Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1675: Entering the Blueprint Again (1)

Chen Xuan found a thick white fog around him. When Chen Xuan looked up at the void, he found that there was only a little light from the stars in the void.

What is going on? Chen Xuan himself was also very confused. Why did he enter the Jialantu for no reason?

But Chen Xuan felt that he seemed to have entered by chance while meditating on his consciousness. But since he got the Jialantu, he has always existed in his body. Chen Xuan never knew how to enter the Jialantu? But Chen Xuan had meditated on his consciousness several times before. Why did he enter only this time?

Chen Xuan guessed that Chen Xuan must be still outside at this moment, and he completely separated his consciousness from his body. That's why it's like this.

Chen Xuan understood that since he had already come in, he would naturally make the best of it in the Jialantu. However, Chen Xuan was indeed very curious about the world in the Jialantu. So Chen Xuan still planned to feel this world in the Jialantu.

Because Chen Xuan felt that although his current cultivation was not enough, there was always a point where his cultivation was enough to make this Jialan map appear in his eyes.

Chen Xuan slowly moved with his consciousness, just one step. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his whole body was hollowed out. And this step, his consciousness seemed to feel as if a long time had passed. Chen Xuan didn't know what was going on?

But Chen Xuan seemed to feel that after taking this step, his consciousness was not only consumed, but strangely, there was actually a little bit of consciousness replenished!

What's going on?

Chen Xuan felt very strange, because Chen Xuan knew that the world in this Jialan map was completely forbidden. But how could the world in this Jialan map now have consciousness replenished for him?

Could it be that the source of this consciousness, that is, the source of this land power, is not from the Jialan map at all? But from the outside world?

But since I entered this world, it seems that my consciousness has been completely absorbed. But why does my Danhai have that extra consciousness?

Chen Xuan knew that the extra consciousness was not much. That is to say, the expansion of his Danhai is not fast. But at least it is expanded!

Can you use the Jialan map to practice and expand your Danhai? What's going on? Does this so-called Jialan map have such a function?

Expanding your Danhai means expanding the strength of your Danhai, which can make your consciousness more profound in the Danhai. But the problem is that Chen Xuan knows that if ordinary people want to expand their Danhai, they need to practice their own skills countless times. But does Chen Xuan not need to practice his own skills and only need to comprehend his Jialan map to have the same effect?

What exactly is the Jialan map? Chen Xuan doesn't know, is it a skill or a very large picture? Chen Xuan doesn't even know what kind of existence this Jialan map will be after comprehending it?

But at present, Chen Xuan feels that he may not be able to care so much, and all Chen Xuan can do now is to comprehend this so-called Jialan map.

But Chen Xuan knows that it is very likely that his current existence has a very large responsibility. And these responsibilities of his own need his own existence to slowly complete.

Chen Xuan felt that he seemed to be struggling in the Jialan map, and Chen Xuan was still as cold as ever. What Chen Xuan decided would not be changed.

Since Chen Xuan wanted to take a good look at the world in the Jialan map, it would be his future goal. Although Chen Xuan didn't know why, he would inexplicably enter the Jialan map after he started to meditate on his consciousness, but this was his own secret. Chen Xuan planned to keep it in his heart. Chen Xuan didn't intend to let himself ascend in one step just because of this so-called Jialan map, and no longer need to practice other exercises.

The purpose of Chen Xuan's coming to Heguizong this time was for the exercises of Heguizong and the cultivation resources of Heguizong. However, Chen Xuan wanted to teach a roadblock like Nangong Che a lesson. But Chen Xuan felt that his current strength was too weak. Chen Xuan felt that he needed to become stronger.

If he couldn't become stronger, he might have to endure it at present. Is his current strength in the Jindan realm not enough to compete with the other party?

With his current strength in the Jindan realm, he would probably kill Nangong Che, and then his entire family would hate him. It would be bad if he was remembered by such a cultivation family.

Chen Xuan decided that he had to break through first, and wait until he broke through to the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Then he would not have to be afraid of the other party at all. The initial and intermediate stages of the Nascent Soul Realm are just ants to the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Since they are ants, Chen Xuan naturally does not need to care about them in the future. But Chen Xuan is still a long way from the Nascent Soul Realm.

Chen Xuan's current strength in the Jindan realm must first break through to the God Transformation Realm. Chen Xuan thought about his future, and his desire to become stronger was strengthened again. He wants to become stronger, he wants to become stronger!

Then Chen Xuan took another big step forward without hesitation. Chen Xuan decided that he would use all the methods he could to make himself stronger! Chen Xuan felt that many people can do many things in their lifetime. Even ordinary people can do many things in their lifetime. But many people are destined to be mediocre all their lives.

He can only live and struggle at the low end of life, but Chen Xuan thinks what if this person only puts all his energy into one thing? What happens after that?

Chen Xuan knows that if a person really wants to do something, then he will definitely be able to do it. And Chen Xuan now has the strength of a strong man in the Golden Core Realm. My life span is now several hundred years longer than that of normal people! And if he wants to accomplish something, will he still be unable to accomplish it?

Chen Xuan also knew that on the road of cultivation, many people would fail because of this and eventually lose their souls. But Chen Xuan is not afraid, Chen Xuan is not afraid of losing his soul! What Chen Xuan is afraid of is that he is still alive but can't do anything.

When Chen Xuan took this second step, Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was very weak.

It must succeed!

Chen Xuan shouted in his heart. Chen Xuan looked at his consciousness, and the insects moved very slowly. It seemed like it would dissipate immediately. And at this moment, Chen Xuan's own consciousness seemed to be feeling extreme pain!

That kind of extreme pain seems to be far beyond what can be compared with cultivation. If the fatigue and pain of practicing a certain technique are compared with entering the Jialantu and observing it, I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning.

Chen Xuan felt as if his consciousness was being burned by the flames in the blueprint! What should I do? Chen Xuan doesn’t know what to do? Chen Xuan's body was not damaged at all, but Chen Xuan's consciousness was in great pain at this moment.

The faint blue color of Chen Xuan's consciousness has slowly faded, turning into sickly blue. Is he going to go out again this time? Chen Xuan asked himself!

Could it be that you can't even take two steps this time? Chen Xuan asked himself! No! No, although Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness was fading rapidly and was about to disappear in this world of Jialantu, at this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to be like a giant dragon, suddenly rushing forward crazily. Despite this kind of breakaway, the world still seems to be crawling.

Because the world in this painting is too huge. But Chen Xuan's final madness this time retained his consciousness. When his consciousness quickly faded and even disappeared, Chen Xuan discovered that his consciousness actually slowly became deeper! Success! Chen Xuan shouted crazily. Although Chen Xuan only has spiritual consciousness, there is no sound when shouting. But the cry of Chen Xuan's consciousness in his heart was still very strong.

Chen Xuan finally took five steps in the blueprint. This fifth step is particularly difficult. Chen Xuan knew that this time his Danhai expanded, and his spiritual consciousness became a little stronger!

Chen Xuan even seemed to feel that there was a faint hint of a breakthrough in his own body. Chen Xuan felt as if his body's Danhai was about to break through. In fact, that breakthrough is a very strong feeling.

Otherwise, the spiritual consciousness cannot sense it at all. This breakthrough is extremely painful for the cultivator, but it is also extremely enjoyable. This feeling is very difficult to understand.

But Chen Xuan was very different in his heart. I came in this time and came up with the blueprint. Are you actually about to break through? But at this time, Chen Xuan had no intention of going back and had no way to go back.

There are two ways to go back in the blueprint! The first way is to fully understand this blueprint, and maybe it is possible to go back.

The second is to completely consume one's own spiritual consciousness in the process of enlightenment. In that case, you can go back. But Chen Xuan knew that in his current situation, he had only the second way to go back.

As for the first type, Chen Xuan only needs to work hard for too long. But this blueprint is still very strong against itself. Chen Xuan knew that he was currently the only living creature that could move in the Jialantu. Or the only air current that moves. And when he enters the Jia Blueprint, he will naturally encounter strong resistance from the Chinese Jia Blueprint.

Chen Xuan even knew that all Chen Xuan could do now was to endure and move forward. That's all Chen Xuan can do. But Chen Xuan currently wants to take another step forward. This level of difficulty is no less difficult for Chen Xuan than climbing.

Chen Xuan slowly calmed down his mind. One more step forward!

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt as if there was a huge hurricane in front of him, which could directly destroy his consciousness into pieces! But Chen Xuan was still not afraid.

Failure or failure. This was the first thing Chen Xuan said to himself when he entered the world of cultivation. Either die or become an immortal! Therefore, Chen Xuan has not considered at all the worldly things he possesses such as wealth and wealth!

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