Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1649 The battle with the phantom (3)

Although Chen Xuan was very shocked... But at this moment, Chen Xuan's face was as calm as ever. It was like the phantom was just chatting with Chen Xuan. That’s all…

But Chen Xuan was constantly thinking in his mind at this moment. what to do? What should I do? Is it true that I can only serve others as slaves and others as fish and meat?

Chen Xuan thought.

But Phantom didn't give him much time to think at this moment. What Phantom wants at this moment is to kill Chen Xuan and... break out of this illusion. Fight with that old man Yu Shen! Or completely absorb Chen Xuan's power and fight God Yu! But... this phantom doesn't know at this moment... It turns out that the world of Yujie has undergone earth-shaking changes! Chen Xuan had no intention of revealing the inner world of Phantom. He didn't want Phantom to go crazy...

But at this moment, Chen Xuan was more worried about how to deal with the phantom's attack...

But the phantom didn't give Chen Xuan any more time to think...


The phantom suddenly jumped up... and rushed towards Chen Xuan crazily... What was roaring in its mouth was hell-like flames. Chen Xuan's eyes were fascinated by such scorching flames! Chen Xuan suddenly felt in his heart that...this so-called phantom might very well not be his opponent at all...

That feeling of powerlessness instantly filled Chen Xuan's heart...

what to do?

What should I do?

Suddenly, Chen Xuan also jumped up and thrust towards the phantom with a palm...

Since either you die or I die...then I, Chen Xuan, will fight with you! At this moment, Chen Xuan's face seemed to turn purple... and Chen Xuan's palm also roared like hurricanes...

The huge mountain-like palm is like a huge axe. The mountains that struck along the way directly split those huge mountains into pieces...


The fragments spread in the void... and the fragments also brought about bursts of hurricanes... and those hurricanes swept the trees with a radius of hundreds of feet in this area directly into the void...

And the phantom in the void suddenly felt that... Chen Xuan might not be as simple as he thought. And the hell-like flames on the phantom's body burned even more intensely...

"Die to me, humans... This world belongs to us monsters... And the ignorance of that God Yu... actually called him Yu Realm! Without us monsters... You humans would have been so called long ago." The Tao must have been crushed into pieces..."


Why is it Tao again?

This monster from the Yu Realm actually knows about it?

What kind of existence is Tao? Are these monsters helping humans in Yu Realm, or are they the Tao that cultivators in Yu Realm can resist?

What exactly is going on?

Chen Xuan was also very confused at this moment...

At this moment, the flames on the phantom were pushed directly towards Chen Xuan's chest...


Chen Xuan's chest was violently swallowed by the burning flames. The flame is like the soul fire in hell... it can directly burn the human soul...

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body seemed to be slowly being burned to black. But Chen Xuan's consciousness at this moment was constantly clearing... Chen Xuan felt the blessing of strong pain.

And that feeling is like thousands of ants eating away at your heart. And my skin seemed to be thrown into a huge hot pot juice at this moment...


Chen Xuan couldn't help but screamed out... At this moment, Phantom looked at Chen Xuan, his eyes full of pride...

"Son...I'm going to sacrifice your soul to be my food...hahaha..."

The phantom looked at Chen Xuan with longing eyes. Soon! He can get out soon... As long as the soul of this guy named Chen Xuan turns to ashes... Then he can get out of this ghost place...

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to die... Chen Xuan felt that the consciousness he had recovered for a long time... was slowly drying up...

What's even more frightening is that there is an even worse phenomenon... Chen Xuan feels that the strength of his Dan Hai is constantly shrinking! That’s still flirty! If your spiritual consciousness dries up, you can still meditate... But if your Dantian dries up... wouldn't that mean you're finished? Chen Xuan's heart seemed to have dropped to freezing point!

what to do?

Are you really going to die?

Chen Xuan had seen it in the Hidden Gold Pavilion before when he was in Sanbai Valley! Before a practitioner dies, his alchemy sea will suddenly shrink. Known as the fission period…

And once the fission period has passed, even if the cultivator is a strong man in the divine realm, it will be difficult to go back... Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be suddenly dragged towards the prison.

But at this moment, Phantom's expression was full of joy! He was about to go out... He could feel that Chen Xuan's consciousness was getting weaker and weaker... He could even feel that Chen Xuan's soul was no longer able to struggle and had fallen into despair... and he would get it right away. This so-called delicious food! Get it now!

At this moment, Chen Xuan's heart was no longer panicking, and he was no longer thinking calmly. But calm, Chen Xuan knew that he was probably dead today!

Since he was going to die now, why would Chen Xuan struggle any more. Chen Xuan slowly felt it. He felt that his Dantian was slowly shrinking...

Intermediate level of the Transformation God Realm...

Beginner level of the Divine Transformation Realm...

Intermediate level of Jindan realm...

The rate of shrinkage in Dantian was actually getting faster and fast that Chen Xuan had no time to feel sad...only despair...Chen Xuan remembered God Yu's instructions...not only laughed and cursed calmly...

"For a waste like me, wouldn't it mean that Yu Shen would blind his eyes by looking for me..."

But his chest slowly turned from red to golden flames. And Chen Xuan felt that the golden flame seemed to have turned into a pill-shaped object, constantly absorbing Chen Xuan's cultivation. And Chen Xuan felt that this golden pill seemed to be a bottomless pit, outside his chest... but close to his chest.

Chen Xuan didn't know what the golden elixir was? But Chen Xuan knew that this golden pill didn't seem to have any intention of stopping. But Chen Xuan could only feel this golden elixir. I felt his presence. As for his physical form, let alone Chen Xuan, he didn't even see his phantom!

Chen Xuan slowly felt that the golden pill... was about to stop. Not because he was almost full...

But Chen Xuan's cultivation at this moment has degraded to the middle level of Xudan realm!


Chen Xuan was burned by the fire of his soul... He felt in pain and despair that he was doomed... Now Chen Xuan is going to die... From this fire, there will be no more Chen Xuan in the Yu world.

Even though Chen Xuan was so determined, he couldn't help but shed a few tears of grief.

It’s not because of Chen Xuan’s ridiculous pain, but because Chen Xuan is unwilling to do so! Chen Xuan left unwillingly. Chen Xuan felt that he had not destroyed the entire Guizong. Chen Xuan felt that he had not let Hede Zong disappear from his eyes. Chen Xuan seemed to see He's smile. Chen Xuan wonders if He will blame him?

Chen Xuan seemed to see Zhan Zhe's confident self-confidence and his extremely trusting eyes. Chen Xuan didn't know if Zhan Zhe would hate him...

Chen Xuan seemed to have seen what was going on! The second deceased teacher in his life... Chen Xuan seemed to see his incomparable ambition, and Chen Xuan seemed to see his incomparable expectations for Chen Xuan... But what could Chen Xuan do at this time? Chen Xuan could only wait helplessly for death to come. Chen Xuan could only feel the endless pain of death.

Chen Xuan seemed to be able to see Chuangshi at Xundu College at this moment... Chuangshi was reading his letter at this moment...waiting for him to become stronger...and then come back to save Xuncheng Continent, and The entire Yu world...

But Chen Xuan can't do it now. All Chen Xuan can do now is to wait for death, and wait for his consciousness to turn into a puff of smoke in this endless pain...

Then he was swallowed into the body by this phantom... Outside of storage, Chen Xuan felt that he really couldn't do anything... Chen Xuan's heart was finally no longer calm. Chen Xuan felt that he hated it! Chen Xuan seemed to have endless hatred in his heart, and endless unwillingness in his heart... The golden pill seemed to feel the fluctuations in Chen Xuan's heart at this moment...

What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that the golden elixir... the golden light began to vibrate violently... While Chen Xuan felt that his heart was being eaten by countless ants... Chen Xuan could still feel the golden elixir. The pain that the yellow elixir brought to me... the pain seemed to be worse than countless ants gnawing at my state of mind.

It was a kind of extreme pain. For example, Chen Xuan felt that his heart was still being eaten by ants in the stove at this moment, but the next second, Chen Xuan felt as if his heart was being eaten by countless ants in the cold ice. Ants gnaw!

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a huge despair... At this moment, Chen Xuan's body was being baked in a furnace that seemed to have millions of degrees... Chen Xuan's skin turned into a coke-like black. But slowly the skin began to ooze that boiling water. But after a while, Chen Xuan's body began to... emit billowing steam...

Chen Xuan knew that his skin was starting to become crazily dehydrated... It seemed that he was about to be tortured to death by this phantom... Chen Xuan was completely desperate...

Chen Xuan felt that he might really have no life this time... Chen Xuan's face began to become ferocious... But Chen Xuan's face became more ferocious at this moment... and he was suspended in Chen Xuan's only consciousness. The golden pill... the light trembled more violently... Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of pill it was!

But Chen Xuan hates it!

Chen Xuan's twisted face was facing the phantom. That gaze seemed like countless cold-light iron swords... capable of forcibly cutting this phantom into pieces...

Looking at Phantom like this, his heart began to tremble...

"Beast...die to me..."

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