Fu Jun couldn't believe that the person he was fighting was actually a human! At least he has never seen such an existence! An existence like Chen Xuan is really too rebellious. For Fu Jun, he has always been surrounded by such a halo. He is surrounded by those talents and auras.

Fu Jun knew that in such a big family, he would enter the first level of the God Transformation Realm at the age of eighty. That has never happened before in the family! He is called a peerless talent by his family members. Of course, after this, he entered the world to experience. There are thousands, if not tens, of thousands of dead souls under his command. But there are very few younger than him.

Fu Jun knew that now he, this ridiculous god of murder, had really hit the wall. It was just one move. Chen Xuan strictly used only one narrow stroke...and he didn't use any technique at all, just a light stroke. The so-called God of Death fell directly here.

Of course, the spectators in the audience were also very disbelieving. How could they know! In the blink of an eye, the God of Death no longer existed. But the two disciples who had just been confirmed to join the Hegui Sect, Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin, could see it. This Chen Xuan is only a strong man at the beginning of the Transformation of God Realm, but his swordsmanship...

This swordsmanship has probably been deeply rooted in his bones for a long time. Moreover, this swordsmanship is extremely back to nature. It does not require the slightest technique, just a simple movement can achieve Rutubu.

It is truly an existence that cannot be underestimated!

But if they knew that Chen Xuan had no access to the so-called skills they talked about because he had no resources. I don’t know what they will think... It’s just that they have long assumed Chen Xuan’s identity as a disciple of the hermit sect who went down the mountain to practice, or as a highly valued existence by a family of practitioners! I don’t know what they would think if they knew that Chen Xuan’s identity was actually so ordinary!

But Chen Xuan's appearance in the arena attracted not only Mu Zhe but also Nangong Jin. What attracted even more attention were the four law enforcement elders of the Hegui Sect and all the disciples of the Hegui Sect. With the existence of such evildoers, is there any royal law in this world? He is simply a monster! Whether they are inner disciples, disciples who enter the house, or those inconspicuous onlookers, outer disciples. Everyone turned their attention to it.

But Sima Wushuang's eyes were more calm. He could see that Chen Xuan had understood the truth. His swordsmanship has reached the level of a god, if it is matched with magic techniques. He would probably be invincible at this level of the Soul Transformation Realm, and the strong ones at the first level of the Nascent Soul Realm would probably not be his opponents. If he meets a mid-level Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse, he may still be able to save his life.

Of course, Chen Xuan's existence was no surprise to Sima Wushuang. Sima Wushuang, on the other hand, still wanted to accept Chen Xuan as his disciple in an upright manner.

Chen Xuan's eyes were more profound and existed that others could not see through. It's like a vast ocean, deep blue with no bottom.

"Chen...Chen Xuansheng..." It took a long time for the so-called referee to react. For the referee, what just happened was too shocking. He hasn't had time to digest it yet.

Chen Xuan killed Fu Jun, and Fu Jun killed the god. So gradually some people called Chen Xuan the God of Killing. Of course, Mu Zhe, Chen Xuan, and Nangong Jin also entered the Hegui Sect because of this announcement.

However, Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin did not dare to provoke Chen Xuan, so they just slightly handed over and went to rest. But Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin secretly made up their minds. Decide when you must make friends with Chen Xuan. Because Chen Xuan is so evil. I am older than Chen Xuan, but my cultivation is not as good as or just as good as others.

It’s not that Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe are belittling themselves! But Chen Xuan is just too evil. Chen Xuan's existence makes those so-called talents feel that their existence is not worth mentioning.

But what they were more worried about was Chen Xuan's back. Both Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin came from big families. Of course, I know very well what a family means to a cultivator...

He didn't think that Chen Xuan's current existence was entirely dependent on himself. Chen Xuan's current strength is something that few families in Yujie can cultivate. Because Chen Xuan's current age is placed here, and the existence of Chen Xuan's age in the God Transformation Realm... the probability of becoming an Earth Immortal in the future is greatly increased. It is not an exaggeration to say that he will definitely become an Earth Immortal in the future.

Because in terms of cultivation, getting started is the most difficult thing. If it takes thirty years to get started, what does that mean? Although Chen Xuan is thirty-five years old now, Danhai usually does not grow well until he is five years old.

In other words, Chen Xuan has only been practicing for thirty years! Such a monster is a top-notch existence even if he goes to Yuzong. Not to mention the Hegui Sect, which is just the three sects of Ping. Now the eyes of the four law enforcement elders almost turned red when they looked at Chen Xuan. In their eyes, Chen Xuan seemed to be a prey. Chen Xuan's future is definitely conceivable! As long as Chen Xuan does not die, he will become a famous figure in the Yu world in the future. This point is made by the four law enforcement elders, Sima Wushuang.

Even the countless disciples, direct disciples and registered disciples all take it for granted. If the evildoer doesn't become a famous figure in the world of Yu in the future, wouldn't it be in vain?

And Chen Xuan felt a little uncomfortable after being stared at like this. Chen Xuan himself actually hates baggage... But the baggage on Chen Xuan's body is too heavy, and there are too many mysteries about himself and the world waiting for him!

Too many hopes, living and dead, have been entrusted to myself. This point caught Chen Xuan off guard. But Chen Xuan's facial expression was still as cold as ever, and his eyes were still as bottomless as ever.

Chen Xuan naturally understands what Jin's appearance means this time. Although his strength is known to so many people, and his fame will probably surround the Hegui Sect's jurisdiction for a long time.

But Chen Xuan himself also knew that for the current Chen Xuan... the best choice would be to enter the Hegui Sect and worship a master to change his background.

Although the standard of this world is strong strength, personal strength is too shallow and weak. For Chen Xuan, being too weak... might cause trouble. But having a powerful master means that Chen Xuan has a backer behind him. Once Chen Xuan has a backer. Then those nosy flies and those beings who are temporarily stronger than Chen Xuan will not provoke Chen Xuan because of the face of his master's burden.

Of course, the master was too powerful, which meant that he had less time to protect Chen Xuan. Because the stronger the strong man is, the closer he will be to death in his lifespan. Just like a strong person at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the time of death has become a certain time. And what Chen Xuan knows is that if a strong man at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm accepts him as his disciple, the longer the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm reaches its peak, the less time it will have to protect Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan can still know this.

Because Chen Xuan knew that his current existence was still too weak. Although the peak strength of the Earth Immortal Realm in the Yu Realm is very rare... the existence of the Earth Immortal Realm can also rank at the top among the eight major sects. But what Chen Xuan knows is that there are still many Yujie strongmen in the Nascent Soul Realm. Among the eight major sects, the direct disciples of some powerful sects may be in the Nascent Soul realm. What Chen Xuan knew was that even the lower two sects among the eight major sects still had Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses.

Moreover, many of those Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses huddled together in the lower two sects, and even the upper three sects did not dare to annex or provoke them in order to maintain a balanced state. However, the Second Sect will also serve as a subsidiary of the Third Sect.

That is to say, he regards Pingsan Sect as his backer, and the existence of Pingsan Sect regards Shangsanzong as his backer. Therefore, Chen Xuan felt that after all, they were all subordinate to the three sects above.

And all the sects in Yujie cannot be ranked among the eight major sects in that kind of local sects and clans. Naturally, they are attached to the lower three sects of the eight major sects.

The main reason is that the alien continent is so big that Chen Xuan cannot even imagine it. Let’s just take Xuzhou City. There are more than 300 affiliated counties under Xuzhou City. As for prefectures,

Among the three Ping sects alone, the Hegui sect controlled the two big cities of Xuzhou City and Yangzhou City. This city is much bigger than we imagined. Although it is called Xuzhou City, people in Xuzhou who are classified as Xuzhou City may not be able to go to the center of Xuzhou in their lifetime.

This is normal for ordinary people, because although it is a city, a city may not necessarily exist as a country! This is the powerful existence of this continent, and how powerful are the Shangsan Sects? But don't forget, there is an emperor in the alien continent in this world. Although this Lord Emperor is just an outer disciple of the Yu Sect among the three Sects.

So how powerful is Yu Zong's background? Even Chen Xuan found it incredible. Although Chen Xuan was slowly thinking about these shocking things. But the coldness and depth in Chen Xuan's eyes still didn't change at all.

Chen Xuan's face was still as calm as ever. He felt a scorching gaze, yes it was the scorching gazes of the four law enforcement elders... But Chen Xuan raised his eyes and glanced at Sima Wushuang...

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