Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1655: Death in Place? Opportunity?

Chen Xuan looked out the window coldly with a silent expression. Chen Xuan felt that there was only a blank in his mind at this time... He had almost forgotten the purpose of coming here.

Because what Chen Xuan is currently allowed to remember is only... the memories before he became the Golden Core Realm. In his mind, that great trial had long been erased...

What Chen Xuan is currently more puzzled about is...where did the blank space in his mind come from. In Chen Xuan's mind, Zheng Chenxuan is now in a state of confusion. Chen Xuan also completely forgot about his previous hatred... Bai Guan doesn't even exist in Chen Xuan's memory!

God Yu has even erased the mission of saving Yu Realm from his mind. Chen Xuan only has one definition in his mind right now... that is to become stronger! Become stronger……

Then survive here...without any other expectations or goals...just survive and become stronger...Chen Xuan doesn't know why he becomes stronger! But this kind of becoming stronger seems to have become Chen Xuan's subconscious... yes, it is a subconscious... just like eating when he is hungry...

At present, Chen Xuan only has two words in mind: becoming stronger... Chen Xuan doesn't know what kind of road is waiting for him... He instantly becomes very confused...

But Chen Xuan's face was still as cold as before... Maybe Chen Xuan was never good at showing his feelings... Chen Xuan's indifference was just a cover-up for his feelings. Regarding Chen Xuanlai, Chen Xuan is not an emotionless person, but Chen Xuan is not good at expressing... This also causes... Chen Xuan's handling of emotional issues is always very unsatisfactory...

Chen Xuan still understands in his heart...

Chen Xuan has always felt very guilty about his feelings...for the time before Chen Xuan came.

The person he met during the Half-Immortal Trial was still lingering in his heart... Even though his master also lived with him sooner or later, it was his fate! But Chen Xuan still feels that this continent is so complicated, will it be possible to encounter or not? What Chen Xuan can be sure of now is... Chen Xuan's current lack of memory is still very serious...

It was even difficult for Chen Xuan to determine why he came here? But what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that once Chen Xuan leaves this door, there will be no time for him to think more... So Chen Xuan must think clearly now...

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and Chen Xuan felt that now the only possibility for Chen Xuan... was to join the clan... Apart from that, there might be no other option for Chen Xuan... Chen Xuan still understood in his heart... …

In this case...then we can only take one step at a time...Chen Xuan thought...Chen Xuan slowly opened the door and walked out...Chen Xuan felt that what was waiting for him might be a very long road. Lu And what Chen Xuan can do now... is to make himself stronger!

But Chen Xuan knows that once Chen Xuan...stays, he will most likely die in this world...and these villagers are so envious of will inevitably turn into jealousy!

And the jealousy of a weak person can be very terrifying! So Chen Xuan felt that he could not relax his vigilance towards these villagers... Chen Xuan slowly followed the villagers who led the way to the village hall...

Rather than being a village hall... this is just a mud house with only a few stools and a table... Chen Xuan felt that this was a very shabby mud house. But Chen Xuan still had a cold face... and just sat down.

The village chief was extremely flattering... Chen Ziran was not surprised. Because the status of cultivators in their hearts is that of gods... Although Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has degraded from the elementary level of Nascent Soul Realm to the Golden Core Realm... But from the perspective of these villagers, Chen Xuan is still a legendary god. And Chen Xuan has no intention of being modest, because there is not a big difference between a cultivator and a secular person... This is not surprising to Chen Xuan... On the contrary, if Chen Xuan communicates with them on an equal footing. They may not take Chen Xuan seriously anymore... This is the human heart. Chen Xuan also understood this in his heart.

Chen Xuan's expression was cold now and he still didn't say a word. He was waiting for the village chief to speak. The village chief's expression was a little awkward, and his smile was very flattering.

Of course, there was no emotion on Chen Xuan's face, but Chen Xuan was thinking about how he should respond appropriately to the village chief's meeting...

"Sir, I will first lead the people in the village to pay homage to you... thank you for saving your life!"

The village chief's words were very respectful. Respectfully, Chen Xuan felt as if he was as noble as a god. But Chen Xuan understood that these so-called villagers might just be testing him. Test yourself to see if you are a legendary cultivator! And if they are cultivators... these villagers are probably respectfully begging me to help them... go to the selection of Hegui Sect... If they are not cultivators... Chen Xuan understands... then he may be used in cruel ways. Sent to Hegui Sect...

Chen Xuan nodded... and snorted coldly... Chen Xuan's breath brought the atmosphere of this dilapidated earthen house to freezing point. This is a breath unique to cultivators. Although these villagers have never seen the gods in their consciousness. But at least these villagers still know...the aura and power of this so-called village chief's smile becomes more and more flattering...

But the hearts of He Weng and his son became even colder. He Weng and his son knew that...if this so-called Chen Xuan was not a cultivator...then he could die in his son's many villagers...even those who had been beaten into submission would have to send him there...

But this Chen Xuan is a cultivator! What to do? so what should I do now? Chen Xuan's identity is a cultivator...even if he is the weakest cultivator...if he raises his hand...I am afraid he can destroy their entire village in an instant...all of them may die from this. ...And if this Chen Xuan knew that his purpose of rescuing him might not be so simple...

Then wouldn’t this village be doomed? When He Weng thought about this, he could not help but shudder a few times... In order to save the whole village, the village chief may have to hand over He Weng himself and He Weng's son to Chen Xuan... And the whole village is uncertain... No! It should be yes!

No one dared to speak for himself... He Weng slowly raised his head and glanced at the village chief... He found that the village chief's eyes were staring at him fiercely! It was as if a huge evil wolf was eyeing his food... and He Weng felt that he and his son might not be able to escape this time! What is even more frightening is that He Weng thinks that his son is very likely... to be sent directly to the Hegui Sect... and it is more likely that he himself... will be cut into pieces and given to this so-called Chen. mysterious.

He Weng was filled with hatred! He hated himself for actually saving a so-called murderer! But Chen Xuan's expression remained as calm as ever. There seemed to be no murderous intent on his face. This made the village chief and He Weng somewhat unpredictable. What does Chen Xuan mean? Are you willing to let bygones be bygones? This... shouldn't be possible, right?

The legendary cultivator... is like a god! Once something goes might be the rumored genocide! What's more, if someone wants to kill cultivators like this... then the following offenders may not survive at all! But what makes the village chief and He Weng find it very strange...not only does this Chen Xuan not have murderous intentions...but he just has a smile on his stern expression...

"I can go to the Hegui Sect's place as a thank you for your life-saving grace... But your village wants to do me, Chen Xuan, a favor!" Chen Xuan's words made He Weng's heart leap to the sky. ! What does this mean? This means that my son can survive! And he may not have been grudged by this cultivator named Chen Xuan.

As for Chen Xuan, what kind of help could he ask them to do... As long as it was within their ability... He Weng felt that he had no reason to refuse. What's more important is that in any village there will be a cultivator among the Hegui Sect's sect! At that time, I'm afraid even Xuzhou's government officials would not dare to provoke He Cun easily!

Not to mention someone at the level of a mayor! By then, Hecun's status will continue to rise! The so-called promotion of chickens and dogs... Such Chen Xuan asked this village to do him a favor... As long as it was within its power... The villagers of He Village would not give up even if they were to go through fire and water... And next, Chen Xuan's words ... almost driving the villagers of He Village into a state of almost bewilderment...

"This task is not difficult! I just hope that your village can admit that there is a person named He Chenxuan in your village... As for... this life experience... I also hope that you can help me make proper arrangements in this village! Chen Xuan smiled By the way... they said... that is, this Chen Xuan plans to use He Cun as his family...

Then all the villagers in He Village suddenly became a prominent family... That is definitely very possible! Is this Chen Xuan really serious? At this time, the village chief wanted to ask such a question very much... But it seems that it should be true... This Chen Xuan might really want to repay the old guy He Weng for saving his life!

This old guy He Weng really got a big advantage... But the villagers can also take advantage of this...

Of course the head of He Village agreed immediately! He and Chen Xuan went to do it immediately...and then, in a hurry...led the villagers out of this mud house called the synagogue!

And He Weng was even more polite to Chen Xuan... and then led the way and invited Chen Xuan to his home!

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