Chen Xuan looked at the plaque at the door with his eyes still as cold as ever. Chen Xuan has also heard the voices of people on the first floor who are enjoying their life.

But Chen Xuan knew that this so-called Xu Mansion Restaurant must not be as simple as the first floor. Chen Xuan was certain in his heart. The people on the first floor must be local nobles.

Chen Xuan slowly walked in with the Jialan Sword on his back without paying any attention to the sounds of the lewd dogs and horses.

Chen Xuan looked at the endless stream of people in this huge restaurant, but Chen Xuan still looked at it calmly and coldly as always.

"Sir, may I ask this guest, are you planning to come for a drink?"

Although the second shopkeeper used words that were extremely respectful to Chen Xuan, he saw that Chen Xuan was wearing plain robes instead of brocade clothes, so he did not flatter Chen Xuan too much.

"There are currently no reservations in this store, so there are no seats. Generally, the seats that come to our store are reserved directly and permanently by some aristocratic families."

Although the second shop owner spoke in an extremely tactful way, Chen Xuan certainly understood the meaning of his words.

This means that Chen Xuan should not be able to drink wine. These wines have long been reserved by the eldest young men of these aristocratic families. Unless there is a powerful family behind Chen Xuan.

Otherwise, Chen Xuan shouldn't be qualified to come to this place to drink. It's just that the shop's casual manner and its euphemism can be regarded as being friendly and making money. Chen Xuangang wanted to speak.

Suddenly, I heard a drunken voice next to me, saying loudly.

"This country bumpkin is Xu Mansion Restaurant. Do you think you country folk can come in? You really want to disturb my enjoyment of drinking."

A handsome young man from a wealthy family was sitting in a private room on the first floor. His left hand was holding a beautiful woman, and his right hand was constantly kneading the breasts of another very coquettish beautiful woman.

Chen Xuan glanced at him without thinking too much and then went to the second store.

"Is it true that there are no seats here? This is a rare visit to Xuzhou City for me. I want to meet your shopkeeper and the boss behind your restaurant. I want to make a friend. Can you recommend me?"

Chen Xuan was very polite when he said this. But in the eyes of the so-called second shop owner and those rich dudes, they really don't know how thick they are.

Chen Xuan's eyes did not change at all because of these taunts, but remained as calm as ever.

"Even my father is not qualified to meet the boss behind this hotel. Who do you think you are?"

"He's just a country bumpkin who isn't a highland brat!"

Those disgusting insults kept reaching Chen Xuan's ears. And those so-called dandies who are well-dressed are insulting like some rogues.

Chen Xuan didn't take it seriously but only fueled their arrogance.

The second shop owner also threw away his mask of being friendly and making money at this moment, because how could the second shop owner dare to meet such a young man?

Which of their families is not a prominent figure in Xuzhou City? How could a second shop owner dare to provoke them?

But the second shopkeeper saw that Chen Xuan really didn't dare to talk back, so he helped these young men start to scold Chen Xuan.

Maybe, you can flatter these young men while they are drunk. If he wins their favor, he might be able to reward himself with some money. Wouldn't that be an unexpected blessing?

"What the hell are you, a mother-in-law?"

Chen Xuan's face began to turn gloomy as these children of the aristocratic family almost kept swearing at each other.

In fact, Chen Xuan has a strong balance in his heart. When they exceed the limit given by Chen Xuan's heart, Chen Xuan will not hesitate and make them regret what they have done.

As the saying goes, if you don't take action, once you take action, everyone will tremble. Maybe it’s Chen Xuan’s character.

Chen Xuan's cold face made the atmosphere in Xu Mansion Restaurant drop to freezing point. Those rich dandies were so frightened that they shut up.

Then they feel like they want to kneel down and want to pee. Chen Xuan's aura was no different from the so-called temple that Chen Xuan saw when he was at the Hegui Sect branch.

That kind of powerful power directly shocked the second shop owner and these rich dudes.

But the dandy is still a dandy. The dandy still doesn’t understand the ways of the world, especially Mr. Zhang in the box.

As for Mr. Zhang, his father is the governor of Xuzhou, so he claims to be from Xuzhou City.

Now there is actually a country bumpkin challenging the authority of the local emperor in Xuzhou... How can I tolerate this?

"Do you know who this princess is?"

When all the dandies from aristocratic families were silent, Mr. Zhang said with a hint of heart palpitations in his arrogant tone.

Chen Xuan just glanced at him coldly.

The cold look in his eyes was as if a huge snow mountain was crushing directly towards Mr. Zhang.

How has Mr. Zhang, who has been pampered and pampered since he was born, ever seen such a terrifying aura? He was so frightened that even yellow and white things came out. The two women who were next to him just now with the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese also quickly moved away from him.

Moreover, there was an expression of extreme disgust on his face, and all the dandies looked at Mr. Zhang with contempt.

In fact, it's not that they think they can withstand Chen Xuan's sharp eyes without being scared to the point of peeing their pants.

But they instinctively think that peeing one's pants is very embarrassing. In addition, Mr. Zhang is usually too arrogant and majestic.

So the dandy brothers from these aristocratic families all started to laugh at the Young Master Zhang. Even the two maids disliked the Young Master Zhang, and then started to laugh with disdain.

"Why the hell are you laughing at these two bitches? I didn't see you dissing me in bed. You were crying and crying in bed, but now you are so good at laughing?"

"Then I will make you have a good laugh later, and reward you to the servants in my house who pour night fragrance and clean the toilets. I will then see how happy you can laugh!"

Mr. Zhang was so angry that he looked at the two maids as if he wanted to skin them and convulse them.

When the two maids heard this, they could only kneel down and beg for mercy. If it is true as this young master Zhang said, then it seems that his tragic fate in the rest of his life can already be predicted and seen.

Chen Xuan still glanced at the first floor of Xu Mansion Restaurant with cold eyes.

what to do?

How to do this?

The second shopkeeper was thinking about all this. The room was full of young masters from aristocratic families in Xuzhou City.

If something really breaks out, I'm afraid things will really change. I'm afraid that I will die by then, but this Chen Xuan doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp.

"What are you looking at? My young master's father is from Xuzhou, the magistrate of Xuzhou!"

Mr. Zhang said arrogantly while holding on to his wet brocade clothes. Hearing this, the young masters of these aristocratic families could only put away their mocking smiles.

Although some of them were still suppressing laughter, they did not dare to make a sound, let alone let Mr. Zhang see anyone.

At this time, Mr. Zhang looked at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt the extremely powerful hatred of Young Master Zhang. Chen Xuan felt the powerful hatred of Young Master Zhang. Chen Xuan, who originally had no murderous intentions, was now full of murderous intentions.

This Mr. Zhang is probably going to die now. The murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes once again made the surrounding air drop to freezing point.

The powerful murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes made Mr. Zhang's legs tremble continuously.

However, the hatred in Mr. Zhang's eyes has not subsided at all, but has become stronger and stronger.

Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant eyes were full of murderous intent. The second shopkeeper knew that if he didn't find the shopkeeper now, he would probably die.

Whose life will be counted at that time? What if Chen Xuan directly gets himself involved?

"How is it? You still dare to hit me? I am the son of the magistrate of Xuzhou!"

Chen Xuan was still arrogant and silent. If anyone familiar with Chen Xuan saw Chen Xuan's face, he would know that the person standing in front of Chen Xuan at this time would probably die! Either Chen Xuan dies or the person opposite Chen Xuan dies.

At this time, the second shop owner could only go to the mansion ten miles away to find the shopkeeper.

It is rumored that the shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant is one of the big officials of Xufu. Even the order of Xufu will give him some face. Maybe it is because of the big boss behind the shopkeeper.

This made Chen Xuan even more curious. What is the origin of this legendary boss?

The big boss with such power is either a member of the government or a powerful Jianghu force or an insider of the Hegui Sect?

This really aroused Chen Xuan's interest. Let's first see who the shopkeeper is!

"Who dares to be so arrogant in my Xu Mansion Restaurant?"

The loud voice had already arrived before the shopkeeper arrived. Chen Xuan inferred from the divine consciousness hidden in his voice.

I feel that this shopkeeper should be a strong person from the back realm who has not yet formed a pill.

However, no matter how you look at it, Chen Xuan, a strong man from the back realm who came to be the shopkeeper of a restaurant, still thinks that he is very talented.

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