After Chen Xuan returned to He Weng's house, Chen Xuan began to think deeply... Chen Xuan did not intend to enter this so-called Hegui Sect so rashly... Chen Xuan's only remaining memory told Chen Xuan that this so-called The Hegui Sect is very powerful... and I must be fully prepared to step into this one!

Including the understanding of He Village and the familiarity of Wufang Town are very important. And what's even more troublesome is... Chen Xuan knows that there is not much time left for Chen Xuan... Chen Xuan also found out from He Weng... Generally speaking, the Hegui Sect will start the trial after a month. ...and this trial is Chen Xuan's only chance! Either survive and join the Hegui Sect... or die... If he dies... Chen Xuan will disappear from this world...

Moreover, He Cun’s quota for this year has also disappeared... This is why He Cun has now become a village with almost only elderly people! Of course, the elderly cannot do farm work as well as normal young people... This is why... He Village is the poorest existence in Wufang Town...

But although the status of He Village is like this now, the people in these villages are hoping that Chen Xuan, the so-called savior... can save them... By then, the mayor of Wufang Town will not dare to provoke He Village. Who would ask He Cun to send people to the Hegui Sect! After so long... He Cun was finally able to get rid of this powerful curse! This is a big happy event for anyone in He Village...

Aiwujiwu... At this time, He Weng's status in the village is naturally getting higher and higher. Even the village chief will nod and smile when he sees He Weng... But the other villagers don't have any jealousy at all...

"Master Chen Xuan... do you have any orders?" He Weng's tone became more and more respectful... and Chen Xuan did not stop He Weng from being respectful. Chen Xuan's expression was still cold.

"I want to visit the town of Wufang Town!" Chen Xuan called He Weng into the room late at night and explained.

This made He Weng's face look troubled. Chen Xuan was a little puzzled... I just wanted to go to Wufang Town to have a look... I wasn't going to have a look inside the Hegui Sect... What's so difficult about He Wengfan?

"Your Majesty, you don't know! We... we from He Village cannot enter Wufang Town!" What He Weng said next surprised Chen Xuan! Why can't I enter Wufang Town? This He Village is within the jurisdiction of Wufang Town...and this Wufang Town actually does not allow residents of this town to enter?

"What's the truth?" Chen Xuan asked He Weng very curiously. He Weng's face turned red... his voice also became weak and he said...

"Perhaps they are afraid that we old bones will cause riots in the city! These citizens of Wufang Town have a guilty conscience! They are afraid that we will retaliate against them!"

"Because every year... the number of people sent to the Hegui Sect is always chosen by us..."

"So the mayor of Wufang Town classified us as lower class people... and even added a law for us! What lower class people... can't enter the center of Wufang Town!"

At this point, He Weng's face became angry. This was the anger of He Weng that Chen Xuan had never seen before. The only He Weng Chen Xuan had ever seen was cowardice or fear... But when Chen Xuan saw He Weng's real anger for the first time... Chen Xuan once again felt strange in his heart... The weak in this world may only be trapped forever. Bully it! Chen Xuan has never seen when a weak person in this world can get sympathy!


Chen Xuan just snorted slightly, and then said... "Well, I still need to know more about the situation in this village. If something is revealed in the Hegui Sect... then what will happen to He Village? No's not a good thing for me, Chen Xuanlai..."

He Weng first bowed his hands to Chen Xuan very respectfully, and then agreed to Chen Xuan's words.

Chen Xuan also knew that if he showed any signs of weakness in the Hegui Sect... the consequences waiting for him would definitely not be something that a strong man like himself in the Golden Core Realm could bear!

But Chen Xuan knows that once Chen Xuan can enter the Hegui Sect, although he is not the strongest among the disciples of the Hegui Sect this year, he will definitely be the one who attracts the most attention!

Generally speaking, Chen Xuan, who is in the Jindan realm, should be qualified to go to the headquarters of Hegui Sect... Generally speaking, this is how it is for Hegui Sect... Generally speaking, Chen Xuan needs to go to the Xuzhou branch of Hegui Sect first. The branch in Xuzhou needs to go to the branch for trials...and these children of aristocratic families in various towns in Xuzhou...naturally need to go to the branch in Xuzhou for trials...

Generally speaking, the branches of the eight major sects are worthy of showing off... And naturally, these disciples of the aristocratic families cannot even pass the test of the Xuzhou branch... Then these disciples of the aristocratic families will not hesitate... to be merged by the Xuzhou branch. The people from the Guizong branch are sent back to their homes... They can be considered to have seen the world... When chatting in the circle of disciples of the aristocratic family... they can brag about it... that's all!

Of course, for Chen Xuanlai, his goal will certainly not be as simple as...the so-called trial of the Xuzhou branch...For Chen Xuanlai...Chen Xuan's goal must be the Hegui Sect at the headquarters!

Once Chen Xuan passes the Xuzhou branch's Hegui Sect trial, he usually has two choices! The first one is to become an outer disciple of Hegui Sect! Don’t look at the outer disciples of Hegui Sect! The outer disciples of the Hegui Sect are not just odd jobs! The outer disciples of the Hegui Sect are usually assigned to various state capitals... to serve as officials of a state capital... Of course, they will not be given a level as high as a state order at the beginning...

Generally speaking, after passing the outer door test of the Xuzhou branch, it is not a problem to be appointed as the prefectural governor! That is, the subordinate of the prefectural governor, or arrange a prefectural patrol officer, who is at the same level as the prefectural governor and is in charge of the defense and military of the prefectural governor... or the prefectural household officer, who is in charge of the prefectural government's money and grain!

Or the prefectural inspection officer, who is considered a censor in a prefectural government... Anyway, these are of the same level... It is still possible... And after a few years, you may even be able to become a prefectural governor...

And the mayor and the like are said to be reserved for the children of these officials... So these families can be regarded as officials protecting each other... And the condition is just to pass a test of the prefectural branch of Heguizong...

This is the right of cultivators in the secular world, so it is not that cultivators do not covet power and nobility, but that power and nobility are simply shit to the so-called cultivators... The kind of existence that can be as many as you want...

This is the so-called cultivator! Chen Xuan naturally understood in his heart... Chen Xuan's focus is indeed not on these ridiculous power and nobility. So Chen Xuan planned to pass the trial of the Xuzhou branch... Then he would march to the headquarters. Although it was very likely that those who passed the branch trial would be the children of some very large families... People like Chen Xuan who had no background and no backing would basically not be able to pass the trial. But Chen Xuan thought, even if that was the case, so what? And those disciples of the aristocratic families, it was very likely that their fathers or ancestors were originally the guardians of one of the eight major sects, or disciples of the inner chamber, or registered disciples... Don't look at the disciples of the inner chamber and the registered disciples... Their status is much higher than that of the outer disciples. It is possible that the outer disciples can be a relatively big or small official in the secular world... And the inner disciples, the inner disciples are the general term for the registered disciples and the inner disciples. Although the cultivation path of these inner disciples is very difficult and painful. But the skills they can access are basically the sum of the skills of the Hegui Sect. And these are all priceless treasures. In addition, during the cultivation process, the pills they eat basically have the effect of prolonging life. And every time you rise a level, your life span will increase a little. This is... a great benefit for the world! Although the cultivation path of a cultivator is very difficult, once you step into the cultivation path, the pleasure of being able to control the life and death of others is far beyond the comparison of the secular dignitaries. So what if you get another state order? When a powerful cultivator raises his hand, even the void will be shocked and give way... let alone a state or a corner? This is a cultivator... This is the benefit of becoming stronger! And the purpose of Chen Xuan's trip this time is to firmly aim at the inner gate... Chen Xuan's eyes look more deeply at the outside... No one knows what Chen Xuan is thinking... and no one can know where Chen Xuan wants to go now! This is Chen Xuan... This is Chen Xuan's state of mind... Chen Xuan's deep eyes made He Weng dare not live in the same room with him... That aura is really too powerful... Every time He Weng talked with Chen Xiaxin, he seemed to feel that he was seen through by Chen Xuan... There was nothing... There was nothing to hide... And he seemed to be unable to see anything about Chen Xuan, which made He Weng feel more frustrated... But then he thought that the other party was a powerful cultivator... It was nothing... He Weng knew that it was Chen Xuan who saved his family... and saved the whole village. In the near future... This village will become an existence admired by the whole Wufang Town... Even the whole Xuzhou will admire it... He Weng felt very excited when he thought of this... It's almost three days before the trial... I don't know how this Lord Chen Xuan is preparing... He Weng feels like he is almost more nervous than Lord Chen Xuan... For Chen Xuan, the trial is just one person's death, but for the whole village... It means the destruction of the whole village, or falling into the endless abyss!

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