Chen Xuan's state of mind was still calm, as if nothing could affect Chen Xuan's state of mind. But Chen Xuan knew that even if he tried his best to fight against the flaming red python, he would probably lose more than he would win. This flaming red python is far more powerful than himself. But what Chen Xuan knew was that even if the existence of this flaming red python was very powerful, so what?

Chen Xuan has only one way now, which is to kill the flaming red python, although this flaming red python is just a residual consciousness. But that would probably be more terrifying for Chen Xuanlai than fighting Fu Jun. This is the terror of ancient monsters.

At this time, the flaming red python seemed to be looking at the ants as a god and left the throne of his palace. But Chen Xuan discovered that the Flame Red Python might have just used its strength and not even reached it.

What should Chen Xuan do? Chen Xuan himself didn't know, he could only put his hopes on this so-called Taoist heart. Chen Xuan thought that his sword heart was not particularly stable at this time, and all he could do now was to use all his Tao heart to fight the flaming red python. If he fails to fight and dies, then of course there is nothing he can do.

But if you are afraid of fighting without fighting, that is definitely not what a powerful swordsman can do. But what Chen Xuan knew was this. If his strength is still inferior, will Sima Wushuang come to save him?

But does Sima Wushuang believe in direct strength so much? Otherwise, why would Sima Wushuang not only accept him as his only disciple, but also push himself to this terrible place? Chen Xuan doesn't think that the Earthly Immortal Realm is strong. The third person in Yujie thought it was very interesting to tease him. This is what Chen Xuan was thinking when he was calm.

So what is the reason why Sima Wushuang feels that he can definitely get out of this heart-breaking plot? Relying on his own mid-level strength in the Divine Transformation Realm? Is that possible?

Obviously, many powerful people in the Nascent Soul Realm have no way to get out of here. Not to mention the so-called mid-level powerhouses in the Transformation of God Realm. That is even more impossible. This is Chen Xuan's judgment. Chen Xuan was still able to infer Sima Wushuang's psychology under such circumstances, and his inference was so accurate.

I have to say that Chen Xuan's character is very high, but at this time Chen Xuan is even more thinking about what Sima Wushuang thinks his strength and trump card are? Is it the Jialan Sword? Chen Xuan didn't think his Jialan Sword could be so powerful.

I'm afraid that the only thing Sima Wushuang thinks is his trump card is his sword heart! That time when he went to fight Fu Jun, when Sima Wushuang wanted to accept him as his disciple... I'm afraid it was the so-called Jian Xin who took a liking to him.

This is Chen Xuan’s decision! Kenshin...Does this so-called Kenshin really have such a powerful effect? Chen Xuan himself was also very unsure, because what Chen Xuan didn't know was that the existence of the sword heart that was fused with his Tao heart was actually so powerful for him!

Sima Wushuang's spiritual consciousness naturally conveyed Chen Xuan's thoughts to Sima Wushuang. Sima Wushuang, who was sitting in the Hegui Sect's main hall, still had a smile in his heart.

This Chen Xuan is really a talent that can be created. This Chen Xuan actually has such a strong mind and is able to deduce his own decisions and thoughts in such a situation. And then find a way to defeat the enemy...

Sima Wushuang really felt that she had read Chen Xuan correctly, because how helpful would Chen Xuan's mind be in cultivating Taoism? Chen Xuan is so powerful that he will be able to rely on and help Chen Xuan even more on the road of cultivation in the future.

But at this time, the flaming red python was distracted when he saw Chen Xuan... The huge body of the flaming red python pushed directly towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt that the air was intertwined with the flames on the body of the flaming red python. There was a crackling sound.

The flaming red python was like a huge mountain range, pressing towards Chen Xuan. The closer the flaming red python was to Chen Xuan, the more Chen Xuan felt like the ground was collapsing.

Chen Xuan seemed to feel that the palace was about to collapse at this time.

The palace seemed to be shrouded in a huge darkness. But Chen Xuan immediately realized that this was not Sima Guangming at all... that was the huge body of the flaming red python. This huge body has covered the sky above the palace, and Chen Xuan above the palace feels that it is already difficult to resist.

what to do?

What should Chen Xuan himself do? Chen Xuan suddenly thought of a way. At the moment when the flaming red python was completely pressing towards Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan merged his own consciousness into the Zheng of the Jialan Sword.

At this time, Chen Xuan seemed not to be affected at all by the huge body of the flaming red python. And the huge body of the flaming red python actually flew into the air, which inevitably made the flaming red python even more angry.

But Chen Xuan was still very lucky. Chen Xuan was very lucky that he realized it and let go of his heart. Then he completely integrated the Taoist heart with this so-called Jialan. It became Chen Xuan's own unique sword heart, and the sword heart was the connection between Chen Xuan and this Jialan sword. At this time, Chen Xuan and Jialan Sword were connected. That is to say, Chen Xuan had completely integrated into Jialan Sword.

But what Chen Xuan knew was... that he was able to do this entirely because of his own understanding of the airing heart and the creation of the sword heart. That is to say, at this time, Chen Xuan's strength has been completely given to the Jialan Sword. Now for Chen Xuan... Jialan Sword is Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan is Jialan Sword. Chen Xuan and Jialan Sword completely merged together.

The flaming red python has lived for tens of millions of years, and at least the remaining consciousness of the flaming red python also has memories that are tens of millions of years old. So how could the flaming red python's vision not know what kind of method Chen Xuan was practicing at this time?

But what makes the Flame Red Python extremely angry is that a being like Chen Xuan can directly attach his spiritual consciousness to the Jialan Sword, which means that Chen Xuan's current strength is very likely to be no worse than himself!

Why does the Flame Red Python feel like this? Because of the existence of the flaming red python, how could he not know that Chen Xuan was now enlightened to express his feelings? Although Chen Xuan's cultivation level does not reach the strength of a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm, even those at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm and even those in the Earthly Immortal Realm cannot comprehend the Taoist Heart.

Not to mention the complete fusion of Tao Xin and Chen Xuan's swordsmanship to become Sword Heart. That is something that only a strong person like the peak of the Earth Fairy Realm can possibly do! Why can Chen Xuan do it? The flaming red python was also very confused at this time! How could Chen Xuan, a strong man at the middle level of the God Transformation Realm, do it?

Because for the flaming red python, the flaming red python is just a residual consciousness, that is to say, the existence of the flaming red python at this time is completely incomplete. That is to say, how powerful the flaming red python was originally, but now the residual knowledge of this flaming red python has been greatly reduced.

This is what the Flame Red Python's residual consciousness is more worried about, because the Flame Red Python himself also knows that he is just a wisp of residual consciousness. I'm afraid his Taoist heart is completely inferior to Chen Xuan's! Not only is it incomparable, it can't even be compared to it. After all, at this time, Chen Xuan had already fully understood his Taoist heart, and then integrated it into his swordsmanship. In other words, if Chen Xuan exists like this, he will be much stronger than himself in the sword heart. But although Chen Xuan's cultivation is far inferior to his own, the swordsman's sword heart is definitely not something that can be underestimated by a being like the Flame Red Python.

That is to say, a being like the flaming red python is very likely to be completely defeated by 2 Chen Xuan's sword heart. However, the flaming red python is still the remnant consciousness of a strong man in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and it is not so easy for Chen Xuan to break it up.

But this time, the flaming red python completely put away the aloof feeling that he was anxious about before. On the contrary, Chen Xuan felt that this flaming red python had some respect for him. But what Chen Xuan knows is that a being like the flaming red python is very likely to regard himself as his death burden now.

But what does Chen Xuan think? Originally, this time it was a matter of life and death. Now Chen Xuan is attached to the Jialan Sword, and his mood is very peaceful. But this was the first time that Chen Xuan transformed himself into a sword and started fighting. This was not a big test for Chen Xuan. And Sima Wushuang saw Chen Xuan's treatment...

He was more and more satisfied with the lack of water, because Sima Wushuang indeed put Chen Xuan into the dangerous situation of the Heart-killing Map this time just to test how Chen Xuan... could strengthen his sword heart. For Chen Xuan, to be more stable in his sword heart is to become more familiar with the Jialan Sword. But Sima Wushuang suddenly felt that there is nothing faster than Chen Xuan transforming into the Jialan Sword to become familiar with everything about the Jialan Sword. Woolen cloth?

This is where Sima Wushuang feels that he is brilliant. Sima Wushuang even feels that this time Chen Xuan enters the heart-killing plot, just to fight in order to transform himself into a sword, which is most beneficial to Chen Xuan.

At this time, the corners of Sima Wushuang's mouth turned up in a rare arc. "I'm so sorry...Senior Painter of the Yu Sect, let's just use your masterpieces and sharp weapons as my disciple's training and stepping stones to become stronger!"

Sima Wushuang cursed secretly in his heart. And if the painting immortal of Yu Zong heard this slander, I wonder what kind of expression he would have?

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