Chen Xuan's eyes were still as hot as ever. Mr. Sanbai knew that Chen Xuan had really fallen into a trap he had set for him. Mr. Sanbai felt very happy when he thought that he would be able to take screenshots soon. Mr. Sanbai is accurately a gray-robed Taoist. In fact, this so-called gray-robed Taoist is not the so-called Mr. Sanbai.

Mr. Sanbai died long ago in Sanbai Valley, and I'm afraid he should have entered reincarnation by now. But what Chen Xuan sees now is just Mr. Sanbai transformed by the gray-robed Taoist.

This black-robed Taoist is actually not a kind person, but he is also a very powerful existence in the Yu Realm. However, this so-called gray-robed Dao Queshi entered this heart-killing world because of his own greed. What is even more terrifying is that the gray-robed Taoist's strength has reached the peak of the Linxian Realm before entering this world. But even so, the gray-robed Taoist still did not break out of the Heart-killing World.

In fact, although this gray-robed Taoist, his cultivation level has reached the peak of Linxian Realm. Moreover, the gray-robed Taoist is too conceited, too conceited. Therefore, the gray-robed Taoist felt that nothing in this world could do anything to him. So the gray-robed Taoist made such a decision to enter the heart-killing world.

Moreover, when the Painting Immortal dreamed of the Heart-killing World, he jumped from a mere mid-level cultivation level in the Nascent Soul Realm to a being at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm. Such an impact on the cultivators was not a big one. The gray-robed Taoist felt that a being like himself, who had reached the pinnacle of Linxian Realm, should be able to come and go freely in the Heart-killing World.

And maybe in a situation like the Heart-killing World, there are some magic weapons that can improve one's own cultivation. If you get it, that's really good. Therefore, when Dao Que in gray robe entered the Heart-killing World without much thought. Only after the gray-robed Taoist entered did he realize that he could come and go as he pleased!

This is simply a prison, nothing more than a prison, this is simply hell. There are so many powerful monsters and beasts inside, it's like a completely different world from the outside.

As for the heart-killing world, the strong ones are like Lin. And everyone is not a kind person. Everyone inside is very selfish, and the killing inside seems to be very common. It's as easy as eating for everyone. Of course, the strong people in it can live very comfortably, but in the Heart-killing World, there are more weak people. Only the gray-robed Taoist knows how those weak people live.

Because the gray-robed Taoist was once at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, but after entering, he still lived at the bottom. It turns out that the spiritual consciousness of that world is as normal to the cultivator as the outer body. Although you were at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm when you entered, it only means that you have a good body.

It's like a being with a slightly stronger body. What is more important in that world is mental strength, that is, one's own Taoist heart. Basically, everyone inside has his or her own way, and every cultivator can devote his or her own spiritual consciousness to his or her own way. This is the cruelty of Tao.

Every cultivator can kill everyone for the sake of his own way. Because if you don't become stronger in this world, the only thing waiting for you is death. Everyone in the Zhuxin world comes from the Yu world.

Since people from the Yu Realm will naturally not be concerned about losing their desires in the Yu Realm, that is to say, everyone who comes to the Zhu Xin World will have countless concerns about the people and things in the Yu Realm. And these concerns and the pain of the Heart-Zhuan World definitely want the cultivators of the Heart-Zhuan World to return to the Yu Realm. No matter what he wants, it doesn't matter whether he is a powerful person in the heart-killing world, or he is the lowest vagabond in the heart-killing world.

They all have only one purpose, and that is to return to the Yu Realm. They are all constantly struggling to return to the Yu Realm. But even if the homeless among them return to the Yu Realm, they are probably powerful beings. As long as there is a chance for them to return to the Yu Realm, they can deal with the people of the Heart-killing World. That is a great gift.

So the old man in gray robe was really sighing about his opportunity, and he took it seriously as a good thing. As long as this guy named Chen Xuan really fell into his trap. Then it will be just around the corner for him to dominate the Yu Realm.

And Chen Xuan will live in the only hell in the Heart-Zhuan World forever. At least the gray-robed Taoist feels that the Heart-Zhuan World is indeed a very big hell. It is a place abandoned by Tao, and even more so, a place abandoned by above.

And I really had enough of staying in that damn place. And people like Chen Xuan may never be able to come out of it again in this life. But the old man in gray robe didn't care about Chen Xuan at all. What did Chen Xuan mean to the old man in gray robe?

But the gray-robed old man's heart was getting hotter and hotter. How could his heart be filled by a foreign continent. I have suffered so much, and I was so dominant when I was in the Yu Realm.

But in the world of Zhu Xin, he became a homeless man. And if he goes out, he will definitely overturn the Yu Realm and become the sole ruler of the Yu Realm. Thinking of this, Huipao Daoque really felt that his luck was good enough.

The so-called great powers in the Zhuxin world have no possibility of returning to the Yu realm again in this life, because they are rumored to be returning to the Yu realm. Then you need to face a particularly terrible disaster with Tao mind.

And those who die in this catastrophe will see the scene of real hell, that is the scene of real hell. And the world of Zhu Xin is just a God of War world at best. How terrifying it would be if it were a real scene of hell.

And people in the world of Zhu Xin are not without lifespan limits. In fact, people in the world of Zhu Xin will leave once their life span reaches their limit. In fact, there are two choices, one is to enter reincarnation, and the other is to enter hell to accept the test. It is said that those who enter hell and come out will also return to Yu Realm.

But whether he is a madman or not is unknown. Anyway, it seems that they are all crazy and will die soon. But for the gray-robed Taoist, he was extremely lucky to be like this.

Not only can he completely return to the Yu Realm, but he can also try to rule the Yu Realm. And all of this is very close to the gray-robed Taoist. With a little effort, or even if the gray-robed Taoist raises his hand, all of this will be over. But the gray-robed Taoist naturally didn't want to take care of Chen Xuan, the victim.

Now Chen Xuan is still a victim in the eyes of the gray-robed Taoist priest. That was obviously a life-saving medicine for him to return to Yu Realm. It only took a little time and a little effort.

The gray-robed Taoist looked at Chen Xuan even softer when he thought of this. It was as if Chen Xuan was really the gray-robed Taoist's own disciple. And Chen Xuan seemed to feel this emotion too.

"Master...disciple..." Chen Xuan didn't know why when facing Mr. Sanbai. It always becomes very dull. The usual killing and decisive coldness, as well as the perseverance and courage seemed to disappear at this moment. At this time, Chen Xuan became more and more convinced that this was Mr. Sanbai. It seemed that only Mr. Sanbai could show such an expression to Chen Xuan.

"Good disciple, just listen to me and take your time..." The gray-robed Taoist also knew that this was the last thing he needed now. As long as Chen Xuan believes in what he says, follows what he says, and then enters the heart-killing world.

You can be completely liberated yourself. The gray-robed Taoist smiled and said, "Disciple, do you know how to cultivate the mind in this world? How to cultivate the mind in Taoism?" Mr. Sanbai looked at Chen Xuan with softer eyes, like a kind master. Just like his disciple who is babbling. It is more like an old farmer looking at the fruits and vegetables he has carefully cultivated, but the most similar thing is a vicious wolf drooling at his prey.

But at this time, Chen Xuan had already abandoned the so-called reason. How could he still sense the conspiracy in the mind of this gray-robed Taoist who disguised himself as Mr. Sanbai?

Chen Xuan's eyes were as sincere as ever, as if he were an extremely devout believer looking at his convinced faith. Chen Xuan's feelings and concern for Mr. Sanbai definitely surpassed all Chen Xuan's rationality.

At this time, the gray-robed Dao Rao was very happy, thanks to the monster beast of the flaming red python. Otherwise, how could it be so easy for me to know Chen Xuan's weaknesses and concerns?

It was really thanks to the flaming red python, the monster, for creating the illusion. After that, when you go out, you must take the remaining consciousness of the flaming red python out with you and worship it.

Let the remaining consciousness of the Blazing Red Python enjoy its own incense forever and become decent. The gray-robed Taoist looked at Chen Xuan with increasingly friendly eyes. This kindness is a thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, Chen Xuan would have to slowly understand the darkness behind this thank you.

"Disciple, the name of this place is actually Sanbai Valley. And as a master, you are the only disciple. Of course, the most important thing for a master is you. So I got a spiritual medicine called Heart Refining Pill. Before. Let’s take it for you!”

The gray-robed Taoist paused here. He glanced at Chen Xuan. When he saw that Chen Xuan's eyes were still filled with curiosity and no doubt, his heart felt like a big stone falling.

He continued without hesitation...

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