Chen Xuan's eyes looked even deeper at this time. He knew that Ming was a very important existence to him, and if Chen Xuan showed amazing strength in Ming's trial, I am afraid that the strong men within the Hegui Sect would take the opportunity to get rid of Chen Xuan. Not to mention the strong men from other sects other than Hegui Sect.

The main reason is that Chen Xuan is too evil. Although Chen Xuan is only a strong man in the middle level of the God Transformation Realm now. But Chen Xuan's current strength is not at all inferior to that of a cultivator at the peak of the Divine Realm. It even surpasses the experts at the peak of the Transformation God Realm.

With Chen Xuan's current strength, when he faced off against a peak expert in the Transformation of God Realm, he could easily kill him. Chen Xuan's existence at this time is even more powerful and can escape from the strong men at the beginning of the Nascent Soul Realm.

If we knew that middle-level powerhouses like Chen Xuan of the God Transformation Realm would not survive for the time being, only those at the peak of the God Transformation Realm could survive under the hands of Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses. I'm afraid it's impossible.

And it is extremely difficult for a so-called strong person in the Transformation Realm to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm! Chen Xuan's current mid-level powerhouse in the Transformation of God Realm is even more unlikely to survive at the elementary level of the Nascent Soul Realm. But Chen Xuan's current strength can definitely do it. The so-called Nascent Soul Realm means that the strength of the consciousness in the Dan Sea of ​​a strong person in the God Transformation Realm has reached the Nascent Soul Realm!

If a cultivator is strong in the Void Core realm, there is only a thin layer of Void Core in the cultivator's pill sea. Then there is a thicker layer of real elixir in the alchemy sea of ​​a strong person in the real elixir realm. The golden elixir in Danhas, a strong man in the golden elixir realm, has long turned into gold. And once the divine elixir in the elixir sea of ​​a powerful person in the golden elixir realm turns golden. That means that he is already qualified to impact the realm of gods. At this time, Chen Xuan's divine elixir in the elixir sea was also the divine consciousness in the elixir sea.

It has long been turned into an ocean, that is, the strong man in the God Transformation Realm. When he was in the early stage of the God Transformation Realm, the ocean was not broad enough. By the time he reached the intermediate level of the Divine Transformation Realm, the divine elixirs in Chen Xuan's elixir sea had already turned into the divine sea. The so-called divine sea is the sea transformed by divine consciousness. And with the existence of this sea, cultivators will become more powerful existences.

But when you reach the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm, this sea will become wider and wider, and then this sea of ​​​​God will be divided into two pieces. This is the sign before hitting the Nascent Soul Realm.

The spiritual consciousness directly in the body of a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm is even more abnormal. When you become a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm, the Nascent Soul Realm is the existence that transforms into a body, and the two seas with profound foundations will once again condense into a divine elixir.

This cultivator has two divine pills in his body, and those two divine pills have reached twice the peak level of the God Transformation Realm. It is the existence of the legendary Nascent Soul Pill!

Chen Xuan knew that when he reached the Nascent Soul realm, his strength would probably be even more terrifying. But Chen Xuan's current strength is only a little above the peak of the God Transformation Realm. However, such strength has long been the key target of various sects to win over. With Chen Xuan's strength, even if he becomes a disciple of Yu Zong, he will be greatly cultivated!

Not to mention the existence of the Hegui Sect, but Chen Xuan entered He Village because of him. So he entered the trial of Hegui Sect by accident. But Chen Xuan felt that the more powerful the sect, the more jealous he would be of his talents.

Because even if the Yu Sect is destroyed, they will still be the number one sect in the Yu Realm. Their own existence is a variable to them! It seems that the upper three sects are rumored to restrict the cultivation levels of their disciples. There are also restrictions on their cultivation speed. This is normal, and they have to do this in order to maintain the balance of Yu Realm.

Otherwise, if the world of Yu continues to be in turmoil and strong men continue to appear, their status will definitely be greatly affected. This is probably why they restrict practitioners.

In this world of Yu, the existence of sects controlling the political circles has long been formed. Such an existence means that the existence and power of sects is very powerful. But they have endured in order to maintain this power for a long time.

So they also formulated this series of rules for practitioners to follow. Otherwise, it is said that the eight major sects will attack together!

But the existence of the upper three sects among the eight major sects still looks at these practitioners. But Ping San Sect among the eight major sects is very ready to make a move. Of course these Ping San Sects obeyed the Shang San Sect openly, but secretly they had already found a backer for themselves in the Shang San Sect. In that case, you are helping your backers increase their strength.

Of course, the upper three sects are naturally unwilling to expose such secret matters, so it is very incredible that the upper three sects will form a new balance.

But the Hegui Sect that Chen Xuan wanted to join this time was a sect from the Pingsan Sect, and this sect relied on the Invisible Sect as its backer. Chen Xuan even heard rumors that after the merger of Hezong and Guizong, he found the Invisible Sect as his backer. Then the Invisible Sect sent a strong man at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm to serve as the leader of the Hegui Sect.

It seems to be the powerful sect leader he saw during the trial yesterday, Sima Wushuang. And Sima Wushuang's spiritual consciousness has reached a very terrifying level. Chen Xuan still agrees with this point. He could feel that even if Sima Wushuang only showed one level of strength, Chen Xuan would be unable to resist.

But now Chen Xuan is becoming more and more concerned about what kind of existence his master is. Maybe his master can be a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm? Now Chen Xuan doesn't think that a powerful person like Sima Wushuang would like him. It's not because Chen Xuan has no confidence in himself or anything, but because Sima Wushuang's existence is simply too powerful.

That is an existence that even Chen Xuan now cannot look up to even if he wants to look up to him! Chen Xuan said this to himself. But Chen Xuan knew that Ming Sima Wushuang would definitely go to the trial field. Although he would hide his strength, he just wanted to hide it for the new disciples. Or those disciples who broke into the house with evil intentions.

Chen Xuan didn't think that he could hide his strength from Sima Wushuang. Since you want to hide it, you may not have to let Sima Wushuang not know your strength. Because only Sima Wushuang knows his own strength. Only those with real strength may pay attention to him. The reason is very simple.

What kind of evildoer has not seen a powerful being like Sima Wushuang? If Chen Xuan was just an average talent, Sima Wushuang would certainly not remember him. If Sima Wushuang doesn't remember himself, it is very likely that he will be the one. This trial is of great significance to him.

Chen Xuan believed that it was because Sima Wushuang would also go to this trial that Chen Xuan paid more attention to this trial. If Sima Wushuang did not exist in this trial, Chen Xuan would just perfunctory it.

It's just that the person he knew he wanted to fight was actually Fu Jun, which made Chen Xuan very puzzled. Chen Xuan felt that his current strength was not good enough. That is to say, his current external strength is only a strong one in the Golden Core Realm, but Fu Jun's existence has reached the initial stage of the Divine Transformation Realm. What's even more terrifying is

Fu Jun's mentality is extremely ruthless, and Chen Xuan thinks it is very possible, as this man also has rich combat experience. It’s just that Chen Xuan felt that Fu Jun’s Taoist heart should not be understood!

Chen Xuan also relied on the Jialantu to achieve his understanding of the Taoist Heart. Without the blueprint, Chen Xuan felt that he would probably be like an ordinary practitioner. Then you have to reach the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm before you can understand the Taoist heart at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. However, the Taoist mind at this time is not as solid as Chen Xuan's step-by-step understanding.

This actually made Chen Xuan feel lucky. Chen Xuan didn't know who created this so-called Jialan Plan, but he actually got such benefits in vain! But Chen Xuan knew that the person who created the Jialantu should be an extremely powerful and powerful being, otherwise the Jialantu would not be so profound!

Chen Xuan can still be sure of this. I just don’t know what kind of understanding a strong man from the Earth Immortal Realm like Sima Wushuang would have about the Jialantu? But Chen Xuan knew that if a strong person at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm entered the Jialantu, it would be smoother than him! Chen Xuan can still be sure of this. How could the existence of a strong man at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm give Chen Xuanruci the opportunity to obtain the Jia Blueprint?

Otherwise, their existence may have long been no weaker than superpowers like Yu Shen and Destruction God. But the existence of God Yu and God of Destruction has been something that no one has been able to surpass for thousands of years.

It's just that Chen Xuan doesn't know when this so-called Jia Lantu was formed? But what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that the author of this blueprint must be a figure comparable to God Yu!

He even seems to be able to see the world outside the Yu Realm. With Chen Xuan's current cultivation level, even the Nether Realm cannot be reached! But once the legendary cultivators hit the powerful Nascent Soul Realm.

The eyes will be opened, and once the eyes are opened, it is said that the underworld and the road leading to the underworld can be seen. This Chen Xuan saw it in the Hidden Gold Pavilion in Sanbai Valley. Chen Xuan doesn’t know whether it’s true or false.

But Chen Xuan doesn't think that there are only two worlds, the Nether Realm and the Yu Realm! Chen Xuan even thinks that there may be other worlds. As for whether these worlds exist in parallel

Chen Xuan couldn't imagine it. But Chen Xuan knew that regardless of whether they existed in parallel or not, these would become his future path. You will definitely be able to see those when you become stronger! And those will naturally become Chen Xuan's path after becoming stronger.

But Chen Xuan feels that he still needs to use this Hegui Sect as a stepping stone to become stronger!

Therefore, cheers for Ming’s Hegui Sect’s assessment!

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