The two people had miserable life experiences, and were later trained by Chen Luo.

Becoming the right-hand man today can be quite lucky, but also quite unlucky, because the hands of both of them are stained with blood, but in order to repay Chen Luo's kindness, I have to fight for him in all directions, killing all directions. .

Now that Chen Luo was seriously injured, the two of them were about to encounter a situation of life and death in the forest. Thinking of this, Er Rao felt a sense of relief in his heart.

"Brother, let's die here today."

Shen Xue said softly that killing was something she was unwilling to do, but in order to survive, to live, and to repay Chen Luo, she had to raise the sword in her hand and kill countless people.

Now his hands are full of blood, and even if he dies, it will be difficult to wash away the sins on his body.

"I won't let you die, Shen Xue. If you die, I will die too!"

Shen Qiang roared, gently placed Shen Xue on Lin, and picked up the last weapon on his waist, which was a dagger.

The sharp edge of the dagger shone with a cold light. Shen Qiang's eyes were downcast as he looked at the three blood wolves behind him, with a determination to die in his eyes.

At the same time, there is also a feeling of a hero's end.

I didn't expect that the dignified vanguard general would be reduced to this situation.

The three blood wolves were already sharpening their claws and swooping in. These blood wolves were quite powerful. If Shen Qiang was in his prime, these three blood wolves could be destroyed with a wave of his hand, but now any one of them would be fatal.

"Come on, you bastards!"

Shen Qiang roared angrily, grabbed the dagger and rushed forward. However, the strength of the three blood wolves was so strong that in the blink of an eye, blood marks deep into the bones were left on Shen Qiang's hands and feet.

Shen Qiang fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

Shen Xue on the side raised her head slightly, and happened to see Shen Qiang's dying but bloody eyes.

"elder brother……"

Shen Xue called softly.

But Shen Qiang could no longer hear him. The next moment, the three blood wolves descended and grabbed Shen Qiang's neck.

Shen Xue closed her eyes in despair at this moment, and two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes.


Suddenly a strong wind roared out from Shen Xue's ears.

Bang bang bang——————

Shen Xue opened her slightly closed eyes and saw a figure in white standing next to Shen Qiang. The three blood wolves had already fallen to the ground.

But Shen Xue didn't see clearly who the white-clothed figure in front of her was, and she passed out because of lack of physical strength.

The person who came was none other than Chen Xuan.

After walking out of the mysterious medicine garden, Chen Xuan felt the fluctuations of the battle here. When he arrived, he saw these two killing gods coming here, and Chen Xuan suddenly became interested.

It can be seen that these two people are great killers who have grown up in that army. If they can be subdued, they must be loyal and sharp knives.

Now that Chen Luo was escaping in a hurry, these subordinates must have received no new instructions here and refused to leave, so they ended up in such a miserable state.

In Chen Xuan's eyes, there were never any enemies, some were just stumbling blocks. These enemies looked fragile and vulnerable, and it only took some time to destroy them.

The only enemy that can truly be called an enemy is probably the existence of this dark empire.

That mysterious dark crystal is enough to be considered a threatening existence.

As long as it can be used for your own use, it is acceptable.

And these two people are also considered talents.

After taking a look at the injuries of the two people, they both suffered fatal injuries. Even you, Shen Xue, was poisoned. If you come now, even if you leave this injury in the Medicine Master City, you will have a narrow escape. If you delay it casually in the middle, , then the situation will become even more dangerous, and it will almost be a certain death.

Under normal circumstances, only Chen Xuan could save the two of them.

The treatment method is very simple, that is, the ninth-grade elixir in your hand.

If you take out these ninth-grade elixirs casually, they require all the efforts of the whole city to buy them. They will be flocked to by any super power.

But in Chen Xuan's eyes, these are just more convenient pills.

Two ninth-grade elixirs were casually injected into the bodies of Shen Xue and Shen Qiang.

Immediately, the powerful medicinal power dispersed and integrated into the two bodies.


Shen Xue, who was sleeping, opened her eyes. The injuries in her body seemed to have calmed down a lot, and her cultivation became more powerful.


Shen Qiang on the side also slowly got up, looking at his own changes, he was shocked.

"Shen Xue, are you okay!?"

Shen Qiang looked at Shen Xue who was not far away, and looked around. All the mysterious beasts within a hundred miles had been wiped out.

No mysterious beast dared to come close, so the two of them could recover from their injuries.

"We...were rescued? I don't know who did it."

Shen Xue said in a deep voice, thinking of the last big figure who arrived before coma.

My thoughts were not very clear at the time, but when I think about it now, I suddenly think of someone.

"Could it be him!"

Shen Xue lost her voice.

"Who? You know who saved us."

Shen Qiang exclaimed. When he woke up, he found that his injuries had improved, and there was a powerful force in his body. With this energy, he could quickly break through in strength.

Even reaching an incredible level.

"The energy in the body is at least ten thousand times that of the sixth-grade elixir!"

Shen Xue recovered from the shock and was shocked when she heard Shen Qiang's cry.

"Before I passed out, I saw a figure. Although I'm not sure, there is a high probability that it is this person."

Shen Xuedao, Shen Qiang was also anxious when he heard this.

"who is it?"

"Chen Xuan."

Shen Xue looked into Shen Qiang's eyes and said firmly.

"It's him!?"

Even Shen Qiang was full of disbelief, but Shen Xue's intuition was not wrong.

If it was really Chen Xuan, why did Chen Xuan save them and give them such a precious elixir? This was simply a great gift. This elixir alone was enough for the two of them to break through to their current state. , reaching a very high level, where one can even become a king on his own to a certain extent!

Both of them had doubts in their eyes, but now that they had woken up, they had better leave the dangerous Grand Canyon, a place of right and wrong, first.

And Chen Xuan, after casually saving the two of them, was already on his way back to Medicine Master City.

When Chen Xuan walked into Medicine Master City, he found that the atmosphere in Medicine Master City seemed to be quite different. There were lights and colorful lights everywhere. Could it be that they were here to welcome him?

Everyone looks so happy.

"Master Chen Xuan, you are finally back!"

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