After collecting that precious map, if he got one hundred thousand ninth-grade elixirs, Chen Xuan could easily return to the god-level realm without doing anything, but now he had to embark on the journey to find the elixirs. The distance seems still too early.

However, Alchemist Qingxu is also quite smart. He also left ten ninth-grade elixirs in this cave, all of which are high-grade ninth-grade elixirs, which makes them even more precious.

Through memory, he dug out all ten ninth-grade high-level elixirs.

Feeling the strong energy contained in the elixir, Chen Xuan was also shocked.

"It's been a long time since I felt the breath of the ninth-grade elixir. This is equivalent to an emperor-level expert standing in front of me."

A ninth-grade high-level elixir is indeed equivalent to an emperor-level expert to a certain extent.

"I have just made a breakthrough. I will make another breakthrough in seven days at the earliest. If I had known that there was a pill here, there would be no need to work so hard to refine the Soul-Eating Dragon Rock Fruit."

Chen Xuan also shook his head and sighed.

Recalling the mysterious man in black that I met on the ground before, this man must be someone sent by the dark country. A random person can be so powerful. It seems that there is a tough battle to be fought, but these people have been looking for it for so long. I didn't find out about this rumor in the time

But he found it for himself by accident, which saved him a lot of trouble.

In addition to these elixirs, Chen Xuan also found a space ring, which was full of elixirs of grade seven or above. This should be the same strategic resource they had at the beginning, otherwise they would not have stocked up like this. Lots of stuff.

But even if they were so well prepared, they failed miserably in the end. Even now they have retreated to Fengyun Continent, with very few people left.

Since Alchemy Master Qingxu has been waiting here for more than 90,000 years, perhaps the power of the Dark Country has been eliminated.

But if this is the case, is he now reborn 90,000 years in the future?

It’s incredible when you think about it.

But the mystery of power lies in its countless possibilities.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He didn't know if the person from the Dark Country outside had left. The Qingxu Alchemist didn't know whether to prepare some treasures for himself. Now that he was fine, he didn't dare to go out for a while.

"Forget it, then I'll break through to the emperor level before leaving."

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

If you go out and be killed by the other party in vain, that would be bad luck.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with me outside.

To break through the Emperor level, one's own self-protection ability must also be strengthened.

In the outside world, there is not only the guy in black clothes, but also the Shangguan family and the Chen family to solve. Since these people dare to go against me and even join forces to deal with me, they have to pay the price!

A dangerous light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Then he sat cross-legged in the cave, taking care of his breath.

time flies.

After five.

In just five days, several storms arose within the entire Qifeng Empire.

First of all, the Shangguan family and the Chen family broke up, and the two sides actually started a war. Whether in business or military, all kinds of cooperation were full of gunpowder.

And began to form gangs.

There is a war between the two sides, but no one knows the reason for this.

All I know is that an elder of the Shangguan family was killed by someone from the Chen family.

In addition, two major pieces of news came out of the Qifeng Empire’s Medicine City.

The ancestor of the Liu family broke through and successfully broke through to become a sixth-grade alchemist. His cultivation reached the imperial level in one fell swoop, and he announced that he would run for the position of president of the Alchemist Guild.

At the same time, Lanshan, the vice president of the Alchemist Guild, also became a sixth-grade alchemist under the spotlight.

But this was a step later than the ancestors of the Liu family, and the emperor's cultivation level also became an important bargaining chip to overpower Lanshan.

Another piece of breaking news is that after the identity verification of Master Lu Mensheng, it was indeed Master Lu Mensheng. For this reason, Fang Ziwu in the imperial city was almost so angry that he vomited blood. This person from Lanshan He was too courageous. If he didn't do it himself, he would find Master Chen Xuan who didn't know where he came from to do it.

He directly deposed Master Lu Mensheng in front of everyone.

The revelation of the incident by all parties directly pushed Lanshan's situation into a very dangerous corner.

If Lanshan hadn't happened to have broken through to the level of a sixth-grade alchemist, he would have been dismissed and imprisoned by now.

However, Fang Ziwu was even more aggrieved. Although Fang Ziwu reported the matter, the attitude within the empire was also ambiguous. It was obvious that he had a very big concern for Chen Xuan in Lanshan Pass. interest.

As for this Lu Mensheng, although he is from the Qifeng Empire, he actually belongs to the Yunteng Empire.

Therefore, Qifeng Empire's attitude toward the latter was lukewarm.

And Fang Ziwu could also see that the empire was obviously waiting for the game between the two sides. If he could not break through to the sixth-grade alchemy master, then his value would not be as good as that of Lanshan, and the situation would become more dangerous.

So now Fang Ziwu needs to quickly break through his own realm.

"Just wait, Lanshan, I won't make it easy for you."

However, seven's time has passed.

Those members who participated in the special outdoor training also returned smoothly. Because the mysterious beast went berserk before, the people who came later stayed in some safer places in the East Canyon. After all, this mission cannot be used as food. It's better to save your own life first.

A group of people wandered around the edge for a while and then came back. The winning team was Han Ya's team because the storage bags of the robbers killed by Chen Xuan contained many elixirs. Even more than the members of the other groups combined.

But Han Ya couldn't be happy after winning, because Ran hasn't come out yet. This person is a person that Han Ya hates very much. At least Han Ya thinks so, but what exactly does Han Ya hate? have no idea.

"Teacher Song Ming, where did Master Chen Xuan go?"

Han Ya couldn't help but ask.

"Master Chen Xuan? Master Chen Xuan is floating around. The whereabouts of such an expert are a mystery. How can we know?" Song Ming said with a smile.

Although Chen Xuan is very young, Chen Xuan's achievements in any aspect far exceed those of these old guys. Therefore, Song Ming feels ashamed and can only admire Chen Xuan.

If there are more such talents in the Alchemist Guild, the status of the alchemists will also be higher.


Han Ya lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking in her mind, but her eyes were a little unnatural.

"What's wrong, Sister Han Ya?" Shirley came forward and asked.

Seeing that Han Ya seemed a little different from the first time, she couldn't help but ask.

In the past, Han Ya was happy and unscrupulous.

But today it is because of worries.

"'s okay, let's go back to the city first..."

Having witnessed Chen Xuan's terror in the forest, Han Ya also knew that Chen Xuan's strength should not be a problem in that dangerous Grand Canyon. Even the emperor-level experts were defeated by him. Others How could anyone hurt him?

Thinking of this, Han Ya was also relieved.

And in that dangerous Grand Canyon.

Chen Xuan is working hard to refine this ninth-grade elixir.

When an elixir reaches its ultimate level, there is basically no difference.

Because it has reached the pinnacle in every aspect, whether it is to recover injuries, increase qi and blood, increase profound energy, increase mental power, or even extend life span, the effects are almost the same.

Some individual elixirs have different effects, such as the difference between poison elixirs and elixir elixirs. In addition, what can determine the winner is the strength of the spiritual power.

Chen Xuan swallowed a ninth-grade elixir. These ten ninth-grade elixirs were a huge fortune for Chen Xuan. He was able to refine these ninth-grade elixirs in his previous life, so Chen Xuan didn't care much. But Chen Xuan's current strength is limited, so this ninth-grade elixir can bring huge benefits. ,

As the energy melted into his body bit by bit, Chen Xuan felt that the pores all over his body were relaxing, as if he was integrated with the whole earth.

"So powerful, this is clearly a realm only possessed by god-level experts."

This elixir gave Chen Xuan the feeling as if he was standing at the top of his previous life. At that time, Chen Xuan was blending into the earth, because Chen Xuan's state had already reached the point where humans are one. the point.

And this elixir also brought the same effect to Chen Xuan.

"In that case, let me use you to break through the limits!"

In an instant.

It was as if a Category 9 storm was blowing over the entire dangerous Grand Canyon, covering a radius of thousands of miles. People around could not get close because the aura was too strong.

The masters in Medicine Master City in the distance also looked at the sky above the dangerous Grand Canyon in shock.

"What's this……"

"Could it be that a mysterious beast has broken through to the emperor level!?"

"It's impossible, this is too terrifying, an emperor-level mysterious beast..."

To some extent, mysterious beasts are also a factor that poses a huge threat to human society. Therefore, every time a mysterious beast breaks through, it proves that the crisis for mankind has increased.


On the high-rise building of the Liu family, a black-haired old man suddenly raised his head and looked at Kong in the dangerous canyon.

"It's interesting. This aura is at the peak of the king's level, impacting the realm of the emperor!"

A light suddenly flashed in Liu Yongquan's eyes.

In recent days, the mainland has been really turbulent.

Many incidents and the unclear battle between the Chen family and the Shangguan family also confused the rest of the forces. Now, another emperor-level mysterious beast has appeared in this dangerous grand canyon.

"When the aura weakens, I will go and congratulate you again. An emperor-level mysterious beast will also be a great help to our Liu family. If we can make friends with him, that would be the best!"

After the mysterious beast's cultivation reaches the top level, its IQ is the same as that of normal people, but some methods are far less cunning and cunning than humans.

Sometimes some methods of winning over can easily win over these mysterious beasts whose brains are not very useful. After all, the resources in this forest cannot be as mature as those in human society.

In the forest, if you want to have a meal, you have to hunt animals yourself.

Then Liu Yongquan sent someone to prepare.

"By the way, I heard before that someone from the Alchemist Guild made a bet with Chen Xuan? Find this person for me."

"Yes, ancestor."

Liu Maosheng retreated respectfully.

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