Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1700: Blazing Red Python (Part 3)

Chen Xuan's eyes had completely absorbed his mind, and Chen Xuan's heart seemed extremely calm at this time. This is Chen Xuan's state of mind. Even if he is very shocked, he can still recover immediately.

At this time, the flaming red python became even more angry when he saw Chen Xuan's disapproving and calm mood. It's simply disgusting that this hateful human being doesn't take himself seriously. The flaming red python roared...


At this time, the entire palace was echoing with the roar of the flaming red python, which was as terrifying as the magic bell in a Zen temple where someone had become a demon. The words echoed in Chen Xuan's ears for a long time, but at this time, Chen Xuan had reached an unprecedented level of calm. Chen Xuan's state of mind was neither surprised nor happy at this moment, and he was very calm.

It was flowing slowly like calm water, and even such a loud demonic sound could not change Chen Xuan's state of mind. At this time, Jialanjian seemed to sense Chen Xuan's state of mind, but Jialanjian's fighting spirit weakened somewhat. It was replaced by a terrifying coldness, and this coldness and the warlike fervor of the Jialan Sword actually existed in a completely non-contradictory, community-like way.

When had a prehistoric monster like the flaming red python been so insulted? Which human or monster was not so frightened that he lost his will when he saw the flaming red python, and could only kneel down and beg for mercy? But the human in front of him seems to be just a strong man in the middle level of the God Transformation Realm. Why isn't he afraid of himself?

What reason does he have for not being afraid of himself? With his strength, he is completely unworthy of being his opponent. Why would he dare to do this to himself? The flaming red python was completely angry. This kind of anger was as if a being like the god of war like the flaming red python was suddenly humiliated by an ant...

Isn't that what it is? To the flaming red python, the existences under the earthly fairyland are all ants, but to the humans in the cultivation world, the flaming red python is a god-like existence. However, this flaming red python is just a spiritual consciousness of the flaming red python when there is a curtain. Chen Xuan is very clear about this psychologically.

Otherwise, if Chen Xuan planned to go up and fight, it would be completely reckless. If in front of the God of the Flame Red Python, a being like Chen Xuan would be like an ant. But now this flaming red python has probably disappeared long ago. The painting immortal of the Yu Sect at that time in Nangong just took a piece of spiritual consciousness from the flaming red python and entered this so-called heart-killing picture. As for Chen Xuan's current existence, he only has to face the flaming red python with only one spiritual consciousness left.

But it wasn't these that frightened Chen Xuan, it was the emotions possessed by this flaming red python. This Yu Zong's painting fairy is really amazing, and he can actually draw the flaming red python's own emotions completely.

Therefore, the flaming red python that Chen Xuan saw with his heart at this time was just the painter who used his own heart to completely paint the emotions of the flaming red python. Therefore, what Chen Xuan encountered now was only the emotion of the Painting Immortal, or the emotion of the flaming red python that the Painting Immortal saw. But it was not the emotion of the true form of the Flame Red Python.

This actually frightened Chen Xuan, because the residual consciousness of this so-called flaming red python was already so terrifying. So what kind of powerful existence is the true form of the flaming red python? Chen Xuan still lamented that he was too insignificant. Even now he had understood the heart of air and integrated the heart of Tao into the Jialan Sword, giving himself the heart of the sword. But what was an existence like myself before the prehistoric monsters? I'm afraid it's very possible that not even one ant can be counted. I am still too weak! In this world where only the strong are entitled to freedom, Chen Xuan is still too weak...

Sima Wushuang saw Chen Xuan having such a realization outside the painting. He also smiled slightly and narrowed his eyes. It seemed that Sima Wushuang felt that his first goal was achieved.

If Chen Xuan can come back alive after this experience, I'm afraid Jian Xin's help to Chen Xuan is not serious. Moreover, for a person like Chen Xuan, who had so many adventures and opportunities and defeated Fu Jun before, Sima Wushuang was always worried that so many opportunities would be thrown at Chen Xuan, while Chen Xuan was making rapid progress on the road of cultivation. It is very likely that Chen Xuan will become more impetuous and even develop an arrogant temper. This is a taboo in cultivation.

But Sima Wushuang also knew, how could someone like Chen Xuan not know? How can you not be self-disciplined if you know this? But sometimes, this is unavoidable. Because although practitioners are cultivating their hearts, their original minds are not affected by external influences. But how can it be completely immune?

Besides, Chen Xuan's current strength is only at the middle level of the Divine Transformation Realm, and Chen Xuan's Dao Heart has only just been comprehended. Not stable enough. However, Sima Wushuang was relieved to see Chen Xuan have such an understanding.

But an existence like Chen Xuan is a great threat to the Flame Red Python. Although the Flame Red Python didn't know why he felt like this. But the uneasiness in the flame red python's heart became more and more intense. However, the flaming red python's uneasiness at this time turned into its own anger. And Chen Xuan saw those three ferocious fireballs heading towards him. There was no trace of panic in Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan's heart was controlling the Jialan sword.

And the light blue flame of the Jialan sword dissipated most of the scorching heat caused by the flame red python's fireball rubbing in the air. At this time, the Jialan sword seemed to have become Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan felt that he had become the Jialan sword, fighting with the fireball of the flaming red python.


The fireballs in the air exploded into a crackling sound, and black scorched earth continued to scatter from the black air. Chen Xuan knew that it was dust in the air. The Jialan Sword is now like a huge solid wall. Zhan Yao was about to push directly towards the three fireballs.

The three fireballs were like three stars, hitting the Jialan Sword directly. The sword body of Jialan Sword was instantly surrounded by that hot feeling. The coldness of Jialan Sword is getting stronger and stronger. Half of the pillars around the Flame Red Python Palace turned into ashes, and half turned into icicles. No need, those close to the Jialan Sword naturally turned into icicles, while those close to the Flame Red Python turned into ashes. Those pillars are tens of thousands times larger than those on the Hegui Sect main hall.

Just like this, in the first confrontation, they turned into ashes and ice. The flaming red python became even more angry when he saw that Chen Xuan's Jialan Sword could respond to his own fireball like this.

Those eyes as big as hundreds of copper bells stared directly at Chen Xuan. Such killing intent made the temperature in the air even lower. Chen Xuan knew that this was the flaming red python that was determined to kill him. I'm afraid that if I don't get rid of him now, even if I want to die, it won't be so easy. Chen Xuan secretly screamed something bad. He actually angered this flaming red python like this.

However, Chen Xuan calmed down. Anyway, either the flaming red python would die today or he would die. Even if he had to risk his life, he would kill the remnants of the flaming red python.

Chen Xuan's eyes were closed again, but the killing intent in Chen Xuan's body that made people feel frightened did not subside at all. The flaming red python seemed to feel Chen Xuan's overwhelming murderous intention at this time.

I also felt a little scared, but the flaming red python immediately became even more angry. Why is this human being? He is a powerful ancient monster. When did this human being reach the middle level of the God Transformation Realm? This human being is probably not even his descendant. In fact, it is true that judging from the spiritual consciousness of Chen Xuan and this flaming red python, they are not even the descendants of this flaming red python's remnant consciousness.


The flaming red python seemed to be extremely angry this time. The remaining consciousness of the flaming red python finally decided to go all out to kill this human being. Although doing so did make the Flame Red Python feel extremely humiliated.

But the flaming red python found that if he didn't do this, it seemed that he couldn't kill this hateful human being. But Chen Xuan's mood was calmer than before. Maybe this is Chen Xuan's great advantage, as well as the talents cultivated by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's adaptability is very strong, because Chen Xuan was already very adaptable when he was thrown into those dragon pools and tiger dens by Mr. Sanbai in Sanbai Valley. Adapt to Chen Xuan's current ability to adapt to the environment, adapt to things, and adjust his mood. It is many, many times better than other cultivation practices.

This is the benefit brought to Chen Xuan by the suffering he suffered before. Chen Xuan's ability to endure entering a strange world like Jialantu actually relied entirely on this state of mind.

If an ordinary practitioner were to enter the Jialantu, they would probably go completely crazy. And the Flame Red Python seems to regard Chen Xuan as its real opponent this time.

Although the flaming red python himself didn't want to admit it, what the flaming red python couldn't deny was how many people could block his three fireballs in the past ten thousand years?

How many monsters could even block three of his fireballs? I'm afraid there are only a handful of them, but in fact these three fireballs are not just fireballs. It's a powerful fire spirit. The so-called fire spirit is a being with a spiritual heart.

But Chen Xuan could actually break him with one sword... It's really incredible for a human at the beginning of the Divine Transformation Realm...

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