When Chen Xuan was unconscious, he felt his golden elixir gathering in his chest and feeling warm. But after a while the warm feeling disappeared. This made Chen Xuan feel that... the origin of this golden elixir was becoming more and more mysterious.

Three queens...

Chen Xuan slowly woke up. Of course, Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness woke up, but his physical body had not moved yet. The injuries on Chen Xuan's body that were imagined in his consciousness gradually recovered.

The place where Chen Xuan wakes up at this moment is the world of Jialan Ring. Zheng Chenxuan sees this world...

I almost didn't cry...

Finally back! Chen Xuan finally escaped death... and returned to the world of Jialan Ring. But Chen Xuan didn't even understand... how he killed the phantom. Was it really the golden elixir?

But what surprised Chen Xuan the most was not... the death of the phantom. But that own Danhai has actually recovered! That's right! My Dan Hai has actually recovered to the Dan Hai capacity of a strong person at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm...

Chen Xuan felt that this was simply magical! How is it possible that after the Dantian is destroyed, there is still a way to restore it?

Chen Xuan understood that if the Dantian was destroyed, it would be good not to die...how could it be possible to recover...

Chen Xuan glanced at his chest... staring at the golden dragon on his chest...

Thinking about his own questions and his own reflections. Recalling this experience... Chen Xuan felt his blood boiling... Chen Xuan felt that only by becoming stronger would he not be bullied by anyone...

If you are weak... you are destined to be bullied... If you don't want to, then you have to change...

Just like Chen Xuan is not satisfied with the Tao now, he can only change... Those who do not change will always be able to become weak and drift with the tide...

But Chen Xuan discovered that the golden elixir quickly disappeared even its lines. This made Chen Xuan feel incredible...

Suddenly, a figure came out of the dark juice... The figure was wearing a black robe... He had a strong and powerful aura... But the black figure also had a hint of age...

"Congratulations...Chen Xuan..."

As soon as the old figure opened his mouth, Chen Xuan wanted to hit him. It’s actually a fragment of God Yu’s consciousness…

He actually dared to show up. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt as if he was going to be pissed to death...

When Chen Xuan was controlled by the phantom and was about to lose his soul, Chen Xuan still vividly remembered that scene...

It's all because of this fragment of God Yu's consciousness... For the first time, Chen Xuan's expression became ferocious... He glared fiercely at the fragment of God Yu's consciousness... And the fragment of consciousness seemed to have spiritual energy. Same.

Feeling Chen Xuan's powerful hatred, he couldn't help but tremble slightly. He hurriedly waved his hands and said...

"Chen Xuan...you...you have to listen to my explanation first..."

Chen Xuan looked at the fragments of God Yu's consciousness coldly... Chen Xuan still controlled his state of mind... Chen Xuan understood... He must not attack the fragments of God Yu's consciousness now...

Otherwise, your own safety is still in danger. And Chen Xuan also understands... God Yu is still kind to him... If he kills his consciousness fragment like this, I'm afraid it will be an act of ungratefulness...

"Chen Xuan...is this...yours...your golden elixir...in fact, everything just now was just an illusion...including the monsters..."

That's all just an illusion. This made Chen Xuan feel surprised. Is it just an illusion...

Chen Xuan felt that it was extremely real... Chen Xuan even felt that... he was really going to die... but it was just an illusion. Chen Xuan glanced at the fragments of God Yu's consciousness... He felt that God Yu was so powerful at the moment. There is no need to deceive oneself in existence, right?

Even if he has reached the Linxian Realm, he still can't compete with it... Chen Xuan still can't believe that it was just an illusion... but the next words of God Yu's consciousness fragment... make Chen Xuan feel even more afraid. believe.

"The golden elixir just now is a Tao thing... and I arranged that illusion just to... let you get the approval of this thing..."

Chen Xuan became more and more confused... Why should he get the approval of such a golden elixir? Chen Xuan still didn't quite understand!

God Yu's fragment of consciousness seemed to understand Chen Xuan's doubts... and smiled. "This thing is both a blessing and a curse for you... Without him, you can't become the Lord of the Yu Realm... But he is a Taoist thing after all..."

"You should understand why a man is pregnant with a wall. You should understand that this thing is originally from the other side of the Tao... and once the people on the other side of the Tao know... this thing is in your body..."

"I'm afraid you will never be reincarnated...but of course the blessings this thing will bring you will not..."

"This thing allows you to feel the power of the earth...feel it more thoroughly...that is, it can change the power of the earth..."

"Believe this... you have already felt it when you entered the world in the Jialan Ring."

God Yu went down minding his own business. Chen Xuan was also very happy at the moment... That was the power to change the earth!

With such a treasure...how much faster can my cultivation be compared to my original cultivation!

But the only hidden danger is Tao. Chen Xuan understands that he is not strong enough to compete with Tao people now...

All he could do was hide. The fragments of God Yu's consciousness showed that Chen Xuan had understood what he meant...

He smiled and waved his hands.

"Go back... I won't keep you here for too long... The time you have been staying in the world of Jialan Ring... is exactly two months outside... Go back to your physical body..."

God Yu's fragmented consciousness smiled at Chen Xuandao. Chen Xuan nodded and thanked God Yu's fragmented consciousness before preparing to leave.

This time in the Jialan Ring, Chen Xuan felt that he had a narrow escape from death... Even if it was really an illusion... Chen Xuan didn't believe that he had not inspired the golden elixir...

I will not be harmed at all...

Chen Xuan jumped into a huge black whirlpool next to him... Chen Xuan knew... it was a huge whirlpool that returned to reality... Chen Xuan's consciousness kept spinning in the whirlpool...

The things he experienced in Jialan Ring kept popping up in Chen Xuan's mind...


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt his body... that heavy and solid feeling came back...

Chen Xuan felt that his body still couldn't move... His whole body hurt when he moved... Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes... and looked around...

Where is this place... Chen Xuan asked.

This seems to be a house, a very unique house. The decoration of the house is also very simple... Chen Xuan is not sure whether the owner of this house recognizes him... Chen Xuan will not let down his guard against the owner of the house just because of the decoration of the house...

Chen Xuan looked around... He felt that there should be a heater in this room... or burning charcoal to keep warm... But Chen Xuan could feel his own body... It seemed...

It seems that his body became like this due to lack of heat... Chen Xuan slowly recalled...

When Chen Xuan's consciousness left the body... Chen Xuan could feel... that his original body was freezing at a speed visible to his naked eyes...

But how could Chen Xuan have the time to care about this at that time... For a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm... As long as his spiritual consciousness is not destroyed, then he will not be destroyed...

What Chen Xuan understands even more is... this is probably just an ordinary family... Then Chen Xuan is even more worried...

Chen Xuan felt that he had to hide his strength first... Chen Xuan swallowed a pill given by God Yu in the Jialan Sword Domain...

In an instant, Chen Xuan's cultivation level was adjusted to the initial level of the God Transformation Realm... Chen Xuan slowly injected his spiritual consciousness into his body to relieve the pain...

Slowly stood up...

"Ah...Why are you up, sir?"

I saw an old man with white hair and a cane walking into Chen Xuan's room tremblingly...

Chen Xuan's visual inspection... He should be the owner of this house! Who is he and where is this place?

"Young man... don't worry... my name is He Weng... I'm the one who saw you when I went up the mountain to collect medicine..."

Collecting herbs?

Chen Xuan silently recalled, he seemed to remember indeed... there were some extremely precious medicinal materials on the cliff...

"Are you...a cultivator?"

Chen Xuan asked weakly. If he is a cultivator... then what is his purpose of saving himself...

Chen Xuan knew...if he was a cultivator...the purpose of saving himself might not be simple...

Chen Xuan's eyes became calm and profound...

But what He Weng said next... was beyond Chen Xuan's expectations...

"No, no, no... I am not a cultivator... I collect medicine... to make my son a cultivator!"

"The legend only welcomes... There is a herb on this cliff called... Juehuncao... Once you take it..."

"It can be used to reverse fate... My son... alas... his body is not suitable for cultivation... so he has been practicing for fifty years... From a young man with high ambitions to a head full of white hair... he has not yet entered the door of cultivation... …”

When He Weng came here...he felt faintly in tears. But Chen Xuan's deep gaze remained calm...

Chen Xuan knew that... if it was not suitable for cultivation... So what if it were fifty years... So what if it was one hundred years... But he couldn't get in... It was just a waste of time... Chen Xuan nodded... and signaled to He Weng. Go on down.

What interested Chen Xuan was the soul-breaking grass... Can one's physical fitness be changed through cultivation? Chen Xuan almost felt that it was impossible...

Generally speaking... whether one is suitable for cultivation or not is determined by fate... and there is actually Soul-Ending Grass on this mountain range that can change...

It really made Chen Xuan feel very weird and unusual...

So what is the origin of this Juehun Grass... Chen Xuan thought about it.

"It's just that this Juehun Grass... requires a non-cultivation body to pick it on the huge cliff of Wushan... This Wushan is ten thousand feet high... if you are not careful, you will... be shattered into pieces..."

Chen Xuan also knows...how high Wushan is...could it be that the so-called Juehun Grass grows on...that cliff...

That is basically impossible for non-practitioners...

"Hey, I have been trying for ten years... When I rescued my husband... I had already decided to give up... My son is already over sixty... I am eighty... I am already old..."

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