Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1648 The battle with the phantom (2)

Chen Xuan came to the inside of the cave... He found that the cave seemed to be bottomless... Chen Xuan felt as if he had fallen into an abyss without seeing the sun...

In fact, the main reason is... Chen Xuan still doesn't know the strength of the person inside... But the person Yu Shen brought to test him... And that one time when he wouldn't let himself risk his life?

So at this moment, Chen Xuan still dare not be careless! Chen Xuan slowly poured his spiritual consciousness into the juice of the Jialan Sword... The blue runes of the Jialan Sword were instantly lit up...

Illuminating Chen Xuan's path forward. Chen Xuan's eyes could vaguely see the things inside the cave... Chen Xuan felt that this cave was more like a huge palace than a cave...

That's right, it looks like a huge palace! This made Chen Xuan feel that this trial might be even more unfathomable than he imagined! A monster that uses such a huge cave as a palace...

I'm afraid it's also a giant beast from ancient times... Chen Xuan thought about it. And the giant beasts from the Great Desolate River may have reached Linxian Realm by now... So wouldn't it be certain that he would die if he went there this time?

Chen Xuan asked himself.

But then, Chen Xuan felt that he might have thought too complicatedly... This legendary ancient beast was just the fragmented consciousness of God Yu...

However, the fragmented consciousness of God Yu will definitely not reach the Earthly Immortal Realm... Maybe this monster is just a creature with the appearance of the Earthly Immortal Realm... and its own strength is just a paper tiger in the Nascent Soul Realm...

After Chen Xuan thought about it like this, his heart felt a little calmer... In that case, Chen Xuan felt that he was still sure. I just don’t know if this monster is at the peak of the Yuanying Realm, the middle level of the Yuanying Realm, or just the beginning of the Yuanying Realm like Chen Xuan?


Suddenly, the shocking roar was getting closer and closer to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan understood that this meant that he was getting closer to the monster. Suddenly, the valley around Chen Xuan... the earth and rocks in the valley... instantly rolled up two feet high due to the roar of the earthquake, and crashed directly towards the top of the valley.


Suddenly, a huge hole was knocked out of the top of the valley. Chen Xuan looked at the hole at the top of the valley. I feel that this monster may have reached the peak strength of the Nascent Soul Realm...

The explosive power of this roar is so strong that it may have reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Chen Xuan was secretly worried, what should he do?

This time God Yu’s test was so harsh! This... I am still only a strong person at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm! The other party is two levels higher than me... What should I do?

But although Chen Xuan was constantly thinking in his heart. But Chen Xuan's face is still as calm as ever... There is even a hint of coldness and arrogance on his face... And the depth of his eyes at this moment... seems to be bottomless... eyes as deep as the ocean , able to bury all Chen Xuan's emotions deeply at this moment...

Chen Xuan looked resolutely at the front illuminated by the blue light of the Jialan Sword... Chen Xuan's footsteps never hesitated or paused... and then strode forward.

"Bold man! It's been tens of millions of years... It's been tens of millions of years... No human has dared to come near my palace and disturb me! How dare you, an ignorant doll like you, to disturb me!"

The monster beast roared, and as the monster beast roared, the palace-like cave began to collapse... But the monster beast looked at Chen Xuan's unhurried expression and became interested... After all, This human like Chen Xuan has not been encountered in the memory of this monster for thousands of years... Humans like Chen Xuan... turned into interesting playthings and delicious tonic food in the eyes of the monster...

Of course, Chen Xuan saw the demonic beast's interested expression in him... But Chen Xuan's eyes stared at the demonic beast without fear... The demonic beast's face began to become ferocious...

Chen Xuan took a look at this monster... His whole body was fully armed with huge red scales... And there was a two-meter-large horn on his head...

What made this monster look so ferocious... But it wasn't the big horn that caught Chen Xuan's attention more, but the runes on this monster's face. This made Chen Xuan feel unusually familiar...

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

"Bold human! You are not afraid of me... Hmm, you are so brave... But since you dare to disturb me... you will suffer the consequences of... being cut into pieces by me!" The monster's face became more ferocious. He looked at Chen Xuan and found that Chen Xuan was just sizing him up... but not afraid of him... This made the monster seem to have suffered endless humiliation...

But Chen Xuan seemed to remember...where he had seen this which book it should be...Chen Xuan thought...and Chen Xuan was thinking about...the origin of this monster...then he automatically Ignoring what this monster said...

The monster thought that Chen Xuan was frightened by himself... so it became even more arrogant...

"Son...if you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy from me right now...I will let you choose a way to die! My Tao will do it..."

This made Chen Xuan feel that this monster looked even more familiar... Suddenly Chen Xuan suddenly remembered the origin of this monster! It’s the Cangjin Pavilion in Sanbai Valley! Yes, that's right there!

The name of this monster is Phantom... it is an ancient monster! It is said that he likes killing... and has a very cruel personality... he can speak human language... and has a huge rune carved on his face! And this huge rune is his restriction... It can make him sealed in the juice of the valley palace forever... unable to take even half a step...

So that's it... Chen Xuan understood in his heart... It was really a monster that was transformed according to the divine consciousness of the ancient beast... But this phantom has reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, so I'm afraid it's not very easy to deal with. ah!

what to do?

Chen Xuan was thinking about countermeasures in his mind, but Chen Xuan was also dealing with this monster at the same time...

"I... I came to this valley unintentionally... Could you please tell me, your venerable sir... at least so that I can understand... where is this place?"

The first thing Chen Xuan needs to do now is to understand clearly the situation here!

What Chen Xuan wants to know more about at this moment is this powerful he is...

Now Chen Xuan understands... If he doesn't understand the phantom clearly... I'm afraid he will probably die from it today...

But at this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes looked extremely if he was not facing a giant beast...just an ordinary monster...

"Hmph! Then I will let you die clearly... I have been sealed to this place by that guy Yu Shen... for more than tens of millions of years..."

"And... that old immortal God Yu... sealed me here... I discovered that... my consciousness is passing away with the passage of time..."

At this point... Phantom's expression... looks very heavy... It can be seen... Maybe God Yu is afraid that Phantom will harm Yu Realm, so he did this... And this Phantom is probably someone who hates Yu Realm... …

So as soon as he came... he wanted to eat him... Chen Xuan seemed to understand this phantom...

Then Phantom continued...

"But...your appearance is really a great supplement to my spiritual consciousness! Huh! You are also a subject of God Yu...that old guy...killing you can be regarded as being killed for me. It takes thousands of years to get back just a little bit..."

Phantom's facial expression looked very ferocious...especially when he mentioned...being imprisoned for tens of millions of years...

However, Chen Xuan felt that God Yu was really ruthless... It would be better to imprison Phantom for thousands of years than to kill him right then...

But could it be that God Yu had made adequate preparations for his own affairs thousands of years ago? Could it be that after tens of millions of years, God Yu had predicted that he would come back here one day and meet the phantom...

This is simply too scary... God Yu is truly unfathomable... Chen Xuan once again lamented God Yu.

But what Chen Xuan didn't expect even more was what happened after the phantom...

"I don't know what's going on with God Yu's hometown now... Huh... I'm not even strong enough to fight with him now..."

"At that time, I was also on the eve of the tribulation... but I was... imprisoned by a god like Yu Shen... It was really..."

"This old guy Yu Shen should still be out there... Humph! After I kill you... and eat you..."

"Break free of the restriction... Then you can take revenge on that old guy Yu Shen... Remember that old guy Yu Shen..."

"If someone breaks in... and is eaten by him, that's his intention... God Yu will be waiting for his revenge..."

This made Chen Xuan even more surprised, that is, God Yu had expected to come here for a long time. And all of this is the path arranged by God Yu, a being who existed millions of years ago. But God Yu is so powerful...

He didn't expect that he would be killed by Taoist people... so he would be waiting for Phantom to take revenge somewhere, right?


However, Chen Xuan discovered that God Yu might not be as simple as he thought... It was very possible that God Yu could even predict his own death date...

Just imagine... if God Yu had meant it if someone broke in and was eaten... that means God Yu had already begun to prepare for the successor he was looking for after his death...

It seems that this Taoist person is really very powerful! Even God Yu is so afraid...

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