Chen Xuan's expression when he looked at Mr. Zhang was like a lion staring at his prey. Chen Xuan's eyes were very sharp. And that powerful aura was terrifying even to the shopkeeper who was a powerful person in the back realm.

"You, you—" the shopkeeper was speechless. He didn't know why he provoked the cultivator.

If you are an ordinary person, Xufu Restaurant is really not afraid. In Xuzhou, the power of Xufu Restaurant can be described as overwhelming.

But this time the person he provoked turned out to be a cultivator, and the power of this cultivator amazed the shopkeeper himself.

"Sir," the shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant bowed to Chen Xuan. The shopkeeper of Xu Mansion knew that the other party must be a big shot. But now the only path in front of him may be reconciliation.

Chen Xuan's eyes full of murderous intent glanced at the shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant. The shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant felt as if he was being targeted by an evil wolf. He suddenly felt as cold as ice.

Chen Xuan still had no words and just stared at the shopkeeper coldly without daring to speak. He was so respectful that he didn't even dare to look at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan snorted coldly.


Chen Xuan's momentum made the shopkeeper feel as if he had fallen into hell. Could it be that the matter was irreversible?

"Uncle, please save your nephew. This country bumpkin. This country bumpkin dares to contradict my nephew. Look at my nephew."

The shopkeeper glanced at Master Zhang and saw the dirt on his pants, and immediately understood something when he heard his cry for help.

It must be his unsatisfactory behavior that provoked this cultivator, and this cultivator's cultivation level is probably far above him.

What to do?

Is it an apology?

Or begging for mercy?

The eldest son Zhang kept crying and complaining, which made the shopkeeper of Xu Mansion Restaurant more and more annoyed.

He glared at Mr. Zhang fiercely.

"Shut up!"

Then he smiled flatteringly at Chen Xuan and said, "My lord, this lord, please don't worry about it."

"Whatever your lord wants, I at Xu Mansion Restaurant will do my best to satisfy you."

Young Master Zhang began to wonder why his uncle's elbows were pointed outward. Who is this country bumpkin?

His uncle is a powerful cultivator and his father is the magistrate of Xuzhou Prefecture. This country bumpkin has never been seen in Xuzhou City before.

There is no reason that his uncle would help him. Young Master Zhang looked at the shopkeeper of Xu Mansion Restaurant in confusion and glared at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan still had a cold face and said nothing.


"Uncle, how can you help this country bumpkin!" Mr. Zhang couldn't figure out why his uncle, who usually protected him, would help a country bumpkin? And this country bumpkin has no power.

This Young Master Zhang, Zhang Zeheng looked at Chen Xuan with even more hatred, as if the hatred in his eyes could turn into a lion and press towards Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan's face was still cold, and Chen Xuan's murderous intention became even stronger. It seemed that he could directly drive the so-called Mr. Zhang crazy with his murderous intent.

Young Master Zhang began to be crazy and scared.

"Sir, would you please give me some face and let my nephew go?" The shopkeeper couldn't see the killing intent in Chen Xuan's eyes. If such a powerful murderous intention is once released. I'm afraid even the shopkeeper himself can't resist it.


Chen Xuan just snorted softly, but that sound sounded as scary as a ghost in the eyes of everyone.

Chen Xuan's eyes turned blood red at this moment. The shopkeeper didn't know that Chen Xuan seemed to be a blood Shura but his nephew. But he chose to provoke him.

what to do?

What to do now?

If Zhang Zeheng's father comes to visit, how should he explain himself? This Zhang Fuling is already over fifty years old, and this Zhang Zeheng is his only child.

If something really happened in his Xufu Restaurant, I'm afraid it would be this Chen Xuan.

It seems that we can only give it a try and see if we can make peace. If not, I'm afraid the two sides will only end up in a life-or-death situation. If it really comes to this.

Then there is nothing we can do. The shopkeeper thought so. What kind of trouble did Zhang Zeheng cause himself? If only I could get through it safely. He will definitely be able to knock his father off by then.

The shopkeeper of the Xu Mansion secretly scolded Zhang Zeheng for being a prodigal.

"My lord, if you have any requests, we at Xufu Restaurant will try our best to satisfy you."

"This young master is from the Xuzhou Prefecture, the son of the governor. So you see if you can."

"His Excellency Xuzhou Prefect is also very willing to make friends with practitioners, so you can watch."

Chen Xuan looked at the shopkeeper of Xu Mansion Restaurant countless times with his sharp eyes. Naturally, the shopkeeper was submissive and did not dare to look directly into Chen Xuan's eyes.

"If I let him, will he let me? I don't believe they will let me."

"Besides, I, Chen Xuan, have never used any means of enmity. Sometimes I only have to cut the grass and root out the roots!"

Chen Xuan's piercing eyes instantly released endless killing intent. The killing intent was like the water of the Yangtze River bombarding the restaurant. In an instant, the plaque at the door of the restaurant lost its luster.

Thick dark clouds were piled up in the sky. Chen Xuan still looked at the situation in front of him coldly.

The killing intent around them was constantly surrounding them. For a moment, Chen Xuan felt as if he was like an evil dragon that was ready to attack and kill them at any time.

"Yes, if you are willing to let Mr. Zhang go, you can definitely do it. Zhang Fuling is very willing to make you a friend."

"What if I don't want to?"

Chen Xuan said coldly. That kind of coldness finally made Zhang Zeheng start to regret it. This young man who looked not much older than himself was really scary.

What should I do if I am very likely to die directly in his hands today? How to do this?

Zhang Zeheng suddenly realized that he was still very young and didn't want to die so early.

But the murderous intent in the young man's eyes, Chen Xuan, made even Zhang Zeheng's heart tremble endlessly.

It was an extreme fear, at least that's how Zhang Zeheng felt. I have never been so scared since I was a kid.

Chen Xuan's eyes became more and more fierce.

Although the restaurant owner of the Xu Mansion had long expected that Chen Xuan would probably disagree, when he heard these words, he still couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Moreover, Chen Xuan's aura was too powerful.

The shopkeeper of the Xu Mansion's restaurant can deeply feel that this Chen Xuan is definitely not a good person. However, the shopkeeper still has the last trump card in his hand.

"My lord, have you ever heard that a strong dragon cannot overpower a local snake? Young Master Ze Heng is the son of this mansion, that is, the governor of Xuzhou. You must also know that if anyone in this mansion dares to challenge the authority of the governor, Da Rao."

"That means I can't get along with Hegui Zong. I'm afraid of you, sir."

Chen Xuan looked at the shopkeeper of Xu Mansion Restaurant with cold murderous intent. Even the shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant felt his heart tingle when he saw the cold murderous intent.

what to do?

what to do?

The shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant was constantly struggling in his heart. He felt that he was likely to be buried with Zhang Zeheng.

Of course, he is betting now that Chen Xuan is afraid of the Hegui Sect's power or that the Hegui Sect's power is enough to scare Chen Xuan. But the scary thing is that it is very likely that the shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant has guessed wrong because he has never guessed it correctly. There was no hint of timidity in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Moreover, the murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes became more and more intense. The murderous intent was so intense that the shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant seemed to be out of breath. Chen Xuan's cold expression made Zhang Zeheng even more frightened out of his mind.

"Hmm, are you sure that the Hegui Sect branch is willing to help you?" Chen Xuan asked coldly.

Yes, this Hegui Sect is originally a cultivation sect. With Chen Xuan's qualifications, I'm afraid Hegui Sect won't even have time to win over him. How could you be an enemy of him over something like this?

"And I'm not afraid to tell you."

Chen Xuan took out the silver-white token. The silver-white token shone and formed three words on it.

Hegui Sect branch.

What is the origin of Chen Xuan and why does he have the token of the Hegui Sect branch?

Is there any connection between Chen Xuan and Hegui Sect? How is it possible? The people from the Hegui Sect branch can be regarded as acquaintances, but Chen Xuan is like this.

The manager of Xufu Restaurant thought he had never heard of it. The manager of Xufu Restaurant frowned and thought.

Is this Chen Xuan a new member?


Hegui Sect is also preparing for trials and assessments recently. Is it possible that Chen Xuan is the one who was passed by Hegui Sect?

The shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant's mind exploded if he was just provoked.

It is very likely that Chen Xuan, who is from the Hegui Sect branch, will go to the Hegui Sect headquarters in the future.

That means that Chen Xuan is very likely to become an entry disciple of Hegui Zongfeng or even a direct disciple, that is, after Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuanyu is very likely to be more powerful than the general manager of the Hegui Sect branch in the future.

What kind of person did this idiot Zhang Zeheng provoke?

The shopkeeper of Xufu Restaurant decided not to protect him anymore. It would be good if he would not be implicated by him.

"This Master Chen Xuan! I will no longer participate in this matter!"

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