Chen Xuan's eyes were full of that kind of hot breath, although he closed his eyes tightly. But that breath still surrounded Chen Xuan for a long time and did not dissipate. Chen Xuan used the heart that could be used to observe the entire world of the Heart-Destroying Picture to feel this pull.

And the hostility of Chen Xuan's Jia Lan Sword became stronger and stronger. Because the Jia Lan Sword has been with Chen Xuan for a very long time, the state of mind that Chen Xuan can have, every state of mind will be closely related to his own magic weapon.

Chen Xuan's warlike, calm and steady state of mind at this time brought thick smoke and fighting spirit around Chen Xuan. So Chen Xuan's magic weapon Jia Lan Sword can naturally feel all this.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, but his Tao heart was very pure. Chen Xuan's sword heart was the only medium for Chen Xuan to communicate with this world of the Heart-Destroying Picture at this time.

However, Chen Xuan's sword heart seemed to have seen something, although it still vaguely saw something now. But it is undeniable that Chen Xuan does seem to have seen the hope of cracking the Heart-Destroying Picture. So what is his hope?

That is to walk out, walk out of the Heart-Destroying Picture. In fact, it sounds like walking out of a world is very difficult and incredible. But the existence of spiritual consciousness, the existence of spiritual consciousness that is separated from the body, is not that difficult.

Because the spiritual consciousness that exists without the body can travel a thousand miles in a moment, then walking out of this world is naturally nothing for Chen Xuan.

But for Chen Xuan, how can it be solved with a short sentence of traveling a thousand miles a day. Don't forget, what Chen Xuan is facing here is the existence set up by the great powers of Yu Zong. What Chen Xuan may not know is that the Heart-Destroying Picture set up by the great powers of Yu Zong lasted for thirty years, so the Heart-Destroying Picture is just a painting. But how can the world in the painting be such a simple existence?

What Chen Xuan may not know is that the world in the painting can only be replaced by the word "magical". Although the world in the painting cannot hurt Chen Xuan's body, the world in the painting is crucial to Chen Xuan's mind. What Chen Xuan may not know is that every time Chen Xuan's mind faces the test in these Heart-Destroying Pictures.

If the direct consciousness dissipates a little, then the mind is directly damaged. If you are completely defeated by the test in this Heart-Destroying Picture, you can only become a madman after you go out. But Chen Xuan still believes that his Tao heart can help him pass this test. When Chen Xuan was in the Jialan Picture... The power of the Jialan Picture seemed to be thousands of times stronger than the Heart-Destroying Picture, but Chen Xuan still survived in such a might.

However, there is still a difference between this Jialan Picture and the Heart-Destroying Picture in essence. What Chen Xuan may not realize is that the Jialan Picture is actually a magic weapon for the owner to enhance strength, but this Heart-Destroying Picture is a weapon used to deter his opponents, or even to defeat his opponents. So the essential difference between the two is still very large. What Chen Xuan may not know at present is that the secret in this Jialan Picture is ten or a hundred times stronger than the secret in this Heart-Destroying Picture.

But how could the secret of this Heart-Destroying Picture be so simple? Just from the so-called power, it is very unusual. However, Chen Xuan had no habit of underestimating his enemies, even though this Heart-piercing Diagram was not as good as the Jialan Diagram. But this was still the first time Chen Xuan came to such a world, and he had to walk in and out for the first time. This was still a great test for Chen Xuan. But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was...

Chen Xuan seemed to be able to glimpse a little bit of this might from his sword heart, because Chen Xuan found that this so-called might seemed to come out along a line. Yes, it was a line, that is, this line was the exit to this world...

After Chen Xuan got these, he was still very happy. Chen Xuan felt that he was very likely to walk along this line and pass all the tests on this line. Then Chen Xuan should be able to walk out of this world. Chen Xuan said to himself, this was still very possible for Chen Xuan. You have to know that the great man of Yu Zong was very black-bellied. Even when he was drawing this Heart-piercing Diagram, he secretly wondered if the cultivator who came to this Heart-piercing Diagram would not be able to find the way directly.

Directly drive yourself crazy in this Heart-piercing Diagram, at least now Chen Xuan doesn't have to worry about this. It is more than very beneficial to Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan knows that it is very likely that he will still lose to the great man of the Heart-piercing Picture. Because Chen Xuan does not know what kind of perverted test this great man has set for him.

There is only one thing, this great man of Yu Zong will never let him walk out easily. The first test was because of Chen Xuan's own Jia Lan map. He comprehended the heart, and then combined the so-called Dao heart with his swordsmanship. He barely passed the test by looking at this world with the sword heart.

If Chen Xuan only has the strength of the God Transformation Realm now, the strength of the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm may not be able to see through the Heart-piercing Picture transformed by the great man of Yu Zong. But what makes Chen Xuan very fortunate is that he still has the Jia Lan map. What Chen Xuan can't figure out is what Sima Wushuang wants to do?

Because Chen Xuan knew that if Sima Wushuang didn't know about his sword heart, how could he give himself such a test that would basically leave him going crazy? Did Sima Wushuang know? how can that be possible? Chen Xuan immediately dismissed the idea, because even if Sima Wushuang knew all this, didn't he know the danger of this heart-breaking plot? Do you dare to come and give yourself a try?

But the answer is that I really don't know. Sima Wushuang really made this so-called heart-breaking plot simple. Because no one has seen the heart-killing map since it was put together. Of course, Sima Wushuang didn't know what this heart-killing picture looked like. But what Sima Wushuang knew was that it would be easier for Chen Xuan to survive in the Jialan Plan and in this heart-killing plan.

However, Sima Wushuang was still wrong about this, but fortunately because of Chen Xuan's strength and Chen Xuan's monster perversion. Sima Wushuang did not make him pay a heavy price for his thoughts. Of course, these are things for later.

But now Chen Xuan is really thinking about how to take the second step. What kind of existence is waiting for Chen Xuan in this second step? But Chen Xuan really didn't know, but what Chen Xuan knew was...if he didn't take the second step, he might be trapped in this place forever. This is not what Chen Xuan wants to see, because Chen Xuanrao has such a simple consciousness. If he is trapped in the picture for a long time, he may not be able to withstand the pressure and his consciousness will disappear.

When he finally returns to Yu Realm, he can only become a madman. However, what Chen Xuan just felt with his heart is that the world in this heart-killing map is indeed very clever. For Chen Xuan, the power in the northwest direction is increasing. And the power in the northwest seems to be the center point of the entire picture.

To put it simply, this Heart-Destroying Map actually starts from the northwest as the center point and spreads to all directions. Based on this, Chen Xuan concluded that this Heart-Destroying Map is actually centered in the northwest direction. route. It seems that it is not easy for Chen Xuan to crack this so-called heart-breaking plot. Chen Xuan murmured to himself. But Chen Xuan decided to take it one step at a time. Anyway, there are only two choices in front of him, and no matter what happens, Chen Xuan will not have another choice in front of him. Chen Xuan said to himself.

On the outside of the Heart-killing Picture, Sima Wushuang's face is still neither sad nor happy, making it difficult for people to understand the reason for his existence. But this time Sima Wushuang did feel a little regretful.

Because Sima Wushuang discovered that he didn't seem to understand this heart-breaking plot at all. Chen Xuan's existence is probably of even greater value or significance to Sima Wushuang. This unstable sword heart will always have more opportunities in the later stage to make Chen Xuan's sword heart more stable. But this time Sima Wushuang secretly said...

I really acted too hastily. In fact, it is very normal for Sima Wushuang to think this way, because Sima Wushuang is about to mature. It will take only a few thousand years at most before it will emerge.

What will Chen Xuan do then? Chen Xuan is his own disciple, that is, Chen Xuan cannot reach the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm within these two thousand years, and does not control his Taoist heart at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

If he has not integrated his swordsmanship into his Taoist heart, which exists at the peak of the fairyland, then there is no doubt that there is only two words waiting for Chen Xuan, that is, death! This is even beyond doubt. And this is the reason why Sima Wushuang is still the same in the final analysis. After all, there are still two thousand years! Despite Sima Wushuang's situation at that time, it took him a full four thousand years to step from the intermediate level of the Transformation God Realm to the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm. What's more, he didn't even know what the sword heart was when he entered...

However, Sima Wushuang believed that a monster like Chen Xuan would be able to outdo his master!

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