Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1689 Sima Wushuang’s domineering recruitment of disciples (2)

Sima Wushuang's words surprised everyone. What exactly is going on? Why is Sima Wushuang willing to accept Chen Xuan as his disciple? And when did Sima Wushuang, our great lord, fall in love with Chen Xuan? As for the four law enforcement elders, their confusion is even deeper. It turned out that the four elders thought that there were only three other people besides themselves who were interested in Chen Xuan.

As for what is going on now? Why did even this powerful sect leader at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm compete with them for apprentices? How are you going to live this day? The four guardian elders felt like crying without tears.

Although Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin were extremely puzzled as to why or when Chen Xuan was attracted by Sima Wushuang, a strong man? But there were still expressions of congratulations on their faces. Chen Xuan's expression was as calm as ever.

It was as calm as if nothing had happened, but Chen Xuan knew that he finally got the master he wanted. Although even Chen Xuan himself was very surprised. When did Chen Xuan fall in love with Sima Wushuang? Chen Xuan himself didn't know. Chen Xuan even felt that Sima Wushuang didn't seem to pay much attention to him from the beginning to the end. What was going on?

But Chen Xuan's face was still as cold as ever, and his eyes were very deep, making people wonder what kind of things Chen Xuan was thinking at this time. But what Chen Xuan knew was that Sima Wushuang, his cheap master, used a sword. He is also known as the Sword Immortal. Because Sima Wushuang reached the pinnacle of Lin Xianjing. Therefore, he is called the Sword Immortal, and the Sword Immortal has always been very carefree. The Legend of Sword Immortal is also very difficult. Because among all the soldiers, what is the most difficult?

Only the sword!

Therefore, practicing swordsmanship is the most difficult thing to cultivate. How could Chen Xuan not know that? But what Chen Xuan knows is that once a being who has reached the peak of Linxian Realm and hits the divine realm...

Sword training is the easiest, because the sword's heart is the Dao heart, which is generally much better than other weapons. But because there are no cultivators in Yu Realm who dare to attack the powerful gods.

Therefore, there are very few sword practitioners now, and the only sword practitioner who has even reached the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm is Sima Wushuang. Those who use other weapons to reach the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm generally have an average of two weapons of one type. Therefore, the top experts in the Earth Immortal Realm are generally in the tenth digit in the Yu Realm. But the scary thing is that there is only one cultivator who has reached the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm through practicing swordsmanship.

Therefore, what is even more frightening is that the ordinary sects that are not included in the eight major sects will simply give up on those who practice swordsmanship. I don’t have a particularly good master for now. Secondly, the sword has almost become the most unpromising weapon among these cultivators. Of course, Chen Xuan also knew in his heart that he would join the clan...

I'm afraid that only Sima Wushuang can teach him. The rest of the law enforcement elders are just ordinary great protectors. For Chen Xuan, they will only delay Chen Xuan in vain. Chen Xuan still understood this in his heart. Of course, Chen Xuan came to join the clan and became a disciple of Sima Wushuang. It was just a matter of chance. Because Sima Wushuang is a strong man at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm! For Chen Xuanlai, that was simply a very powerful existence. Chen Xuan was like an ant to Sima Wushuang.

So naturally Chen Xuan didn't even dare to ask for extravagant things. But what Chen Xuan understood was that even so, Sima Wushuang still accepted him as his disciple. Although Chen Xuan's face was very calm at this time. He was so calm that it was as if Sima Wushuang accepted Chen Xuan as his disciple, which was as trivial as Chen Xuan had already treated him.

Mount Tai collapsed without changing his expression. Master Sima Wushuang really took on a good disciple! Of course the four law enforcement elders were also happy for Sima Wushuang. Sima Wushuang had such a happy life, he never expected to receive such a good disciple. The four law enforcement elders were surprised. However, the four bamboo raft elders thought that their disciple, who was so talented and kind-hearted, was overpowered.

Naturally, it is inevitable that I will feel disappointed. But Sima Wushuang's heart was still unusually calm. He looked at Chen Xuan's eyes filled with admiration. Chen Xuan is really amazing! Such a character is not only comparable to those of Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin? But of course Sima Wushuang would not come out like this. Because in Sima Wushuang's impression. An existence like Chen Xuan is difficult to appear in thousands of years. Although Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin were inferior to Chen Xuan.

But it is undeniable that Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin are also rare talents in a century! Although the gap between Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan in the hero song is indeed very big. But Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin have a good master, and given time... there should be no problem in becoming existences in the Earthly Immortal Realm. As for the three of them who will be spared after the Earthly Immortal Realm reaches its peak!

Sooner or later, there will be these young people in Yujie, Sima Wushuang thought with a smile. And Sima Wushuang's fleeting smile. But it seemed to be buried deep in his eyes so that Chen Xuan, Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe didn't notice it. Not even the four law enforcement elders noticed it. Sima Wushuang is really too powerful, too unfathomable...

Finally, we have arrived at the most important part of the apprenticeship ceremony. This part is the apprenticeship. The so-called apprenticeship does not mean just kneeling down and bowing to your master three times. Rather, it contains very powerful knowledge. The so-called apprenticeship, on the other hand... Chen Xuan needs to kneel down and perform three kneels and nine bows to Sima Wushuang! And such etiquette is as it should be. Among the eight major sects, the requirements for etiquette are even more stringent.

Of course, Chen Xuan had already heard the requirements of the apprenticeship ceremony from some inner disciples no less than a thousand times. But Chen Xuan felt that this so-called rule was really inconsistent with Chen Xuanlai and his original intention.

Chen Xuan's original intention is certainly not to be arrogant. Chen Xuan's original intention is not to be bound by all laws. But if Chen Xuan had a master who was very strict with the rules, I'm afraid it would still harm to Chen Xuan.

So Chen Xuan decided that he would not bow to him this time anyway. Sima Wushuang seemed to deliberately want to test Chen Xuan, as if he had no intention of giving Chen Xuan such a special case. That's not right... Sima Wushuang is a top expert at the Sword Immortal level, how could he not know this? How could he not think about his only direct disciple?

It shouldn't be... Chen Xuan boldly looked at Sima Wushuang's eyes. Sima Wushuang's eyes were still as calm as ever. It seemed as if there was a vague smile deep in his eyes. And judging from Sima Wushuang's expression at this time, it seemed as if he had no intention of speaking at all... It seemed as if he was deliberately trying to embarrass Chen Xuan, as if he was a child playing a prank.

This made Chen Xuan very speechless. This Sima Wushuang is really... Why is this Sima Wushuang also a strong man at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm? How could he be like this... But Chen Xuan could only say nothing. After all, Chen Xuan seemed to feel , Sima Wushuang seemed to be testing Chen Xuan's state of mind. It is also testing Chen Xuan's character, courage and courage.

Chen Xuan didn't know why but he had a new view on Sima Wushuang. This Sima Wushuang was probably a real power, and even the tests he set were completely different. It’s even more random, just pick it up at your fingertips! Being so casual and unrestrained, isn't it the dangerous character of the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm? Chen Xuan now admires Sima Wushuang more.

But Chen Xuan was also in a very difficult situation at this time, because the test was not easy for Chen Xuan. Not to mention Sima Wushuang, if Chen Xuan shouted the etiquette of not kneeling three times or bowing nine times. His apprenticeship ceremony was different from others, even Sima Wushuang would not jump out and kill him. I'm afraid the four law enforcement elders standing next to him won't let him go, right? Chen Xuan is still very convinced of this. Because Chen Xuan understood that once he did that. That is a special case of challenging the Hegui Sect! It even challenges the rules established by the eight major sects. Even the strongest men at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm would not dare to provoke these eight major sects.

Of course, Hegui Sect is one of the eight major sects. But the Hegui Sect is the Pingsan Sect after all, and the top three sects among the eight major sects are still standing in the Yu Realm. How could their authority be challenged by a mid-level cultivator of the Divine Realm like Chen Xuan? How could it be possible? This is totally a big joke!

But isn’t the question asked by Sima Wushuang so arrogant? Isn't Chen Xuan's original intention also so arrogant? Chen Xuan knew this very well. But Chen Xuan remained silent for a while.

Fortunately, the ceremony of apprenticeship needs to be done one by one. It just seemed that the ceremony of apprenticeship was solemn. Chen Xuan was naturally assigned to the end, and the reason was very simple. Because Chen Xuan is a disciple named by Sima Wushuang, the leader of the Hegui Sect! He must be the finale. But Mu Zhe and Nangong Jin are both disciples of the four elders. Although it is much worse than Chen Xuanlai, the etiquette is still very complicated.

After all, the existence of the four law enforcement elders is very terrifying! But how could Chen Xuan not know that when he salutes, it will be the test set by his cheap master...

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