Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1668 Entering the Jialan Plan (3)

Chen Xuan's consciousness floated together with the black vortex. He felt as if he were in a deserted space with nowhere to go.


Is this blueprint the so-called "nothing"? how can that be possible? Chen Xuan was very curious. If there is nothing, why send a black dragon to protect it?

Chen Xuan felt that he must have entered the space of Jialantu. It was a world full of fog. There are no stars in the void, just pure darkness. The earth was even more chaotic and abnormal, and the fog covered the entire land. What kind of world is this?

Chen Xuan was also very curious at this moment. Chen Xuan wanted to see him clearly, but all he could see was layers of fog. It was his spiritual consciousness that entered. That cluster was definitely not a place where he could just watch casually like before. Chen Xuan also felt that this should be extraordinary.

Chen Xuan felt that this was probably because his method was wrong, or Chen Xuan's own spiritual consciousness was too weak. Chen Xuan slowly sat down in the mist. Chen Xuan's cold eyes were still so profound.

Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was not particularly full to begin with. But Chen Xuan has now transformed his spiritual consciousness into his own body. That is, the so-called spiritual consciousness takes form.

And what is the so-called spiritual consciousness taking form? In fact, the so-called transformation of spiritual consciousness is to use spiritual consciousness to transform into a virtual shadow. It's like Chen Xuan is now using his spiritual consciousness to transform the phantom of his body. The general intensity of divine consciousness has two stages.

After cultivators reach the elixir realm, they can enter the enlightenment stage of spiritual consciousness. And what is the enlightenment stage of spiritual consciousness?

The so-called enlightenment stage of spiritual consciousness is that when a cultivator breaks through the post-realm and becomes the Xudan realm, he will have weak spiritual consciousness. And that spiritual consciousness is like a layer of mist, covering the cultivator's Danhai area. The spiritual consciousness at this time is very weak.

This spiritual consciousness is only enough for the cultivator to pour this spiritual consciousness into his movements during fighting. Then just make yourself more destructive.

Even these spiritual consciousnesses cannot be used in conjunction with the exercises because they are too weak. And what happens after a cultivator reaches the real elixir realm is that the cultivator can then use his spiritual consciousness to coordinate with the exercises.

When Rao's consciousness can be used in conjunction with the skills, the destructive power will be several times greater than before. And the power of earth is contained in the Divine Sense Transmission. This can certainly be used in conjunction with the power of earth to get twice the result with half the effort.

But at this time, Chen Xuan had already reached the strong level of the Golden Core Realm, and once a cultivator stepped into the Golden Core Realm. That means that his consciousness can be transformed into phantoms. But this consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness. so--

After Chen Xuan used his spiritual consciousness to transform his own shadow, the spiritual consciousness in the Dan Sea has become empty. Divine consciousness is like raw materials, raw materials that can be recycled.

For example, a cultivator's alchemy sea is a container, and the consciousness in the alchemy sea is like water. And it is living water, because the power of the earth always exists between the earth.

According to legend, the power of the earth has always existed since the creation of the earth. No matter Chen Xuan or other practitioners. What is promoted is their own Danhai. In other words, what these practitioners need to cultivate is the capacity of their Danhai. The larger their alchemy sea is, the more spiritual consciousness they can hold.

So this is the so-called strength of spiritual consciousness, which is how far Danhai has evolved. What the Danhai in the Golden Dan realm can do at this moment is to transform gods into forms. That is to say, the spiritual consciousness is turned into some phantoms.

But the strong ones in the God Transformation Realm are even different. The strong ones in the God Transformation Realm can transform gods into fighting. Why turn gods into fighting? That is, they can use their spiritual consciousness to transform into many phantoms for fighting.

This is something that Chen Xuan cannot do now. Chen Xuan can only transform his spiritual consciousness into a phantom now. Of course, the strength of this phantom still depends on the strength of Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness.

But at this time, Chen Xuan felt that his Dan Hai was almost empty. What should he do? If I can't see anything here, do I have to stay in this world forever?

what to do?

Chen Xuan's expression became solemn and filled with mist. With such a huge mist, what if his spiritual consciousness didn't turn into a shadow of his own body?

Chen Xuan thought that if he became part of the mist, could he exist in this world? And what makes Chen Xuan even more frightened is——

This world actually has no power of earth. This world seems to be a completely static world. The so-called power of the earth is formed according to the flow of all things in the world.

But what does it mean that there is no power of earth in this world? This means that everything in this world will not flow, and nothing will change again, just like a completely static world.

Only in such a world can Chen Xuan explain why there is no earth power here. And Chen Xuan slowly turned his spiritual consciousness into a ball of light blue mist that filled the pale mist.

Chen Xuan used his extra spiritual consciousness as his own eyes. Although Chen Xuan felt that the fog still shrouded his eyes.

But Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he could feel something. That's right, you can feel something. Chen Xuan seemed to be able to see the tip of the iceberg of the world drawn by this blueprint.

How big is the so-called tip of the iceberg? Just like Chen Xuan is like an ant. All he could see was the insignificant world in front of him.

Where is this world? Or where is the still world drawn in this blueprint? This is definitely not Yujie. Because Chen Xuan felt powerless because of his own insignificance, this was definitely not something that Yujie could give him. Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was passing away.

But Chen Xuan felt that no matter how huge it was, it was still just a painting. Chen Xuan knew that this painting was likely to depict a world where Chen Xuan would be trampled to death immediately if he entered.

But Chen Xuan is not afraid of this painting, because it is just a painting. But Chen Xuan struggled to see more and more things.

Chen Xuan controlled his consciousness to move forward, but Chen Xuan felt that his movement seemed insignificant. It seemed like it took a lot of effort to feel and be outside for about a few weeks to move.

It seems that only one step can be taken like an ant. This made Chen Xuan feel very powerless, but the desire to become stronger continued to stimulate Chen Xuan.

Although Chen Xuan felt that he was very likely to be just an ant in this world, maybe his fate allowed him to encounter this blueprint. Then it becomes clear that it is very likely that he will come to this world in the future.

Every time Chen Xuan took a step forward, Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was being consumed faster. Just like the spiritual consciousness used by Chen Xuan in taking the first step is much less than the spiritual consciousness used in the second step.

Moreover, there are too many things in this world that I can see, and I am too insignificant. So Chen Xuan couldn't see where this so-called exit was.

Chen Xuan could only move slowly, watching as his consciousness became less and less and became nothing. But at this moment, Chen Xuan raised his head and discovered the changes in the stars above.

When Chen Xuan came to this world before, there was nothingness and darkness in the void. It's like the ultimate darkness, without any light.

But when Chen Xuan moved to the third step, Chen Xuan found that the darkness above the void was actually broken by a little starlight.

Chen Xuan felt as if a faint starlight was about to be lit. But that light was very weak, and it was so insignificant compared to the entire dark void.

But Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to have a little more hope at this time. Can I actually change this painting? But what followed was confusion.

There is no earth power in this blueprint, that is, it is completely still. But why could Chen Xuan make him change and have such a weak consciousness? Is he more than a painting?

That is not good news for Chen Xuanlai. Chen Xuan had previously regarded him as a painting, so he should not be a big danger to Chen Xuanlai.

If it is dynamic, it is not a painting but a living being. So what should Chen Xuan do after he consumes all his spiritual consciousness? Or is this an illusion?

If there is a strong person nearby or an illusion arranged by a monster. This is a huge trap for Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan consumes all his spiritual consciousness, he will definitely die without a burial place!

But how powerful a monster or cultivator must be to allow the illusion he or she has arranged to exist outside the Tao? The existence of the so-called power of earth is called the power of Tao by cultivators. That is the existence of Tao.

But if there are cultivators or powerful monsters who can arrange the illusion so that the power of earth no longer exists in the illusion, then the illusion will exist outside the Tao. To be able to construct a world outside the Tao is to be afraid that its own existence is outside the Tao.

But even the existence of fairyland like creation is within the Tao. If there were cultivators or monsters other than Dao, would Chen Xuan still be alive? I'm afraid it's impossible.

This makes Chen Xuan a little scared, but if it is true that the opponent is not within the Tao, killing him is just a thought, so why set up an illusion for himself? Could it be that this blueprint does have some other mystery that allows my spiritual consciousness to change the scene in the painting?

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