Chen Xuan himself didn't know what kind of existence was waiting for him. But what Chen Xuan knows is that if he doesn't follow his Taoist heart, he may never become the strong man in his eyes. Of course, what is more important for Chen Xuan is to become a strong man, because Chen Xuan wants to control his own destiny.

Over time, Chen Xuan became more convinced that only by becoming strong can he be qualified to control his own destiny. Because Chen Xuan understands that if he is like others, like Nangong Jin, or like Mu Zhe, Chen Xuan will most likely not be taken seriously by Sima Wushuang from now on, because don't forget Sima Wushuang. But the swordsman exists.

Moreover, Sima Wushuang is now the most powerful being in the Yu Realm, but Chen Xuan is gambling. Because Chen Xuan understood what it would mean to him once Sima Wushuang valued him. It is very possible that Sima Wushuang will be his only disciple in this life, and this possibility is almost close to reality.

But what Chen Xuan understands is that Chen Xuan is basically gambling, because if there is no Sima Wushuang. For Chen Xuanlai, it is very likely or even a fatal blow. If Chen Xuan had Sima Wushuang's protection, Yu Zong, one of the top three sects among the eight major sects, would naturally let him go because he was afraid of Sima Wushuang.

If Sima Wushuang was very indifferent to his own life and death, Chen Xuan knew that his death must not be far away. Because Chen Xuan understood that in Yu Zong's eyes, he was an ant.

I am currently an intermediate-level being in the Divine Transformation Realm, and even if I fight to the death, I can escape from the powerful men in the early-level Nascent Soul Realm. But Yu Zong's power is beyond what Chen Xuan can imagine now.

Chen Xuan understood that it was very possible that the existence at the elementary level of Yuanying Realm was just like a disciple in Yu Zong's eyes. Yu Zong's strength ranks first among the eight major sects. Chen Xuan certainly understands that such strength is absolutely very powerful. An existence that was so powerful that even Chen Xuan could not imagine it.

But what Chen Xuan understood was if he was protected by Sima Wushuang. I just don't have to worry about my own life. But Chen Xuan knew that he had to break out of here first. It's not like Chen Xuan has never heard of Zhu Xin's existence.

According to legend, it existed when Yu Zong established the sect, that is, it existed after Lord Yu Shen left. According to legend, it has a history of tens of millions of years, but the existence of the Heart-killing thing is not the Sima monster or the spiritual consciousness of a powerful practitioner that has been sealed.

On the contrary, Chen Xuan understood that maybe he was none of these, but just a painting, and such a painting could kill others. And it can hurt your heart while talking and laughing.

This is also the first time that Chen Xuan has seen it. If not Chen Xuan, he is probably the first person to see the existence of this painting in the past tens of millions of years. But at this time, Sima Wushuang was like an old monk in trance, and Sima was speechless. He just looked at this painting quietly, but no one could see through the depth in his eyes.

Isn't Sima Wushuang anxious? Of course not. With the existence of this so-called Yu Zong's magical weapon, how could Sima Wushuang not be worried about Chen Xuan. But Sima Wushuang just hopes that Chen Xuan can gain experience from it, because Sima Wushuang has long known that Chen Xuan has understood it and let it go. And after realizing that it was time to let go of one's heart, it was time for Sima Wushuang to have a try in the Heart-killing Picture.

Although Sima Wushuang only has one direct disciple like Chen Xuan, this does not mean that Sima Wushuang will dote on a disciple like Chen Xuan from now on. On the contrary, Sima Wushuang will still be very cruel, and will still be very cruel to Chen Xuan. Because Sima Wushuang knew that if he was not cruel to Chen Xuan, it was very likely that Chen Xuan would disappear from everyone from now on.

Every life and death experience experienced by Chen Xuan is very valuable and important to Chen Xuan. Of course Sima Wushuang understood this deeply. Unless Yu Zong came to Hegui Sect to cause trouble, even if all the sects from the upper three sects came together, Sima Wushuang would still be very confident that he could intimidate them. As long as Chen Xuan can survive, as long as Chen Xuan can break out of the heart-killing plot, it won't be a problem for Sima Wushuang.

But how can it be that the plot of killing the heart is very easy to break?

Inside the Heart-killing Picture...

Chen Xuan felt as if the air around him was frozen, and then a very powerful pressure was forced towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan couldn't even feel the direction from which this so-called pressure was coming, as if it was coming from all directions. Chen Xuan was still very quiet and calm. Chen Xuan understood...he had to hold on.

But Chen Xuan now also feels that the heart-killing map is really mysterious, and Chen Xuan discovered that the heart-killing map and the Jialan map have something in common. That is stillness, yes, this Heart-killing Picture and the Jialan Picture are the same, both are still. Chen Xuan understood that this might be a picture. Although he did not know whose hand it was, Chen Xuan could confirm that the scale of this heart-killing picture was incomparable to the Jialan Picture.

But Chen Xuan also understood that when he came in this time, his spiritual consciousness entered again, which meant that it was his spiritual consciousness that suffered this time. But Chen Xuan seems to understand why this is called the Heart-killing Picture...

If an ordinary cultivator sees that such a painting exists in the world, he can absorb the cultivator's spiritual consciousness at will. That would probably scare him to death. But Chen Xuan understood that it was because he had entered the Jialantu that he was not in such a terrible state. But Chen Xuan understands even more that only those who have entered the Jialan Plan will understand how terrifying such a plan is.

Because for a cultivator, spiritual consciousness is simply the lifeblood of the cultivator. Although this is just a painting, it will not harm your consciousness in any way, it will only affect your state of mind. But after all, it is your spiritual consciousness that will enter. As for the pain that his consciousness suffered, that kind of pain, Zheng Ke almost drove Chen Xuan crazy when Chen Xuan had just entered the Jialantu.

If it hadn't been for chance, Chen Xuan might have become a madman by now. But Chen Xuan is now very grateful for what happened when he got the blueprint. Because Chen Xuan understood that although his talents were unique, his resources were still very scarce. Otherwise, he would not have come to the Hegui Sect, and the resources defined by Cai Chen Xuan refer to the apprentices and the cultivation techniques. Even pills and the forces behind them are all resources to Chen Xuanlai.

But these are all things that Chen Xuan is very lacking in. If Chen Xuan's master had really taught him swordsmanship, I'm afraid it would only be Mr. Sanbai. But how long had Chen Xuan studied under Mr. Sanbai? If Chen Xuan is an elixir, Chen Xuan really has never taken any elixirs, because Chen Xuan is not from a cultivating family, nor has he joined any powerful sect before. Therefore, there are very few opportunities to come into contact with elixirs, and even if you do come into contact with them... they are either obtained by chance, or they are bad elixirs on the street.

As for the skills, what Chen Xuan is using now are basic swordsmanship... It turns out that a strong man in the middle level of the Transformation Realm actually uses basic skills. I'm afraid how many people will laugh at him. What Chen Xuan understood was that he had no backing. The only one who has his backer is himself. If he offends any major sect or a practitioner in the Nascent Soul Realm, I am afraid that he will really not be able to escape death!

But it was because of this that Chen Xuan understood how rare it was that Sima Wushuang was willing to accept him as his disciple this time. He should cherish it, because of this, Chen Xuan cherished his adventures even more.

Chen Xuan felt that since he had nothing, he didn't need to be too afraid of Sima. At worst, he would die. But Chen Xuan was not willing to die, because Chen Xuan still had too many things that he didn't understand.

My own mystery, who am I? And what happened to the blank memory of my own, and what is the connection between the Jialan Sword and the Jialan Pattern. Who drew the blueprint? What is the world of Jialantu like?

And more importantly, what kind of existence is outside the Yu Realm? Chen Xuan is very curious about these, but it is because of his curiosity that Chen Xuan needs to become more powerful! Because only by becoming stronger can Chen Xuan understand this.

In fact, Chen Xuan's heart wishes to be unfettered, and simply put, nothing can restrain Chen Xuan. As for what Chen Xuan wants to know, as long as he has this idea, Chen Xuan will definitely find out. On the contrary, the existence of Chen Xuan's Dao Heart... actually made Sima Wushuang willing to recruit a disciple like Chen Xuan, but he still had to wait for Chen Xuan to pass the Heart-killing Map before he could make a decision.

Chen Xuan felt such strong pressure that he didn't even change his eyebrows and just sat down quietly. How could Chen Xuan not know in his heart that he had to continue walking into the room. I'm afraid I have to come into contact with this powerful power. However, Chen Xuan was not afraid, because this kind of power could not even reach one-tenth of the power in the blueprint.

Chen Xuan was able to withstand the pressure of Jialantu, so how could he still be afraid of this heart-breaking plan? But what Chen Xuan understands is...

For Chen Xuan, this powerful power is probably just the beginning. Chen Xuan still cannot take it lightly! Chen Xuan said to himself, but there was no fear or uneasiness in Chen Xuan's heart. This actually made Sima Wushuang secretly admire Chen Xuan.

Sima Wushuang is so powerful that he is so powerful that he reaches the pinnacle of the Linxian Realm, and is also known as the third most powerful being in the Yu Realm. Chen Xuan's words, deeds, and thoughts cannot escape Sima Wushuang's eyes.

What Sima Wushuang can be sure of at this time is that Chen Xuan has no fear or disapproval at all...

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