At this time, Chen Xuan really felt what the heart-killing picture and heart-killing actions were. Because Chen Xuan seems to have discovered that the plot to kill the heart is far from being as simple as Chen Xuan himself thought. And Chen Xuan also discovered the current plot to kill his heart, and he was afraid that he would be the only one fighting it alone. There are two paths around you, one is to become a complete fool. Complete non-resistance can only lead to the current results.

Chen Xuan understood that this so-called powerful man who was the ancestor of Yu Zong was just trying to scare the monkeys. And he is the chicken, and those people outside, including Sima Wushuang, are the monkeys. However, Chen Xuan still felt angry because he had been tricked by Sima Wushuang.

It's a good thing now that he is regarded as a monkey by the sages of Yu Zong. But although Chen Xuan felt unfair, how could Chen Xuan's heart stop just because he was treated like a monkey? This is simply impossible.

There was a burning heat in Chen Xuan's eyes that could not be concealed. The raging fire beneath the heat ignited Chen Xuan's mind. It's ridiculous, Chen Xuan has so many unsolved mysteries about him. How could it be compared to a monkey? He, Chen Xuan, left his hometown in Xuancheng Continent and came to this so-called Hegui Sect. How could he be just treated as a monkey?

What Chen Xuan wants to do is to be a strong man in the Yu Realm. If he wants to be a strong man in the Yu Realm, then all the dogmas that restrain Chen Xuan must be destroyed! What sages of Yu Zong? What are the dogmatic etiquette of Yu Zong? What is the so-called heart-killing?

Go to hell! Chen Xuan kept shouting in his heart, and the hot fire in Chen Xuan's eyes became more and more arrogant and arrogant. Just like Chen Xuan's mind now, since Chen Xuan was originally forced to be extraordinary by fate. Then why should I abide by ordinary things?

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if they stand in the way of Buddha, they will kill Buddha! The voice of these words in Chen Xuan's heart has become stronger and stronger. Chen Xuan's fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, it seemed that the plot to kill the heart was somewhat changed by Chen Xuan's mind.

The pressure on Chen Xuan in the "Heart-killing Map" is getting stronger and stronger, as if it wants to use this pressure to drive Chen Xuan's will to death. How could Chen Xuan do what he wanted?


Chen Xuan snorted, and at this time, Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly. But he sees the way forward for this heart-wrenching plan extremely clearly. Because Chen Xuan used his heart as his eyes at this time, he could naturally see much more clearly than before.

What's even more frightening is that the place Chen Xuan is looking at at this time is much further away than before. It seems that what Chen Xuan can see at this time is a corner of the heart-breaking map. He found that the person who drew this heart-wrenching picture was really an extraordinary person. Because Chen Xuan discovered that this heart-breaking map is very much like a world, yes, it is a not-so-big world...

According to what Chen Xuan felt in his heart, it was about half the size of the otherworldly continent. But it was still bigger than Xuancheng Continent. Although Chen Xuan's eyes were tightly closed. But what Chen Xuan can feel at this time is much more than what he can feel when his eyes are open. At this time, Chen Xuan could feel every drop of wind and dust...

No detail could escape Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan felt that this was probably caused by his Taoist heart. Chen Xuan felt that his existence seemed to be more than what he could feel when he was in another world.

But then, Chen Xuan felt relieved. Because Chen Xuan discovered that it might not be because Chen Xuan's strength had become stronger that he could feel it more. But because Chen Xuan has taken off the skin of Chen Xuan's previous body, Chen Xuan's current spiritual consciousness has completely become Chen Xuan's Taoist heart!

It was a very wonderful feeling, at least that's what Chen Xuan thought. Because what Chen Xuan can feel is that his Taoist heart has become stronger than before. This is definitely good news for Chen Xuanlai.

But Chen Xuan didn't know how to crack this heart-killing plot. Chen Xuan was constantly thinking about how to crack the heart-killing plot, but Chen Xuan felt more and more that the pressure was moving towards Chen Xuan. Xuan was pressing in from all directions.

But now Chen Xuan seems to be able to find the location where this pressure exists. I wonder what kind of thing it is? Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, but Chen Xuan's expression was still as cold as ever. Chen Xuan's eyes were closed tightly, but the consciousness of Jialan Sword also entered with Chen Xuan.

Why does Jialan Sword also have spiritual consciousness? Because this Jialan Sword should have been cast by a powerful person in the divine realm when it was cast. Therefore, this Jialan Sword has become a remarkable existence. And this Jialan Sword Chen Xuan knew that after so long, this Jialan Sword had probably long ago closely connected his consciousness with his own.

So Chen Xuan understood that once his consciousness left his body, the same would happen to the Jialan Sword. The sword consciousness of his Jialan Sword will also leave his sword body. Together with Chen Xuan's consciousness, this Jialan Ring is the same. So Chen Xuan’s spiritual consciousness came to the heart-killing map, but...

Chen Xuan's equipment and Chen Xuan's mist all came to the Heart-killing Map. Chen Xuan like Zheng now seems to be very fearless. Because Chen Xuan knew that although he was a strong person at the middle level of the Transformation God Realm.

But he had already realized his Taoist heart in the Jialantu before, and not long ago, Chen Xuan combined his Taoist heart with his swordsmanship. That is to say, Ci Chenxuan has combined his Taoist heart with his swordsmanship to form a powerful sword heart.

If the Tao Heart is something that every cultivator can only comprehend with great difficulty, and it also requires many, many chances and coincidences. Then Kenshin is an existence that is even more difficult than Daoxin and is a hundred times more difficult.

The so-called relationship between the sword heart and the Tao heart is like this. The Tao heart is at every stage, that is, when Chen Xuan understood the Tao heart of the God-transforming realm, he naturally also needs to understand the Tao of the Yuanying realm at the Nascent Soul realm. Heart. What Chen Xuan may not know is that every stage of understanding Taoist heart requires the existence of opportunities.

Moreover, it requires great talent to comprehend the Taoist heart. If there is no talent, how can it be possible to comprehend the Taoist heart? And if a strong person in the Transformation God Realm has the Taoist heart of a strong person in the Transformation God Realm, then a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm will naturally have the Taoist heart of a strong Nascent Soul Realm. The strong people in the Earthly Immortal Realm also have the Dao Heart of the strong people in the Earthly Immortal Realm. But generally speaking, practitioners can only understand the Taoist heart of a strong person in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

That is to say, the cultivator did not realize the Dao Heart of the Spirit Transformation Realm when he was in the Spirit Transformation Realm, and he did not have the Dao Heart of the Yuanying Realm when he was in the Nascent Soul Realm. So what does this mean?

That is to say, the Taoist minds of the current Yu Zong cultivators are extremely unstable. That is to say, when they reach the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, only those powerful and strong people will understand the Taoist heart at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Then the foundation of such a strong person is unstable, not to mention the combination of his own magic weapon and his own Taoist heart. Perhaps there is only one person in the Yu world today who has achieved this, and that is Sima Wushuang. But now there are indeed two people, because Chen Xuan also did it. Chen Xuan also managed to fuse the Taoist heart with his magical weapon.

But his own cultivation is still not enough. If Chen Xuan combines the Taoist heart of the God Transformation realm with his own swordsmanship, he will not be able to defeat him. Later, if you can understand that the Taoist heart of the Nascent Soul realm is integrating your own swordsmanship into it, thereby consolidating your own swordsmanship.

Even Sima Wushuang himself cannot imagine what level Chen Xuan's strength will reach when he reaches the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm? Because Sima Wushuang only realized the Tao Heart when he was at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Thus, he combined his Taoist heart and his swordsmanship to form a sword heart.

But what Sima Wushuang couldn't imagine was that Chen Xuanruo would combine his Taoist heart with his swordsmanship. Then what kind of strong man will he be with the strength he has been consolidating!

However, Chen Xuan still needs experience now, so Sima Wushuang has no intention of getting involved in this matter this time. But what Sima Wushuang can be sure of is that Chen Xuan will never become a madman.

Because outsiders have no way of imagining how strong Jianxin is to a practitioner who practices swordsmanship, Sima Wushuang knows. And now Chen Xuan's consciousness is probably very powerful.

But what makes Sima Wushuang feel strange is the Jialan Plan. What kind of treasure is in the Jialan Plan. It can make Chen Xuan become so incredible.

Sima Wushuang was completely unimaginable. Even at this time, Sima Wushuang was already a strong man at the pinnacle of the Earth Immortal Realm, and he was currently the most powerful practitioner in the Yu Realm, and was even known as the Sword Immortal. But even so, Sima Wushuang still felt that this so-called Jialantu was indeed too powerful. It was so powerful that Sima Wushuang couldn't even know the slightest bit of Jialan's plan.

"It depends on Chen Xuan's luck. How far he can cultivate and comprehend depends on Chen Xuan's own qualifications and luck. I still can't do anything." Sima Wushuang murmured to himself. After all, Sima Wushuang really regarded Chen Xuan as his apprentice at this time. Although he put Chen Xuan in danger at this time.

But Sima Wushuang knew how important it was for Chen Xuanlai to have a strong sword heart. If Sima Wushuang just missed the good opportunity for Chen Xuan to strengthen the sword's heart, Sima Wushuang himself would feel that he was unpardonable.

But Chen Xuan didn't think so in his heart at this time. At this time, Chen Xuan had never greeted Sima Wushuang's family eighteen times. He even greeted Sima Wushuang himself thirty-six times.

But how could Chen Xuan be just a self-pitying person? Chen Xuan closed his eyes and slowly expelled all these distracting thoughts from his body, because Chen Xuan wanted to get out. Chen Xuan hopes that he can go out well!

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