Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1704 Chen Xuan enters the illusion (2)

Chen Xuan looked at this Sanbai Valley as if he had never left here. It was exactly the same as the one in Chen Xuan's memory. Chen Xuan couldn't even distinguish whether this was an illusion or the reality that he existed in the Sanbai Valley. But what Chen Xuan knew was that this was probably just an illusion. My own consciousness is still within the plot of killing my heart.

How could I have ended up here again? This is definitely just an illusion, Chen Xuan knows this in his heart. But what Chen Xuan knew more in his heart was that Chen Xuan had no way to escape now. Because this is no other place, this is Sanbai Valley, which is Chen Xuan's own weakness. If Chen Xuan had been to other places, or if Chen Xuan had faced other illusions. Maybe Chen Xuan could escape like this, but what Chen Xuan faced happened to be Sanbai Valley.

It is the most taboo place in Chen Xuan's heart, and the existence of Sanbai Valley is like a thorn that has been stuck in Chen Xuan's heart forever, and Chen Xuan cannot erase it. Because Chen Xuan's memory before appearing in Sanbai Valley was blank, even Chen Xuan himself didn't understand why his memory before appearing in Sanbai Valley was blank.

But Chen Xuan's experience before Sanbai Valley was like a stranger, as if he had never appeared in this world before. Because no matter what Chen Xuan thinks about this memory, it is still completely blank. Because there is no color at all, and there is no ripple at all. Chen Xuan had long regarded Sanbai Valley as his birthplace. Chen Xuan had long thought that the existence of Sanbai Valley was a place that gave him another life. No matter what Chen Xuan's character or mentality was before.

But Sanbaigu gave Chen Xuan the current Chen Xuan, a Chen Xuan who is steady, tough, restrained and fierce. But Chen Xuan does not lack the so-called kindness in his heart. Even if Chen Xuan is regarded as a contradiction in the world of Yu, it is not contradictory at all.

Because Chen Xuan's multiple personalities sometimes conflict with each other, Chen Xuan's decisiveness has indeed made Chen Xuan's current opportunities completely different. But Chen Xuan's current existence is indeed very contradictory. Because Chen Xuan himself doesn't understand Chen Xuan's past, Chen Xuan can't see clearly what his future will be like.

But this time, Sanbai Valley really aroused Chen Xuan's desire to go home, and Chen Xuan found his feeling of belonging for the first time. But Chen Xuan's belonging like this is indeed the first time, at least the first time in Chen Xuan's memory.

For the first time, Chen Xuan had the idea that he didn't want the scene in front of him to be all an illusion. This was the first time that Chen Xuan had such an idea, and the scary thing was that this idea became more and more intense in Chen Xuan's mind. It was so violent that Chen Xuan actually realized that this was the opponent's trap but still couldn't stop him.

Sima Wushuang saw Chen Xuan alone in the main hall of Hegui Sect, and he couldn't help but feel nervous for Chen Xuan. I'm afraid this time it will indeed be a relatively big test for Chen Xuanlai. For Chen Xuanlai, if he can withstand it, then Chen Xuan will definitely become different. At least Chen Xuan's state of mind and his inner demons will definitely be killed by Chen Xuan himself.

But if Chen Xuan could not withstand all this, then what awaited Chen Xuan would be nothing and nothing. Is this cruel to Chen Xuanlai? No! It's not, it's a growth. Perhaps if this was put on top of other things, it would be cruel to Chen Xuanlai, but this is cultivation.

From the very beginning of cultivation, no matter how basic the exercises are, no matter how tolerant the teacher is, he will say this to the practitioners.

Cultivation is going in reverse, and what every cultivator has to fight against will not be himself, but the Tao. This is something that not all practitioners need to understand. Therefore, even if a cultivator loses his soul, it is entirely his own fault. No one is to blame, because cultivators are violating the Tao. What's more, some practitioners just hope that they can become the Tao.

Jumping out of the Tao and finding your own Tao, and then creating an entire world based on your own Tao, this is cultivation. Therefore, what a cultivator has never experienced is cruelty but self-inflicted blame. For the cultivator himself, all cruelty is just training and not cruelty. Of course, Chen Xuan's current strength is still very strong. Compared with Sanbai Valley, Chen Xuan's strength has not only improved as much as the entire world?

But although Chen Xuan's strength has improved, Chen Xuan's state of mind has become very different from then. But the matter of Sanbai Valley has always been Chen Xuan's obsession.

For cultivators, although the obsession in their hearts is not fatal, it is at least a time bomb. Chen Xuan may not be aware of this problem himself, and if he hadn't encountered such a powerful being as the flaming red python this time, he could create an illusion for Chen Xuan himself. Perhaps Chen Xuan himself was unable to realize that Sanbai Valley would have such a great influence on Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan first had the feeling of not wanting to leave the illusion. Chen Xuan didn't want to leave Sanbai Valley. Chen Xuan quickly walked into the main hall in Sanbai Valley. He wanted to see if Sanbai Lao Randi was still there!

Even if this is a dream, even if it is just an illusion, Chen Xuan still hopes to see Old Man Sanbai like this. Seeing the only warmth I encountered in the entire Yu world.

Chen Xuan's own heart constantly impacted Chen Xuan's own reason. Chen Xuan still hoped that this book was true. Even this is just an illusion. But Chen Xuan still hopes to see the old man Sanbai who he occasionally dreams about but always remembers in his heart.

Chen Xuan just hoped that this was true. Even every step he took, he kept hoping that this was true. And Chen Xuan walked quickly to the main hall where old man Sanbai often stayed.


Chen Xuan opened the wooden doors that had been sealed in dust for a long time, and Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up...

The old man in the white robe was suddenly looking at the book in his hand with a serious look on his face. His eyes were so deep that even Chen Xuan now felt that he could no longer reach the edge. And the old man in white robe didn't seem to see Chen Xuan's arrival at all, or didn't care about Chen Xuan's arrival at all.

But Chen Xuan's eyes turned very red when he saw such a scene. Chen Xuan knew that this... is Old Man Sanbai. Old Man Sanbai has not died in this world, he is still there! He has always been in Sanbai Valley.

"Xuan'er, are you awake? I just saw you sleeping soundly by the medicine spring, so I didn't disturb you. It seems that you are recovering well!" Sanbai Laorao's smile was still the same as when Chen Xuan met him before. , very free and easy.

Chen Xuan's eyes became even redder. Seeing the old man Sanbai like this, Chen Xuan felt as if he had truly returned to Sanbai Valley. It seems that I haven't changed at all in the past two years.

Although Chen Xuan's reason is still supporting him, this is just an illusion. But the urgency in Chen Xuan's heart to hope that this was true had already suppressed Chen Xuan's consciousness to the point where he seemed to be out of breath.

Chen Xuan's eyes were extremely red. If others saw Chen Xuan's eyes like this, they would be secretly shocked. Because Chen Xuan's eyes would become like this only when his murderous intention was at its highest, and Chen Xuan's eyes were usually very indifferent.

Chen Xuan just looked at Old Man Sanbai calmly like Ci. Old Man Sanbai didn't say anything at all, so he just looked at Chen Xuan like this.

Chen Xuan felt as if he had lost his mind, and he seemed to have begun to believe that this was indeed Sanbai Valley. And he is the Chen Xuan who just woke up after sleeping for a long time. I have never left here in Sanbai Valley... Everything was just a bizarre dream of my own, nothing more, nothing else.

"What do you look like like this? Have you forgotten what my teacher taught you? We have to train in the afternoon. You go and take a break. The afternoon class will be even more perverted than the morning class!"

Mr. Sanbai's words were still as harsh as ever, but there was a little more doubt in Chen Xuan's eyes. If it was really the illusion of the Blazing Red Python, how could he have restored his master so completely. It was as if his master had never left him. If Chen Xuan was a bloodthirsty, calm and decisive cultivator with almost no weaknesses. Then something is completely wrong.

Because Chen Xuan has a weakness, and Chen Xuan's weakness is Sanbai Gu, Mr. Sanbai. For Chen Xuan, this is Chen Xuan's biggest weakness. At this time, Chen Xuan seemed not to have thought that he still subconsciously believed that this was Sanbai Valley.

Chen Xuan slowly left the main hall, but Chen Xuan himself did not go to his room to take a look here, but wandered around Sanbai Valley. The flowers, plants and trees seemed to be exactly the same as when I left here. Chen Xuan himself felt that this seemed to be the scene when he left.

But Chen Xuan's eyes were getting redder and redder. For the first time, Chen Xuan felt like a child who had gone too far. It seems that Chen Xuan's calmness that he used to complain about me is completely worthless when it comes to this matter.

And Chen Xuan even began to doubt himself. Is this true? Could this be true, I just had a dream. And everything in my dream, the flaming red python, the Hegui Sect, were those all dreams?

Chen Xuan himself found it very unbelievable. Since he didn’t know what kind of existence this was, Chen Xuan thought he might as well ask Old Man Sanbai if this was a dream or if what he had experienced before was a dream. Take a look at this What about the person in the dream?

But Chen Xuan's heart is still very eager to hope that this Sanbai Valley will be real for him... Everything before was just a dream...

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