how can it be possible to change the power of the earth? If only the power of the earth could really be changed!

Don’t you really own the whole world? What are you still afraid of? Chen Xuan became more and more confused... He found that there were too many secrets that he couldn't understand...


Could this be the reason why God Yu asked him to come to this world? In other words, God Yu had already planned it from the beginning? Chen Xuan was very surprised! I'm afraid there is no other person in the world who can compare to this kind of character...

But Chen Xuan felt that since God Yu allowed him to enter this world! That is to say, Chen Xuan will know these secrets sooner or may still need to be tempered by the old guy Yu Shen...

When Chen Xuan thought of this, he didn't think much about it. Since you will know it sooner or later...then what's the use of making wild guesses? It's better to... replenish one's spiritual consciousness... wait until that old guy Yu Shen's distracted consciousness tells him... what on earth is going on...

But it is undeniable that... Chen Xuan can currently feel that Yu Shen is far more powerful than himself... The so-called divine realm of Deng Jie Kuai Ma that he has seen through is only the so-called... first level. coat……

Perhaps it is the most inconspicuous thing about God Yu...the one that I feel is the most useless...and how many secrets does God Yu hide? Chen Xuan doesn't know either... So how powerful is the so-called Tao? Could it be that this so-called Tao is far beyond what Chen Xuan's current class of strong men could imagine?

Chen Xuan himself was not sure... This made Chen Xuan lament his own insignificance once again... Although the Nascent Soul Realm in this world is already very powerful... But Chen Xuan knew in his heart... that he is now in the Tao In human eyes... they may not even be comparable to a child... because even a strong man like Yu Shen thinks they are very powerful... So Chen Xuan's current strength...

Isn't he worse than a baby in front of them?

Chen Xuan did not blame others because of his insignificance! But he felt that he had a chance to stand with those so-called Taoists... and to compete with them! And even though he is so insignificant now, in their eyes he may just be an ant struggling to his death! But so what? Chen Xuan felt that there was always someone he could surpass them! right! There is always a possibility!

At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to feel as calm as if his heart had stopped... And what Chen Xuan could feel at this time... the power of this land was getting stronger and stronger! Um? Chen Xuan sighed! What's going on? Could it be that... Chen Xuan's state of mind at this moment... could make the power of this place become stronger and stronger? This surprised Chen Xuan very much!

This is impossible!

When Chen Xuan was practicing in the outside world before, the power of the earth... would never change... that is, Chen Xuan... At this moment, when Chen Xuan was meditating on his spiritual consciousness... if he was in extremely good condition... then he would The power of earth that can be felt in this world will be several times that of the outside world...

If Chen Xuan is practicing in the outside world at this moment...then Chen Xuan's current state of cultivation...that is, the state of meditating on his spiritual consciousness depends on...the so-called state of mind of Chen Xuan meditating on his spiritual consciousness...then if Chen Xuan is meditating on his spiritual consciousness... The state of mind of consciousness... If the heart is as still as water... then the power of the earth that can be absorbed will be much more... But... it doesn't seem to be like this in this world...

Because the power of the earth that Chen Xuan has absorbed in this world will also change with the changes in Chen Xuan's meditation consciousness at this moment! That is to say, if Chen Xuan is meditating on his spiritual consciousness at this moment... that is, if Chen Xuan's state of meditating on his spiritual consciousness at this moment becomes very high... then the fullness of the power of the earth in this world will also increase with Chen Xuan's state. Xuan's mood at this time changed and changed!

If Chen Xuan is not in such a good mood at the moment... then the power of the earth he can absorb will be much less than what he can get from meditating on the spiritual consciousness in the outside world...

Almost the power of the earth... is like a wallflower who becomes stronger when strong and weak when weak...

But this is also a great benefit to Chen Xuan! Because what Chen Xuan is best at is not cultivation! But control your own mind!

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