Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1654 Seeing God Yu’s distracted consciousness again

Suddenly... Chen Xuan seemed to be in another void... Chen Xuan felt as if he had arrived in a different world...

"Hello...Chen Xuan...we meet again..."

This... this voice is very familiar to Chen Xuan... It's that old guy Yu Shen again...

When Chen Xuan sees God Yu now, he feels that he will be tricked by him... Because every time he sees God Yu, he will be tricked...

Chen Xuan was even tricked into suspecting... Chen Xuan looked at Yu Shen's familiar figure, familiar expression... familiar voice...

Suddenly, I had the urge to punch him... This elixir caused me so much pain... It shouldn't be too much to punch him, right? Chen Xuan was thinking...but still didn't hit him...

Because Chen Xuan found that he seemed...unable to move...

"Okay... Son... Next... I should congratulate you... for completing the test of my consciousness fragment... But there should be a bigger test waiting for you in the real world..."

God Yu smiled mischievously and said...

This expression again... Damn it... Chen Xuan wanted to hit him as soon as he saw this expression...

"Hahahaha... calm down Xuanzi... Xuanzi... your strength has now degraded to the Golden Core realm... and it is irreversible... I wonder what my distraction can tell you?"



The words irreversible quickly exploded in Chen Xuan's mind... Suddenly Chen Xuan felt as if his brain had been hit thousands of times...


Then his strength has actually degraded to the Golden Core realm... What's going on... How is it possible...

Chen his heart...has divided the distracted consciousness of God Yu into many pieces...and still has the urge to dissect him...

Of course, God Yu would not argue with him because of this... What's more, the power stimulated by God Yu's branch of consciousness... is the energy that Chen Xuan degenerated from the primary level of Yuanying realm to the Golden Core realm...

It's because of Chen Xuan's firm character... At this moment, there was also a huge shock in his heart...

From the Golden Core Realm to the primary level of the Nascent Soul's like going up and down! Chen Xuan seemed to feel that... all his efforts had turned into ashes...

Na He's hatred... Luo Lan... Zhan Zhe's death and the death of his teacher He Wei...

what to do?

With my own strength, I'm afraid...I'm afraid I can't even defeat a single protector from the Hegui Sect...

Not to mention the invisible gate behind Hegui Sect... that is a sect of the Shangsan Sect...

But there is a sect with strong people in the Earthly Immortal Realm... Then what should he do? Chen Xuan kept thinking in his mind... But he was not satisfied with every result... Every choice seemed to be unsatisfactory...

" still have a choice..."

God Yu then laughed slyly and said...

Chen Xuan's face seemed to have turned black at this moment... That powerful murderous intention once again pounced on God Yu...

Although Chen Xuan's cultivation realm has changed... his aura has not changed at all... the powerful killing intent emitted by the Yuan Ying realm...

It instantly filled the entire void... Of course a strong man like Yu Shen didn't care at all...

He still said in a sly manner...

"Xuanzi... there is another choice, that is to listen to me... forget the hatred... of course, just forget it temporarily... after your current body reaches the Yuanying realm... your strength will directly reach the peak of the Yuanying realm... …”

"This can be regarded as the compensation given to you by this god...your hatred will be awakened by then..."

Yu Shen smiled and said to Chen Xuandao... Chen Xuan's heart suddenly galloped... His own strength... From the Nascent Soul Realm to the Golden Core Realm, how many levels are there to make up for with two... That's it. Being sent away... Chen Xuan felt that he had been cheated too badly...

But what Chen Xuan doesn't know is...the difference from the beginning of the Yuanying Realm to the peak of the Yuanying Realm...the difference in breakthrough...may be really more difficult than cultivating from the Golden Core Realm to the elementary level of the Yuanying Realm. …

Because the higher the level, the harder it becomes... And breaking through to the Immortal Realm at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm is actually no less than going through a tribulation... except that the tribulation will lead to death... and advancing to the Earth Immortal to transcend the tribulation may not be as good as crossing the tribulation. Such a feeling of death and no life...

Although Chen Xuan cursed in his heart... he could only agree... Come down... There is no other way... Something is better than nothing...

When Yu Shen's distracted consciousness saw Chen Xuan's expression... the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly... It was the first time I saw someone like this... someone who was so obedient after getting an advantage...

Really... I'm so angry... God Yu thought to himself... But it would be good to be able to make Chen Xuan forget his hatred... Otherwise, Chen Xuan would have to die when he went to Hegui Sect.

Who will help him save his Yu Realm then?

"Then... will it only seal my memory... Will Zhan Zhe... Luo Lan... and He be left in my memory? Nothing will be left... nothing will be left..."

Chen Xuan asked God Yu with a cold face...

God Yu shook his head...

"No... Judging from your current memory... there may still be something left behind... Your memory is too powerful... This hatred is really too powerful... I am the god..."

"Maybe when I am in my heyday... I can help you completely cut it off... Now I can only do my best..."

God Yu is also helpless at this point... Thousands of years have passed... God Yu is still a god... His strength is also slowly declining... His distraction consciousness has not reached the peak state of the divine realm. …

But Chen Xuan's hatred was too strong... Yu Shen felt that after he was cut off... he was afraid that he would disappear soon...

But that is his mission to God Yu... his mission... so even if he disappears immediately... he must do it... for Chen Xuan... and for the entire Yu world...

"Then... what if I remember them? In my mind..." Chen Xuan still asked very curiously.

After all, it is a huge experience for me! If I think of them...what will happen to the memory?

"Don't think about...these memories...these names will form a blank in your mind..."

"Including... your memories after you became the Golden Core Realm... will be blank... your memory will stop when you came out of Xundu Academy..."

"Then by chance... I came here... so... your memories after that... are all blank in your mind..." Yu Shen said with a smile...

This made Chen Xuan puzzled... Why...

"Hmph...if your memory is spied on you think you can survive?"

God Yu snorted coldly and continued...

"When you don't have the ability to protect...your memory...then don't own him...after all, once he is spied will be death..."

God Yu said coldly...

Indeed... Chen Xuan also understood... if he killed the protector of the Invisible Sect...

If anyone in the alien continent knows about it... I'm afraid he won't be able to survive... After all, the conditions offered by the Invisible Sect... are too tempting... and the powerful hatred will also hinder his development in the Hegui Sect. …

If there is no hatred flowing out of my heart...then I really don't know how I died...

Chen Xuan instantly understood Yu Shen's intentions... "Okay... once you go back... these memories will be erased..."

God Yu now looks very weak...and the light and shadow have become faint...

Chen Xuan knew... This was God Yu's divine consciousness that was about to disappear... Chen Xuan also knew...

What he has to face now is a stronger challenge... and such a challenge may very well kill him if he is not careful... Chen Xuan doesn't know if he will be the savior of the Yu world...

But he has to save himself first...

"Go...go...Chen Xuan...Yu Realm needs you...Yu Realm really needs you...In the future, you will do it for Yu Realm...for these tens of millions of will also want tens of millions of creatures..." Stay alive!"

God Yu's words echoed in the juice of the void... Chen Xuan's consciousness in the void gradually became blurry...

Chen Xuan seemed to feel... his consciousness was being slowly pulled outward...


Suddenly Chen Xuan returned to the alien continent again... Chen Xuan felt that his mind was empty as if he had lost a lot of things... But Chen Xuan didn't know... and he didn't come up...

Which piece did he lose... what exactly was it... Chen Xuan felt that once he thought about the missing thing... his mind would go blank...

What followed were bursts of splitting headaches... This kind of headache made Chen Xuan stop thinking...

But Chen Xuan looked at himself... as if he felt a little strange... Chen Xuan's memory juice...

As soon as Chen Xuan left Xundu College in Xuancheng Continent, he came to this otherworldly continent... He had not experienced anything else...

It should be in Chen Xuan's memory juice... Chen Xuan just picked up the Jialan Ring directly...

And Chen Xuan picked it up and wavered for a while... and then came to a different world... Chen Xuan just felt that he was very strange...

Then Chen Xuan discovered that... not only had his memory been changed... but his appearance had also been changed by that old guy Yu Shen...

But this is fine... Chen Xuan doesn't know what's so good about this... Anyway, his original self seems to want to change his appearance before joining the Hegui Sect...

At this moment there was a knock on the door...

"Sir Chen Xuan...Sir Chen Xuan...the village chief is looking for you...can you...the village chief come to see you have time?"

He Weng was extremely respectful outside the door...and almost flattered Chen Xuandao...

Chen Xuan still had a cold and arrogant expression... nodded... and responded, "Yeah... okay..."

Then there was no more sound...

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