Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1671 Chen Xuan’s value and the trial of Hegui Sect (2)

Chen Xuan's eyes were still as deep and calm as ever. Chen Xuan didn't even know what his future would be like after he entered the Hegui Sect, or what would have happened if he had not entered the Hegui Sect?

But what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that he will definitely become stronger and stronger. At this time, the carriage had slowly arrived at the mountain gate of Hegui Sect.

It is a very huge mountain range, and it is also very powerful. The highest mountain range after this mountain range is the legendary sacred mountain.

And that's all He Weng can give away now. Because He Weng had no way to enter the headquarters of Hegui Sect. Only Chen Xuan can enter.

The huge mountain range in front of him is called the mountain gate of Hegui Sect. When looking at such a powerful mountain gate, Chen Xuan felt the urge to kneel down and worship.

At this time, He Weng had already knelt down and kowtowed, and was still mumbling words such as "bless him, their family, and He Cun".

And Chen Xuan knew that only by climbing over this high mountain could he meet the so-called fairy boy, the door boy of Hegui Sect. But what Chen Xuan didn’t know was that

The doormen saw He Weng was like this, and their carriage was so shabby. It has long been possible to tell that Chen Xuan's family background and background are extremely humble.

And the so-called fairy boy in the world's mouth is just a watchdog of the Hegui Sect. Of course, these watchdogs have long seen Chen Xuan's family background. And their snobbish skills are basically the same, so when they see Chen Xuan, they will probably be very cold.

Sure enough, after Chen Xuan used his perseverance and physical strength to climb over this high mountain without using any help from his spiritual consciousness, it was about a month or so later.

Even when these doormen saw Chen Xuan, they seemed to be indifferent.

Some even started to mock Chen Xuan directly.

"Where did this country boy come from? He was so lucky that he passed the examination of the Hegui Sect branch? Did he come to the headquarters?"

"Yes, I really don't know how I got this bad luck. I just don't know what kind of beating this kid will get from those young men."

The other doormen looked at Chen Xuan's excitement. Over there, he was laughing openly. But Chen Xuan didn't take it seriously. He walked coldly to the only doorman who didn't laugh at him and asked coldly but politely.

"Hello, where is my room?"

"Huh? Uh-"

The doorman didn't seem to expect that Chen Xuan wanted to question him. But his face immediately turned red and he stammered.

"I'm going to take a look at the record book. What's your name?" Although the doorman stuttered a bit, he was still very respectful.

"Humph! What a waste! A waste can only talk to a waste. But since he is a waste, there will be no dinner for you today, right?"

The doorman who took the lead in mocking Chen Xuan openly provoked the doorman who was talking to Chen Xuan. But the doorman named Yi Ran didn't dare to answer. I just pretended not to hear it and flipped through the record book.

But when the doorman who was leading the heckles asked, the fingers of the hands that were flipping through the record book trembled slightly.

Then the doormen laughed and left.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Xuan, your room is at the back room number 5. I will take you there." The doorman named Yi Ran said politely to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also showed a rare smile and nodded. But what makes Chen Xuan curious is this young man named Yi Ran. Although his fingers only trembled slightly when he faced the ridicule just now, the look on his face showed that he was in a good state of mind, but he was just not very suitable for cultivation. Because he's not ruthless enough. But Chen Xuan thought of a job that was very suitable for him. His job is definitely not for someone as talented as a janitor.

Chen Xuan felt that this person was very suitable for refining elixirs and medicines. Doctors are benevolent. Although this person cannot be the Poison King, he definitely has a future as a medical saint.

Of course, Sima Wushuang also noticed this situation at this time. He also felt that Chen Xuan's judgment was very correct, and this young man was definitely a good candidate for an alchemy master!

With such a state of mind, are the elders of the Hegui Sect blind? It can't compare to Chen Xuan's eyesight. But it is also possible to become an alchemist or a medical saint in more than ten years or even decades. But he is definitely not suitable for cultivation.

Many practitioners have a misunderstanding, that is, they think that alchemists and practitioners are almost the same or even the same. In fact, they couldn't be more wrong. These two types of people have very different mental states. Alchemists are also divided into two types. One is the Poison King.

The other one is the Medical Saint. These two have different states of mind, but it does not rule out that if the cultivator has reached the Nascent Soul Realm. After turning a god into a body, he will transform into his own secondary body. If the secondary body and the main body have completely the same murderous nature. If one is benevolent, then it is possible for one to become the Poison King and the other to become the Medical Saint. But the probability of this is actually not high. Most of the auxiliary bodies transformed by strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm are generally consistent with their personalities. That is, the kind with similar or almost identical personalities.

But even medical saints are very rare in this world of Yu. One is because people pay more attention to cultivation rather than refining elixirs. Rather, the psychological requirements for the alchemist, the Chinese Medicine Saint and the Poison King, are very high. Even if Chen Xuan wanted to learn alchemy, he would not be able to become the Poison King or the Medical Saint.

Because the so-called medical saint requires a benevolent heart, and even no evil thoughts in the heart. That is, any evil thoughts that arise, he can purify them. This is an extreme. What kind of mentality is needed to achieve no evil thoughts in the heart?

But Chen Xuan just saw the calmness in Yiran's eyes. This made Chen Xuan feel that Yiran should be able to do it in time. And now all he needs is a good master to guide him.

The so-called poison king is exactly the opposite of the medical saint. What the poison king needs to do is that the alchemist has no good thoughts. That is the unforgivable devil!

In the legend, Yu Shen couldn't become a medical saint. And Mie Shen couldn't become a poison king. These two were cultivators who made a sensation thousands of years ago. Even now, their names can still make a sensation throughout the world. But they still can't achieve the state of mind of the medical saint and the poison king.

Chen Xuan stared at Yiran and thought at this moment. But he couldn't help Yiran, after all, he was not yet a disciple of Heguizong.

I can only hope that if I can find a good master after passing the trial of Hegui Sect, I can ask his master to help Yiran.

But before that, Chen Xuan still didn't plan to tell Yiran. On the one hand, it can be regarded as a tempering of Yiran's character. On the other hand, after all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Chen Xuan simply thanked Yiran and continued to meditate in the guest room. Chen Xuan didn't want to waste any time.

If the strength of those young masters was supplemented by these so-called cultivation herbs. Then Chen Xuan thought that his strength could be achieved step by step by himself.

So Chen Xuan didn't plan to waste any time. And Chen Xuan knew that he hadn't understood the Jialan picture yet.

He hadn't even understood the tip of the iceberg! So Chen Xuan felt that he should hurry up. Chen Xuan knew that his blank memory could only be retrieved after he became stronger. Chen Xuan also knew that if he didn't have that memory, it would always be a regret. Chen Xuan also knew that the Jialan picture chose him and might have left him a mission.

So Chen Xuan kept telling himself that he must survive in Heguizong. He must have the qualification to stay in Heguizong in Ming's trial.

Chen Xuan had a premonition that there might be a strong man in the Huashen realm in Ming's test. And there might be a lot of Jindan realm practitioners like Chen Xuan in Ming's test.

It might be that he would become an ordinary person, but Chen Xuan would do his best! Because he wanted to become stronger, although he lost that blank memory. But Chen Xuan knew that he still had a master named Chuangshi waiting for him to become stronger and return in Xuncheng Continent.

In this alien continent, there was also a lifesaver who happened to save him by mistake, and the whole village was looking forward to his protection.

So Chen Xuan must stay in Heguizong. Chen Xuan knew that he might only be able to see the tip of the iceberg of Jialantu when he reached Dalin Fairyland. Or he could understand a little bit of Jialantu.

So sad, is the strong man who left Jialantu to him so confident in himself? Give him the mission and responsibility, and also give him the opportunity.

Is it really destined? Chen Xuan didn't know that Chen Xuan found that he still had too many secrets. Chen Xuan himself felt that he couldn't see through it. And his accidental arrival in Yujie, was it arranged by those strong men?

Or was it just his luck? At this moment, Chen Xuan was in the room, his heart was extremely calm. And his meditation consciousness also reached the best state. Even Sima Wushuang kept nodding because of Chen Xuan's state of mind.

Sima Wushuang was sitting in the main seat of the temple at this moment, arranging the list of disciples to be tested and consumed. He silently moved Chen Xuan to the combination of Zheng who was fighting against a strong man in the God Transformation Realm.

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