Chen Xuan instantly felt as if he had been completely targeted by these four evil wolves. Although Chen Xuan's face was still as calm as ever, at this moment, Chen Xuan's heart was already in turmoil.

The four law enforcement elders all want to accept him as their disciple? Those four law enforcement elders are the only ones in the Hegui Sect except Sima Wushuang who have unexpected burdens! They are all considered to be among the best in the Hegui Sect.

And as a law enforcement elder in the Hegui Sect, he himself has probably reached the peak of the Linxian Realm or is a strong man in the middle level of the Earthly Immortal Realm? This is already a very good existence for Chen Xuanlai. But Chen Xuan felt that Sima Wushuang was getting more and more unfathomable. Could it be that the strength he showed and his own strength, Sima Wushuang...have become commonplace for the old man?

This actually surprised Chen Xuan. After all, this Sima Wushuang's existence had reached the peak of the perverted Earthly Immortal Realm. As for the existence at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, how could Chen Xuan still think with ordinary people's thinking?

Chen Xuan was even more curious about Sima Wushuang. In fact, Chen Xuan had misunderstood. The reason why Sima Wushuang didn't look surprised was because Sima Wushuang had already noticed Chen Xuan.

But despite this, Sima Wushuang was even more shocked by Chen Xuan's revealed cultivation and Taoist aspirations. It's just that Sima Wushuang's state of mind has long been accustomed to being indifferent to emotions and anger...

Moreover, Sima Wushuang had long regarded Chen Xuan as his disciple. After all, Chen Xuan was Sima Wushuang's first disciple, and of course it would also be his last. But these four law enforcement elders were afraid that they would personally go to Sima Wushuang to ask for someone later.

This made Sima Wushuang a little bit dumbfounded, and Mu Zhe, the son of the Mu family, and Nangong Jin, the young master of the Nangong family... were afraid that they would lose their aura under Xuanzi's figure.

Sima Wushuang was actually not thinking about what Chen Xuan could bring to the Hegui Sect, but what could Chen Xuan bring to Sima Wushuang? Chen Xuan's existence is really too evil! Sima Wushuang didn't think much about the existence of the Hegui Sect... because Sima Wushuang was not the founder of the Hegui Sect. Naturally, Sima Wushuang doesn't have much affection for the Hegui Sect...

Chen Xuan's existence made Sima Wushuang feel very valuable! right! It only has value. If Sima Wushuang could give up his feelings for Chen Xuan so easily, Sima Wushuang would no longer be Sima Wushuang.

Sima Wushuang's mentality has long been without sorrow or joy, and Sima Wushuang's existence has long been as existing as a stone... It is doubtful that an existence that has reached the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm has very high requirements for the so-called state of mind.

How could Chen Xuan's existence cause Sima Wushuang to have feelings like this? And Sima Wushuang only realized the powerful Taoist heart when he was at the peak of his fairyland...

As for the existence of Sima Wushuang, only those who have reached the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm can comprehend the Taoist Heart. Therefore, Chen Xuan's existence was more of value to Sima Wushuang.

Sima Wushuang was more interested in Chen Xuan's talent, but for Sima Wushuang... Chen Xuan still had curiosity, which was Chen Xuan's opportunity. How could Chen Xuanruci Chance be an ordinary person? And what happened to Chen Xuan’s erased memory? There are really many secrets in Chen Xuan. But how could it be possible that the existence of Chen Xuan's opportunity could only be understood by him, who was only a strong person at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm?

How could Sima Wushuang not know? Although I have reached the peak of Linxian Realm, my path to cultivation is probably just the beginning or even not yet begun!

Because there are people outside, and there are things outside! A strong person in the Earthly Immortal Realm, after reaching the peak, will usher in the existence of the Divine Realm as long as he passes through the tribulation! But Sima Wushuang knew that he had no chance. The pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm was shattered by the impact, and more than a few thousand people disappeared into thin air? For thousands of years, only God Yu and God of Destruction have...

But Sima Wushuang knew that despite this, Chen Xuan was still the one who was very likely to become the third one. But it's impossible for Sima Wushuang. It's been impossible since he entered the invisible door.

Because among the eight major sects in the Yu Realm, the strong men at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm have long been prevented from taking another step forward. Sima Wushuang is one of the examples. And surviving the calamity requires too much merit, and Sima Wushuang doesn't have enough. But Sima Wushuang felt that if he cultivated a disciple in his lifetime...cultivated a god-level would definitely be worth dying.

Sima Wushuang knew that it was very likely that the divine realm was just the beginning. Sima Wushuang had known for a long time that Liao Shi... was very likely to reach the peak of the Immortal Realm just like a strong man from the Back Realm entered the Dan Realm...

Wasn't it true that when the powerful people in the back realm were about to form elixirs, their lives were hanging by a thread? There are so many flowers, birds, fish and insects in this world, but they cannot escape the word reincarnation. The principles of kindness can be applied even on the path of cultivation!

It's a pity that the only world I can see is the world at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Sima Wushuang's face was gloomy, with a look of regret flashing through his face. He looked at the scenery outside on the sacred mountain in the main hall, feeling a little melancholy...

But will he... never mind because of Chen Xuan? A self-deprecating look flashed across Sima Wushuang's eyes... and then he sat motionless like an old monk in trance...

But Chen Xuan's eyes were a little excited at this time. After seeing that he came to Hegui Zong this time, he really felt that he had come right. When Chen Xuan came this time, not only could he join the Hegui Sect, but he could also find an excellent master for himself. It’s really a worthwhile trip!

Chen Xuan walked around the Hegui Sect at this time and discovered that there were so many doorways among the Hegui Sect's guest sects, and they were very large. It was so big that Chen Xuan himself couldn't even imagine it.

But why is it a guest door? It's very simple, because Chen Xuan was not strictly a disciple of the Hegui Sect at this time. Only after completing the apprenticeship ceremony can one join the Hegui Sect. Of course, the ceremony of becoming a disciple is not just about becoming a disciple. The ceremony of apprenticeship is to pay homage to the ancestor who has returned to the sect, and then the status level of the disciple will be determined based on the disciple's qualifications.

The status level in the Hegui Sect is very strict. The status level among the eight major sects is very strict, almost harsh. The disciples from bottom to top are: handyman disciples, outer sect disciples, inner sect disciples, inner disciples, and direct disciples. Don't just think that these are all disciples, the differences are huge!

What Chen Xuan understands is that although these so-called titles are all disciples, the difference is very big. The handyman disciples are nothing more than servants within the Hegui Sect. Even though he is a disciple, he might as well be a servant. But Chen Xuan knew that only those who came to the outer sect were strictly disciples. The handyman disciples will still receive wages from the secular world, so they are not considered to be cultivators. But Chen Xuan knew that this so-called outer disciple was only a recognized disciple of the Hegui Sect in the beginning.

As for outer disciples, to put it simply, they are disciples who have cultivated to the point where they have passed the branch trial of the Hegui Sect. As for outer disciples, there are often two paths. The so-called outer disciples have two paths: one is to be released as an official, or the other is to stay in the Hegui Sect and continue to practice.

But for people in the secular world, reaching the realm of an outer disciple is considered to have reached the pinnacle of existence.

Because when an outer sect disciple serves as an official, he is the guardian of a county. Such a feudal official exists! What Chen Xuan knows even more is that in the eyes of ordinary people, such a feudal official may have already become a terrifying existence for you. But Chen Xuan knew that this was just the beginning for cultivators. Chen Xuan knew that although the outer disciples might be famous outside, they were very insignificant within the Hegui Sect. After all, there are too many such existences for the Hegui Sect.

Chen Xuan still knew in his heart that the outer disciples were the lowest level disciples to the Hegui Sect. And handyman disciples may not even be counted as disciples.

Chen Xuan knew this very well. It was because of this that Chen Xuan discovered that the Hegui Sect was truly unfathomable. But it was because of this that Chen Xuan felt that Hegui Sect had more methods and techniques.

And even because of this, Chen Xuan felt that his coming to Hegui Sect was really worthwhile! But Chen Xuan knew that the disciples of the inner sect who were one level higher than the outer sect disciples...

The so-called inner disciples are the disciples who are truly valued by the Hegui Sect and will prepare teachers for the inner disciples. They are the so-called Dharma protectors who teach inner disciples how to practice. Of course, those levels are not that high, and those protectors... there are only a few disciples following a protector.

After the inner disciples are the disciples who enter the house, and this so-called disciple generally refers to the disciple who is under the name of a certain law enforcement elder or even the sect leader. That is to say, they are the registered disciples of the sect master or the law enforcement elder.

There can be several named disciples of the sect leader or law enforcement elder, or even dozens. This is very normal. But there is only one so-called personal disciple!

The so-called direct disciples need to eat and live with the law enforcement elders or the sect master. The sect leader or law enforcement elder needs to teach you how to practice step by step. What's more important is that there can only be one direct disciple! That's right, you can only have one direct disciple and not a second one. Such a request is almost perverted...

You should be extremely cautious with the sect master and law enforcement elders! Therefore, the requirements for direct disciples will be raised again and again, and many powerful people will never receive a direct disciple in their lifetime. The reason is simple, because this powerful man despises them as not qualified!

And the direct disciples represent the strength and vision of this powerful master...

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