At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to be facing a very difficult choice. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was an ant on a hot pot. Now there is no solution to both problems. what to do? Is it because you have given up your Taoist conscience?

As soon as this idea came out, it was immediately strangled in Chen Xuan's mind. Was it just a test that forced him to give up his Taoist heart? Isn't this too ridiculous? Chen Xuan asked himself, Chen Xuan originally thought that his Taoist heart was so unfathomable. But the thought just now really shocked Chen Xuan himself. It turns out that Chen Xuan himself is far less powerful than he imagined? Chen Xuan said to himself. Since Chen Xuan himself is unwilling to give up this Taoist heart. All you can do is follow your heart. Unexpectedly, the lack of restraints became Chen Xuan's restraints, but Chen Xuan felt that it must be because his realm was not enough.

Seeing that Mu Zhe's apprenticeship ceremony was about to be completed. Chen Xuan knew that it was his turn. But Sima Wushuang still had those vague smiles in his eyes.

The look in his eyes seemed to be telling Chen Xuan, "If you want to be my apprentice... you don't just have strength, you have to pass my test." But Sima Wushuang was indeed very impressive, and he calculated Chen Xuan's move quietly. Moreover, Chen Xuan himself was caught off guard. This Sima Wushuang is really good at using tricks.

What Chen Xuan admired even more was Sima Wushuang's Taoist heart. According to the situation that Sima Wushuang arranged for Chen Xuan this time, this Sima Wushuang's Taoist heart should have reached the Taoist heart of a peak powerhouse in Linxian Realm.

Although he is still like the powerful gods in the legend, he is beyond the constraints of Tao. No matter what you do, your heart and mind will be changed. Resurrection from the dead, an existence that is absent from all seasons. That is what the Taoist heart of a powerful person in the divine realm can do.

But the strong ones at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm can at least act completely according to their own intentions, and influence the changes within the Tao as much as possible with one thought. Just like a strong person at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, if he thinks about it, the mountains will collapse and the earth will split, and rivers, lakes and seas will flow backwards. This can still be done. Chen Xuan felt that it would really not be a problem for a strong man like Sima Wushuang at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm to do it!

But Chen Xuan understands how much training and suffering there is behind such a strong Taoist heart? How much more hardship is it? Chen Xuan even understood how difficult the sword he had chosen now was!

This may be the purpose of Sima Wushuang giving himself a test. Because sword practice also represents uninhibitedness and aloofness. And who is most afraid of the transcendent cultivators? Those are the top three sects among the eight major sects. And the Shangsan Sect is a very powerful existence. It was so powerful that Lianhe Guizong found one of them as a backer.

And Sima Wushuang wanted to tell Chen Xuanlian this time that the Taoist heart of practicing swordsmanship is to transcend things. Don’t be afraid, be fearless! This heart can make Chen Xuan stronger, and only this heart can make Chen Xuan, who practices swordsman, stronger. But it is this heart that will make Chen Xuan die without a burial place if he is not careful!

This so-called Shangsan Sect can only accommodate many swordsmen. If there were a few more people like Sima Wushuang, wouldn't these three upper sects go crazy? The only sword practitioners that the upper three sects can accommodate are mediocre and incompetent people!

Chen Xuan wanted to become his direct disciple, Sima Wushuang, so how could he be mediocre and inactive? Even if Chen Xuan allowed it himself, I'm afraid Sima Wushuang wouldn't allow it either.

So what Chen Xuan has to do now is to dare to resist. Only by resisting these so-called dogmas and customs can Chen Xuan practice true swordsmanship. Sima Wushuang must make Chen Xuan stronger within a limited time, and now Sima Wushuang can be the number one existence in the Yu world.

Just because Sima Wushuang practiced swordsmanship, but what happened after Sima Wushuang passed away? Then there is no supporter for Chen Xuan in this world. If there is such a supporter, how can the poor disciple Chen Xuan survive?

Even Sima Wushuang himself didn't know. If you can't become a strong swordsman, you are destined to be humiliated or killed. And if Chen Xuan wants to become a strong man, he must pass the test he gives him. If that didn't work, Sima Wushuang also decided not to care about this guy from now on.

Let's expel him from the Hegui Sect. Because expelling him from the Hegui Sect would be a great protection for this child. If he is mediocre at first, let those who attend the three sects know it. Chen Xuan has a connection with him. I'm afraid that even if Chen Xuan escapes to Yahaijiao, he will inevitably die.

But Sima Wushuang knew that even if a mediocre swordsman was not, he would still be humiliated. Because the sword is the king of weapons, if a practitioner cannot practice the sword to the best, he must practice it to the top. He will surely be cast aside by the cultivation world.

Maybe it's the jealousy of those cultivators that's causing the problem, right? However, if you practice swordsmanship, you will either become the strongest person in the Yu Realm, someone who is close to the calamity of the divine realm. Or you are like an ant, everyone in the world of cultivation can trample on you...

This is the existence of kendo! Chen Xuan is a boy who is either a dragon or an insect. Let's see how this test goes. Sima Wushuang said secretly in his heart. And Sima Wushuang felt that this time was probably just the beginning. In the future, Chen Xuan will be trained even more. Even Sima Wushuang himself does not know what is waiting for Chen Xuan in the future.

But what Chen Xuan has already determined is that Chen Xuan must be different from others... This is Chen Xuan's path, the so-called Taoist heart of Chen Xuan. But Sima Wushuang hoped that Chen Xuan could pass Sima Wushuang's test intact this time. After all, Sima Wushuang also hopes that he can have someone to succeed him!

After all, Sima Wushuang didn't hope that he wouldn't even have anyone to pass on his mantle when the time came. That would be a real pity for Sima Wushuang. But Chen Xuan understands that Sima Wushuang is as powerful as Ci, and it is very likely that he will be even more hostile to Chen Xuan and those who come to the third sect in the future. But this is not what Sima Wushuang can think about now. All Sima Wushuang can think about now is how far Chen Xuan's Taoist heart has reached?

Finally it was Chen Xuan's turn, and even Sima Wushuang's heart seemed to be twitching. Sima Wushuang secretly laughed in his heart that his character was not enough! But there was no trace of Sima Wushuang's thoughts on his face. Sima Wushuang's eyes looked very deep, as if the whole world was hidden deep in his eyes.

This is the strength of the peak expert in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Even those who have never seen Chen Xuan cannot imagine such power with their own brains. The book is still too one-sided! It's not like Chen Xuan hasn't read books, let alone books written by powerful people at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, or books introducing them. But Chen Xuan found that the difference between his imagination and reality was still very different!

Now Sima Wushuang can shake Chen Xuan's state of mind as long as Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness is within the range of Sima Wushuang's body. As long as Sima Wushuang looked at Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan seemed to feel the unfathomable pressure. It was as if there were tens of millions of kilograms of spiritual consciousness pressing down on Chen Xuan's back. Chen Xuan seemed to feel like he wanted to die soon. Cold sweat and weak sweat kept coming out. Chen Xuan even felt that such a powerful existence should not even exist in the Yu Realm.

Chen Xuan even doubted whether Sima Wushuang could completely kill Chen Xuan with just a raise of his hand? Chen Xuan's answer is yes. For Chen Xuan, his cheap master, he feels like he is looking down at an ant.

But Chen Xuan felt that it was probably not because Sima Wushuang was too strong, but because Chen Xuan himself was too weak. Chen Xuan quite recognized this point. But this cheap master is too good at making things difficult for you. What to do about this test? That is the two roads before Chen Xuan now...

The first is that Chen Xuan chose to be enemies with the eight major sects, which meant that he would not only challenge the dignity of the Hegui Sect. It even provokes the dignity of the upper three sects among the eight major sects. There are so many inner disciples here, if one of them accidentally spreads the word, wouldn't he die like this? The second option is to not follow your own Taoist heart. As for the so-called Dao Heart, for swordsmen and swordsmen, it is the hope of becoming stronger! The more Chen Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that the questions given to him by his cheap master were simply dead questions and dead ends!

However, Chen Xuan does have an idea in his mind now, because Chen Xuan is actually not a person who only complains, only gets into trouble without thinking of solutions. This is definitely not Chen Xuan's character. So at this time, Chen Xuan already had the answer in his heart. He had even calculated in his mind countless times what he would bring to himself when he made this choice.

But Chen Xuan made a real decision at this moment. Now that he has decided... Chen Xuan will not make any changes! Choose right or wrong, this choice comes from my heart!

Coming from my heart is my answer! Chen Xuan said silently in his heart. But the celebrant's voice still sounded.

"The new disciple Chen Xuan, worships as a disciple of the Hegui Sect... From the sect leader, a strong swordsman, Lord Sima Wushuang, who is at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm... Chen Xuan, a middle-level expert in the Transformation of God Realm, worships as a disciple... …Perform the apprenticeship ceremony… Qi!”

With the initiation of the suit, it means that Chen Xuan's apprenticeship ceremony has begun. Chen Xuan needs to walk in front of the dragon carpet and bow down to Sima Wushuang three times and nine times. It also means that Chen Xuan needs to kneel three times and bow nine times in accordance with the dogmas of the eight major sects...

Chen Xuan slowly walked to the dragon carpet with very steady steps. However, he did not bow down. Instead, he said coldly, "Wait a minute... I'm sorry I can't do it!"

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