At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes looked forward even more deeply, as if he was thinking about something. Chen Xuan knew in his heart that once he made his choice. There would be no room for regret. But now Chen Xuan has indeed decided... that is to follow his Taoist heart and be willing to be the enemy of the whole world!

"What?" The surprise in the eyes of everyone except Sima Wushuang was beyond words. Even the middle-level experts in the Earthly Immortal Realm can't help but have this surprised look on their faces. Is Chen Xuan crazy? How could Chen Xuan challenge this dogma? What exactly does Chen Xuan want to do... These questions have flooded everyone's minds. But what exactly does Chen Xuan want to do?

But only Sima Wushuang's eyes flashed with a trace of contented joy. Yes, Sima Wushuang can finally put his heart in his belly. Although Sima Wushuang has always been very optimistic about Chen Xuan. But even Sima Wushuang was not sure whether Chen Xuan would follow his Taoist heart. thereby passing the test.

Because the requirements for courage and xinxing are very high, and Sima Wushuang believes in Chen Xuan's xinxing. Still unsure about this test for Chen Xuan.

And Chen Xuan actually dared to challenge the dogma of the eight major sects, just for his own Taoist heart. This made Sima Wushuang very happy. You know, for a swordsman, if he does not have his own sword heart and Tao heart. That swordsman is destined to be ugly. On the contrary...if the swordsman has his own Taoist heart and sword heart, then as long as he works hard enough, he will not be far from the next best in the Yu world.

Sima Wushuang thought of the two great masters of swordsmanship in the Yu Realm, namely the God of Yu and the God of Destruction. These two great masters both use the sword as their magical weapon, and they cultivate the sword heart. But because the swordsmanship is completely opposite, they are actually completely opposite in swordsmanship, but they have both reached the peak of their swordsmanship! As for Chen Xuan, Sima Wushuang seemed to see their shadow, and this shadow made Sima Wushuang very happy. Chen Xuan's existence would eventually become like theirs.

And a swordsman who exists like this actually has a master like Sima Wushuang. I would definitely be very excited to imagine Sima Wushuang. But Chen Xuan's words made the ceremonial official's voice rise an octave.

"Bold, you actually dare to flout the etiquette and laws of our Hegui Sect. You should be punished for your crime!" The ceremonial officer was also completely surprised when Chen Xuan just said those words. Chen Xuan actually dared to do this. Ever since Hegui Zong was established, he has never seen such a life-threatening existence.

But at this time, Sima Wushuang did not speak immediately, but looked coldly, with a faint smile deep in his eyes. Sima Wushuang wanted to see how this apprentice would handle this matter.

Moreover, Sima Wushuang felt that the fun was yet to come. The ceremonial officer became even more angry when he saw that Chen Xuan still had no intention of kneeling down to apologize. But Chen Xuan was even more surprised. Isn't this guy afraid of death?

The expressions of surprise on the faces of the disciples of the Hegui Sect became even more intense. Is this the disciple that Master Sima Wushuang wants to accept? Why doesn't Ruci know how to praise?

"It's a's a pity..."

"This guy is too brave, he is really looking for death!"

"Senior brother, you're right. You really don't know how to praise me!"

Some of the inner disciples of the Hegui Sect have begun to feel sorry for Chen Xuan, and there are certainly not a few who insult Chen Xuan. Because Chen Xuan was accepted as a direct disciple by Sima Wushuang. Of course, many people want to see Chen Xuan's jokes. After all, practitioners like Chen Xuan are very envious in the eyes of his brothers. , and the jealousy is even more extreme. There is no disciple of the outer sect or inner sect of the Hegui Sect, including the law enforcement elder, who does not want to become the direct disciple of the sect master.

Usually they can't even see the sect leader, who is at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. However, the sect leader's direct disciple was about to die, which made them very happy.

Because they themselves also know that they have no way to become the sect master's direct disciple, even if the sect master's direct disciple dies. But even so, these practitioners still wished that Chen Xuan could die immediately. Because only in this way can the jealousy in their hearts be resolved, because only in this way can the power of their hearts be resolved.

But what is even more puzzling are Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe. Of course, Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe were also accepted as direct disciples by the four law enforcement elders. His status is second only to the direct disciple of the sect master. Even the great protector who has returned to the sect would not dare to provoke such a direct disciple at will. You even have to be very respectful to them.

A direct disciple of the sect master like Chen Xuan had to be very polite even to the Great Protector. But Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe didn't understand why Chen Xuan did this? According to their observations of Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was definitely not a frivolous or arrogant person. On the contrary, Chen Xuan made them feel that he was very restrained, calm and composed.

Even Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe saw in Chen Xuan a calmness and composure that was beyond his age! This may be why Chen Xuan's current achievements are so great despite his age.

So Nangong Jin and Mu Zheke don't think that Chen Xuan is just a spur of the moment idea! On the contrary, Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe saw depth in Chen Xuan's eyes, a depth that even Nangong Jin and Mu Zhe could not see through.

But what followed was the even more furious voice of the Master of Ceremonies.

"Bold Chen Xuan, how dare you ignore the etiquette and law, then you will die." Chen Xuan still ignored the presence of the ceremonial officer, and even stepped on the dragon carpet on foot without any basis for kneeling three times and bowing nine times. Just walk to school with the Jialan Sword in hand.

Moreover, the ceremonial official's voice seemed not to exist at all in Chen Xuan's ears. In Chen Xuan's world, only Chen Xuan himself existed. Chen Xuan did not pause or hesitate at all because of the chief of ceremonies, and even strode over.

However, no one from the Hegui Sect, from the law enforcement elders to the inner disciples, dared to stop him. Because of Chen Xuan's behavior on the dragon carpet, the leader of the Hegui Sect didn't say anything to stop it... What's the reason? But the officiant is completely different!

Because the existence of the ceremonial officer was transferred from Yu Zong. In fact, it is more like the dogma of the eight major sects than etiquette. Rather than being the dogma of the eight major sects, it is actually better to be the rules of the Yu Sect.

In this world where the strong are respected, there is no etiquette left. It's just a matter of being obedient and disobedient. If you are obedient, I will leave you alive. If you are disobedient, I will kill you directly...

This is the law of this world, and the ceremonial officer is better known as the ceremonial officer. It sounds a bit worse, but they are just spies sent by the Yu Sect to the Hegui Sect. This has almost become a secret among the people. Among the eight major sects, the ceremonial officers are used to supervise. Who dares to show contempt for Yu Zong. But because Yu Zong is too powerful.

Therefore, since Yu Zong established his clan, he has never dared to disobey. But now it actually happened, and the other party was a direct disciple of the head of the Hegui Sect. But fortunately for the ceremonial officer, Sima Wushuang had nothing.

If Sima Wushuang wants to keep Chen Xuan, he is afraid that this matter will make the ceremonial officer find it difficult to handle. Because the ceremonial officer knows that Sima Wushuang is indeed a figure that even Yu Zong is very afraid of now... He is not willing to provoke him, but Sima Wushuang has nothing, so it seems to be very easy to handle.

"Hmph! If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty!"


Suddenly, dark clouds covered the dragon carpet where Chen Xuan was walking. The dark clouds seemed to indicate that something was about to happen. The strong wind made it even harder for Chen Xuan to move forward. Chen Xuan still had a cold face and deep eyes. It makes people unable to see anything. But Chen Xuan is afraid that some uninvited guests are coming into his own world.

In fact, the ceremonial officers are not practitioners at all, but each ceremonial officer has a magic weapon that is used in conjunction with the dragon blanket. It is said to be a magic weapon used by Yu Zong to kill people's hearts... But no one has ever seen it. Even the Chief of Ceremonies himself doesn't know what it is.

But every ceremonial officer carries him with him, like a magic weapon. But now everyone in the Hegui Sect has to thank Chen Xuan for seeing this treasure. At this time, the dragon carpet was more like a barrier-like existence, as if Chen Xuan had been isolated. Isolated into the world of Dragon Blanket.

But all the practitioners, including Sima Wushuang, discovered that there was a huge painting in the sky. The scenes in the painting could flow. That was the world where Chen Xuan lived!

Sima Wushuang and all the Hegui Sect practitioners began to look at the giant painting in the sky. And all this seemed to be within Sima Wushuang's expectation. Sima's expression made it impossible to tell anything.

It seems that all this is as it should be, all this is very normal. Sima Wushuang's expression made the ceremonial officer even more confused. But the official Si Li felt much better instantly when he thought that Sima Wushuang would not stop him.

Si Li Guan De Shi also felt very unsure. After all, the other party was Sima Wushuang's direct disciple, even though he had not yet performed the apprenticeship ceremony. But this should already be true. Sima Wushuang is a being that even He Guizong is unwilling to provoke!

If he had provoked it, Hegui Zong would definitely resolve it with Sima on the pretext of killing him. At that time, no matter how right I was, I was afraid that I would still die!

The presence of Sima Wushuang gave the private officials some confidence. But what kind of existence are you, this thing called Heart-killing? Even the ceremonial officer himself was very curious about this!

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