Qin Yuanshan came to the Liu family ancestor tremblingly.

Facing a god-like existence, Qin Yuanshan was so frightened that he did not dare to breathe. Liu Maosheng of the Liu family had already come to find Qin Yuanshan before, and even threatened him to defeat Chen Xuan. The disciples who came out.

He even gave himself a life elixir at any cost.

After taking the Life-span Pill, Qin Yuanshan's entire future will be fixed here, and it will even pose a great threat to his own lifespan. However, if he does not take it and is not sure of victory, then after failure, the Liu family will inevitably He will not let himself go, it can be said that he is riding a tiger with difficulty.

Who made Qin Yuanshan just a chess piece.

And Qin Yuanshan never expected that he would be able to meet Liu Yongquan, the ancestor of the Liu family.

This is an emperor-level powerhouse, the Medicine Emperor!

No matter where such an identity is placed, it must be respected. Even if Dan King Yufan comes, he must be respectfully called "Senior"!

Facing the most powerful person in front of him, except for the president of the Alchemist Guild, Qin Yuanshan was extremely nervous.

"Haha, are you Qin Yuanshan?"

Liu Yongquan laughed and patted the latter's shoulder.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Chen Xuan won't be able to cause any trouble. In the next period of time, I will teach you my alchemy experience, and you must bring honor to my Liu family."

Liu Yongquan actually planned to personally give guidance to Qin Yuanshan.

Even Liu Maosheng next to him was filled with envy after hearing this. Being able to receive personal guidance from his ancestor would mean that his cultivation would not advance by leaps and bounds. It would be possible to make great strides in a day. Under such circumstances, it would be obvious for Chen Xuan to cultivate two white people. It is even more strenuous. Although Qin Yuanshan is older, his years of experience in alchemy is also an advantage. As long as he makes good use of it, he can achieve certain breakthroughs.

Now that Liu Yongquan has appeared, of course you can't fight him directly like a gangster. If you want to convince people with virtue, you must use your own strength to convince you. The person I taught must also be among you. Go up and completely defeat you!

This is what Liu Yongquan thought.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your great kindness!"

Qin Yuanshan knelt down immediately. Although he was over sixty, Qin Yuanshan was still too young in front of Liu Yongquan, so he knelt down without any burden.

"Lan Shan, Chen Xuan, since I, Liu Yongquan, have come out of seclusion, I will push my Liu family to the top!"

Liu Yongquan's aura was released, like a huge Buddha, making people want to kneel down and worship him involuntarily.

At this time, Chen Xuan’s family Zheng

Although Chen Xuan has not returned yet, Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang have never failed in their cultivation.

Huo Liu also used his own Tongmingxuan heart fire to continuously scorch the two of them.

At first, when they first entered the hot cauldron, it was like stepping into hell on earth with one foot. However, under the forced oppression, the two persisted, even though their bodies were already burned by the flames. I had to change several layers of skin, and I had to use some burn ointment every time to heal my wounds.

But often the second thing is to continue to accept the condensation of the flame.

By the seventh time, the two of them were roughly able to withstand the temperature, and at the same time they gradually understood some of the true meanings. However, they could not clearly know what they had understood before they actually took action.

"It's already the seventh time. Why hasn't Master Chen Xuan come back yet?"

Huo Liu said, for the past seven years, these people have been living together, and the Chen family here is also full of fun. Although he usually works hard, the fat man Sun Tao, who is supported, will force himself out to take a few steps and wander around on the road. Wandering around, making a lot of jokes.

Lei Suo and Sun Tao both recovered from their injuries very quickly. When he saw Wei Ruoxue and You living here, Sun Tao directly swore that he must lose weight and become his handsome self again.

"Something must have happened."

Bai Cen said, but at this moment, the aura from the dangerous Grand Canyon also rushed to the scene.

It can be heard clearly even from far away in Medicine Master City.

Huo Liu stood up immediately and looked at the stream of light in the sky in horror.

"What a strong aura!"

There was a hint of shock in Huo Liu's eyes.

Now Huo Liu's cultivation has reached the peak of the spiritual level, and he has truly entered the king level in one step. At this age, he is a very talented existence. Even if he was able to break through because of the spiritual fire, it is still very important. of strength.

"What's this……"

There was a flash of shock in Bai Cen's eyes.

"have no idea……"

Huo Liu shook his head; "It's probably the aura of the emperor-level mysterious beast's breakthrough."

With Huo Liu's strength, he could only vaguely feel this aura, and he had already broken through the boundaries of the king level, and even rushed towards the emperor level.

Imperial level?

A distant and terrifying term.

That day, Liu Yongquan appeared as an emperor-level powerhouse, causing an uproar in the entire Medicine City, and the streets and alleys were praising Liu Yongquan's deeds.

"Sister Huo Liu, Master Lanshan is here."

Wei Ruoxue called softly at the door, and then saw an old man walking quickly.

It’s really Arashiyama who came here.

"Vice president."

Huo Liu and others stood up to greet them.

"No need to be polite, hasn't Master Chen Xuan come back yet?"

Lanshan asked, his face seemed to be full of anxiety. Each of these things that happened was quite difficult.

"You haven't returned yet, Master Lanshan, has something happened?"

Huo Liu asked, looking at Lanshan's appearance, it seemed that something was about to happen.

"She hasn't come back yet. Could it be that she went to those places?"

Lanshan's heart suddenly thumped. This guy knew how to run around everywhere. If his own life was involved, it would be a big loss. Now he would be implicated in it too.

"If Chen Xuan comes back, if it's too late, remember to tell him that the Third Empress, the Duke of Hongshan of the Empire, will come to visit, and he will be an imperial envoy appointed by His Majesty himself, so that he can prepare in advance."

Lanshan sighed and said.

When Huo Liu and others heard this, they were also startled.

"What, the Duke of Hongshan? The Duke of Hongshan, one of the ten great dukes?"

Huo Liu took a breath of air. The Duke of Hongshan had a great background. When the Qifeng Empire was established, his ancestor was the right-hand man of the late emperor. The name of the Duke of Hongshan came from a battle. On the way, they encountered the Red Dragon Demon Mountain, blocking the way of the army.

In the end, the old Duke went up the mountain alone and killed the red dragon directly.

It has also become a legend in Qifeng Empire.

The Duke of Hongshan also became famous because of this.

The Duke of Hongshan is also a close confidant of His Majesty. This time he directly sent the latter, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to Chen Xuan, but on the other hand, it is also a test. If Chen Xuan is really like that The cross is so powerful.

That is naturally good, but if not, maybe the Duke of Hongshan will come this time waiting for His Majesty's imperial edict. Just an imperial edict can determine the life and death of countless people. Therefore, Lanshan is very anxious and nervous. This Chen Xuan The class must not collapse at such a critical moment.

"Yes, if Chen Xuan comes back, you must tell me as soon as possible."

After Lanshan finished, he left in a hurry.

Huo Liu, Na Bai Cen and others were left looking at each other.

"Now Master Chen Xuan is famous. He is the Duke of Hongshan. Unexpectedly, His Majesty has been alarmed..."

The outside world has become unpredictable because of Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, had just refined a ninth-grade elixir, and his aura was slowly gathering. He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be an emperor's aura condensed in his eyes.

Chen Xuan raised his hand, and the immortal cauldron suddenly appeared in his hand.


Two dark crystals are being refined by the flames.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, moved the profound energy in his body and immediately released blazing fire, melting the black chip in his hand instantly.

The pure energy was absorbed by the Immortal Cauldron.

"Dark Kingdom, just wait for me..."

Regardless of anything else, when he was defeated before, Chen Xuan had to get his position back!

"Although it's only the first level of the Emperor's level, it's enough."

A hint of murderous intent flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Now, whether it is the spiritual power or the profound power, with the help of the ninth-grade spiritual pill, it is logical to break through to the emperor level.

His cultivation is gradually recovering, and Chen Xuan is also confident that if that person is still there, he can definitely compete with him. If he doesn't kill him on the spot, he can escape intact.

Following the way he came in before, Chen Xuan found the exit. The water-proof gem was left here without moving. If the gem was removed, then the tomb of Qingxu Alchemy Lord would be destroyed. Destroyed.

Chen Xuan has received so many benefits from Alchemist Qingxu, so he should take care of him.

When Chen Xuan returned to the place, he found that the other party had left, but there was no damage to the elixir in the medicine garden. After searching around, Chen Xuan was also surprised.

"Could this man be blind? These elixirs that are nearly 100,000 years old are already quite precious."

Even in his previous life, Chen Xuan had only seen 100,000-year-old elixirs a few times.

In order to prevent these elixirs from being wasted, Chen Xuan simply took them all away.

But I didn't find the Yanyan Qingzhuo Lotus, which made me a little discouraged.

After all, the Qingming Life and Death Leaf was transplanted instead of growing naturally, so the chances of having the Yanyan Qingzhuo Lotus around it were very few.

After cleaning up all the treasures, Chen Xuan was ready to leave.

However, when I walked out of the canyon, I found that the spiritual crystal mist had disappeared, as if the energy had been exhausted, and I couldn't help but be surprised.


Chen Xuan's ears moved and he discovered that there seemed to be a beast roaring hundreds of meters ahead, and at the same time, there were two auras approaching quickly.

"Hold on, Shen Xue!"

I saw a bald man, covered in injuries, but still running quickly. Behind him, there were several ferocious demon wolves chasing the two of them. And in the arms of the big man, there was a woman who was dying.

These two people were Chen Luo's subordinates before.

The red skull’s name turned out to be Shen Xue, and the bald man’s name was Shen Qiang!

The two were orphans, but during the war, they became brother and sister.

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