Chen Xuan looked at He Weng and his eyes lost the sharpness just now. Chen Xuan felt some sympathy and pity...but only a trace flashed across his eyes...then he lost any expression and returned to a cold expression.

Chen Xuan's pity and sympathetic eyes... Of course, He Weng, an ordinary person, had no way of understanding it.

Chen Xuan's expression when looking at He Weng was still so cold and arrogant... It made He Weng feel that Chen Xuan was not an ordinary person...

"You... sir... you are not a cultivator, are you..." He Weng looked at Chen Xuan and his expression became very envious... and then became very jealous... How could He Weng's emotions escape Chen Xuan? Xuan's discernment... Chen Xuan felt He Weng's emotions, but began to think deeply in his heart...

Indeed, any ordinary person will be jealous of practitioners... This is very normal...

Compared with the status of ordinary people and cultivators... they are simply one level above the other...

What's more... in the world of Yujie... as long as you become a cultivator... even if you are a strong person in the early realm... you have entered the world of power... it can be said to be a step forward...

This is why both He Weng and his son are so old...even risking death to become practitioners...

But the reason why cultivators are valuable is because cultivators are scarce... Not everyone with any physical constitution can become a cultivator!

This also contributes to the cultivator's high status...

But this is not a good sign for Chen Xuan now... Chen Xuan knows that jealousy in people's hearts is very scary...

Although Chen Xuan knew that... two ordinary people in the eyes of a Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse were just mere ants... they could be crushed to pieces by just lifting their feet... but the jealousy of ordinary people was even more terrifying! Chen Xuan still has enemies... those who have returned to the sect... and people from the Hede sect. Even invisible doors!

These people must be frantically looking for Chen Xuan now! Chen Xuan still knows this. If then... they promise huge profits... and Chen Xuan's cultivation level is so flamboyant... I'm afraid...

Once word of Nascent Soul Realm cultivation spreads... it is simply uncontrollable... Chen Xuan was thinking in his mind...

Suddenly he seemed to remember something... He smiled and said to He Weng, "That's right... I... I'm just a monk in the Golden Core Realm..."

Chen Xuan's embarrassed expression appeared on his face, but his eyes were still unfathomable. But ordinary people can only see what Chen Xuan wants them to see.

A golden elixir realm...I'm won't cause any fluctuations. But Chen Xuan miscalculated!

"What...Sir...Sir is actually a strong man in the Golden Core Realm!" He Weng jumped up in front of Chen Xuan almost as fast as a jump...

Then with a roar that was almost like a huge thunder, Chen Xuan suddenly thought and forced him over...

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly... He was just in the Golden Core realm... Are you so excited?

Chen Xuan cursed.

If this old man knew...that he was a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm...would he directly seal up his home and the land where he was standing now?

In fact, it was Chen Xuan... Chen Xuan was not thoughtful. In the eyes of ordinary people, a person in the golden elixir realm... is no less than the difference between the world's richest man and a beggar...

So it is understandable that He Weng is so excited... What's more, He Weng is a person who has not been a cultivator for so long... His son is also... so it is inevitable to lose his composure when seeing a person in the Golden Core realm.

Chen Xuan's cold expression made He Weng admire him even more... Then He Weng's attitude towards Chen Xuan became even more respectful...

"Lord Chen Xuan... Although I don't know why Lord Chen Xuan... appeared on the cliff... but please allow me... to talk to Lord Chen Xuan about the situation on this continent..."

This Weng He's words and attitude made Chen Xuan dumbfounded... Just now he called himself an old man... Now he's talking about it... And just now he called Chen Xuan Mr....

Now he actually directly calls Chen Xuan Master Chen Xuan... But Chen Xuan has no intention of asking He Weng to correct...

Because Chen Xuan knew... This was simply a very normal phenomenon... If He Weng was allowed to change... wouldn't he look even more suspicious? A cultivator should naturally have the domineering power of a cultivator!

But this topic of He Weng... Chen Xuan was quite interested... This Jialan Ring... just teleported himself to a broken cliff!

And Chen Xuan still doesn't know where this place is and what the forces are here... Chen Xuan doesn't want to go out and know nothing about this world... and when he meets a strong person, he will be killed instantly...

Chen Xuan nodded coldly... motioning for He Weng to continue speaking... and Chen Xuan calmly went to the bed where he had just gotten up...

Waiting for He Weng's information...

Unexpectedly, He Weng's face actually became excited... His face turned as red as if he had drank eighteen bottles of Daughter's Red... and his voice became trembling... as if there was an invisible hand... It's like tearing his vocal cords...

But Chen Xuan was all because he was too excited! Chen Xuan's face still looked cold and proud...

He wasn't used to showing any of his emotions...

"Sir... this is a different world continent... a different world continent is the continent with the largest gathering of heroes among the three major continents in the Yu world..."

This Chen Xuan also knew clearly that the existence of the alien continent... Chen Xuan still knew in his heart.

Because Chen Xuan understood that if Xuncheng Continent was the weakest continent in Yu Realm... then Yishi Continent was the most powerful continent in Yu Realm... and Yihai Continent was the most mysterious continent in Yu Realm...

The nine strongest sects in Yu Realm all existed in Yishi Continent... There were probably too many powerful practitioners in Yishi Continent.

Chen Xuan nodded and motioned He Weng to continue.

"Sir... it's like this... our place is called Wufang Town... it belongs to Xuzhou City in Yishi Continent..."

This Chen Xuan was a little unfamiliar... what kind of place was Xuzhou City?

His existence was still relatively unfamiliar to Chen Xuan. In fact, Chen Xuan only knew about the power of Yishi Continent from books... and didn't really know about Yishi Continent.

"Sir... to this Xuzhou City... in fact, it is not an ordinary city in Yishi Continent... the most prosperous city in Yishi Continent is Yangzhou City... and this Xuzhou City is the only way to Yangzhou City..."

When He Weng got here, there was an unconcealable pride on his face. Chen Xuan certainly understood... who doesn't want to live in a different place.

"But... Wufang Town is a... relatively... relatively ordinary city in Xuzhou City... This is He Village under the jurisdiction of Wufang Town..."

He Weng's face suddenly turned red again... Chen Xuan knew that this time he was ashamed... He should be ashamed of the place where he lives...

Chen Xuan didn't care and nodded... So He Weng slowly said... "There are nine major sects in this alien continent... The nine major sects are Yu Sect, Hong Sect, Lei Sect, Wuxing Sect, Yi Sect, Yuan Sect, Gui Sect, Hede Sect, Yuanyi Sect..."

And these nine major sects control the entire alien continent. Even the selection of the main emperor of the alien continent is decided by the people of Yu Sect. Moreover, the Lord Emperor did not dare to easily provoke the nine major sects...

"And Yuzong, Hongzong, and Leimen are the top three sects... Wuxingmen, Yizong, and Yuanmen are the middle three sects... The remaining Guizong, Hedezong, and Yuanyimen are the bottom three sects... Each sect has a sphere of influence in the alien continent..."

"And now... Guizong and Hedezong have merged... So this has become the eight major sects..."

"And this Xuzhou belongs to the sphere of influence of Heguizong, which is the merger of Guizong and Hedezong..."


Chen Xuan's calm heart was still shocked by huge waves... Heguizong... Two sects that he dreamed of destroying merged... And he unexpectedly came to the other's sphere of influence inexplicably.

Chen Xuan's breathing began to have a slight hastening... But it was difficult for others to detect the change in Chen Xuan's mood... After all, Chen Xuan's face was still cold at that time, but those emotions were buried in his eyes.

Chen Xuan remembered his hatred... Chen Xuan hated! Chen Xuan wanted to kill them all...

Suddenly, the murderous aura once again covered Chen Xuan... the murderous aura of a Yuanying realm expert...


Suddenly, Chen Xuan was filled with murderous intent, and the air around Chen Xuan formed a powerful air vortex... exploding in the void...

Then He Weng knelt down in fear... He Weng didn't know how he had offended this ancestor...

But now it seemed that there was no other way except to beg for mercy... He Weng felt that he was about to be scared to death.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan's murderous aura was not released towards him, otherwise he would have been scared to death.

The sky was instantly covered with dark clouds... The clouds and smoke rolled... and in an instant, this He Village, even the land outside He Village... was covered with flying sand and rocks, and gusts of wind. How could the people of He Village have seen such a scene? They were all so scared that they thought it was a god coming...

These villagers walked out of their houses and worshipped the sky... They thought they had done something wrong and offended the god... The god wanted to punish them...

Instantly, they were all panicked... And He Weng was even more panicked...

Chen Xuan suddenly found that he couldn't control his emotions... Maybe this hatred had forced him for too long. Chen Xuan suddenly put away his murderous aura...

Instantly, the sky returned to normal, as if everything just now was just a dream. And these ignorant villagers thought that their worship just now had worked... They were all happy and proud... Little did they know... It was just from a young man who was not a god... and the murderous intention was not directed at them...

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