Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1670 Chen Xuan’s Value and the Trial of Hegui Sect (1)

Sima Wushuang himself didn't know. Why did Chen Xuan have such an opportunity? Is it really because of this so-called Tao? And what exactly is this so-called Tao?

Even though Sima Wushuang has reached the pinnacle of Linxian Realm, he still doesn't know what Tao is. Sima Wushuang felt that she would never be able to understand him again in this life. But Chen Xuan is different.

First of all, Chen Xuan had entered the Jialantu. The Jialantu was so mysterious that it was very likely that it contained the secret of Tao. Tens of millions of years ago, God Yu and God of Destruction were also enlightening the Tao.

But they failed, but it was only passed down that they failed because they disappeared. Someone they have vanished into thin air and ceased to exist. Someone went to another world, but no one knows the exact answer.

As for the so-called ultimate of cultivation, who can understand it? If you understand the ultimate goal of cultivation, you may also understand the secret of air.

Chen Xuan is still so young and has such opportunities. Sima Wushuang thought he could give it a try. At least no matter whether you fail or not, you can be famous throughout the ages.

But in this Yu Realm, there have been countless cultivators over the past tens of millions of years, and hundreds or even thousands of powerful people in the Earth Immortal Realm have been born. But what happened to them?

It just disappeared with the torrent of time. No one can remember their names, although they could look down upon the entire Yu world at that time. But the only ones that can be remembered for a long time are Yu Shen and Mie Shen.

And Sima Wushuang also felt that he was destined to be just one of the many cultivators at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Although at this time he was already the leader of the third sect among the eight major sects.

The sect leader of Hegui Sect, and his own cultivation has reached the peak of Linxian Realm for a long time. The so-called fame and fortune are nothing more than a passing cloud to him. And if you can train a disciple who will be qualified to comprehend the Tao in the future.

Then he will definitely be firmly remembered by the history of Yu Realm. That's what Sima Wushuang thinks he can be arrogant about!

It's just that Sima Wushuang was thinking about the Hegui Sect's trial on the top of the mountain and found that there were still five more. I was somewhat indifferent to the other disciples who came for the trial.

However, for Sima Wushuang, there are very few disciples who can get into his eyes. Almost not, after all, Sima Wushuang still has no direct disciples. But he has fallen in love with Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan can pass the Hegui Sect trial, Sima Wushuang will accept him as a disciple without hesitation.

But before that, Sima Wushuang could not show special concern for Chen Xuan. Otherwise it would definitely arouse suspicion.

At this time, Chen Xuan was sitting in the study room of the Hegui Sect branch in Xuzhou. He was flipping through books about the history of the Hegui Sect and the alien continent.

Chen Xuan now knew something about the Hegui Sect. However, Chen Xuan also knew that his trip would not have any particular advantages.

The minimum requirement for recruiting disciples of this Hegui Sect is the Real Alchemy Realm. In other words, there will be many powerful people in the Golden Core Realm. It is even possible for him to encounter a strong person in the early stages of the Transformation of God Realm. In that case, his chances of winning may be only 30 to 40%.

But Chen Xuan thought that he should give it a try, because joining the Hegui Sect was the fastest option if he wanted to become stronger. It doesn't matter if you are lacking in cultivation techniques or something, but it is very likely that you will also lack the necessary resources. When the foundation is unstable, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss.

Chen Xuan's cold expression revealed a deep feeling in his eyes. It makes people feel as if a fairy has arrived. Coupled with Chen Xuan's majestic appearance, his facial features originally seemed to have been carved as delicately as if they had been carved. So sitting in the study now feels even more handsome.

This made Sima Wushuang couldn't help but nod, saying that a person's aura is very important. As for Chen Xuanruci's aura, it is obvious that he has the aura to achieve great things.

But what Chen Xuan is more worried about is that those who compete with him are the children of aristocratic families. And it seems that despite his own origin, the Hegui Sect is at the level of the Pingsan Sect among the eight major sects. I'm afraid their disciples will also benefit from many aristocratic families.

Therefore, they would probably take special care of those aristocratic families, which Chen Xuan knew in his heart. What worries Chen Xuan is that Chen Xuan's strength in this assessment is not top-notch, but Chen Xuan's background must be the worst. That's why Chen Xuan felt very unsure.

Although Chen Xuan thought so at this time, he felt that as long as there was still a chance, he should give it a try. And you must be fully prepared before going to give it a try!

So at this time, Chen Xuan was meditating on his spiritual consciousness in the study. This also made Sima Wushuang keep nodding in approval. This kind of character really makes Sima Wushuang like him.

"It's time for Mr. Chen Xuan to set off." This time it was He Weng who came to see Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan's title has also been changed.

At this time, in He Weng's eyes, Chen Xuan was like that aloof god. Just a few words could bring them great benefits or disaster to Wufang Town.

How could He Weng not be afraid? And the awe of Chen Xuan is also rising. Before leaving, even the general manager of the Xuzhou branch of the Hegui Zong went out to see him off.

Because the general manager also knew that no matter how bad Chen Xuan was, he could still be on par with him. And Chen Xuan has a better chance of becoming a god in the eyes and even the heart of the chief executive.

In the eyes of these secular people, the disciples and direct disciples of the Hegui Sect are the gods of these outside disciples who are registered in the secular world.

After all, these outer disciples are still dealing with mundane matters and have no way to advance further in their cultivation. These outer disciples know that those direct disciples or disciples who enter the house can destroy the place under their jurisdiction with just a wave of their hands.

Even they themselves may not be able to perform three moves under the hands of these direct disciples. This is why these outer disciples respect their direct disciples. This is also the reason why the chief manager went out to see Chen Xuan off.

Of course, He Weng had no way to make the chief executive take a serious look at him. But He Weng felt that being able to see the chief manager was like seeing his own god.

Of course, I don't dare to expect that the general manager can look at He Weng himself. But He Weng became more and more respectful to Chen Xuan, and he knew that the gap between him and Chen Xuan was getting wider and wider. Chen Xuan can let the god in his heart greet him respectfully. And Chen Xuan will soon become a real god.

In He Weng's eyes, Chen Xuan's existence will soon become a real god. Because those eight major sects want to rule better.

Therefore, they set the status of the sect very high, and they turned the sect into a fairyland in the secular world. Let every cultivator who joins the sect become a god.

Therefore, when these ignorant people see the disciples in the sect, they will respect the same as this god. And the disciples in these sects are happy even if they are just a handyman. But in the eyes of these ignorant people, they are also gods, just gods who do chores for the gods.

Chen Xuan continued to meditate on his spiritual consciousness in the car. But while he was meditating on his spiritual consciousness, Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness was also detecting outside the car. Xuzhou City is so prosperous, and Chen Xuan doesn't know if he will have the opportunity to return to Xuzhou City again.

If there is a chance to return to Xuzhou City again, how powerful will he be then? Chen Xuan's deep eyes still couldn't hide the flame that needed to become stronger.

Chen Xuan felt that the consciousness in his Danhai was constantly being filled. Although my physical strength is somewhat depleted and I am also a little tired, the fullness of spiritual consciousness is indeed the best state for cultivators.

Chen Xuan's mind was still echoing every move of Jialan Sword Art. Success or failure depends on this, Chen Xuan said to himself.

At this time, Chen Xuan discovered that He Weng had already driven away in the car. At this time, Chen Xuan had also entered Yangzhou.

Chen Xuan has long heard about the prosperity of Yangzhou. The main reason is that Yangzhou is the capital of Zhili Province of the Hegui Sect. It can also be called the capital. There is still a big difference between the capital and Xuzhou. The bustling traffic of the capital is far beyond that of Xuzhou.

Where had He Weng seen such a prosperous scene at this time? Even his eyes straightened up. But the people in the capital looked at him and the carriage with contempt.

The main reason is that Chen Xuan's carriage is too ordinary. It's so ordinary that it would make people feel shabby if placed in the capital city! But who would have thought

More than twenty years later, the first person who made clouds and rain in the world of Yu is now sitting in a carriage that everyone thinks is shabby in this capital city? Who would have thought that this young man who would create such a storm in the world of Yu more than twenty years later would be led by this shabby carriage to the most critical step in his life? Is it also a formal starting point for his long journey of cultivation?

No one thought of it.

Maybe even Chen Xuan himself had never thought of this. But so what? Chen Xuan's desire to become stronger has filled his blood, and Chen Xuan's perseverance has been deeply buried in his bone marrow.

So Chen Xuan's mission is getting closer to him at this moment, even if he still doesn't know what this mysterious mission is?

Even if no one in Yujie knows, what is the mission left to Chen Xuan? Sima Wushuang watched Chen Xuan's carriage slowly enter Yangzhou City

The corners of his mouth raised a slight, imperceptible arc.

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