Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1676: Entering the Blueprint Again (2)

Chen Xuan felt as if his consciousness was completely out of his control, being rolled up like that. Chen Xuan felt that this gust of wind was actually an extremely cold air current. Chen Xuan doesn't even know where he will be sent? But Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

With Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, his body and consciousness would fall into the ice cellar together. In that case, Chen Xuan wouldn't feel anything at all. After all, Chen Xuan has already reached the level of the Golden Core Realm. If the body and consciousness fall into such an ice cellar together. At most, it can stimulate Chen Xuan's consciousness to warm his own body.

But Chen Xuan currently only has one piece of spiritual consciousness left in Jialantu! The suffering suffered by this spiritual consciousness will be ten thousand times the suffering suffered by the body! Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was about to freeze to death.

Moreover, Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be where he was. This wind did not send him anywhere, as if the world where this wind existed was the same world!

This made Chen Xuan not only secretly praise it! Is every scene and thing in this blueprint a world? Who created such a blueprint? This person must have transcended the Tao! Could it be some powerful person at the peak of God? Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head, he was still too shallow! The powerful existence of this other party is something that I can't even imagine.

But the hurricane seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and the icy air seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Chen Xuan's consciousness wants to break free! Chen Xuan's consciousness was struggling crazily.

But Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be able to escape the hurricane. But the hurricane was so powerful that my struggle to escape seemed like the collapse of an ant trying to escape.

Chen Xuan instantly felt that he was very insignificant. He could break free, but it seemed that his efforts were completely useless. Moreover, the spiritual consciousness required to break free is simply too powerful. And it's very painful. This kind of pain is far more painful than enduring. But Chen Xuan's consciousness was still there and he broke free without hesitation.

So what about pain? The path of cultivation is inherently painful. And isn't this kind of pain just to break away from the so-called Tao... After breaking away, there will be a painless, itchy, peaceful and carefree existence? Isn't it just to protect the existence you want to protect? So what about all this pain? This is Chen Xuan’s Taoist heart! Chen Xuan’s original intention in cultivation and Chen Xuan’s Taoist heart. Chen Xuan tried his best to break free with his Taoist heart. Chen Xuan felt that if he couldn't break free, he would rather let this so-called consciousness dissipate!

Chen Xuan would rather let this so-called divine consciousness dissipate than give up on breaking free! This is Chen Xuan! This is the existence of Chen Xuan! Chen Xuan was still struggling to break away calmly. Chen Xuan felt as if his spiritual consciousness was about to dissipate at this moment. The extreme coldness made Chen Xuan feel that if his body was still there, he might have to find a physical body again.

Chen Xuan still felt cold, although the pain on his consciousness at this time made Chen Xuan feel as if his consciousness was about to dissipate. However, the pain in Chen Xuan's consciousness at this time did not affect his state of mind at all.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's state of mind seemed to have reached its peak of calm, as if nothing could affect him. Chen Xuan felt that his state of mind was so calm, and he knew that his cultivation had truly entered the state of transformation into a god again!

Just when Chen Xuan's consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, Chen Xuan realized that he really couldn't hold on much longer. But Chen Xuan's Taoist heart became stronger and stronger at that moment.

Chen Xuan felt that his cultivation had probably reached the state of becoming a god. I'm afraid I have a slight chance of winning against Fu Jun this time. Fu Jun and Chen Xuan felt that although this person was only in the God Transformation realm, there was definitely a lot of blood on his hands. And the combat experience is extremely intense. Even if he is at the same level as the other party, he must not underestimate the other party.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt his consciousness loosened from the hurricane. How is this going? Chen Xuan was also very curious. Could it be that he had survived this hurricane safely?

But my struggle is like an ant? How did you escape this hurricane? But Chen Xuan found that his figure was slowly getting darker. Chen Xuan knew that new spiritual consciousness had been added. But Chen Xuan still felt unbelievable. He actually took a step forward like this.

Chen Xuan seemed to understand why it was so difficult to take a step forward. When Chen Xuan took a step forward, he was taking a step forward to cross an entire world, and to cross a plane of existence that was transformed into this blueprint. Chen Xuan was still cold, but he knew that his strength could never last until the next step.

I really don’t know how many steps there are in this blueprint! How powerful is this world of Jialantu? Chen Xuan doesn’t know! But Chen Xuan wanted to go to Hegui Sect to see if there was any information about Jialantu. This blueprint is really too mysterious. And what is the connection between Jialantu and himself?

Why start on your own side? Chen Xuan doesn't know his origin? And Chen Xuan knew that many things that happened to him were very mysterious. What is the memory that I am missing? What have you experienced before? And what is the so-called beyond the Tao? And where did the so-called God Yu and the God of Destruction go?

Chen Xuan doesn’t know! It was as if there was an extremely powerful person vaguely controlling his destiny. No matter what I do, I can't escape his control! Even though Chen Xuan seems to know that this so-called manipulation does not seem to be a bad thing for him. But Chen Xuan still wants to escape from this control! With this control, Chen Xuan knew that only by becoming stronger could he possibly change everything!

Chen Xuan knows this because Chen Xuan knows that Chen Xuan will work harder. And now Chen Xuan knows that if he takes another step forward, he will be in extreme pain. And it may immediately disappear between this blueprint. But even if he stayed where he was, Chen Xuan could feel that his consciousness was slowly weakening.

Because Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness, that is, Chen Xuan's aura, does not belong to this blueprint at all, but the aura of Chen Xuan, an outsider. This powerful blueprint can certainly be felt. Then this Jialantu will launch an attack on outsiders. Chen Xuan's current consciousness can still feel powerful pain even if he doesn't move.

But Chen Xuan could feel that every time he took a step forward, the intensity of his consciousness would become stronger. And the increase in the intensity of his spiritual consciousness in this step seems to be far beyond what he could compare with in his previous step.

But Chen Xuan knew that the pain he suffered in this step was not comparable to the pain he suffered in the previous step. This reminded him of what Mr. Sanbai once said: There are no shortcuts in cultivation. The only shortcut is to suffer more than others! More tired than others. In this way, you may be able to become stronger faster than others! But there is no other way.

Chen Xuan seems to have felt this terrible rule from the blueprint again! Chen Xuan decided that he would leave Jialantu for the time being. He took a step forward without hesitation.

Chen Xuan felt that it was a very strong fire, and that kind of heat was something Chen Xuan had never experienced before. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as the fire of hell. Chen Xuan was like this, unable to hold on for even a second in such a plane.

Then it disappeared and returned to its true form in the trial field of Hegui Sect. But what Chen Xuan can feel is that his current spiritual consciousness has indeed become much stronger. Chen Xuan felt that he was about to break through.

Sima Wushuang's eyes showed a very surprised look. But it only took a second to become very calm again. What Sima Wushuang still can't understand is how Chen Xuan broke through the water seepage intensity through meditation?

Within the scope of Sima Wushuang's cognition, there may be only one way to break through the intensity of divine consciousness. That is the cultivation method, and meditating on spiritual consciousness is simply like the practitioner sleeping. To replenish spiritual consciousness is to replenish one's physical strength when fighting.

If your spiritual consciousness is some liquid, then the strength of your spiritual consciousness is the capacity of the so-called Dan Sea! It is also the container used by practitioners to carry liquids. But what Sima Wushuang knows better is that maybe Sima Wushuang feels that it is very difficult to break through the intensity of spiritual consciousness even if he practices the technique. That requires enlightenment!

That’s right, it means understanding, understanding of the techniques! And how could Chen Xuan be able to break through the strength of his spiritual consciousness by meditating on it? In fact, a breakthrough, as long as it is a breakthrough in the intensity of spiritual consciousness, is luck for any cultivator. This is far from something that can be accomplished without eating or drinking. That requires talent, a lot of talent, and luck. Or it’s chance! But Chen Xuan is too perverted! How is it possible to achieve a breakthrough through meditation? But Chen Xuan's current situation is definitely not suitable for staying in the training ground anymore.

In half an hour at most, Chen Xuan's body will definitely be able to break through. What's even more incredible is that Chen Xuan seems to have more than just broken through to the first level of the Divine Transformation Realm with the strength of his spiritual consciousness.

Even Chen Xuan himself is very anxious at the moment. Is he about to make a breakthrough in public? The trees are beautiful in the forest but the wind will destroy them! Chen Xuan understands this truth very well! He didn't want the people of the Hegui Sect, especially when he couldn't completely trust them, to let them figure out his own cultivation!

This is extremely detrimental to Chen Xuanlai.

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