Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1703 Chen Xuan enters the illusion (1)

Inside the Heart-killing Picture...

Chen Xuan found that the heart-killing map seemed to be getting increasingly difficult to see through. At this time, he and Jialan Jian's consciousness were in a place where even he didn't know where it was. Chen Xuan even felt that it didn't seem like it. It is within the heart-killing plan.

Because the surroundings seemed pitch black without a trace of light, Chen Xuan didn't know where this place was. At this time, Chen Xuan tried his best to make his heart completely calm. And Chen Xuan's calm state of mind is definitely very useful for the next tests and trials.

What Chen Xuan knows is that although Chen Xuan is in such a state of mind at this time, whether he can withstand the next test completely depends on Chen Xuan's own luck. It is likely to be a fierce battle. But Chen Xuan became more and more confused about what this fierce battle was like. It seemed that only the darkness had not dissipated, and the flaming red python did not rush toward Chen Xuan.

It seemed that he had completely entered a dream, yes... Chen Xuan knew completely that this was a dream, but Chen Xuan even knew that this dream seemed to come in a bad way. It is definitely coming for me, and this dream that is coming for me is still a very great test for me. But because of this, Chen Xuan remained as calm as ever.

Because Chen Xuan knew that only if he was calm enough could he possibly defeat it. And this darkness seemed to have the intention to go against Chen Xuan. The calmer Chen Xuan became, the more terrifying scenes he created to make Chen Xuan panic.

But Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be able to block all horrors, without being changed at all.


Chen Xuan heard a sound that was as loud as muffled thunder. Chen Xuan knew that this was most likely the roar of the evil beast, the Fiery Red Python. This made Chen Xuan secretly happy, that is, Chen Xuan was still around the flaming red python at this time. What is accurate is that the consciousness of the Blazing Red Python and Chen Xuan are still within the painting of the Heart-killing Picture.

And this made Chen Xuan feel relieved, because for Chen Xuan, it would be scary for Chen Xuan if his consciousness went to a strange fantasyland without knowing it. If Chen Xuan's own consciousness is completely sent to an unknown place by the flaming red python, the possibility is actually very high. Chen Xuan also knows this in his heart. It is because this possibility is very high that a being like Chen Xuan... cannot be taken to another place.

Otherwise, how weak is the painting fairy? Only then can this monster in the picture, which originally existed only in the state of residual consciousness, take itself to another place. What's more, if Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness is taken away from another place, it is very likely that a being like the residual consciousness of the flaming red python can leave this so-called heart-killing map on his own.

And this flaming red python directly regarded this so-called heart-killing map as such a huge world, and Chen Xuan even felt that the flaming red python had never noticed that he had a residual consciousness.

In fact, the flaming red python itself had already dissipated due to the calamity. In fact, in this world, not only cultivators are subject to calamity, but any cultivating monster, weapon, or person is subject to calamity. And the people, monsters, and tools that cannot survive the calamity. The so-called instruments generally refer to weapons and other types of existences that will dissipate immediately. Without leaving any proof in the world, this is the fate of the strong men at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm who did not survive the tribulation, and it is also the fate of the so-called monsters who did not survive the tribulation. Chen Xuan still knew this very well.

Even a being as powerful as Sima Wushuang could not avoid the disaster, or even face the disaster. It is conceivable that the calamity is terrible. This so-called calamity is even the nightmare of the strong.

At this time, although Chen Xuan understood this in his mind, he was still very happy in his heart. Fortunately, he was not the flaming red python he encountered in the Yu Realm. Otherwise, the flaming red python might really have the ability to absorb the cultivator's spiritual consciousness and transfer it to another place. If Chen Xuan really encounters such a level of monster in the Yu Realm, then Chen Xuan will most likely not be surprised. There is only one possibility, and that is to disappear. But what Chen Xuan knew even more was that even if the flaming red python only left a trace of consciousness for Chen Xuan in the Heart-killing Map, it would still make Chen Xuan very likely to go crazy.

Before Chen Xuan came in, he knew in advance that as long as his spiritual consciousness dissipated in the Heart-killing Map, his skills would be completely exhausted after returning to the Yu Realm. What's even more frightening is that it will affect his own sanity, that is, Chen Xuan will become a madman. After all, this is the difference between the Jialan Diagram and the Heart-killing Diagram. If Chen Xuan loses his consciousness in the Jialan Diagram, it will not have much impact on Chen Xuanlai.

It only requires a few cultivations, or even no cultivation, but if the spiritual consciousness is dissipated in the Heart-killing Picture, then... This is the difference between the creator of the Jialantu and the Immortal Painter. It is very possible that this is the real reason why the painting fairy cannot become the painting god.

Of course, this is also an inspiration to Chen Xuan himself, that is, the desire to kill. Chen Xuan felt that swordsmen naturally had the intention to kill. Because the sword is used to kill people, but the swordsman cannot just use it to kill people. The sword used to kill people is just a butcher's knife.

A swordsman who can only kill is just a butcher. Chen Xuan is not a master of swordsmanship, but a real swordsman. Chen Xuan believes that it is not just killing people, but more important is the intention to kill.

This is what Chen Xuan thinks is a true swordsman. Chen Xuan admires such swordsmen very much, and Sima Wushuang seems to be able to become a master only after he comprehends his Dao Heart and combines it with his unparalleled swordsmanship.

Chen Xuan also thinks it is very right, because Chen Xuan knows that once Sima Wushuang comprehends the Dao Heart and combines it with his swordsmanship, then Sima Wushuang will not only be a butcher. Sima Wushuang is a true swordsman, but Sima Wushuang can only comprehend these things when he reaches the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and it is unknown how long it will take for an existence like Chen Xuan to comprehend them... Chen Xuan thought silently. But Chen Xuan doesn't want to become a butcher who can only kill people with the Jia Lan sword, because Chen Xuan knows that becoming a butcher will not make him the strong man in his mind.

Because Chen Xuan's blank memory, as well as the mystery of Chen Xuan's life experience and origin, have been around Chen Xuan for a long time. And Chen Xuan doesn't want to follow the so-called Dao's opinion anymore, because Chen Xuan knows... If he wants absolute freedom, he needs absolute ability to fight against Dao. And Chen Xuan's so-called absolute ability to fight against the Tao definitely requires Chen Xuan's long-term accumulated strength to form. And the more Chen Xuan thought about it at this time...

The war-loving mood in his heart became stronger and stronger, but Chen Xuan's heart was still absolutely calm. It is undeniable that Chen Xuan's mentality at this time is the most suitable for fighting. Calm and passionate... But it is the most unsuitable to enter the illusion, because what is absolutely unacceptable in the illusion is the hostility in Chen Xuan's body now.

But then, Chen Xuan felt that the darkness slowly changed, and slowly Chen Xuan felt that the darkness turned into some scenery... What's going on? Chen Xuan's heart kept questioning? How is this possible? Isn't this in the Heart-Slaying Map? How could another world appear?

Chen Xuan's heart was a little confused, but Chen Xuan's habits developed over the years and the formation of Chen Xuan's Tao heart made Chen Xuan's mind more stable.

Chen Xuan's mind calmed down again. The hostility in Chen Xuan's body was smoothed out a little. Because Chen Xuan saw Sanbai Valley

Yes, it was Sanbai Valley, just like when Chen Xuan first saw it, and Chen Xuan couldn't even tell whether it was an illusion or not. But it didn't matter to Chen Xuan anymore... Was it an illusion or a trap set by the Fiery Red Python? None of this mattered. What mattered was that Chen Xuan found himself seeing Sanbai Valley again.

And was there Mr. Sanbai, the old man with a long white beard? Chen Xuan even wanted to pull Mr. Sanbai's beard. Chen Xuan actually knew in his heart... This was actually an illusion, and only Sanbai Valley in an illusion had such an aura. Because since Chen Xuan left Sanbai Valley, Chen Xuan had never felt Sanbai Valley...

That was just an ordinary valley. Chen Xuan even knew that the changes in Sanbai Valley only occurred after the death of the old man Sanbai. After the death of the old man Sanbai, Sanbai Valley became an ordinary desolate valley. When did this familiar aura appear again? It just kept appearing in Chen Xuan's own dreams before.

But this time, Chen Xuan felt that he saw Sanbai Valley so clearly in front of him! What does that mean? Chen Xuan knew that it was fake, just an illusion he saw. But in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, the scene he had dreamed of appeared, the breath he had always wanted to pursue...

Even so, Chen Xuan was unwilling to let go, unwilling to leave this illusion. He didn't want to go back to the world of Sanbai Valley, which was just a wasteland. He wanted to be here, he just wanted to stay here. Chen Xuan walked into Sanbai Valley eagerly, and Chen Xuan found that nothing here had changed...

Is Old Man Sanbai still there? Chen Xuan couldn't wait to walk towards the room in Sanbai Valley where Old Man Sanbai loved to stay the most.

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