Chen Xuan seemed to feel like he was in a warm ocean. Generally, Chen Xuan didn't know where he was. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was being targeted by a powerful divine consciousness. Likewise, Chen Xuan didn't know where the pressure in this so-called warm current came from.

Chen Xuan felt that in this powerful warm current, the so-called power seemed to be far beyond what he could bear. Chen Xuan just smiled slightly when he saw this powerful power.

Then he stood up with difficulty.

Chen Xuan seemed to feel like he was dying and could no longer hold on. But Chen Xuan felt that he could still hold on, because Chen Xuan knew that if he didn't hold on, he would probably end up somewhere. Chen Xuan still knows this, but what Chen Xuan knows even more is that if he enters Hegui Sect, what he will face is likely to be more difficult than these. According to rumors, those who enter Hegui Sect are all children of aristocratic families or those who enter Hegui Sect. The members of the sect are all children of some cultivating families.

And he is just a person with no identity or background. Chen Xuan feels that what he will face in the future will definitely be more difficult than now, but Chen Xuan is not afraid!

Chen Xuan still had a cold and arrogant face, and there was still a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"You actually stood outside the hall of the Hegui Sect branch." A member of the Hegui Sect branch looked at Chen Xuandao in surprise.

Chen Xuan nodded and thought, isn't this your test? Does it look abnormal for someone like me to pass the test?

However, it is true that He Weng next to him found it very difficult to reach the interior of the temple even on his knees, but Chen Xuan actually stood up and walked to the entrance of the temple.

"I'm going to ask the manager for instructions." At this time, the handyman no longer had any contempt for him.

This ordinary young man could actually stand in front of the statue. In his impression, it seemed that no one had ever been able to enter the Hegui Sect branch without kneeling while standing.

This statue was made by a strong man at the peak of the Earth Fairy Realm and was infused with the spiritual power of a strong man at the top of the Lin Fairy Realm. And this Chen Xuan could actually walk to the temple standing up with such power.

As far as he knew or in his lifetime, no one had ever been able to walk to the branch hall of the Hegui Sect alive. What was the origin of this young man?

It seemed that all the big shots he knew couldn't do it. The handyman came to the door of the steward's room in a panic because it was rumored that this powerful man from the Earthly Immortal Realm, the leader of the Hegui Sect, had passed by.

As long as someone can walk to the temple alive, it will be directly counted as passing the trial of the branch and can go to the headquarters of Hegui Sect to accept the trial or become a peripheral member of Hegui Sect.

And this young man has been able to walk to the temple alive, so this young man can climb up in one step.

After about a few seconds.

The manager and the servants came and went quickly to greet Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant face just slightly bowed his hands to them, but He Weng was so surprised that his eyes almost fell off.

Chen Xuan actually just bowed his hands to these gods. These gods actually came to greet Chen Xuan in person. How powerful is Chen Xuan? He Weng's eyes became frightened, and there was a hint of pride under the frightened eyes.

Chen Xuan had lived in his house before, and his shabby house actually had a strong man named Ruci living there.

The general manager saw that Chen Xuan was so respectful. Even the mayor would have to grovel when he met this general manager. Chen Xuan could actually make this general manager treat him so politely, and his future prospects would be limitless.

Chen Xuan nodded coldly, "Who is this sir?"

"Are you going to stay or go to the headquarters?" The manager bowed his hand respectfully to Chen Xuan. Don't look at this so-called Chen Xuan who doesn't have any official rank or power background.

Maybe his performance just now has attracted the attention of a strong man who even his fingers are in awe of, and he must be respectful to him. The so-called staying in office means staying on the periphery of the Hegui Sect.

Become a peripheral disciple and become an official in the secular world. If you go to the Hegui Sect headquarters, you have to go to the Hegui Sect headquarters to participate in the headquarters trial. If you can pass this legendary trial, then Chen Xuan will become an entry-level disciple in the future. .

An introductory disciple of the Hegui Sect! This is the so-called one-step climb! Chen Xuan's eyes became cold and arrogant. The cold and arrogant eyes showed no emotion at all and no trace of what Chen Xuan was thinking.

He Weng smiled with the manager and still had a flattering look on his face. I thought I could blow it more if I went back.

That's the manager! The general manager of the Xuzhou branch of the Hegui Sect received him personally.

I have never met the governor of Xuzhou or even the mayor of Wufang Town. This time I can actually meet the general manager of the Xuzhou branch of the Hegui Sect.

"Then, sir, please rest here for a few days and wait for the approval of the document."

"Master Chen Xuan can enter the Hegui Sect's headquarters to participate in the trial. The Hegui Sect's headquarters is in Yangzhou."

"My lord, you can rest for a while. As for the room, I will take you to entertain the distinguished guests. The lord of the first-class room can stay here and spend your money."

"Your Excellency, you can go to the accounting room to withdraw it and go to the accounting room to record the accounts. This is the token for entering and exiting the headquarters. Please keep it."

After finishing this, the manager, who only existed in the legend in He Weng's heart, personally presented the token to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan nodded and accepted the token with a cold and arrogant look.

"Let's talk to the general manager about my friend." When Chen Xuan said this, he looked at He Weng and He Weng, as if he had received a great favor.

He immediately bowed to the manager and the manager just glanced at him coldly.

"You can go to the accounting office and get as much as you want for accounting."

The manager said coldly. Such mountain folk are not enough for such a general manager to pay much attention to.

He Mo, who was a person from a mountain village like this, and who was the chief manager of the mountains and fields, was naturally not in the mood to go back and talk to him.

He Mo just thought that it would be reasonable to use some money or something to get rid of this old man named He Weng.

It's just that He Weng naturally didn't want anything more. After all, the other party was the general manager. To him, there was no difference between the general manager's words and the imperial edict.

He Mo could only accept this big favor and throw it at him directly. Then he knelt down three times to Chen Xuan and three times to the chief steward, and then happily went to collect the property that seemed to be just a favor to the chief steward.

Chen Xuan still had a cold face. Although He Weng saved him, Chen Xuan thought that He Weng's purpose of saving him was not that simple at the time, but Chen Xuan would still give them He Cun's favor.

After all, Chen Xuan still needs to use their Hecun name to mix in the Hegui Sect. If those in the Hegui Sect know that his identity will be unclear, there will be problems.

Then he will definitely die without a burial place, at least that's what Chen Xuan thinks.

Chen Xuan didn't think they would find out that Chen Xuan participated in this trial in He Village in the name of He Village because he was rescued by He Weng! The reason is simple. He Cun is really like an ant to the Hegui Sect. He Cun is like an ant.

The Hegui Sect is like a mad dragon. Although the mad dragon is extremely powerful, can the mad dragon understand the ants in detail? Including every move of the ants? Obviously this is impossible.

Even though the Hegui Sect's secret agents were everywhere and almost every opportunity was found, there were only a few people in Hecun.

There are just a few old people, and everyone knows each other well. They have watched each other grow up, and watched each other grow old after they grew up.

Could the other party be a secret agent of the Hegui Sect? What if the Hegui Sect's spies went to find out Chen Xuan's identity.

By then, Chen Xuan had already explained that Chen Xuan was from He Village. This awareness had been deeply ingrained in the hearts of everyone in He Village.

Chen Xuan no longer worries about his identity at this moment. If those people in He Village didn't want to die, they wouldn't have confessed Chen Xuan.

Of course Chen Xuan would take care of He Cun more because of this situation. So as not to make people suspicious at some point, it is just a matter of fact.

At this time, Chen Xuan was running through these thoughts in his mind, but his face was still extremely calm, and Chen Xuan knew it.

If his thoughts can be seen through, then his death will not be far away. Chen Xuan really has too many secrets in his body. There are some secrets that Chen Xuan himself cannot see through.

Once these secrets are leaked, Chen Xuan will definitely not be tolerated by the so-called eight major sects. At that time, Chen Xuan will not be sure that he can fight against the eight major sects on his own.

Because it is impossible for the eight major sects to tolerate Chen Xuan having so many unknown secrets that would threaten his status. Then I am afraid that the Invisible Sect and the Hegui Sect will desperately pursue him!

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