Chen Xuan even felt that the existence of this so-called Jia Lan map seemed to have a deeper secret for him. Could it be that his lost memory was related to this Jia Lan map?

But who was he? Why? Would he attract the attention of such a powerful person? Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his opportunities had always been extraordinary since he came to this world. And Chen Xuan felt that he seemed to be unable to see through himself, and he became more and more mysterious.

But Chen Xuan felt that he might be able to get the answer to the secret from the Jia Lan map! Helplessly, he was still too weak, Chen Xuan said secretly.

If Chen Xuan was too strong, Chen Xuan might be able to understand his own existence, but Chen Xuan was going to join the Hegui Sect now, which meant that Chen Xuan was destined to hide his opportunities at this moment, otherwise his situation would be very dangerous.

But what Chen Xuan knew was that if he entered the Hegui Sect, his strength would be lower than that of the Hegui Sect, and Chen Xuan still needed to be more low-key. Otherwise, what was waiting for Chen Xuan would be a catastrophe!

Chen Xuan looked out the window coldly. He had to face the next trial. The so-called Fu Jun was afraid that he could no longer have any strength against Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan didn't plan to use his full strength.

Chen Xuan felt that he should use at most three-tenths of his strength to fight against Fu Jun. If he used all his strength, it would be inevitable that these practitioners would be jealous. Chen Xuan's eyes were deeper than before. It seemed that people couldn't guess what Chen Xuan was thinking.

This was the change in Chen Xuan's current state of mind. Chen Xuan's current strong Dao heart was enough to benefit Chen Xuan infinitely. But the author of this Jia Lan map obviously had a very profound understanding of the Dao heart!

Otherwise, he would not have created such a powerful picture to let himself accept such an illusion. Then comprehend this so-called Dao heart. Chen Xuan felt that the creator of this Jia Lan map was likely a strong man from tens of millions of years ago. But from the Jia Lan sword to the Jia Lan ring, Chen Xuan felt that there must be a very strong connection.

Could it be that these weapons, the Jia Lan ring, and even the Jia Lan map were all created by this great man? Chen Xuan felt that the cultivation of this great man should definitely not be comparable to the peak of the earthly immortal realm.

Chen Xuan felt that this strong man was likely to have entered the realm of the gods! The strong men in the God Realm. For tens of millions of years, there may be only two strong men in the God Realm. One is the legendary Yu God, and the other is the legendary Mie Shen who exists in the Netherworld. Both of these legendary beings are very terrifying.

Could it be one of the two strong men in the God Realm? But why do they look at him differently? Chen Xuan felt incredible. Ever since he came to the Yu Realm from his original world in an incredible way.

His fate seemed to have been arranged by a mysterious force, and Chen Xuan was not quite sure why he came to the Yu Realm. But Chen Xuan knew that it was probably not accidental! But Chen Xuan's strong state of mind certainly would not add trouble to himself because of these completely incomprehensible things. Chen Xuan's state of mind did not fluctuate at all at this moment.

He was carefully feeling the power of the force in his body! Chen Xuan felt that the difference between the so-called Jindan Realm and the Huashen Realm was still very strong.

Chen Xuan even felt that the strong men in the Jindan Realm were like ants in front of the strong men in the Huashen Realm. What about the strong men in the middle stage of the Huashen Realm in front of the strong men in the Yuanying Realm? Is it like an ant? Chen Xuan asked himself.

Chen Xuan's desire to become stronger is getting stronger because of this question. Why can't I find out who is the one who erased my memory? Why can't I understand the secret of the so-called Jia Lan map? It's all because I'm still too weak. The world I see is too big and too blurry, and my Tao heart is not strong enough. Chen Xuan seems to understand the conditions for seeing through the Jia Lan map. It is very likely that it is to make my Tao heart strong enough. And Chen Xuan is still too weak.

Now the desire to become stronger is constantly pouring into Chen Xuan's mind, and Chen Xuan's desire to become stronger is getting stronger. Chen Xuan wants to stand at the top of this Yu world, look at this Yu world, stand at the top of the cultivators, and look down on this Yu world. Chen Xuan wants to understand clearly what made Yu Shen and Mie Shen disappear at that time?

Chen Xuan thinks that it must be a more powerful force that made Yu Shen and Mie Shen disappear. But what is the origin of this power? Chen Xuan himself is not very clear. But what Chen Xuan knows is that this power should still exist now! The source of this power should be a very powerful existence in the entire Yu Realm, or even an existence that exceeds the Yu Realm.

Could it be the existence of another world? What kind of existence is that world? Chen Xuan doesn't think that there is only one world for them now. The Yu Realm and the Netherworld already represent two worlds.

But the world before Chen Xuan came was already the third world. But are these worlds parallel? Chen Xuan is not very clear. What Chen Xuan can know is that these worlds seem to have a special connection with each other! Chen Xuan knows too little about this world.

Chen Xuan thought so, it is very likely that the shopkeeper world that Chen Xuan sees now is only one side of this world. And there are still many things in this world that Chen Xuan doesn't know.

Perhaps the strong people in the Earth Immortal Realm and the strong people in the Nascent Soul Realm may see a world that is completely different from Chen Xuan and much larger than Chen Xuan. Just like the Jia Lantu

What Chen Xuan can see now is just a little bit. The rest is a fog. What Chen Xuan can't imagine is how huge the world within the Jialan Plan is that Chen Xuan can see if he becomes more powerful.

But the most important thing for Chen Xuan right now is Ming's trial. Chen Xuan felt that he could certainly enter the Hegui Sect, but Chen Xuan felt that it would not be difficult if he just needed to enter the Hegui Sect. But after entering the Hegui Sect, although Chen Xuan can get more training resources and training methods. But Chen Xuan felt that this was still not enough!

Because Chen Xuan felt that he still needed a powerful practitioner to guide him, and he wanted those powerful people to see his potential. But Chen Xuan didn't want to unleash all his strength like this. Because Chen Xuan felt that no one could be trusted.

This is something Chen Xuan would not do, but Chen Xuan felt that if he exposed his strength, he would probably be hunted down by the Yu Zong people. As the number one sect in the cultivation world, they will never let a strong man in the divine realm appear! Nor would a strong man with the potential to appear in the divine realm still live in this world.

And in Chen Xuan's deep eyes at this moment, there is something more invisible. Chen Xuan, whose heart was as calm as water, felt that something was wrong with the Jialan Sword in Jiajie at this moment.

But Chen Xuan felt that there were more secrets in Jialantu that he could not figure out at all. This made Chen Xuan feel that he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a danger before.

But Chen Xuan feels that he still cannot figure out the secret of Jialantu. Chen Xuan is not strong enough yet. He will only be able to understand all this if he becomes stronger.

Chen Xuan didn't dare to meditate on his spiritual consciousness now, otherwise Chen Xuan felt that he would probably explode and die directly after entering the Jialantu. But Chen Xuan's entry into Jialantu this time can be regarded as a gain. The biggest gain is actually not because Chen Xuan broke through to the intermediate level of the God Transformation Realm. It's Chen Xuan's Taoist heart who has comprehended the Taoist heart of the God Transformation Realm!

It's just that Chen Xuan feels that understanding the Taoist heart is an existence that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. Because the strong ones in the spirit transformation realm have understood the Taoist heart. That is very rare, or even non-existent. Because Chen Xuan has also heard that the so-called understanding of Taoist heart can only be achieved by strong people at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm. The existence at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm is just the Dao Heart that comprehends the peak existence of the Lin Immortal Realm. But how could such a Taoist heart be as solid as Chen Xuan's understanding of the airing heart when he was in the state of divine transformation?

Sima Wushuang was sitting in the main hall at the moment, looking coldly out of the window. But what he couldn't figure out was why Chen Xuan was recognized as the master by Jialantu? Chen Xuan's origin is still too mysterious. Could it be because Chen Xuan himself has been controlled by a powerful person? But then Sima Wushuang denied this ridiculous idea. If Chen Xuan is really controlled by a strong person. But even a strong man like Sima Wushuang cannot understand the origin of Jialantu.

If Chen Xuan was indeed controlled, how could they endure the existence of Jialantu? How could they control the blueprint? But what happened to Chen Xuan's blank memory? And what is Chen Xuan’s origin?

But Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan's origin was probably very mysterious, but Sima Wushuang did not intend to get to the bottom of it. The reason was simple. Chen Xuan's memory was erased, or his origin was probably the work of a powerful person. hand!

It is very likely that such a powerful person only has a ray of consciousness left now, and Sima Wushuang does not think that he can understand the thoughts of a certain powerful person. However, Sima Wushuang is still looking forward to Chen Xuanming's trial to see what he can achieve. Degree.

But Sima Wushuang expected that Chen Xuan would not use all his strength. Such a plan would not be Chen Xuan!

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