Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1669 The grandeur of the blueprint

At this moment, Chen Xuan was like an ant living among the blueprints. That feeling of powerlessness is also a test of Chen Xuan's character. But Chen Xuan felt that this should be a painting. The brilliance of the stars here is probably like a scene obscured by fog.

Just like at this moment, Chen Xuan saw only a pale color, but this does not mean that the scenery in the painting where Chen Xuan was at this moment was pale.

It's probably because Chen Xuan is too weak, so what he can see is very one-sided. So he could only see the mist and some scenery that left Chen Xuan scratching his head.

This might be the same as the starlight above the void, right? Chen Xuan lamented that he was still too weak in the Golden Core realm and he was just an ant in this world.

Now, Chen Xuan has taken five steps forward. Each step takes several times as much time and spiritual consciousness as the previous step.

These growth and changes in spiritual consciousness may be negligible in this world. Because Chen Xuan himself didn’t know how much spiritual consciousness it would take for Chen Xuan to see through the world and this painting? How much cultivation is required?

But Chen Xuan knew that it was definitely not what he could imagine now. But what Chen Xuan is curious about is which strong man drew this blueprint? What kind of strong person can be so powerful? Powerful enough to draw a blueprint of this world. And what is the relationship between this strong man and himself?

The black dragon's attack was definitely not without reason, except for the wooden box approved by Jialantu and Chen Xuan himself.

That black dragon can definitely kill most of the cultivators. I wonder what happened to the mysterious old man? Chen Xuan was also very curious.

It's just that with the strength of his spiritual consciousness, this Jialantu is afraid that what he sees now may not even be the tip of the iceberg. But the time Chen Xuan spent at this time. Chen Xuan even felt as if hundreds of years had passed in the painting. Because when Chen Xuan took the first step, he felt as if it took him a few weeks.

The second step, Chen Xuan even felt that it took several years, and the third step, Chen Xuan felt as if it took him decades to complete, the fourth step, and the fifth step.

Chen Xuan felt as if he had used it for hundreds or even thousands of years. But Chen Xuan knew that the world in the painting would always be static. Otherwise, Chen Xuan might have perished long ago.

But Chen Xuan still looked the same as before, but the white robe was already filthy and unbearable. And Chen Xuan's face was already very haggard.

Chen Xuan felt that his shadow was slowly fading. Chen Xuan knew that this was a sign of the death of his spiritual consciousness. It is very likely that Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness in Danhai at this time is gone.

Could it be that after this, Chen Xuan can return to the real world? Chen Xuan himself was also very curious. Chen Xuan could feel that he seemed to be slowly fading out of this grand world.

If Chen Xuan hadn't experienced it himself, Chen Xuan himself would never have been able to understand what kind of painting this was. Or is this a painting of what kind of world it is?

But what Chen Xuan was more curious about was what kind of existence was the person who painted him? Could it be that the person who painted him is now outside the Tao?

So what kind of relationship does he have with himself? Chen Xuan didn't know either. Chen Xuan found that he seemed to have more and more secrets in his body.

My disappeared memory, what kind of memory is that memory blank? And who erased this memory? More importantly, what is the relationship between Ran Di, who painted this picture, and himself?

And who is he? But Chen Xuan is currently unable to answer these questions. Only by becoming stronger can Chen Xuan have the opportunity to come into contact with these.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that ray of consciousness returned to his body, precisely within his own Dan Hai. Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was very weak, as if there was only a wisp left.

Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate on his spiritual consciousness, feeling the power of the earth in this real world. Chen Xuan did look around carefully before he meditated on his spiritual consciousness, and the black dragon and Sima Wushuang had disappeared. Only a messy cave was left. Chen Xuan didn't know that his spiritual consciousness entered the Jialantu.

What happened to Sima Wushuang and Heilong? But Chen Xuan could feel that there was indeed an additional object in his Jialan Ring.

But at this time, Chen Xuan no longer even had the consciousness to activate Jialan Ring. So he slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate.

He felt that there were countless bright points of light surrounding Chen Xuan in this world. And Chen Xuan's meditation can continuously urge these bright light spots into his body. Chen Xuan could even feel that his alchemy sea was constantly filling up.

But what Chen Xuan could feel was that his own physical strength was passing faster and faster.

After about ten days, Chen Xuan's physical strength and the consciousness within Chen Xuan's Danhai have been completely restored. But Chen Xuan glanced at his white robe and couldn't help but smile.

The extremely pure white robe that Chen Xuan wore when he came out was already filthy and unbearable. Not only was the white robe filthy and unsightly, it was also very tattered.

But Chen Xuan didn't care about this at all. He slowly got up and walked out of the cave. After calculating the time, there are still five days left before the test at the Hegui Sect headquarters.

At this time, Chen Xuan should return to the Xuzhou branch of the Hegui Sect as soon as possible. Before going back, Chen opened the Jialan Ring.

Looking at the blueprint inside, the blueprint seemed to be rolled up as big as a fingernail. Zheng Suspended in the Jialan Ring

But Chen Xuan knew that the vastness of this blueprint was something that no cultivator in the Yu world could describe in words.

At this time, it was on the top of the sacred mountain at the headquarters of the Hegui Sect.

Sima Wushuang was currently sleeping with his eyes closed, but in fact, after the battle with the black dragon, his consciousness never left the valley.

But the battle with the Black Dragon could end in a lose-lose situation for both Sima Wushuang and the Black Dragon. Although the black dragon was killed by Sima Wushuang, Sima Wushuang felt that his lifespan at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm was probably shortened by more than 10,000 years because of this fight.

More than ten thousand years, although this is not a very long time for a strong person at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm, but when has Sima Wushuang ever suffered such a loss?

Moreover, Sima Wushuang could feel that the black dragon was probably also a monster at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. More importantly, this monster must be much older than Sima Wushuang.

Monsters that are older than him are still at the same level. Sima Wushuang was very unwilling to pay such a high price to kill the other party.

But this time it was indeed more gain than loss for Sima Wushuang. Originally, Sima Wushuang only planned to protect Chen Xuan when he entered Jialantu to prevent him from dying inside. But Sima Wushuang found that Chen Xuan came out safely. But he himself paid such a heavy price. This made Sima Wushuang regretful.

But Chen Xuan came out of the blueprint alive. Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan was very lucky. Regarding the origin of Jialantu, Sima Wushuang didn't even know what it was. The contents of the blueprint seem to be even more confidential.

This Sima Wushuang is even more unclear. But this Chen Xuan was lucky enough to enter the world of Jialantu, which had never happened in millions of years.

Sima Wushuang's face showed the domineering and mighty power of someone who had been in power for a long time. snort! Fortunately, this Chen Xuan can be used by Hegui Sect.

If he belonged to another sect, Sima Wushuang would have had a headache at this moment on how to kill him. But with Chen Xuan's qualifications and luck to join the sect, Sima Wushuang decided to train him well.

If before his death, a strong man of the divine realm could appear in the Hegui Sect, even if he was only a strong man of the primary level of the divine realm. Then the Hegui Sect's status in the Yu Realm is enough to surpass the existence of the Yu Sect!

And surpassing the great sect like Yu Sect that has existed for thousands of years is only the dream of Hegui Sect or even any of the eight major sects! Naturally, those sects didn’t even dare to think about it. Yu Zong was like a god-like existence to them!

However, Chen Xuan's existence at this time seems to be like an ant and cannot attract the attention of these major sects. Of course, if it weren't for the special way he passed the assessment and trial of the Xuzhou branch of the Hegui Sect. Even Sima Wushuang himself felt that he would definitely not pay attention to him.

But since Chen Xuan passed the examination and test in this way, and Sima Wushuang investigated his background and started paying attention to him, opportunities for the future of the Hegui Sect had already emerged.

But Sima Wushuang knew that Chen Xuan must not be exposed at this time, otherwise Chen Xuan might be beaten by other strong men from the Yu Sect or even the Shangsan Sect. A being who can be killed just by raising his feet! But as long as Chen Xuan doesn't expose himself, his safety can be guaranteed. In the future, his existence will definitely cause a bloody dynasty change in the mainland!

Sima Wushuang felt that he would be very satisfied if he could see such a change of dynasty before dying. Even if he could see Chen Xuan's rise before he died, that would be enough to make him proud for the rest of his life.

But Sima Wushuang knew that there was no need to worry, after all, Chen Xuan was only a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm. It takes time, and there are too many secrets in Chen Xuan. It's not that Sima Wushuang is worried about Chen Xuan. But Sima Wushuang knew so many secrets.

It has led to two words: mission! Chen Xuan's existence must have his own unique mission, which should be reflected from the moment he enters the Jia Blueprint. And the blankness of his memory is probably his mission.

What Sima Wushuang doesn't understand is, what kind of person gives him what kind of mission, so that he can encounter an opportunity powerful enough to overthrow the entire Yu world?

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