Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1663 The terrible murderous intention

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to hide a terrifying evil ghost. And Zhang Zeheng heard this from Xu Da, the manager of Xu Mansion Restaurant.

My heart suddenly became chaotic. What should I do?

This Chen Xuan's cultivation level is far beyond what he can resist. What if Chen Xuan, a lunatic, kills himself regardless of his father?

At this time, Chen Xuan smiled coldly and said, "Don't worry, even if your father is here, he can't save you! I am a registered disciple of Hegui Sect. And I am going to Yangzhou to participate in the trial of Hegui Sect."

"How do you think your father is compared to the people of the Hegui Sect? I will kill you even if Mr. Wang comes this time!"

Chen Xuan's words at this time were full of killing intent. The surrounding atmosphere immediately dropped to freezing point. Chen Xuan's murderous intention even seems to be driving Zhang Zeheng crazy.

"Hmph! Die for me, you bastard!"

Chen Xuan's death words had just fallen. I saw a huge river of fire pouring into Xu Mansion Restaurant from the west window. Close to Zhang Zeheng. And the huge river of fire seemed to stretch from the side to Xu Mansion Restaurant.

The flames were so fierce that the shops, flowers, plants and trees along the road were directly swept into ashes. But Chen Xuan didn't care at all.

"you you--"

Zhang Zeheng was so horrified that he was speechless. Chen Xuan's expression at this time was more terrifying like a blood-faced Shura. It was like a Shura who had just returned from hell.

The river of fire seemed to have turned into a giant dragon and swallowed Zhang Zeheng directly in the middle of the Hao Hao River of Fire.

Chen Xuan's eyes were still extremely bloodthirsty.


Zhang Zeheng cried out in pain. The sound was as terrifying as the wailing of evil spirits in hell.

"what happened?"

"How is this going?"

How could this damn Chen Xuan be so powerful? What kind of ancestor did he offend?

Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with blood, but there was just a shadow of a sword. Chen Xuan did not make any more movements.

Just a sword shadow made Zhang Zeheng miserable.

"Hey what's going on?"

"This is a recipe for disaster. Lord God, please save us!"

"Help us get rid of this scourge in Xuzhou Prefecture!"

This is the busiest time in Xuzhou Prefecture, and Chu is also the busiest street in Xuzhou Prefecture.

How could Cihuohe not attract the strong attention of the people of Xuzhou Prefecture? They seemed to think that it was a disaster. It is used to cut off the great evil in their hearts.

Because he is directly in front of this Xufu Restaurant. The so-called Xufu Restaurant is basically filled with young masters, and few of them have clean hands.

But what the people know is that these young men in Xuzhou Prefecture. It seems that he still has friendship with those gods from Hegui Sect.

So what happened this time?

But no matter what happened, these people were still very happy. They all knelt down and worshiped towards this river of fire.

It's like kneeling down to worship the god in their hearts.


Chen Xuan's powerful spiritual consciousness swept across these people. Just a cold snort: These ignorant people only believe in the so-called gods and ghosts. But don't turn yourself into a ghost in the eyes of others.

You really deserve to suffer these sins! At this time, Chen Xuan just felt that these people were really ignorant. Chen Xuan's arrival at this time only alleviated the sins they suffered.

Chen Xuan has always believed that the sins they suffered were really their own fault!

Since you are so ignorant, you have to pay the price for your ignorance! Chen Xuan feels that the poor people in this world must find a way to die! And those who are teased by fate——

If you are strong enough you can become extraordinary. This is Chen Xuan, and now Chen Xuan has already pronounced this so-called sentence in his own heart. Zhang Zeheng, the eldest son of the Zhang family, is dead.


Chen Xuan's dragon-like river of fire seemed to turn into a hurricane. He pushed directly towards Zhang Zeheng, who had no power to fight back.


Zhang Zeheng was in a scorching river of fire and was burned violently. Suddenly he was swept up into the void.

Chen Xuan still had a cold and arrogant expression, as if nothing had happened. Although the people seemed to be exploding at this moment. And Xu Da, the shopkeeper of Xu Mansion Restaurant, was also happy.

Fortunately, I didn't get into trouble with this murderous god, Chen Xuan. Otherwise, I would definitely not be able to get out of this restaurant alive today.

And the son-in-law who was friends with Zhang Zeheng on a daily basis was already kneeling on Lin's knees and dared to raise his head.

But one of them accidentally looked up and saw Zhang Zeheng like this, and was so frightened that all the yellow and white things came out. But this time, who dares to laugh at this young master in front of Chen Xuan, the god of death?

They just lowered their heads and silently prayed that this terrible god of death would never target them.

Chen Xuan glanced at them coldly with a cold and arrogant expression, like Shura who had just crawled out of hell.

At this moment, all the brocade clothes and jade robes on Zhang Zeheng's body exploded into a pile of powder, and slowly turned into ashes on the periphery of the hurricane where the river of fire gathered.

It's just that Zhang Zeheng was naked and burned by such a strong river of fire in the center of the hurricane.

In fact, it was not just Zhang Zeheng's body that was burned in the center of the river of fire. But his God.

In fact, everyone in this world has a god, and the so-called god in layman terms is this human soul.

At this time, Zhang Zeheng's soul was already very weak. It was as if his whole body had fallen into the center of the sea of ​​fire and was being burned violently. The sea of ​​fire seemed to turn into ants biting and tearing Zhang Zeheng's skin every time.


Zhang Zeheng couldn't bear the severe pain. He just wanted to die now. He wanted to be burned to death by this raging fire, but this raging fire did not hurt Zhang Zeheng's body at all.

It just burned his soul to the point of dying. The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth raised a slight arc inexplicably.

very scary.

Zhang Zeheng began to regret, began to regret why he provoked this terrible devil?

Didn't you just scold him? Could this man named Chen Xuan be a murderer who just scolded him like this and then tortured himself like this?

At this time, Chen Xuan could completely control Zhang Zeheng's spiritual consciousness and communicate with Zhang Zeheng's spiritual consciousness.

He conveyed to Zhang Zeheng coldly.

"You scolded me, but actually it doesn't matter at all. The main thing is the killing intent in your eyes."

"Such a powerful killing intention makes me have to kill you, of course it's not just that!"

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows. At this moment, there is no need for him to hide it. Anyway, this so-called Zhang Zeheng will not live long.

"Actually, your consciousness is very powerful. Fortunately, you have never been to the Hegui Sect branch. Otherwise, your achievements would be humiliating!"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly. Chen Xuan didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. It would be a disease to leave someone who is extremely threatening to you in this world.

"It's impossible! My father took me to test the gods who didn't give me any gifts. How is it possible that the people there are basically so weak that they are about to disappear?"

Zhang Zeheng questioned Chen Xuan as if he was crazy. At this time, the pain all over his body seemed to no longer matter.


He is really a good cultivator, he is determined and crazy enough, and his biggest advantage is that he is persistent enough.

Chen Xuan looked at the blazing fire coldly and fell into deep thought. Isn't it a pity to kill such a good young man? What if he could be refined for his own use? And now his powerful god has become one with this river of fire.

What would happen if he separated his hatred from the river of fire now? Is this kid doubting his talent?

Why didn't they find out when they went to the Hegui Sect for trial? According to the strength of Hegui Sect, how could they not discover it. Could it be that they are afraid of the Zhang family in Xuzhou Prefecture?

But the Zhang family is not a cultivator, they are just peripheral disciples. Why should they be afraid of him? It seemed like there was nothing more I could ask.

You can only use your spiritual consciousness to detect this Zhang Zeheng.

Chen Xuan poured his powerful spiritual consciousness into Zhang Zeheng's mind. What a powerful resentment.

What exactly is protected by such a powerful obsession? Chen Xuan was curious. Every god has his own obsession.

And for different things, the distribution of this obsession is of course also different. Every obsession is limited. But a person with a strong spirit will have a slightly stronger obsession, while a person with a weak spirit will have a weaker obsession.

Now Zhang Zeheng's god is so powerful, and what is it that he protects with such a powerful obsession?

Chen Xuan also felt curious. Could this be the existence that made the Hegui Sect jealous? what exactly is it?

Chen Xuan slowly turned his consciousness into a slender knife. Such consciousness would not hurt Zhang Zeheng's obsession.

Since Chen Xuan decided to refine him, he naturally planned not to waste him as much as possible. Now Zhang Zeheng is just a medicinal material in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Zhang Zeheng was in even more pain at this time. The river of fire continued to absorb Zhang Zeheng's powerful spiritual consciousness.

Chen Xuan slowly tried to separate Zhang Zeheng from the powerful barrier generated by his mind.

Chen Xuan was very upset. At this time, he sat upright in the void and closed his eyes. Like a god.

When these ignorant people saw such a cultivator in the sky, they naturally began to pay homage.

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