Chen Xuan walked to the room with a cold and proud face. Chen Xuan also thought that it was very rare to come to Xuzhou City.

I have been in Sanbai Valley before or I have been in Xuancheng Continent before. This time I come to the otherworld continent and I have to see the scenery in Xuzhou City.

Chen Xuan had already seen the background of the Different World Continent in the Cangjin Pavilion. Chen Xuan knew that the Different World Continent was now a regime established by Wei.

Although Wei had a monarch, this monarch was elected by Yu Zong.

It is very likely that only Chen Xuan, a peripheral disciple of Yu Zong, knew about Yu Zong. Although Yu Zong is just a sect, the existence of Yu Zong is anything but extraordinary.

Its history was founded by Master Yu Shen, and then the power of the suzerain in each area was basically the person with the greatest power in the three continents.

In the Legend of the Different Sea Continent, it is a desolate and sparsely populated continent, and it is like a paradise, isolated from the world.

The strength of Xuancheng Continent is far inferior to that of the otherworldly continent. The person with the greatest power in the otherworldly continent is the patriarch of the Yu Sect.

Chen Xuan still knew in his heart that Chen Xuan learned about the nine major sects in the Cangjin Pavilion, and now they have become eight major sects.

What Chen Xuan knew was that these eight sects seemed to be divided like eight vassal towns, but no one dared to act rashly.

These sects control the place: Yu Zong, Hong Zong, Leimen, Invisible Sect, Hegui Sect, Yi Zong, Yuanmen and Yuanyi Sect.

The weakest one at present is the Yuan Yi Sect, and the Hegui Sect that Chen Xuan wants to join is the fourth sect from the top.

What's even more awe-inspiring is that he is backed by the Invisible Sect. Don't look at the Invisible Sect. The number of powerful people in the Immortal Realm of the Invisible Sect cannot be underestimated by anyone.

And although Yuzong has the ability to support the monarch in the Wei Dynasty, the influence of each of the three major sects of the Shangsanzong in the government and the public cannot be underestimated! Chen Xuan also understood this in his heart.

And that is to say, the alien continent is a continent whose politics are controlled by sects. Although he has a monarch, the monarch is just a peripheral member of a sect.

The economy of the alien continent is also in the hands of sects. Sects have inexhaustible wealth. In fact, behind all major merchants and chambers of commerce is a powerful sect.

Controlling the value of currency is just a matter of words for peripheral members of the sect.

But the people of the sects cannot control their own lifespan. According to legend, only those who reach the divine realm can achieve immortality. However, these eight major sects almost control the entire alien continent, but they still cannot reach the divine realm.

In their world, or in the world of common people, these people from the eight major sects are the legendary gods. That's why He Weng was so respectful when he just met the general manager of a branch on the outskirts of the Hegui Sect.

Seeing him as a god would certainly reflect that the Hegui Sect or the eight major sects have been able to control people's hearts for a long time.

However, in the Hegui Sect or the eight major sects, there has never been a so-called god in the past tens of millions of years since the departure of God Yu and God of Destruction. This also makes many practitioners sigh with regret.

But mainly the strong men at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm need to cross into the Divine Realm and survive the calamity.

And the divine realm also has a perfect calamity, and the calamity it takes to reach the divine realm from the fairyland on earth is even more terrifying.

There is such a legend that if a strong man at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm wants to reach the divine realm, he needs to survive a calamity that will wipe him out. If he can survive it, he will have the right to eternal life.

If you don't get through it, you will disappear into ashes and dissipate between the earth and the earth. Once you reach the divine realm, you will still need to continue to practice. Beginner level of the divine realm, intermediate level of the divine realm, and peak level of the divine realm.

Once you reach the peak of the divine realm, there will be a perfect calamity, but the strong man at the peak of the divine realm will have the choice to survive or not to survive the calamity.

Then he will break the void and truly become a god. It seems that he will directly ascend to the immortal world if he does not cross. Then the strength of the legendary powerful people in the divine realm will be preserved and live forever in this world. But even so, you can never escape the shackles of Tao!

As long as you go beyond the bottom line, it can still destroy you!

But these are just legends. Even these legendary stories are listened to by children as fairy tales. But what Chen Xuan doesn't know is.

Is this a legend? If so, what is the reason for the existence of Yu Zong? That is to say, God Yu does exist. If it is not passed down, why has it lasted for thousands of years?

No one in the Yu Realm has ever reached this divine realm. Even Chen Xuan didn't know whether the divine realm really existed.

And Chen Xuan didn't even know why. Why whenever Chen Xuan thought about this damn Yu Shen, his brain began to ache desperately, and that blank feeling would appear in his forehead again.

Chen Xuan really doesn't know this, but what Chen Xuan can know is.

Chen Xuan must have a lot of connections with the legendary God Yu, and this God Yu may be the founder of the Yu Sect. But if the people of the Yu Sect know that they have a great connection with their founder, wouldn't it be straightforward? Threaten the status of the leader of the Yu Sect.

How could the sect master tolerate himself threatening his position? Then his position would be very embarrassing. Chen Xuan knew it, so Chen Xuan would not let anyone know this terrible secret.

Chen Xuan even knew that this secret might be a big hidden danger for him.

But now Chen Xuan doesn't even know what relationship he has with the god Laoshi Ziyu.

And every time he thinks about it, his head will always become painful. Chen Xuan knows this extremely cheating situation.

At present, we can only temporarily take a look at Lian. Chen Xuan must first go to Xuzhou City to take a look.

This is an idea that Chen Xuan had in Sanbai Valley because Chen Xuan had heard it as early as Sanbai Valley.

Every state capital in this alien continent is a very powerful and unique existence.

Chen Xuan knew that each state capital was ruled by one of the eight major sects.

Chen Xuan now put on his white robe, carried the Jialan Sword on his back, took the token, went to the accountant's office to pay the zero amount of silver, and left the Hegui Sect branch in Xuzhou.

What Chen Xuan knows better is that the so-called Hegui Sect in Xuzhou is the Hegui Sect. If Chen Xuan takes the Hegui Sect's token, he will be able to travel much easier in Xuzhou.

After all, in Xuzhou, even state officials need to listen to the words of the general manager of the Hegui Sect.

Chen Xuan looked at the prosperity of Xuzhou City with a cold and arrogant face. Even Xundu could not compare to this prosperity, right?

Chen Xuan didn't know why he had such an idea. According to his memory, he should have never been to Xundu. Why did he feel as if he had been driven to Xundu.

Chen Xuan didn't know whether it had something to do with his missing memory.

Chen Xuan's face was still cold and arrogant. Passers-by naturally did not dare to provoke this extremely cold and arrogant young man.

Pedestrians on the road kept away from this cold and arrogant young man because of his clothes.

It makes the people who come and go think that they are not ordinary people. Then the killing intent of the blue sword behind Chen Xuan will probably tremble because of this powerful killing intent, even if it is hundreds of feet away.

Furthermore, the extremely calm look in Chen Xuan's eyes showed that his character was even more calm.

I really don’t know how many people it takes to kill and see how much blood to achieve such calmness.

Chen Xuan was walking in Xuzhou City like this, but no one dared to provoke Chen Xuan. It seemed that even the officers and soldiers were avoiding Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan thought that the wine in Xuzhou City was extremely famous in the Wei Dynasty.

Especially Xufu Restaurant, this restaurant dares to be named after the word Xufu.

There must be a very strong background behind such a restaurant. How could it be opened without it?

And with an extremely strong background, there must also be extremely strong wine-making capabilities. Otherwise, how can Dawei and even Xuncheng Continent know about the existence of this restaurant?

Of course Chen Xuan understood it in his heart, so he must go to Xufu Restaurant this time to take a look.

Chen Xuan walked slowly on Central Street. He should be almost there. Chen Xuan suddenly saw a large and magnificent attic.

This large attic is ten feet high, and it makes people feel as if it is about to reach the horizon. The highest point of the attic and the white clouds are already entangled together.

There was a big plaque written on the top of the attic: Xufu Restaurant. The four words seemed to shine with golden light. Chen Xuan knew that there must be a cultivator who poured his own momentum into this plaque, so this plaque would be so powerful.

And because the place where this plaque is hung is very high, under the dazzling sunlight, the golden light and sunlight converge into one, which makes Rao's heart feel a great shock.

Of course, Chen Xuan didn't care that if Xu Mansion Restaurant was a normal place, it might make Chen Xuan feel very abnormal.

Chen Xuan slowly walked into the so-called Xufu Restaurant with a cold face. However, the first floor of Xufu Restaurant was extremely lively.

But everyone on the first floor of Xufu Restaurant is dressed in fine clothes. I am afraid that the family wealth is more than Wan Guan, and the power of the family should not be ordinary people.

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