Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1688 Sima Wushuang’s domineering recruitment of disciples (1)

Today is a good day, which is naturally the case for Chen Xuanlai. Because today is the final day for the Hegui Sect to accept disciples. And Chen Xuan should be able to find his master today. Of course Chen Xuan knew that this was a great honor for Chen Xuan, and it was also a very important moment in Chen Xuan's life.

Although this era was originally an era where the strong were respected, in this era, Chen Xuan knew that he still had his own rules and laws.

It's like the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Rules, although pedantic. But it can be regarded as the culture and laws of this era. Chen Xuan knew that there was a person who was full of benevolence and righteousness and had the three cardinal principles and five permanent principles. Many times it will become a powerful tool to restrain ordinary people among the eight major sects. Chen Xuan also knew that those eight major sects regarded themselves as immortals. Chen Xuan should have understood a long time ago that the existence of these eight major sects to common people and ordinary people... they are immortals.

As for Chen Xuanlai, he is a being who can transcend these laws, at least that's what Chen Xuan thinks. Chen Xuan feels that all the laws in this family are based on the original heart.

Where do we need laws to restrain ourselves? Chen Xuan seems to understand the true purpose of cultivation, and the real purpose of cultivation is a process of pursuing one's true intention. Ordinary people who don't practice cultivation can only live a life of wronged conscience. However, for Chen Xuanlai, one of the reasons for recruiting disciples is that he can make more reasonable use of Hegui Sect's resources.

My future cultivation resources should really improve a lot. Because of the elixirs and magic methods in the secular world, low-level ones are not available for the time being. Mainly those methods that Chen Xuan knew were expensive! Very expensive! Even Chen Xuan can be polite at all. The sword technique Chen Xuan currently practices is only the most basic Jialan Sword Technique. That naturally came with the sword, but Chen Xuan himself didn't use any techniques...

Of course, Chen Xuan only has this entry-level Jialan Sword Technique. Although it has disadvantages... apart from the weakened strength, it is of course also an advantage. That means you have a solid foundation! You want to know how a strong person in the Golden Core Realm who practices basic skills is compared to a practitioner who practices ordinary or mysterious skills?

There is only one way, that is, Chen Xuan needs to be extremely familiar with the Jialan Sword Technique, and only then can he achieve it by being very familiar with the Jialan Sword Art. Every move comes from the heart and stops in the heart. But Chen Xuan actually achieved it! This is something that even a strong man like Sima Wushuang in the Earthly Immortal Realm finds incredible. But Chen Xuan knew that this was not enough for him. He needed to learn a technique that truly suited him.

So Chen Xuan came to Hegui Sect... But although Chen Xuan learned the Jialan Sword Technique, he did not learn those powerful or extremely perverted techniques. Isn't it a good thing for Chen Xuan to come? What Chen Xuan may not know is that although Chen Xuan does not have powerful skills to support him, at this time, Chen Xuan has trained every move above the most basic skills to the extreme. Otherwise, how could it be possible to understand the Taoist mind so easily?

The heart of Dao is actually the heart of sword for Chen Xuanlai. Why is it the heart of sword? Because the weapon Chen Xuan used was a sword, and what Chen Xuan practiced was the way of the sword.

Therefore, what Chen Xuan cultivates is the heart of the sword, and the so-called heart of the sword means that every move comes from the heart and ends in the heart. Only when you have no distractions can you find your own sword heart and timing. As for Chen Xuan, if he practices the technique, maybe Chen Xuan will... mix some other things into it. If so, it may be very difficult to cultivate the Taoist heart.

Sima Wushuang admired Chen Xuan very much for this. Because Sima Wushuang also knows that it is very difficult to become a powerful person in the realm of gods by relying only on the most basic sword techniques. And Chen Xuan actually did it, which is why Sima Wushuang planned to accept Chen Xuan as his disciple from the beginning. Sima Wushuang felt as if he had chosen his own technique very quickly when he first started practicing. Then people learn the exercises like this, and there are really very few like Chen Xuan.

Or perhaps Sima Wushuang, a being at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, has never seen a being like Chen Xuan until now! Therefore, Sima Wushuang became even more convinced. Chen Xuan's future achievements will definitely be much higher than that of Sima Wushuang. Even Sima Wushuang himself has already acquiesced to this. At this time, Sima Wushuang has reached the peak of the Lin Immortal Realm, and is even higher than the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm... What kind of existence is it?

Then there is only the legendary realm of gods! Sima Wushuang was also looking at the situation with tears streaming down his face. He felt that Ming's apprenticeship ceremony was also very important for him, Sima Wushuang. Because what Ming Sima Wushuang is going to get is a disciple who will be a powerful person in the divine realm in the future! Why does this make Sima Wushuang unhappy?

But what Sima Wushuang knew was that he couldn't reveal too much about Chen Xuan yet. Otherwise, Chen Xuan would definitely be suspicious of himself. But even Sima Wushuang doesn't know much about the existence of Jialantu! This is true...

Second, in the morning...

Today's Hegui Sect is indeed very different, because today is the Hegui Sect's apprenticeship ceremony. And as an existence like Hegui Sect. Being one of the eight major sects, his apprenticeship ceremony is naturally very grand. Because there are very few disciples entering the Hegui Sect, the probability is even lower. Basically, the Hegui Sect holds a master apprenticeship ceremony every ten years. And although Hegui Sect holds assessment trials for recruiting disciples every year. But that purpose is only to collect them within the Hegui Sect, not even within the Hegui Sect. Those powerful cultivators who come to Yu Realm for their fame. This is all because of the hope that Hegui Sect will become stronger.

And these powerful practitioners were not just drawn over by other sects. But as to whether these practitioners are strong enough. That is not the calculation of these practitioners at all. But Hegui Zong has to figure it out! Instead, the standards of Hegui Sect should be regarded as the standard. So even the so-called apprenticeship trials and assessments are held every year.

However, the disciple apprenticeship ceremony of the Hegui Sect, that is, the disciples of the Hegui Sect are still recruited once every ten years. Because this apprenticeship ceremony will be particularly grand. But at this time, Chen Xuan, Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin were all very excited. This is also a very big deal for the three of them... Because becoming a disciple and entering a sect, for these three strong men, firstly, they need to find a strong backer.

It is not easy for Chen Xuan, Nangong Jin and Mu Zhelai to have a strong backer. But the stronger the backer, the greater the sacrifice. This is directly proportional. Of course, Chen Xuan also knew that the stronger the backer, the greater his own strength, and secondly, the more things you would do for this strong person. This is very normal for Chen Xuanlai. So of course Chen Xuan can accept it. But Chen Xuan knew that this was completely normal. But Chen Xuan feels that what is more important to him this time is what kind of master he has.

The reason why Chen Xuan still wants to become Sima Wushuang's disciple is very simple, because Sima Wushuang also uses a sword. Chen Xuan also uses a sword, but among the four law enforcement elders, there is no elder who uses a sword. So Chen Xuan thought how could the elder Chen Xuan, who didn't use a sword, teach him how to use a sword? Because only practitioners who use swords will understand the superb skills involved in using swords. But Chen Xuan understood that at this time, Chen Xuan simply could not choose formality.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore. Chen Xuan walked out in a stride. In Chen Xuan's opinion, if there were things that he couldn't control, he might as well forget about it. But Chen Xuan still secretly hopes to become Sima Wushuang's apprentice. But Chen Xuan's face was still as cold as ever. Chen Xuan's eyes looked very deep. Mu Zhe's eyes were very dull. And Nangong Jin's eyes were a little more arrogant.

snort! Sima Wushuang snorted coldly. He thought these three cultivators were very interesting, and they each had their own personalities. But Sima Wushuang really felt that Chen Xuan's character was the best. Because of Chen Xuan's character and the fact that he has practiced basic skills for a long time. Therefore, Chen Xuan's character has reached its extreme.

Sima Wushuang finally took the initiative to look at Mu Zhe, Nangong Jin and Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt that this was indeed the first time Sima Wushuang looked at them. Chen Xuan felt that his mood was so firm. But I still felt chills in my heart because of such a look. But Chen Xuan's face still looked as usual, making it impossible to see any emotion or anger.

There was more determination in Chen Xuan's eyes. The bone-chilling chill and the pressure of strength made Chen Xuan feel the strength of a strong man. Chen Xuan also wants to become stronger. Chen Xuan knows that only by becoming stronger can he understand his life experience. Only by becoming stronger can Chen Xuan be completely free and free from any constraints. And it is completely based on my own heart.

This is Chen Xuan's original intention in cultivation, and with the existence of this original intention, Chen Xuan is destined that Chen Xuan will be very talented based on his understanding of Taoist heart. Because you are not bound and maintain your original intention... These eight words may seem very simple, but in fact they are very shocking. It is shocking to hear that even beings at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm find this state completely impossible.

The main thing is to be free from restraint, and to be free from restraint means to completely escape from reincarnation, that is, to be completely free from the control of Tao. What kind of existence is this?

Although Chen Xuan's Taoist heart comes only from the mouth of a mid-level powerhouse in the Transformation of God Realm like Chen Xuan, if this is known to the cultivators in the Yu Realm, they will inevitably say something ignorant.

But it was Sima Wushuang who knew Chen Xuan's heart, and he felt more and more that Chen Xuan was extraordinary.

"Chen Xuan, are you willing to be my disciple?" Sima Wushuang said after beating these three new disciples for a long time. Instantly everyone present, except Sima Wushuang, was completely shocked.

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